News You Can Use: The Cross or The Crowd?!?

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"Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually.

News You Can Use
The Cross or the
"Because of the Cross my interest in the
crowd died long ago."
Apostle Paul
Issue #16, August 18, 2014
Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations
Don't you dare give up!
When the storm is over
and the dust clears, if you
stick with GOD and stay in
FAITH, you will STILL be
hi ch One W
i l l Yo u C
ho os e?

The Crowd says follow us.
The Cross says Follow ME.
The Crowd says rely on yourself.
The Cross says rely on ME.
The Crowd says earn your worth.
The Cross says I AM your worth.
The Crowd says bear your burdens.
The Cross says nail them to ME.
The Crowd says honor yourself.
The Cross says humble yourself.
The Crowd says do.
The Cross says DONE.

Which one will you choose?

News You Can Use
Podcast Episode #1:
Whose Report Will
You Believe?!?
Check out Episode #1 at
Dont You Dare
Compare Yourself
"That means we will not compare ourselves
with each other as if one of us were better
and another worse. We have far more
interesting things to do with our lives. Each
of us is an original." Galatians 5:26 MSG

When you compare, you belittle. Belittle
what? You belittle what God has done for
YOU and in YOU! When we are in a
relationship with Christ, we look at ourselves
through His eyes and see ourselves
differently. We don't feel the need to
compete with or compare ourselves to
others. We have confidence in the wonderful
gifts, talents, and abilities God has given to
us and celebrate those we see in others. In
essence, we are happy with who God made
us to be. In Him we not only live, move, and
have our being, but we also have
If the grass looks greener on
the other side
STOP staring,
STOP comparing,
STOP complaining
....and START watering the grass you're standing

Stay focused on what GOD has given YOU to do,
not on what others are doing!

The outer court was pretty much everrrybooddyy!
It was the courtyard.considered to be the most
familiar part of the tabernacle to most people. The
inner court was where people would meet with a
priest, confess their sins, and offer up a sacrifice.
The Holy of Holies was where God dwelt. It was a
place of extreme intimacy, where only a few could
enter. (SN: Aren't you glad to be under the New
Covenant, where we are now the tabernacle of the
most High God.His spirit dwells on the inside of
us! And not only that, but we can talk with
God ourselves without a priest AND be intimate
with Him! Whew! I know I'm thankful!!)

Now consider your friends. If you need to, get out a
sheet of paper and draw three columns. List at the
bottom all of the people that you consider friends.
Now..let's get to work.

A. The Outer Court: Is pretty much your
FACEBOOK friends. They know what you tell
them.and that truly is pretty much it! I'm sure we
all have many of those.

B. The Inner Court: These are people who you
might talk/text every now and then, go out to eat
with, or have a conversation with over a Tall
White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks. They may
know a little more than the outer court, but the only
true difference is that you actually talk with these
individuals outside of Social Media!

And my favorite..

Continue reading at
Friend: A
Covenant Word
My dad always said this and still does today
when we talk about friendships. I never really
knew what he meant by this until I began to seek
God about it. Friendship is something that is
very dear to my heart. I have always wanted to
write about this subject, but never felt led by
God to do so until now. Today, I just want to
leave you with something that the Lord has
shown me in His Word and prayerfully it will
encourage you to seek God's face about the
people in your life. Covenant. Sounds pretty
serious huh?!? Well, IT IS! In the
Old Testament God instructed His people to
build a tabernacle for Him.a place in which He
would dwell. There were three courts:
The Outer Court
The Inner Court
The Holy of Holies
Continue Reading !

God's assignment for your life......let that be
your hearts cry, your morning alarm, your
daily drive, your motivation for keeping on!
June Scriptures:
Isaiah 43:2 NLT and Isaiah 41:9-10 MSG
July Scriptures:
Galatians 1:10 NIV and James 1:5-7 NLT
August Scriptures:
James 1:19 AMP and Isaiah 58:11 NIV
Join the scripture memory
challenge today at

Praise God in EVERY Season and

For the last 5 years I have been in an
uncomfortable season, one that has both
matured and stretched me. This last year I
would have to say has been the hardest, but
there has been three things that have kept me
going in spite of my circumstances and that

God is good ALL the time.....even when
my circumstances are not.
Seasons ALWAYS change.
My circumstances should not and will
not dictate my praise.

Listen, I'm not sure what season of life this
post finds you in, whether it's a barren
season, an "alone" season, a waiting season,
or an uncomfortable season, but friends I
want you to be encouraged today. Don't let
the enemy discourage and deceive you!
God is good ALL the time and although
your current season might not be your
favorite season.....its just a season and
seasons always change. Today, God has laid
it on my heart to talk about the third point
and that is: PRAISE!

Friend, I'll be honest and say that there have
been many days when I thought I had
nothing to really praise God for and there has
also been days when I sho' nuff didn't feel
like praising Him. On those days I can assure
you that my focus was on my problems and
not the Problem solver! But then one day I
ran across a familiar scripture........

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is
God's will for you who belong to Christ
Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT

Continue Reading at

"Simple Devotion"
By: Micah Wood
"Having a Mary
Spirit: Allowing God
to Change Us From
the Inside Out"
By: Joanna Weaver
"The Life of
By: Kenneth E. Hagin
"Withholding Nothing"
By: William McDowell


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Can Use!! I appreciate each and every one of you
more than you know!
If you have a prayer request feel free to submit it

Have a fabulous day!!! ~Raven

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