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If j:}>?tf ,!;A . /(::! f(Jj /j tnl :)' i
... ..;;:, r ' ;;.. -:.s,..... . .:.:.d.: !)\ . : .. "-' ':.i "-'- lr.. . .... .:... "' . .....
.. l;,')L i :b:2.;;
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-- 10
45 ma f'T A.
AT sTATE LEG ISLA M /3-e-l C!xu II ed (
Mr. George Uason Allen, !Dcr.,.... Lnst Mondey nit;ht nt 6a30 I
ocrc.tic Ohnirn:m of tl1e 45 youngsters turned out to I ruPORrMlT TR...NSPORTJ.TION
prcoinct, nnnouncoc thn tf'l-::c of the offer I PROi3LErf3 TO BE DISOUSSED
too nenbcrs of the Ohu,:;l.dc by l.VS&t. Je:o, to I \7EDHESDia.Y EVE::n:a
connuni-t;..,r uill be on the job of lessons in Slding nt
at the neeti.nt; of the F.lrst River Sid R1m Tau. In vicrr of tho problcn
Let, SGt. LJ c--.u nero I of tr-ansportation for school
Urs. D. Reed, of Fire his mfe, Ursultl, r..nd Sgt. I children in th.".t no:tcy nny
hns the honor of beinG 'r!olfc Md Spool 4 ;::uducg. not be l;rf tho .
the ChiQf Olerk of the SGto r.'olfc the sillf,'Ul.nrjl present lec;islnturc to cover
of' Rcprcaontf'.tives, ::lrl.:!..c distinction of hn'V':i.n0 been . tho deficit th:'1.t t\ Hnno:r Nichols. lill..,. be chosen t? ;;o to Squn";T exist& at this tine of tho
there :L'1 the capacJ. c...;. f'..S n lhtion..1.1 Sld Pntrol!_nnl school tern, n
stcno;;rnphcro Mr. KUe.:1 o:-.ys for Cl:4rnpio Tr:,outs. 1 L"l"" of tho (.thur icl;: Pc.rcnt
there is at l enct one ;:.:>. s so .is being
for a cler!:: t ypiot tno results o ... the for this tlcG.nesci..,y pos3ibJ.:r t-;;o nor.J. /.IJJ' turnout th."'.t he nnd his eveninG at 8r00 p .. n,. nt tho
one rcaic'lint; in this tcnn hnvc volunteered to Multi Purpopc Roo:J,. Tho
uho is ll. registered be at tho S!ci Run Mo ':tl.U begin on tino
ancl of aood eho.;t-nctcrJ .;llO niGht to teach all ot to bo oontltdorcc
fs ln arc of such iopo:ftc.llCO thnt
those nositions should fron ngc seven up hou to notes be u.i.shbd to be
Allen :-.t :io.2- ski. He st ... tcd tfult it . tnkcn so pcop:tc
52(.;7. r c .. .lly docs not O..'lttcr h<r.r shoul.d cone
Hr-; .:Uso'fsnys t h..--.t old sdd ; ounnatcrc
sone tine in Febl:'U..".l"".f ( ':l':>. t c c, .:ho opcr ... tcs th
thio pc.per for dny C:. tir: c) Ski Run & To\7 un::: alo;>
there uill be n to soc :JO n.".l'lY ooys
Onucus for the purpose. of r'nd girls nnd looko forcr,
discuooint; recon:1md.:'.tions to the scsoiono hi noclf
for perunnent posi tio'lo in He supol"V'isec tho Tau rtnd
Tho regular ncot:tn.:; of tho
Fire Prevention uill
tho nou Stt'.te t;overn:1c:1t,. r;rou..'lds in a nn1mcr
_ . ----- for everyone :md cspcair>
be held Tut:sd"'.Y cironing,
3rd nt 8&00
so pnrents r.J...,y feel.
at Fire toke Lod[;c. Tho
publi.:: is L'Wi ted mid lb:t;cd
to for onttcrs of
vi tr.J. to tho coununi ty
nrc considcrcdQ
Uro. :r;:. R. trl1o 7jT
be ronen:.Jered by hor fricn
in Ohuaiclc ns Peggy
mll arrive ..-:-1 th her oon
Ohric, at Noon on
Jnll'll...-,r: 31st
for a
rri th her pnrents Jr. :-nd
I.h'c. :nc.n nn( sicto
Judy. Peggy: a hone io now I
in Phoenix, Arizon..--.4
FRITZ H!.InT -;-m.o rclc:>. socl
fran tho Hospi trt.l in ;;1o-
hor.-.[;o lctat S".turci.n_: r ::o j
unc1cl'\;el1t . :iilo
there. His Uothcr, !il:.: . I
Fred !-l.".hn, reports I
he recovered vci:
isfnctorily ,
that their children nrc
being cnroo nbout uhll.o at
tho sport.
"HARiJEYl' \iiLL Dr:LIGHl'
SATURD;J: , J :m. 30, C:. 31;.
In a. previous issue o tho
Courier a list of
to tho Fire Prevention Plnn
uas. prlntcdQ The .i'
ntU1es ucrc
Tho rerun of tho hilnrious! ooittcda Robert Johnson,
"H..'1l'VC7" Tihich tho Luclllc Fly, ihzcl .Ar.1.dt,
Ohu.._"'ink P. T. . io pr esent... Toey Boc:1st,...hlcr.
ing this <'.nd Sr-.tlll'-- Thoro h.'lfl been a question on
o.-. is ourc to dcli61t a. the pnrt of those subscribcz:s
l'l;t;e croud on both niGhts uho hnve by c!lcok that
Tho throe net stn:t\o their chocl:s hnvc not yet
rinc nnd clot1.rcd tho bnnk. Those
Leslie supported checks htwc not been cnshcd
by a tnlcntod hns by tho Fire
been polished to !fnro- cannot open 11.(.1,.1..1o.
u-;rcll! o Rctroshncnts uirl until tho sur: of
bo sold :md thoro clJl be I is r:-.iscd. It is no u
rnsic nt intcrn!soion. I turn to 2
---- - - --------
1 - -

