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11 'II

)I A. C:H ,J I '!::a



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The Grave

Punishment and Blessings


Husayn al-Awayishah

Translated by: Huda Khattab

International Islam.c .Pubtishing H.ouse UPH

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T-R>A.' -N'~S--LA····· ·T·O· ••• ··!R'·."S.··.~. ·F···O····.',R···"E'WO·.~, ·R'D ••• •

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Questions abound about whist happens after death, In We:stern, societies in particular, there '~s: :8 great deal of speculation on these ma tters, M uslims, how ... ever, have answers to these questions.Tslam tells us what we lean expect when we have finallymade our exit from this 'world; we are: :a180 given ample gui ... dance as to bo,w we may best prepare ourselves and earn the rewards, of Paradise ,in the Hereafter, In this book, Husayn al .. '~Awayi:shah outllnestheJslamic teaching on death. andthe grave. Itis an essential reeding for ,any Muslimwh,Q wantsto 'know more about this topic from the authentic sources of Islam,


- -


The following abbreviations are used in th~s book:

SWT- Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (May He be glorified and exalted),

S.AAs .. Sall-Allahu 'Alayhi wa. Sallam (M ay Allah. bless him and gran t him peace),

RA-Radi Allahu 'Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him)\ AllahuAnha (May Allah be pleased with her)\ Radi Allahu 'Anhum (May Allah be pleased with them),

AS-';Alayhis,-S,alam (Peace be: upon him)\ "Alayhim al-Salam (Peace be upon them),






The translations of quotations from the Holy Qur'an

are adapted from the Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali (11918:3 edition, published by Amana Corp, U,.S,~A.).. The adaptations are:

1,~ 'The archaic style of Bnglish used by Yusuf ,Ali has, been updated, i .e, the: the pronouns such as «thou», «ye»'" have been amended to «Y'OU»'., Verbs have been, amended accordingly, :510 that «goeth» becomes «goes», etc,

2,~ The word ,«Glod» bas, been replaced with the word «Allah» .,




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IS He sees





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until he has asked Allah (SW'T) for forgiveness for

, -

hi:s: sins, repented to Him and, returned to Him, Wleep'~

ing,with humility and regret,

Filled 'with thesegood beliefs, the early MusUms. conqueredthe worldv But because of our ignorance of these same momentous beliefs, our Ummah has "OISt its, highest morals and ethics; w'ebavle 100st our' happiness, stability,and security; we have lost the brotherly love between one another, and we have forgotten about and making sacrifices for the sake of AI .. lah (S.WT)., This has encouraged our en emies " who call one another to attack us. like people calling one another to eat from a communal pot. W,e have lost so much in thi,s world, yet. l·o:siD.g 10'O,'t in the Hereafter 'will be even worse .D,ut this Din of ours is the tereh of guidance which lights the way for the Ummah and for those seekios the 'wa'y to Allah (SIWT)~. It revives; hearts and joins them together, and banishes hatred and enmity, It restores h.O'DOQf and happiness ... but only if we adhere to it properly. «,.~_ Is there any that 'will receive admonition?» [al-Qamar 54,:: 1 ,S).



and assistance in the prepara don ,of this book, espe-

ciaUymy shaykh, Muhamm,ad Nasir al ... Din al-Alba .. ni, who letme consulthis not-yet-published book, ,5a11111' sl- Ta'rgbib wtJ' 'l'-TaTbib,,~ol use for my research. May Allah (SWT) reward himwith good,

W,e ask Allah ('S'WT)I to make this book purely fer His sake. 'May Hie accept it from me, and may He protectme and 'm,l' brothersm Islam from the punishments of the grave and ,HeU .. fire" and bestow upon us the blessings ofthe gra ve and Paradise .,W,e: ask Him for thegood things In this world and the next, Vlerily He is ,ahl,e tOI do all things,


I ~ Allah'shesitation to take the soul of a Believer,

.. ,- - - - - -

From. Abu Hurayrah (RA)w'ho said .. : The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: [·,«.AUa:h"may He be lexalted, said: 'Wbo,e:v,c.r shows enmity to some one devoted to Me, I shall be at war w:ith. him .. , My servant draws 'no,' near to, Me with anything more loved by M'e than the: religious duties Lhave enjoined npon him, and My servant continues to, draw near to Me with. supererogatory works so that I :s:b.aU love him.W'h.en .1 love him". I am his 'he:a.ri,Dg with which be hears his seeing with which he: sees, his band with which hie strikes and his foot with whi,ch he walk.s,. W'er,e he to ask [,s,omething~ of Me" I weuld surelygive it, to him, and were he to ask Me forrefuge, Iw,ould surely grant him it ~ I do not hesitate about ,B.n.yth'ing as much as I hesitate about [[seiiziul] the S;OIU:~. of M'y' faithfu.1 servant: he hates



![al .. Bukhari].

2- The presence of Shaytan ,at the deathbed,

'The :Shay tan is most eagerto be present at ,8 person's deathbed, so that the, end of a person's life may 'bit accompanied by sin and rebelhon [i.e, towards Allah (SWT)" jnstas he: is, ever-eager to be: present in all of a person's deeds, This is, indicated in the Hadith narrated by Jabir (RA), that 'tb,e Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: «The Shaytan is presen t wi th any 'O"D'e of you in everything be does; he: is present even when he eats food. So' if anyone of yOlu drops a mouthful of food" be should remove anything dirty onit and eat It, and not lea ve it for the Shaytan, Whe,n be finishes (food) heshould lick his, fingers, for' be, does not know inwhich portion of his food, the blessing lies»,






1,- 'The Kafir seeks to return to 'the world when. deal h


Allah, may He be exalted, says:

«[In Fslsebood will they be) until; when desti: comes to one' of them, he S8yS.~ '0 my Lordlsend me back {to lite); .. , in order thai I may work rigbteousness in tbe things I n'cglecte'd!"-JJy no mesns! It is but a' 'word be ssys. ',- Betore them is a' psrtition till the' Day they srersised uJP)" {al ... Mu'muiaun ,23:99 ... 1001.

2,- 'The agonies of death.

Al-Bukhari narrated from 'A'ishah (RA)whlo said:

The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: «There is 110 god but Allah. Truly there 'is agony in deaths",

3- A Kaflr's beliefat thepoint ofdeath is. not acceptable.

From Ibn'Abbas (RA)wbo, said.The Messenger of 1.5:

Allah (SAAS) said: ~(WbeD Pharaoh was drowning he said: "I believe tha t there Is no god but He in, Whom, the Children ofIsrael believe.' Jibril told me: "0. Muhammad, if only Y'O'U couldhave seen how I took the black mud of the sea, and shoved it in his mouth for fear that the: mercy of Allah 'would reach

b" ,2, 1m, », ~,


pe'rSQID ,.

5 ... The Angel of Death informs the: believer of Allah's fo rgi veness and pleasure, and informs the Kafir of

- . . . .

Allah's wrath and anger.

F"IIO" 0' '1"0- 0' te 'S" •

, "", ,1 __ ', ' !I:;).

J . Also narrated by Ahmad in ,;;.J~Musna'd.