T=.:J =::=: ::::. : vOU?Ti -,
:::rio :. J'i: 1 ::.:cD<Y.:'"',
3 -- ?
OF '::..::J PE('J'LE .1..:. :!)
n: ?:-ill P30PW
Page 2
!i'I:t:: - Jo:1t ..
C".ble, t:wro.forc, to lJUt
the :JOnc: in t:1c eo:1ffi-:'.l
fund f or if t:1c :ro:-uircC.
su. : ia not rp;ise:::.
checl:s cill hc..vo to be
Glacier P:ilo:b b-.. Beth D returned to the
The story of Reeve oy ,
- ---------- ---- -
X. Beidler, Vicilante an Autb
of the 1G6ot s . I
6 Cn Eas:,- St r eet, Betty
. , ;;.as
Oavanna, a Teen-o...:;e Book n. CB3.D:C . v ...:.
Olai;'l Junpers of !.:a:t-hl.e Oe.nyop. .
It hc..s been sono tine c1c
! R. L!ontc;ow.el."'.f for Boys r I,'lrs . Bu:t',:; ( O:ll"istn.)
we pr:bto:i portions of our I Anin.::U TDils,

F. lla.s?L, of Blilrgt s Kennels

Stc..te Oonsti tiltio:'l. . As the nane i.upJ..ies jtoolc part _lns"G SU:1.c"..a;;r in
This is c.. good tina to c1o Ships of The I.Yllnncl. Sen by ll the Obedience Tri-als held
so n:.ld is e.n j G. R. lieuell. The stohr of . nt Absk?'
tine to ,ri:
t , Pu.;et Sound Stec..nbonts 1 Enplo;rees Cluo. Burg
.ArtJ..clc for the ;The AcccuntL'"lb, by :ruce I.hrs ... enterod her Ger!1C:1 ohepherd
of Article 10 is j hall, a cyster: of a Paris llrDurnk Von Birker:t7c.J..CH, uho
the to the 'I Bar..k. hod been t .:Udng
proposition, in it i.:; . S houbcat t s Coning bj-- ..Adele tr3ini.n{;. ].i2sssd. "t'llit h
the to the fi'eeC:o::l c.:.1.:l I nnd Gateau A enough points to q\.1.:J..if'y hin
indn:_Je:.l.::.c:.1.ce that l'u'.n bac:n ! of Golle;5e stuc1.c;.1ts ::-.:x>nrd."l for one leg tcmc.l"G. ids CD
i:1 our hands. 3o.J.d I a Shouboat . ( Coopfl.Ilion Dog) iJa......-'-uificnte.
it a:.1i.. reD.lize vrh..'\t ')o:::J"'...:t'
This Tiaa first trial.
ue pcopJ.o hnve ; whnt foro- ':7!-..ich he p!lssed . :t t1.1
sicht I BILL S':'?-'.IGST nre cclors. He t.d.ll . b...:va to
Oonvcnt:r.o:1 held ; ho-;
tho pnrcnt s of n Eirht 1 trro nore in
t heir trl.:Jh to l et tho pcc>"U.a. si..."C ounce boom Jpoun order to recieve thr ee
, T < u nn- 11
G?V"el':1 i n 26th at 3&
6 1-., . n. Litt cgs neccssc>.r,{ to. be
t J..:le::: o:f O..ctt".torships, ,
c.s I Miss Strc..i&.;ht hns bean n.-- nad clnssed ns a Oo:J.:.),:w.uon
prov:i.c1eC: for. ! Lucille. Dog.
.. ' . . . '
.-: -. - - . - - ...
- -------- ---- -- -- I