2; A hmad, aJ-Mus.nad;, al- Tirmidhi, 'sahih aJ~Jam'i;, No. 5082.,

I. The events marked with an asteriskin Parts Two, and Three are deri ved from 'one source.namely the lengthy Hadith of al-Bara' Ibn ',A.,zi,b",wbicb includes many other events, Lthought it, best to pre .. sent them, in the, order in, which they appear in the Hadil,b.



\ e ..... 1 10



1- Tbe soul of the believer comes out easily; the Kafir 'is, punished with the difficulty with which his


soul comes out ~

2,.., 'The soul of the believer comes out with a scenthke the finest musk, and 'the, soul of the Kafir comes out with a stench like the: foulestrotting meat " ~

3 .. , The believer's soul comes out whilst he is praisins Allah (SWT).

The Prophet (SAAS) said: «The believer's soul comes out from inside him " whilst he is praising Allah»,

4-Wbe:n, the soulis taken, the eyes ~OUOW' it- because the Prophet (SAAS) said: «When the soul is taken, the eyes follow it»,


5·, 'The angels open all of the: hea vens, one afterthe other, for the soul of the believer, all ofi t is

- - Ii!

opened for him.

,6"", The: gatesof heaven are not opened for the' Ka-


fir '.

7·, Allah, may He be; exalted, orders that the soul of the Believer should be returned to earth after his


book has been registered in sl-Uliyun [Iit, «The

High Places»- see' al-Mutaffifin :83: l 8, ... 201.

,8- The soul of the Kafir is thrown down, fromthe hea yen back into his. body" after his book has been registered in ,Sijjin [see al .. M utaffifi:n 81:7 -!9] D, 0,

98 The dead person :is a ware of the comforting presence of the righteous people, around hisgrave at the burial, for a period of time equal to the time taken to sacrifice a camel and distribute its meat" as it was reported that "Amr Ibn al-' As (RA) said: «(When you bury me, stay a roundmy grave tor the time it. would take to sacrifice a camel


and distribute its: meat, so that 1 may be cnmforted by your presence, until I see how I will answer the messenger of my Lord»"


10 .. The pressing-in of the grave, which no-erie will escape. From Ibn' Abbas (RA)1 who said: The Messenger of AJJah (SAAS) said: «If anyone could escape from the pressing-in of the grave, it would be sa'd Ibn Mu'adh, but even be was pressed by his grave before he was. releaseds '.

I .1 ... Mental faculties will be restored to the dead in the grave,

From 'Abdullah Ibn "Umar (RA):, The Messen .. ger of Allah (SAAS) mentioned the tormentor of the grave, and 'Umar asked: «Win our mental faculties be restored to ll5,OMessenger of Allah?» The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: «Yes" just as they are now», 'Umar said: <<I win put a stone in his mouth!»3 ..


12- The deceased person hears the footsteps of his

. h 'h- 1 t .. ·•

companions W ..... en ti ~ ey iea v,e nim .

The questioning begins immediately after the burial" because whenever he buried someone, the Prophet (SAAS) would stand at the graveside and tell the peoplereAsk Allah to forgive your brother and give him strength, for he is being, questioned right now» 4.

14,- Two angels come to question (the deceased),

15.. The 'D3,meS and description of the two' angels who come to question (the deceased).

From Abu Hurayrah (RA) who, said: The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: «When the de'ceased is buried, two black .. and .. blue coloured angels wHI come tohim, One is, called Munkar and the other is called Nakir. They will ask: «What did you use to say about this mant'» He will say wha t he used 'to say: «He is, the slave and


messenger of Allah, I bear witness that there is DO, god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His, S'} and Messen ger» '. They will 88.:Y= ,('{.W,e: knew that yo,uw,ou,ld say this, ~»). s.

1,6-AUah win help, and strenghten the Believers in the gra vle~, '

The M:,escsenger ,of Allah (S,AAS,) s:aid: ~(Wh,leD the Beli,e,v,er is, sat up in his, grave, 'he win bear witness that tbereis no g:od but Allah and that Muhammadisthe Messenger ofAllah.,an,d, that is the meaning of the Ayah: ,<'Allah will establish in strength those whol believe, with the word that stands flrm..» [Ibrahim 1,4::211·,

Ii I 'B,II ... 't.. ,·1 to, : .. , : uliliao .. ",

17 .. TberepJ.y of th,e believer and the: loo!nfu~do!n of'the Kufir,.

[:8 .. The rightecus man will sit io 'his grave u:nafra,id before: the questioning, whilst the evil man win .' - ,. hi-itt 'I t' -rrifi' ~ .~. ed

i,-,,··_J L;· "':'1,-:-', (-:-:-,;:,-'----:-~_~I'-=-_I ·~;··.'·r:-;', .. ,,! '1"1,-'=·-"1--',"·

,Sit In ,~~" '115, In. ve u." ~erLy_.e . u ,e· _",


From. 'A'ishah (RA) who said: ~(A Jewish woman cameand asked for food at my doorstep, saying: «Feed me, m,8.y Allah protect yo;u from the Fitnah of the Dajjal and the Fitnah of the punishment ofthe grave» r A'ishah] said: I kept her' talking until lb," Messenger of Allah came, then I asked him:«Q Messenger of Allah, what is, t:hi:s, Jewish woman sia:yi·n.g·?) I said: «She :s,ays:May Allah protect you Irom the Fitnah of tbe Dajjal.and the Fitnah of the punishment of the grave, "A '!i shah said: Then the Messenger of' Allah (SAA,S) stood up and raised his hands [i:n suppUcadon], seeking ~fu,ge 'with Allah from the Fit .. nab of the Dajjal and the Fitnah of the punishment of the grave, Then he sai:d.:«As for' the Fitnah of the Dajjal, therehas never been aProphet who, didnot war.n his people against him:" but I wiU·t'eU you something whi,ch DO' Prophet has warned his people about before;' he (the Dajjal) is one-eyed, and .. Allah is, not one ... eyed: written between his ,ey,es is, [the wo:rd] Ku ... liT, 'w'bic'b e'Vicry believer will read, As CO'r the Fitnah of the grave, [the deceased] will be tested cencerning me and asked about me, If he was a righteous man, he will be satup in. his grave, without fear or terror,


then he will be asked: «What did you used to say about Islam'? Who W'iS this, man who was among you?» He will say: «Muhammad the Messenger of Allah.who brought the clear signs, from Allah, so' we believed him»,

«A hole will be opened for him" through which he will see the: Hell-fire, parts of it consuming others, He will be told; "Look at that which Allah has saved you from', 'Thien a hole win be opened 'through which he will see Paradise, with all i ts luxuries, Hie 'win be: told; This, is your place in if. He "rill be told: 'You had strong faith, you died with strong faith" and you will be resurrected with strong faith" in sha' Allah'»,

«If he was a bad 'man, be 'will 'be sat up' in his, grave, fun of fear and terror " and he wiU be asked: «What did you. 'Use to say?» He 'will say:: ,«I heard 'the people sayi:ng such-and .. such, so I said likewise'. A bole will be opened for him, through which he will :SICIC Paradisewithall its, luxuries, and he will, be told: 'Look at that which Allah has taken aw,ay from you'. Then. a hole will be opened for him, through which hewiU


sccHcll-firc. parts of it consuming others, Hie will be told.-e'This is your 'place in it. 'You used to doubt, you died doubting and :yIOU 'w'~U be resurrected doubting" in sha "Allah'. Then he will be punished» 6.

1'9- For the Believer, ,R doorwill be opened from his grav,e onto Paradise" ~

,20~F'o!r the Kafir, :1 doerwill be opened from his grave onto HeU .. fire",

21- The: Believer will see 'his place in Paradise, and. the: Kafir win see his. place in H1eU ... fire" ~

22 .. The gra vie of the Believer will be widened as far as 'the' eye can see, and the grave of the Kafirwill be constricted",

,23,- The good deeds win comeinthe form of a handsome, wetl-dr1e,ssed., finely -perfumed man, who willbringglad tidings, The bad deeds willcome in the form of a scmfflly-dressed stinkingman who -will bring disturbing news -,.,



24-, The Kaffir will be struck with an iron chain until

heis turned to dust - .

'This, is indicated by the Hadith of al .. Bara' Ibn "Azib (RA) who said: «W,e went out with the Prophet (SAAS) to attend the funeral of one of the Ansari mien. 'When 'W'C reached the gravev and before the manwas buned.the M'c,sscoger of Allah (:SAAS) sat down [facing the Qiblah] and we sat down around him, Wewe:re as silen t and still as if therewere birds


on our 'heads" and he had in his hand a stick with

which he scratched upthe earth, [He began to Iook np to the sky and dO'WD at theground, and heraised and lowered his gaze three times ]j~He said:~'Setek refuse with Allah from, the punishment of the: grave.' ~ two or three umes, Then hesaid:'Wben the believing 'slave is reaching the end of his time in this world, and starting outinthe Hereafter, angels with white faces which look lite the sun come down to' him from Heaven, bringing on,e ofthe shrouds of Para .. , disc and some 'of iU;Hun'u.t'~ 'They sit downaround him" as tar as the eye can see .. Then the Angel ot Death comes, and sits, by his head, and says: «0 good


[or secure] soul, come out to the forgiveness and pleasure of Allah»> The narrator said: So it will come out like a drop of water coming out of the mouth of awaterskin, and he [the Angel of Death] 'will take it. [In another report, he when his, soul comes out, every angel who is, between the heaven and the earth will pray for him, as will every angel in heaven, Thegates of heaven will be opened forhim, and the people in every level of heaven win pray to Allah to permit his, soul to ascend through. their domain»,

«When (the Angel of Death) has taken the soul.jbe (other angels) don't leaveit in his hand for a moment; theytake it straightaway ,wrap' it in the shroud and scent it with the Hunut, 'This Is what Allah says: «~ ,~. 'When' death; spprosches any o[ yo,u, Our ,angels tsk» hi's soui.end tbey never fBil in' tbeir duty'» .. {a:1- An ~am ,6.~61J.

«And there emerges from, the soul a scent like the finest musk to. be found on the face of the earth, He said: They take the: soul 'UP'" and whenever they take


it past a group of angels,tbey s,a,Y' wbo is this good


soul'?', and tbey reply' It is so-and-so, the sonof :90'-' and-so' using the 'best names withwhich he was addressed in this, world. (They 1,0 Ion) until they reach the first hea ven; they ask for itto be opened, and it is opened for them. In, each heaven, thosewho are closest tOI Allah will accompany him tc the next heaven, until they reach the seventh heaven, where Allah, may 'Hie: be exalted and glorified, will say: Register the book of My slave in 'Illiyun "And what will explain, '110 you what 'Illiyun is,?' (There is) a Register (fully) inscribed, to which bear witness those' nearest (to Allah), '[al~Mutaffifin8,3: [9' .. 21]. S,OI his book wiD be registered in 'IUiYU'D ,. Then Allah (SWT) 'win say:

Take him back tOI the earth, for «This was 'my promise»: I created them from it, I wUlretum them to it, and '1- w·:l"L-II-1 resurrect them from it a- gain,' He said · H-'i,iA1

""'.'.,," '," 1''',.- ~':::'_--:_-(!I!,~-., I "~"':""-~'-':~'Ie'" ,iIIi' ",,"~:....I"'\_''':::'''''!!!' I~

will be' taken back to, the earth, and his soulwill be returned (,0' his, body ~ [[H'e said: And be: will bear' the: footsteps of his companions as they leave him], Two stern angelswill come to him, [rebuke him] and sit 'him up. They will ask. him, '''Who is, your Lord? .He win answer: 'My Lord is Allah'. 'They will ask him:



'What is, your religion?' He will say: "My rel igi on is

Islam", They will ask: Wh,o, is, this man who was sent among you'? Hie will say: 'He is the Messenger of Allah (SAAS), ,,"T'hey will ask him: What did you do? He will say: I read (or recited) the B"O'Olk of Allah, and I believed in i.t.. Hie will rebuke him and ask:

!il' •

Wbo is your' Lord?' What is your religion? Who is

YOUI Prophett- 'This, is the last of the trials to face' the Believers, as Allah, m,ay He be glorified says.::' Allah win establish in strength those who believe, with the 'word that stands firm in this wor;ld and in the Herea f-"te'f » [Ib i1!"':I" hi' rim ~ 4· "":2"· 7'··] H-e- "W' ··)··}-I' sa 'Y-'" 'M····· 'I-y' L' 0" rd 1",°' A'" .);

~~ ,_, .. :-. ~i!!J!I!!_'. _. - .. ::.111.1', _-':',1. 1. ~ I 'illlI"-.'.' ~iI .,I:--=-- -,'J," I~I·,·.'~ , .... _ ~I :.. .,.-= .. .1.1.1 Jlilli •• ~

lahvmy religion is Islam and my Prophetis Muhammad ~SAASr·.

,«A. voice will call from Heaven: 'My slave has spo ... ken the Truthcso furnish his grave from Paradise and clothe him. from Paradise, and open for him a gate to Paradise' ... He said: Some of its breeze and. scent will reach him, and his grave will be w:idened Ior him as far as the: eye can see, He said: There will come to him (or there will appear before 'him) a handsome, well .. dressed and finely-scented man, who


will say; "I bring good news which win make you glad I~' brin 'g,' good ne ,'W","'S' of th e',' gco d P lea S'D" re of Al ...