-"' . . x , } . . .
. . ": fi}led.. Let ri:::e U."'ltil lir,;ht . The first ueetinc the
- ( l:2 hrs.) 3al::e i::1 1 Ohu-;b.!c Belles t:u:-:;
Fer her reciepe, llioej oven (3.50) e.'.Jo.1t 2.5 n:i.nutes. was held Tuesc.e..;: e-v-c:.'
offers us this sweet dou.:;h Cool before turning ftt the hone of oo:J.;.rl.e :F:lint.
0off9e Oc2ce, which cnn cl.:::o out. l'.Ia!res 20 .... 2.5 servir1bs The meeting uas ::.1ea:1t to
be udn:)ted to many ot:1e;r !1!ake plain rolls f:ro:1 a:ny be a soci::J. a:.1C:. busi-
popular rolls and left-over douGh ness neeting but
breads. V ... talented ladies not
K'U.AOHE-S - Ii!ake haJ..f the resist f;Oing into a fEm
or:::_:_:.:m; LEAF OOFF:JE reciP-pe of basic doucih. Shnpo choruses of the and
:u::o into balls (a0out 1?1-
) and ' the Charleston. :b the
2 Gups Hille place ..,n gree.sed ';)ale: .:1.g sheets custoi:l, nerr l!IR
2 active YeC4>--t , Let rise. Brush yJith nelted ! neRnS a nev1 danoe tl1.ich
J/4 Ou:? s:1ortcning ! butter or nar.:;arine. l.ialce
renains a c,u..."U'ded
l Oup butter (or narcc:ii:1e) I deep hole :L."'l oenter of each ; sec:et until tl'""e
2 Ou:,:> 1 ri th th'l.lrlb. then ?ress out i Carr..1val. Uerr rec:l:\l.l.ts r>.re
2 t.:;:J. s.:-J.t : with fore .iln_;er to nake lVTelcoued t>.nd Steeby
4 Ec:; :-or.ts or 2 eg:c lar.:;e. Fill cith ru:i.t. and Ma.rt;P.ret l!i.lljtnn att&---
1 Ou:,:> sifted flour {<J._:>:_lro::J i in oven (37.5) o.'uout; nded the Tuesday neeti.;J.g Rnd
I 1.5 ninutes. Ua.:::es 4 doxill I learned that the Oc.:r-Jan is
Heo.t l"i
1 1
c lukerm.rn. buns. '1 not as difficult c.:::
over top. Lat FILLI::Gr
hn.d thought, MC:. lots of fun.
to softo:1. ! Coole together stirrinG The Belles \/ill ne3t. regul-
1 constantly u..'ltil thicl:ened -1 arily frcn nou on nn:y
Orec.,n chortening 2 cups dried j ladies interestecl. .)Scon-
.Ad( su::;r.r and s<J. t. Jro.:-.u out ing a cenber of t.u.s :in'Oup
toc;ethc:r until l'jlCl I or 2 cups ooolced ; ere nest uelcone.
flu.i'i'y. .Add egt; prunes 1' The Belles will e.:l early ; and enou_:;h J/4 cup sugar , cppearttnee this ye._.,_r TJi th a
to o.:1l:e a soft dough. J/4 cup nater 1 this COllinG Sa"tr
Knead u:.ttil snooth elo. 1 tbs . lenon juice at the Uarch of Dines
stic o:1 lightly flou.rec: COOL before bu.'lS. l Ball.
!'lace in
bonl, oover nnd let rir.:e . . Jon; THS UA.RCE 0:<' JI:::::S
until i
hour. ?:>ll dough -hh:l."'l f)!' I ........ ,, ' h I ! d I n
'- L r r''t .-.'
cutter. Dip each in l:Y' JJ:;cd. - = r- r I -:
butter or oart;arine ( j '- '-- .. _)
one cu:_:>) then in cii.1:.l.:'.::.l<D LA./\/',1\/\,'\/\ ':_ \. '\. ".'\. \. V\. \.. VV I', "v'\.'\. \. '\.'\. ' ../\1\/\/V\J
su.:;o.r o:L"'Cture ( 2 a:i::j tw rwtr i.q w. Vl rFno tR\0.[ L; . . I I, r
:nauon to 2 cups sucar) LYJ U !J\' lf U \
{j :. . ..- . t I .a I 0
u:) in t':"O nell t;j' t u . _ I \/ , d II0-?.-5175
rec'c rlnc; nolds G?!" rou;.;.d i\ e F' _ Y,O . -
r, -- C Wi W
\'f;:)- \:} l1. .o!, J .- I
I :?'
- n-.1, t c.- ! .\ ! rl
' ... ...__ - J ' ..
,, ; 1< .I --:
' c;--. ..-: .... , .A '>.
:x J . . -.. ., , , ...,....... \,:"'.., , ""' -.. :
-: . ' ...;;. "\..
1 ., \ .:..:..:::1. , ._., , /'""' I
-. - .-.
t .
. .....
.. " ... ......
\ c T-n.-T\ '!)
...... ... JJ.J J,: . ........ .l...LJ\..1
'--..... - ---- .. ----- ,,.
Page 4
r : 11:'1 l "JRI':'ZR.fS oo:::r:.:..;;...;:.J.J TO
"''e l:i . \ [. I 1'10:_ .. ___ -t':'l
. yp \ fL.... I v :.....t. ... J,.
.. :t

1 , '.<::- The 'Jri teJ:>.::. o Ane>-
JZJG- (.As;:;e:..:'J:..=.e.:; f : =:::-:-:O.DidT '' """==<: .... . , '""<<.... will holC: it;J Fifth
of .Jo:.) ' Rev. ::el;:;o:t i:.:O:rer .Annual Oor..ference :Lt .Anch-
Rev. Tet"rell Scl1oo1 . lOaOO a orage on Febr'l.l..1X;- Zl, .W,
SUJ."1:1<:e" So:tool .. o . w. -:-;-Q;.:::::: l:. aoo an. and !.!arch 1
7Torship J.:1. 100 o.. n Evening Servioe . .. 8c00 The highlit;ht of t:J..c Oonf-
Ohrist t s .A.n'Je.ssacl.ors *':->'-:-: -:-:- erence mil be a cQ:ltest
(Zou::.:; People) 6:X J;:.._p3[, with prizes to oo given in
el.i:;tic Service. 7: 30 ):l Ali i3. J ar;J...".ll, : "i1t ::;ter the short fiotioa, no:r-fio-
Ji0le c. Prayer Sunday Scheo1 . lOt OO n. n tion, Poetry, an.C. juvenile