." :'lJII~'.~_,,~ u.;. .'._- ,_ -'_ -' _"_' . ..1 ... _ . .' -) ".--,', IL. I "J_ -:-1',--." ... --. ' .~, "_' L '" - •• k!'! " ',I,

- "

lah, and Gardens wherein is eternal blessing. This is the day which you were promised.' He will say: 'And you.jnay Allah give yon better news, Who are you?' He will :s:ay::~'l am your good deeds, and by Allah I only ever saw you hastening to obey Allah" and ever ... reluctant to disobey Him, so may Allah reward you with good', Then a gate of Paradiseand a gate of Hell will be opened for himcand it will be said to him: "This is your place (Manzil) if you bad. disobeyed Allah, but Allah has given you this, instead of that'. When hie sees what is in Paradise hie 'win say: 'M'y Lord! Hasten the coming of the Hour, sal that I may return to, my family and my wealth'. It will be said to him: "Be patient' (Literally, 'Dwell here'),

«He said: as for the' disbelieving (lit. corruptjman, when be: lea yes, this world and enters the' Hereafter, stern ,and harsh angels come down to him from hea .. ven; their falces are black and 'they bring wi th them sack-cloth from Hell, They sit around him, as far as the eye can, see, The Angel of Death comes and si ts at


his, head", and says: '0 evil s,Q'U~" come out to the anger and wrath of AUahPHe said: 'The soulwill be, dragged out of his, body with as, much difficulty as a, manypronged skewer being dragged through wet WOOl} (the veins and nerves 'wiU be destroyed by it}. He 'win be cursed by every angel between heaven and earth ~ and by every angel in heaven .. The gates ofheaven win be locked and 'the people of every heaven will pray to A:~,Iah not to allow his soul to asend through their do .. main, Hie 'win take 'it" and immediately put it into the sack-cloth; it will stink like the foulest stench of dead flesh ever wirnessed on earth '. They win take the: soul UP', and whenever theytake j~ past a group of angels, they win say: '~'Wh,o is this evil 5,,0.-017" They say: "It is

so-and-so the son of so-and-so", using the worst names with which he was addressed in the world. (They 'win go on) until they (leach the first heaven; they will ask for it to be opened to them, and it win not be' opened, Then the Messenger of Allah (S,AA,S) recited: " .. No opening 'wiU there be .of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the Garden" until rhe ca .. mel COD. pass through the eye of the needle~.,.' [aI-A.'r'af 1':,40]., Allah, may He be glorified and. exalted, win say:


'Register his book in Sijjin, in the lowest earth',


'Then Allah will say: "Take him back to the earth.for «this, was my promise»: I created them fromit.Twill return them to it, and I will resurrect them from it again'. So his, soulwill be 'thrown down from heaven until it reaches his, body. Then be recited: ".,. If anyone assigns partners, to Allah, he: is as if he had fallen from hea ven and been snatched up' by birds, or the wind bad swapped (like a bird on its; prey) and thrown him into a far .. distant place', [at-Hajj 22:31].

So his soul 'will be returned to' his body (he said: he will bear the footsteps of his companions when they leave him). Two stern angels 'win come to him" rebuke him and sit him up. They will ask himrWho is your Lord?'~'H.,e win say: 'Hall .. h,ah [indicative of pain lor laughter], I do not know!' They will ask him:

"What is your religion?' He will say: "Hall' -, ,HaJJ, I do not know' They will ask: " do you say about this man who was sent among y.OU'?" He will not even know his name, but hie will be told- 'Mu'hammad;'~ andhewill say: 'Hah-Hah, I do DOlt know! I heard


the people saying such-and-such '. He will 'be told; 'May yiou never know!' ~

'Thien a voice win can from heaven, saying; 'He bas lied, 51,0' furnish hisgrave from Hell, and open for him ,I gate to Hell' .. so some of its; heat and venom will reach him.and hisgravewill be constricted 'Until his, ribs. are crushed togther. 'There' willcome to him (or there wHl appear before him)' a man with an ugly face, badly-dressed, and foul-smelling. Hie win say: "I bring you bad news: this, is the day which you were promised". He will slay: 'And you, may Allahgive you. even worse newsl Who, are you? Your face brings bad news!' He will say: "I am your evi l deeds, By .. ""nab, I only ever S:8lW you reluctant to obey AI~ lah, and ever ... eager t'OI disobey Him.M,ay Allah repay you with evill l! Then there will be sentto him one who is, blind, deaf and dumb, who win carry in his hand an iron rod which, if he were to beat a came') with it, would turn it to dust .. He will beat him with it: until he turns to dust" then Allah will restore him, then he win be beaten again .. Hewill emit a scream which the whole of creation willhear, except for men


and linn. 'Then a gate win be opened for him to Hell, and hi S grave will be furnished from, Hell. I, He will say: My Lotd.jnay the Hournever come!'",

25- The' people of heaven will welcome thegood soul, and there win be glad tidings for it,

2!6,.. There win be 'no welcome for the evil soul and only bad tidings for it.

21~TbeB,eliever'will see the Fjre from which Allah bas saved him,

2:8~ There w:in be a little gap through which the evil man, will glimpsethe Paradise w hich Allah bas denied him,

The Prop het (S,A,AS) said: "Th e dead perso n is, a t~


tended by angels .. If he w:as,a righ teous man they SIl,Y:

"Come out, Q'good soul who was in a good bodyl Come out praiseworthy, and receivethe gladtidings of comfort and sweet SIC1Cn.t" and ;1 Lord Who is not angry' .. Theykeep on saying this U'Di~I (tbe: soul) comes out, then they rake it up tOI the heaven, andask


for it to be opened for him. It is asked, 'Who is this?'


and they :say 'So .. and ... so,' so, (the inhabitants of heaven) say: Welcome to, thegood soul.who WB,S 'in a, good body; enter praiseworthy and receive the 1{1,'Q,od tidings of comfort and sweet scents, and a Lord who isnot angry, 'Andthey carry on saying this until they reach 'Ute (highest) heaven whereAllah may He be blessed and exalted, is, And, if he was a badman, they

. ~

say: "Come out, 0 evil soul! Come out blameworthy,

and receivethe tidings of a boiling fluidcand a fluid dark, murky.mtenaely coldt-and other penalties of I, similarkind, tomatch them! [cf Sad 38::51' .. .58]., 'They keep on slaying this until (the soul) comes out, then they takeit up to, the heaven and ask for it to be: opened for it.] t is asked, 'Who, isthis?' They say, 'It is, so-and .. so'. They s,ay: "There: is 010 welcome forthe evil soulwho was in an evil body, Go back blameworthy. The gates of heaven are not opened for you, So (the soul) is sent back from theheaven, and returns to the grave,

The righteous man is! sat up in his grave, not scared or terrified .. Heis askedi tIn what [religion] wen! 36

Y.OU?';' He says: "~I w,a~B in Islam'. He is asked: "Who is this, man? He: says: 'M uhammadcthe Messengerof Allah i(SAAS).. He brought us clear signs from Allah and, we believed him', He is asked: 'Have vou seen

-- - - '. - -

Allah'?' He says: "No ... one may see Allah", Then he Is SbO'WD of it consuming others, and he is, told: 'Look at that which Allah,ma,y Hie be exalted" has saved you from'. Then be is, shown Para .. disc, and he looks at its beauty and everything in it .. Hie is, told: 'This is, your place"," And-be is told: 'You were certain ('aJa"1""Ys,qiu), you died certain, and Y'O'U win be raised certain, in sha "Allah,

'The bad man is sat UPI in his grave, scared and. terri .. fled, Hie ,is asked: in what [religion] were Y'OIU.? He says: I don't know. He is, a:sked::,Wbo' is: this, man? Hie says: I heardthe people saying such-and-such, and I said lik:e:'wise~ Then he is, S,hOWD Paradise, and looks at its, beauty and everything in It, Heis told, Look at that which Allah has denied :you~ Then he is, S~bOWD Hell .. ,fi,[le"pa,rts of it consuming othersv He is told: 'This is, your place .. You were in doubt, you died in doubt and you win be raised in doubt, in s,ha'AUah8,.