i:ornil'lG "Yorship Cownu.n.ion categories. 'tV'riters throu-

TKJ LC...-:J l .:; BL3::SSI1TC:2'':..'C .AJ.:1 llrOO a . n. ghout the state of Alaska
-?;-::-: "-l!- Even.i.."'lg 3ervice . 7 :30 p . r.1. I!laY enter their uo;ruscripts.
C:-:U0L'.Z :3'::'. S '-"- Tile deadline for e:tt...--: is
C:\tec:'lis:.l, E: ::A::U'"SL GOS.?Sl, r.ri.dn.ight l5, 1959.
u:t!;;i:.. 2 : 00 p. n. Rev. Joser>h Over;:r, Pz.stor , in.fornRtion, co:ttest
Tuo clo.s::;es - at !:.cGo.:m
a School , .lO, OJ ; rules, m d
3aco:.Je:tt a.1.d Jo:::.r-; 7orship 12.400 a . o. 1 write& Contest, ?:lB
sons ho:.:1e. Eveni.nb "Jorship 7: 30 p . o. J o.f Alaslcan "Yrit.ero, oox
Tuesday ' 203G,, }.L."..;:>ka.
D:..Y .. OIDJRC;.: l.Jeet:ing . . ll.; OO a. I!l. I The Con.ference pro_:;;r[')n r.rill
14 !.;i.J.e &'!g_f.e Ri:..-er I Weenesday l.eti..'1[; & fep.ture spe1Jcers,
E. C. Einister Bii:>le .. 7 :30 p . n. social, and
ao:1ool . , 9cf{5 a . iJ,.Yoirth Fellouship. 3r.iday, a gala banquet as e. finale.
l::torn.i;.tci llsOG .?. . Ll .: 7a3o p. n. All interested are
3. ':l . U . .. ;. (, ...... 6100 invited to at tend.
! 'J'orsh:ip .'bOC:i' _______ _:.:_
;'led. Fr:-.: er lieeting 7z30 :1. u ,-
The 4th Uednesda;:t of Jco:1
I.Ionth, t:1e Follo.rl.nG Grou)s
Ileet a.t 7 a30 P m.
Girls .AU.x:ilia:r'IJ.
'11oue;.1 sa U:.rl.on .

rrux::-2:.: oza: !Yle.r::Q ::nr.: r
: :DJ::".700D 1ST f.:IJ
School .. lOaOO.: Ubrsh.ip ."'. . 11100 1'.::.1 .
PER I. !':J;TS
.. - 5358)


':l Gr . .,.
I ... .?.'-'-a .... e;-rs
, Tl1e t;l"( c cll:Js is
havinG stn;;ldcrizOC. t3ct
this ueac. (???)
Linda HeacloUGh
Cole are tfuth cooe
Dour;l as Reid rtill a
uhite oouse to !lext
::ore !;C:'i!S J
1+ ..1. : :ia;:: :iile.s
A li ttlo ro;-c: nc..;:,
"Je 0eea v;x..-._- :1e Across a l.i. t .. ..,le
uns I ..,.,.'re.-1 1J.a.:: -- T o uit":1 vou road?H
""<J. ... (,.,_ .... \.,4' .. ....... .. 4i
ter:.t\: '.:'e....""T' ia t:;:.1. It a.:1s.:ere:i,
:t' :o:1 r-t:..l.r.
!.:<X:':. 'is is boi:1.::; 'we 1 Twas sh..'1bby,
elevaa. -:Te !>.ave ;;>icc-x."'e,:: of . . dust rro.s o:1 its f?.ce .
old x.tC.. neu schools . &id I, llHou fine to no.ncler free
Suzanne To ?lace 1
3.eporter "Je loi tereC:. L1 tl1e su::il.ibht,
6 B I.:r . Kirk
Our si:;: ;_,-rade clasr. has 0ee.'1
tssts all '::e
have 'ueelt 0:..1 ou:r
small letters.
Si.."Cb:! ::,:r:-ade had G:;-::1 on
the neu ::Ja ts.
The G,::'ls are havinc a co:1te
-b!1e bo;"s in
:-: :-: :-:
dnrol ])edge of !.irs Dctr::' Is
Jrd 5th Grndeo
seat us the poe::J.
the space at t:1e
:r-lcht . We Y70ulcl ve:r:
I1Uc:2 J..ilce to la10\l -the
.A.ut:tor, C,:1.rol.
. '"Je journe:ed o:1
'i"ne c:ky J.i2::e a b:lne :>ird t s rr.i.."lg
The wind uac l:I2ce a featner .
"Je passed a ro'.J:b
't'\b.o called, n :-:otr do you do?1T
Sooe daisies shook bom1.ets baclc
.And If i!h, t.:-.:.:e us too% n
A squirrel brie1.;: ;joined us,
A broo!::
We nmdereC.. a neadou green,
A.r"d. a to'ffi'l .
When t' ..;;l1t :1et us
l'J'o feet so sJ..ou as nine.
theret s a lit-tle house," I said,
,f .. .. "t , , ..
ttl. t.:.1 TI'l.l1:.torrs all ac.:u:1e.
"Perha,s ::;i:1ce niG:tt is nearing
IT d :11c..thcr rest t:W.n roc.o."
n I kne17 you r;oulc1
saicl little Road;;
t s I brou,:;ht you ho!.le.
---- ------,
JV/oiA e. K. 's l
... .
. ,.
';_I ,-.. ,...._ ,-'
.-,- - - \.J,.._-<
-.:..- .. ;; '-' (/_
-..J.c 1
\1 ---'ti-..
'\..J "i-1'- /
A ; (" _-:;, -:-" c .. . --' r: I F- -
- ..... - ... .. , _
1 ;') -- .-
/c. :: !-t-
O'Y\ -Po J;o
. -. :c '
._, i
J A.."7U.1..'1:: 2<;