30-, The believers welcome the new ,S,QIU) of a believer with more jlOiY than the family of OD'e who 'has, been a bsent, .an his, homecoming.

3,(" Wb,cn the soul joins the: souls of other believers, it enjoys respite from the grief of this world,

From Abu Hurayrah (RA),j from the Prophet (SAAS) who said: «When the believer is taken (by death), an .. , gels, ofmercy come to him with white silk", and 'say: 'Come out tc the :sp,irit of Allah, So (the soul) comes out.Jike the, best scent of musk, Then, the ,8 ngels pass the soul to one another, smelling it" until they bring it to the (first) heaven .. 'They say: What is, this good scent which has comic from the earth? In every hie ave n iI the same question is, asked, until they bring, 'him to join the souls of the: believers .. They are more overjoyed tOI we:l ... come him than the family ,of one who has been absent, whenhe comes home, They ask him:Wbat happened to so ... and-so? They [i.e, the angels who have brought


him] say: 'Leave him to rest, for be has been suffering in. the world' ~ He says: 'He died, didn't he: come to' you?' They '[the angels] say: 'He has gone to a place where be wiU have IDS home in a (bottomless) Pill [cf. al ... Qari'ah ior :9]'.

As for the Kafir, angels of wrath win come to, him with sackcloth, 'They say: Corne out to' the wrath of Allah. So (the soul) comes, out likethe foulest stench of deadmeat, and they take it. to the: gates of the learth)~91 ~

,32-The individual in the grave 'will b,e shown his, place in Paradise or Hell continuously,

Allah (SWT) said:

(In front ot' the Fire' 'will they be broughtmorning end ,e'venilJg.~ snd (th« Sentcnc« 'will be} on the DIl;Y the tJudgement will be' established: Csst the' People of Phersoh into the severest Peneltyl». [Ghalir 40~"46l

From Ibn 'Umar (RA): the Messenger of Allah


(SAAS) said:

«When :8n y of you dies, be is shown his placemorning and evening, If hie is, one ofthe people of Paraelise, then he is one of them, and if he is OD.,e ofthe people of Hell, then he is one of them, Hie is! told: 'This is, your plaice: until Allah raises you on the Day ofResurrection'z .

[al- Bukhari, M uslim],

33~ The animals can, hear the voices of those who are beingpunished in theirgraves,

From Ibn Mas'ud (R'A): The Prophet (SAAS) said: «The dead are being punished in theirgraves and, even the: animals, can hear their voices» U".

34~ The grave is: the first stage of the Hereafter From Hane'athe 'servant of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) said: Uthman (R,A) used tocry until be wet his beard, if beW,BS to stand on. a grave, be was, told:


youmention the Heaven and the HeU .. Fire and you' don't cry" but when youmention the grave you burst in tears'! He: said: I beard the Prophet of Allah (SAAS) saying: «The gra vie is the first stage ofthe Hereafter, whoever passes it wiU be at ease afterwords, and. if he does not passit be will be in worst of condition» I alsoheard him, saying: «Never I saw :8. sight more horrifying than that of agra ve»,


,3$~ The graves of those who fell in to disobedience win be filled with darkness,

The Prophet ,(SAAS) saidis'These gravies, are fined with darkness for their occupants, Allah enlightens them by mypraying for them»,

I[M uslim et 81].

36, .. The living arenot able to hear the punishme,nt of thegrave,

'The Prophet (SA AS) said: «This Ummah will be; tried in its graves, Ifit were 'DO,t for the fear that you might ,41

not bury your dead, I 'would pray to Allah tomake you


hear w'hia't [ heur»,

[Muslim, Ahmad].

3,7'- Food from the trees of Paradise before the Day of Judgement.

The Prophet (SAAS) saidre'The soul of the believer' is a bird eating from the trees. of Paradise un til Allah restores it to its body on the Day of Resurrection» II ~

3:8~ The soul of the believer is tiled to his debts,

The Prophet (SAAS) said: «The soul or the believer is tied to his, debts until they are paid 'Off»l2~

The Prophet (SAAS) s,aid::«W'he,n the soul ofthe be .. , Iiever comes out, two angels receive it and take it uphe (S,AA:S) mentioned its good scent- and the people of heaven say: "It is, :8 good SOU,), 'which. has come from the, earth; may Allah bless you and the body which


you occupied'. The soul win be taken up to its Lord" then it wui be said: "Take it to it'S destiny'.

Wh,en, the soul ot the Kafir comes out .. 'he I(:SAAS) mentioned. its: stench- the people of heaven will say: 'It is, an evil soul which has, come from the earth, It is said: Take him to his des tiny?,.,


,40~ The grave of the believer wiU be well .. lit.

41~ The believer will sleep in his: grave,

42,- The deceased will lang, to tell his family of his good. news,

The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said; ,(c,'Wb,en the deceased is buried, two black ... and .. blue angels come to him, one called al-Mnnkar and the other called Iii .. Nakir ~ They ask; "Wba t ,did Y'OD, use to :say about this man?' Hie wi.n S,I,Y that what he used to say was: 'He is the slave of Allah and His Messenger, I bear wit ... ness 'that there is no god but Allah, and that M uham-


mad. is His, slave: and Messenger, They will say: W'e: knew that you would saythis '. Then they will expand his: grave for him, seventy cubits by seventy, and lightlt for him. 'Then be 'will be: told, 'Sleep'., He: will say: 'I want to go back to my family and tell them". TheywHl say: 'Sleep like thegroom who should 'Dot be woken by any except those he loves most -, un til Allah win resurrect him from his place of rest.

- If be W:B,:S, a hypocrite, he will say: 'I beard the pea ...

pip; say ing is' uch-and-su ch 'a' nd I' s aid likewise I d 0

i ,...,: ~I··~_,=:·': .- '_ '_,: ":',,1 .-'. - -!"~ . .1~_ ~_.:iii',~i '. '- " "', 1-'-. !-I '_, I .~ (-'_; '.~_' _I ,- .. 1 .. -_ .. '- ~l:_':'" ' .. {",~"

not. know' . Tbeywill say: "We knew that you would say this'. Then the earth win be told, 'Press him"; so it will press him and his ribs wiU be crushed together, It. wUI continue to punish him until Allah resurrects him from 'that plaice 13,~

43~, The .graveof the believer will be filled with green ... ery until the Day of Resurrection,

The Prophet (S,AAS) said: «Wben a person is placed j,n his grave and hiscompanions leave him" hie can hear their footsteps. Then two angels come to him,


sit him up, and ask him: ~'Wh,at did yOlu use to. say


about this man?' i.e, Muhammad, The believer will sa:y':, 'Lbearwitness ~bat be is, the slave and M,ess!en .. ger ,of Allah', Then, he will be rcldrLook tat your plaice' in H,cU ... fire, which Allahhas exchanged for ,S place in Paradise" ~ 8,0 be win look at them both. Then his, grave w,i.Im be widened for' him, to a distance of seventy cubits" and. it, wil I be fined with greenery until the Day of Resurrection,

«The Kafir or hypocrite win be asked: 'What did you used to siay about thisman? He: 'will say: 'I don't know, I used to say whatever the people were saying. Hewill be: told: "You did notknow and you, did not care! Then hewill be struck withan ironhammer be ... tweenhis two ears, and win utter a crywhich will be heard by' leve:ry creature around hlm, except for Jinn andmen, 'Then hisgravewill be constricted for him uurn his ribs are crushed».