\}:1 1r;.
:'tl IS - u
J o.n. 30
PTA, P'.L:.y "Ha:-veyn
Jan. .31.
'P':'.:'. Tt
IJarc:1 of Dioes Bill
Feb. 1
Hcmc'.c.y, ?e'.J. 2
SJ.d !:.1:1truc tion

Feb: .3
011r:.ussioner;; :.:eot
Feb. 4
Fire T l'.ininc
Thu...""do.;:, Feb. 5
iJey Soouts
., ,... :->;-' .Y- -''**
. 'joot ies [' 1- o:: .
Guests '17ere .. "'.:Jas Frarl1
Br8wer, GloV1s LaJ c.:::os, J Oh.'"l
, .. *'--;
.. .:., .., ' '.#
In:;; Tofso:1.,
LeFevre, Ri.c:1an : Ro.:, er
J alu'1!'cw-, a.::c: :.IT.iua:l .
t to s_!?end a cvc:.n:1g
.. -- .,; . ..:.
I '
t\dcc a ::lJ:lt:! the
Ohugi3k V. F. -::. Po:3t i :1 the
fora of ?r t S :;__TJ'<X'TITE
Ever: ot:1e.:: :?.ri6 ... 'Q'
the V. F. 'TJ . HaD. at 2.: nile
:me for a s:J..ill
cost, vie for the tt:.:\7 prizes
The g<l!les, both v.:1!'ied and
interecting, are
for the Veteranfs
and are 'oeconii'lb
popular. The Ladies
is ftlt;ays on hnnd deli-
cious refreshnentG for sale.
J _:.::J:::: 29
,. --- .. ---- ----- --- .. - .. G
-------------- - - ---------------- ....... . .. -----------,-
---- ---:-=. ___ ::;>
5 m o11 bOa Kd c_, __ _
.AL:s ::c'J C.Ai: EAT 0 3-oo Children .. a.50
FJ.mlAY Froo 4a3o ?" to S.J6 AT { Vj 0 0 '3 f::: 1-- + 9 R. {\J
!.---____;.--,-----------------. I
i A nap service shnll nott lOOth BECOI.:::S
A,t J S::A.t S COl!S':'I'7u-:':IO:: l be esti'tblished if, t'\O...J.cistcnt
I ni th the purposes of t:rl.s ! The lOOth a::' the
frou 2. , r article, t:te nerr service boountry Disposal Sc.-"""Vice
. . be ::?rovic,ed e:::!.nt:inG . I \7ho uas to have a
Sectio:l .3 . . sel"V!ce r-r--:e., t s .f'ree servi.oc of
sl"-..ill be uoreu,ps, ns a or b:- an.-tru::- refuse h.:-.ul:inG, hc.,d to
or I ation to a e..sse::r- cane ell her order
The.;; s:J.:>ll be estnblis.1o.:. ol:p uuthor:I..ze t:lc vice for her so:Ld
i.."1 a ,nc.:t:te.r nnd tOj il1b of taXes, chrl.rGes, or n:ro" . So '3.c:lpVold,
provided by 1 assessn9!1ts rn.t:rln serv- uho oper<:>.tes anc. o:::-15 the
The sh::..J.l iilelu2.3 ice are..1. to the service, extendec: t:1e free

1 special services. service to the 102..::-b custo-
ony J ! ner -;;ho h.:>.j:_)penec: to ba
othcy o.etors. Each boroUGh I Section 6. The le:;io:!.o.tur !-Tick Vnn. of :rue.
shal.?. an areo. xd:th j shall provide for the ______ _
and with oo:::.:.1o:.1 ; orD.c1.nce of s ervi?c;;_ it
interccto to the i necessar y or Oi ties sh[lll hav e t:J.e
possibl e. The unorgr..YJ.ized borour;I1S, nD.o-. po'.;ers t> .nd fu..'1ctious conf-
ln.tu,re cl1.c.1ll olassii'"J borou-J ing for 1Jc1Ximr: loc.:W. pn.rt- erred by lo.vr or ..
gi1s n;.1c: prescribe )Otri icipation anC. reoponsi'oili t D.DY be ::Ier_:;ec":.
ers n,.."1cl. b;r, It exercise poner I lidatcd,

uhic:l nay oc or function L'1 rtn lassified, or
ized, i:1oorpor :-.tcd, 1 ::,Crough uhich the 1. i'1 the nn:mcr prcr-.r.:.C:cd by
exercise in r11 la-:-:-.
or shl".ll bo :x..":>-- ' Section 8.
lau. : Section 7. Cities shell be The covernir.g o:: a .
. I incor.x>rated 1..1 e sh-ill 0e t.1.c oo-uncll .
Sec'Gio:1 4. The govet'lJ.:JC t presc;.i':Jed by t:.!ld. ch:- I.:ore next -:eelc
of ithe orgnrizOC:. bo..."""u.:;h be a pn.rl of

boroUGh Ple.:>.se the

shcl.;l '.Jo -\he r.:.1C ! rrhich theY ere locc.t;ed. 1 sections rr.i th
its co::.l)Osition shill
estr.':Jli::::1od by 0: . 1
ch.:t;rtc:r . Each 0:.:. t .lO j
first class, t1nd en.c:1. c::!:h::,1
of n:;.;:" other clnss do.
natcc-: ln:rr, sh1.ll be
represented on the
bly one or nore
of its oouncU. The
ncu'Jers of the ,
sl1lill. 'uc elected .f'ro::.1 r.;.1.:: I
by t:1e votcxc
outside sucl1 ci
$cctio.1 5, Service
to '1ro'Yido special
ui n.-1 or.:;:-.nized
n . be
or abo" i s:100. ':Jy the AUTO P . .RTS S7Cr.E
b:cy, subj act to the :._Jrov- i H:'.ill.I3 L.
isions of la-;-; or ohc:;rtar. \

LOC.(L:(S to loo lb. sacks)
10# sacks - f55
25/) " -$1.39
50// ITo 2 -Cl. S9
lOCi/ p -$2. 99
i; 2}

RI::LL.BLE B=-:;1 S'.LEU 24
-- - -- --
ffiJC!j .
"' '
- 11: 00 to 0: 00 P. :: ..
SUlDL::3 - 10: 00 J.:! to G :00 P: f
5 lr' sack - 45
25// 1l -02.19
IIEr.:z KETC!:u? 20 o:::; .
; .

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