[Agreed U~OD],.

44 .. The: answers given by the believer in the grave are the result or guidaD:ce from, Allah (SWT)lo


45~ 'The individual is, asked about his wo rshi Pi andre-


hgion in the grave,

The Prophet (SAAS) said: 'Wh,en the believer is placed in his grave, an angel comes to him. and asks him: 'Wha~. did you use to wOlfs,hip,1' Allah guides him and hie says: ''I used to worship Allah', 'He is asked:.'What did you use: to, say about this man?' He says,: 'He is the slave and Messenger of Allah .. He win not be asked about anything, else, He is: taken ~IO a. bousewhich was inthe HeU ... fire, and be is told: "This is yourhouse which was in the Hell .• fire, but Allah has protected you and had. mercy on you, and has ex .. - changed it for a house in. Paradise for your", He asks:

"Let me, go and ·tell my family of this good news', hut he istoldr rRemain where yon are'. When the Kafir i.s placed in his grave, an angel comes, to, him and rebukes him, and asks him: ~'What did you use toworship?' Hie says: 'I don'f know", He is told: 'You didn 't know and you didn't carel' He is asked: 'Whiat did. you use to say about this man?' He says: 'Lased to say whatever the: people were saying'. Then be will be struck between the ears with an iron hammer and


will utter a cry which 'will be heard by the whole of creation apart from linn and men, 14,.

Allsh (SWT) ssid: «So verily you cannot mske the deed to besr; nor catr ~O'U' make' the dea,(' to beer the cell; wil,en' they show their backs' snd turn away»". [alRum J'O.:'52j.

47- The (dead) people of Kulaib heard the: 'words, of the Prophet (SAAS), but were not able to, 1.5

reply .'

It is: proven in al-Bukhari that the Prophet (SAAS) looked upon the dead Kafirs of Kulaib after the Battle of Badr and said: «Have you found what your' Lord promised y,OtU to be true?'» He was asked: «Are yo,u callIng the dead?'», He said: «You do not hear any better than they, but they cannot reply»,

48- 'The Sahabah who had been martyred in the way of Allah (SWT) and were inal-Barzakh longed 47


honour which was prepared for the martyrs.

The Prophet (SAAS) said': «Whenyour brothers were martyred at Uhud, Allah placed their souls inside green birds which drink from the rivers of Paradise, eat of its fruits and seek shelter in lamps of gold which. are suspended in the shade of the Throne, When 'they saw bow good their food, drink and


abode were, they saidrWho will tellour brothers

about us, that we are alive in Paradise and being; amplyprovided for, so that they will not turn away from Jihad or abandonwarr' Allah, may He be ex-

a- lted said ~ ~"I' -w- 'I·u tell th em a •. ' bo u *;' y~'.·O·UII '\",,~'6'

Ji.",", -;I ", __ ~, __ ,~ _ . ,U -Jl1 II. """,,, ' _.' .'. '. III. " .. ' .' "".

I. Al~,Tinnildhii, Sahih 81 .. J am'.' (No", '192.1),.,

.2. Ib,id:, N'o, S 182.

,j. SabUJ ,al-Tarlb!ilt "'a''I~T'8rbiib',, Vat, 4, wUh. a H:I!SSIID Isa ad., . U mar gu!',aD,tt'lis t,e' :lIle: :IU')I,DUrS ,blis Lord, AlIa.lI, I(SWT) willi lI,etp him 'ta, li've tb,e rilbl: 8n:s,w'er:s" w'hilcb. 'will ;sUenlc'ebli,s q'u,e,st:ioDer in the

Dl"81'1.1;A ~._,I'~.

4.. A,bu Da'ud; ,II ... Tinl1li,dhi" op. cit:"No 958:.

5;. Part of. ,H:adith,lted .,,'8,1- TlirlDidbi" Sahih 111-· J ami', Nlo., 737;: a Hassnl H:adlith.

,6,. Narl',B'led b:yAh'ma,d, wi,t. a S,ahiih IS.Dt3Id;, :reporiledinl Sahib al-Targhib wa'l- Tarhib.

1.. Ami,xtllf'e 01" g.olold slc~elj'l:s uisled o,nl,y to, se,ent tbe shlloud,and body olf fhe de:ad,.

,8,. Ibn, Majsh .. This Ha,(tiJtb iSI :alsol 'to be' fGund, iD, :al,·,AI:-, bam" Sah:ih al .. .lami;. No 1'9·64"and am. ... Targhib wa ''}.Tarhib,

191• IIJn HiblJaD"S,ablb" a similar ,H,aditll i:1S1 ,n:arra,ted by' Ibn Majalb with a Sallill ISD,a!d. See al,·A:lbani" Sahih al- Targhib wa '1 ... Tarbib,

10. Classed .'5, Sahib 'by al··Alb,a,oi" Sahih al-J ami; No 1 '916 i.

11,. Classed as, Sa.hill ~' al .. ;AI'ani.,i op'~' ,eit" ,2.316,9.,

12. Na,rrai'ed ,ao,d Ic:,1,a sSle'., as: Hasan .,y ,a,I, ... Tir'midhi; ,cl:assed. as Sahib hy aI-A.I:.anii, oOIP .. at, No 6655 .. ,


) ,J.,Classeti as Has: •• , bly ,1,'I .. A'IIJani" 0,. cit" N,o,,,, 737.


14. Narrat,ed b,J Ablu Da"ul.,fr',olD A,nas,; see Sahih al-

JOlI'Dll. '" N···, 0" '1",Rr"',.ii:

,_ • I _ '" I _ ,::r' .. u,.

IS. 'Th,i:s, applies olD,ly t:o t:b.'e: ,deal. K,:lfirsthroIWD into' 'tb,e ,,"eU -fol,I()lviog 'the Battl,e 0:" Baldr" tbe g,cnera.1 rule, 'is Ihattbe dlead, do not lI,e:;ar,; See al ... ,Alusi, Ki tab al .. Ayat al-Bayyinat ,ft, 'Adam Sarna' al-Amwat I(ed .. al ... Albani).

I. 6,. Allm8ld, Abu Da'lul. and :al,,·H;akim. CI,8'Ssed 8'S, Sabib. by :al-AI:blJli, op, ci t" No 5018, 'I.



O·····'~F"'::· ·S--Ic·NN'····'·'·'El'IR·,S':' 'IN'" TI"H---E" G'-R"A'-V,c"E'"

'_. ' __ ' .' ,'" I',-~>':' .' "I' I'.. -;-; __ ,-,"," "" ',i " -',

From Samurah Ibn Jundub: The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) often used to ask his Companions: «Has any one of you seen a dream?» So whoever Allah wished ~JO do 501 would tell of a dream he bad seen, One morning, be told us: «Last night, two persons came: to' me:

On a dream), and said to me: «Let's gol» So I set off withtb,c'm, and we came to a man 'who, was iyin,g down, with. another man standing over him holding ,3 'big, rock. He was throwing the rock down on the other man's head, smashing it. The rock rolled away, and the thrower went after it and brought i t back, By the time he came back to the man, his, head has been restored, then he proceeded to do the same 'thing again, I said, ',Su.bbs'n-A1Ja'hr Who are these two:?" (My two companions) said to me: '0'0 on, g:o on!',

«So we went on, and came to a man ,),yio,g flat OlD his, back, with another man standing over him holding :51

and iron hook. He: put the hook in ODie side of the

~ . .

man ':91 mouth and tore off that side of his, face to t,be

back (of hisneck), and then tear his, nose likewise from front. to back, and his eye from front to back, and then do the same OlD the other side of the: man's face. Hie had hardly finished on the second side, when the first side was restored so he went back and started again, I said: 'Subhan',~AJlahlWho are these two?' (My tWOI companions said: "IG,o on, 800In!",.

'(~:S'O we went on,a~d came across something like a Tennur [a kind of oven: usually a. pit lined with clay for baking bread],» I: think 'be said: In it there was much noise and voices, .. We looked into it; and inside it were naked mien and 'wom,cn"wjth flames coming up to them from underneath; When the jlaml~:S reached them, they cried loudly, I asked, 'W'ho are these?' (My two companions) said: ~IGo on, go onl'.

«Sowewent Ion and. carne loa river ... I think he said: red like blood- and in the river there W,BS, ,8 man swimming, :and another' man on, the bank who had gathered m,any .stones.The man who was swimming


came 'to the one 'who had gathered many stones and opened hismouth, and the man on the river- bank placed a stone :in his, mouth. The man in the river swam away" then, came back" and every time he came back" be opened his mouth and a stone was, put in it, I asked (my two companions), ~'Who arethese two?' land they said to me, 'Go OD" go O,D!" ..

,«SOl we went '0'0." and came to an ugly man, 'with the most. repulsive appearance you 'have, ever seen, Beside him was a fire, and he was kindling it and running around it. I asked: 'Wh'o is this?' (My two compa ... nions) said tome: '0,0 on:" go on!'.

So we went OR, and. came to' a sa.rd,en of' deep green dense veget ation " 'with ,all sorts of spring eolours.Tn the midst of the: garden there was: a very tan man, so tall. that I could hardly see his head, Around this man weremore children th a n I had lever seen, I asked; 'Wbolis this'? Who are they'?" My two eompanions said:' 'IGo OD" 8:01 10IDI"',.

«SO, we went OD, until we came to a huge garden;" big ... :53

ger andmore magnifieen t 'than any ] have ever seen, My two compaions told me: 'Go up into it', ISO 'we went up, intoi t, tOI a city buil t of gold and silver bricka We carne to the gate of the city" asked for it to be opened, and we were admitted, There we met men with one half of their bodies as handsome as any you have ever seen, and the other half as, u.gly. My tW'OI companions told them: '~'G'O, and throw yourselves into, that river' .. there was a ri ver flowing through the city , with water as wh i tie as milk. They wentand did as: 'they were orderedvand came back with .all trace of ugliness removed, in the best form,

,c:My two companions told me: This, is the Paradise of 'Aden (J'anna/1' 'A,da'/J""' Graden of Eden), and that is your place"- and I looked up and. saw apalace like white clouds! M,Y two companions, said to me: "That is, your' place'. I said to tb,em:'May Allah bless Y'OI'U, 'both'!' Let me enter it. They said: 'No'w (is not the time) for you t,o, enter it'. I said: 'I have: seen many wonderstonight. W'ha:t is (the meaning of) all tha t I have see:n,7' They"W,ewill inform you: The first man whom yIOU. :S,3W having his head smashed with a


rock, is the man who studies the Qur'an but neither recites nor acts, upon it" and who sleeps and neglects 'the prescribed prayers .. The man you saw having: hi:s face torn. from hismouth, nose and' eyes front to back, is, the' man who, goes out of his house in the morning and tells S'O many lies that it spreads an over the W'O rld '. 'The naked men and women 'who were in something like a Tsnnur tae tbe adulterers and adulteresses.and the man whom you saw swimming in the river and having, stones thrown in. his mouth was one who used to consume Rib« (usury). The uglylooking man you saw kindling the fire and walking around it is, Malikcthe gatekeeper of Hell, The tall man In the garden is, Ibrahim" and the children around him are all the children who died in, a state of Ii'tmn [i .. e. thenatural- born state of mankind],

Some of the Muslims asked: '«101 Messenger of Allah! Wbat about the children of the M u shri kin [pagans]?» The Messenger of Allah (SAAS) said: «The children of M ushrikin (aile' there) ·t,OIlO' ~ And the people who appeared half handsome and ha • f ugly were those who had mixed a, good deed with



a bad deed" but Allah forgave them»,

[a1- Bukhari].

In anotherreport: «Tonight Lsaw (in a dream) two men who came to me and took me t,!OI, holy land. Then he mentioned it and saidr Wewent 'O'D and came to a hok like 3,Ta'IJ:tJ!ur:. Its upper part was nar .. row and its, lower part was, wide, 'The bot tom of it was filledwith fire .Wben the fire flared up" it lifted up, the people inside, so that th,ey nearly carne loot ,of thetop, and when the fir,e died down.jhey went back. inside, In this hole were naked. men andwomen .. , We went on until we: came to! a river of blood .. ,I man was, standing in the middle ofthis river, and on the bank there was a man who had some stones in front of him, The man in the riverwould approachhim,


but when be tried tOI climb out. themsnon the bank

put a stone in his! mouth, and pushed him back .. Every time the man. in the river tried to come out, the one rOD thebank thr!ew :8. stone in hismouth and sent him back. ... ~ They brought me to atree and took me.into a house: more beautiful than any I have ever seen, inwhiehthere were old men, and y!oung men .. ~


The onewhom I saw with his mouth being torn, was the liar who, spoke lies, which spread from him until it reached the horizon; they will continue doingthis tc him, until the Day of Resurrection ... 'The OD,e whom I saw with his head being smashed is the one whom Allah taught the Qur'an, but be slept (and failedto recite it), at nightvand failed toact upon it during the day; theywill continue doing this to him until the Day 'Of Resurrection, The first house which I entered is, a house for all the believers and the (second) house is the bouse of themartyrs, '. '1 am Jibril andthis is, Mika"jl.Look up!" So I looked up and above me I saw something like clouds. They said: 'That is. yonr pJ;I!CC'. I asked: 'Letme entermy place", They s"aid:~There is, still some time for you to com .. plete; when you have completed it you will come to your pli:u:e:, .. »l.



I. Nar'r':al',ed by al-Bu,kbar:i; quo,'t,c'd, "ro,:m, :al-,N,awa,'wi" Riyadh al-Salihin, Bab Tahrim al .. Kadhb,

~a, l.,gl



1- Punishment for the" one who learnt the Qur'an and refused to act upon it, and for sleeping through the prescribed prayers,

We 'have already quoted '[be Hadith of Samurah Ibn Jundub hl full, It 'includes, the words: «."., We came £,0 a, manwho WllJS lying down" wi th at not her man standing over him holding I, big rockv He was throwing the rock downon the other man's head, smashing it. The rock rolled away" andthe thrower went after it and broughtit back. By the time he carne back to the rn an, hi s head has: belen restored, then heproceeded to do the: same thi ng again , .. » A t the end of the Hadith, the twoangels told the Messenger of Allah (SA,AS): ~("I. The first. manw homyou saw having his head smashed with a rock, is theman who studies the 'Q1u..r".a.,n. butneither recitesnoracts upon it, and who sleeps and neglects the prescribed prayers», In another reportit was said: «Tbey willicarry on doing


that to him until the Day of Resurrection»,

In the Hadith of Samurah Ibn Jund.ub.,it ,a18,0 says::: <.(~. So we went OD, and 'came: to aman lying flat on his, back,whh another man standing over him bold ... ing an iron hook, He put thehook in. one side of the man'smouth and tore cff that side; of his face to the back (of his neck), and then. tear hisnose likewise from fromto back, and. his, eye from front to back, andthen do the same onthe other side of theman's face .. Hie had hardly finished on the second side" when the first side was restored, SiO hewent baclc: and started again». And at the end of the Hadith: «. ~ The man you saw having his, face torn from hismouth, nose ,IDd eyes, frontto baek, is the man whogoes out of his house mthemoraing and tells so m:any ties that it spreads all over the world», And in another report it is said: '<Th!cywill c,B.·rry on doingthat to hi.m until, the Day of Resurrection»,

The Hadith quoted above also s,ays: «So' w1e: went OD" fiI,

and came: across something Ii ke a Tsnnur [a kind of


oven: usually a pit lined 'with clay for baking bread], ..

I think hie said: In it there was much noise and voices.- We looked into it, and inside it were naked men andwomen, with flames were corning up to them from undemeath.when the flames reached them, they cried loudly», Thi sis, explained as follows: «The naked mien and women who were in something like a Tsnnur are the adulterers and adulteresses»,

4- Punishment for consuming Ribs (usury).

Also mentioned in the Hadi th quoted: «~. So we went on and came to. a river- .I think hie said: red like blood-. and in theriver there was aman swimming and another man on the bank who bad gathered many stones, Theman who was swimming came to the, one whohad gathered many stones, and opened his mouth, and the man on the river-bank placed ,I stone in his mouth. The man in the river swam away, then came back, and everytime he came back; he' opened his mouth and a, stone was, put in rt»,


,At the end of the Hadith: « •• and the man whom you

saw swimming in the river and having stones thrown

in his month was one: who used to consume Ribe (usury)»,

5~ Punishment for 'not cleaning oneself properly [after urinating,

The Prophet (SAAS) said: «Most of tbe punishment - in the grave is because of (failmg to clean oneself properly after) urinating» t .,

16~ The Kafir's punishment is increased because of some of his family's weeping for him.

The Prophet (SAAS) said: «Allah increases the punishment of the' Kafir by some of his family's weeping for him»,2,.

" .. , The deceased is punished by (the mourners) wail-

• ' _. I

iog for him ..

The Prophet (SAAS) said; «The deceased is punished in thegrave by (the mourners) wailing for 'hi"m»,3.~


8'... The deceased win bepunished because of some of what his family say about him,

The Prophet (SAAS) said: «There 'is 'no, 'person. who dies, and whosemourners begin to cry "01 my moun .. tain'l 0 'my support!' but two angels win be assigned to, take care of him: they will strike him and ask: 'Were you really like this'!?» 4.

9~Pnni,shmlent ,of the one who used to go around spreading slander.

From Ibn "Abbas eRA): The Messenger of Allah (SA,AS) passed by two graves and said: «Trulythey are being punished. They are 'being punished for something which is easily-a voided, but is a major sin if it is commi tted, 'ODIC of them used to go around spreading slander, and the. other used toneglect to, clean himself after urinating» ~

[Agreed upon],

I. Cla:ssed .1:5, Sa.hib by a I ... AJbao i., Sahib al ... Jami', No, 38&)~

2. AI ... Nisa.'i;: el:a._ •. as Sahih by al ... AllJaRi, OIP'M· eit~, N,o. 18'i3~

3,..AI-Buk.h.:ar.i, Muslim." ,et at If tbe d.eeease!. had. told. bi:s,fllDily DOt to wail flU h:im,t·hen. h'lw.iU o.ot be :punished; and .An.a. kaowsb,lst. See Ahkam al .. Ja .. na 'iz, p'p 28;, .29'.

4. .AI.~Tir.i."i. CI;lssed as Sam.h by al ... Alllani" I€lP'~ cit~", N,o,. 5,664., See: :also al-Targhib wa.'I.· .. Tarhib,



j, Ana h "m!8.y He be ex alted, has assigned an angel to thegrave of the Prophet (SA.A.S), to inform him of those who send blessings on him bytelling him the name of the person who has sent blessings on the Messenger (SAAS).,

He (SAAS) said: «Increase the blessings you send on


me.Tor Allah bas assigned an. angel to mygrave. Wheneve,r anyone of my Ummah sends blessings Ion me, that angel will say to mle:'O!Muhamln,adt $,0- and-sothe son of so-and-so bas sent blessings on y,QU n.OW»),~· •

He (SAAS) said: «Increase the: blessings you send Ion me OlD 'Fridays, for everytime someone sends blessingsand prays, for 'me 011 a Friday, I will be told about his p'r:Ryer,.,.,.»2.

2'R The earth does not consume the bodies of the Prophets.

The Prophets (SAAS) said: «The best .of your days is,


Friday, Adam was created. on a Friday and died on a,

Friday; the Trumpet win be: blown on a Friday, and all the living, win be struck down 'O,D a Friday ~ Increase 'the blessings you send on me on Fridays, tor I 'will be told about yourprayers, Allah bas, forbidden the 'earth to consume the bodies of th.e Prophetss''.

4~ They, peace be upon them, pray in their graves.

'The Prophet (SAAS) said: «The Prophets are alive :in their graves, and pray4.,.,. On the 'night ofthe Isra [Night J ourney], Lpassed by M usa, (who was) standing in 'his grave and p'l!,ying,»s ~

5... The Messenger (S,AAS) met Adam, Yahya, 'Isa, YU8uf" Idris Harnn Musaand Ibrahim (.AS)~

16.. Musa (AS) wept in Barzakh out 0,( jealousy INB: the Arabic word used here refers specifically to a posi tive form of jealousy and Is not to be taken ,,;

7,.. M usa ,(AS)advis,ed our Prophet "(SA.AS) to ask Allah" may He be: exalted, to reduce the (number of) ,0 bligatory prayers,

From Malik Ibn Sa'sa'ah (RA) from theMessenger of Allah (SAA'S)wbo, said: <c:Whil,elw,a:s, lying down in al-Hatim, someone came to me: and split open what is between this: andthis- he indicatedthe space from the top of his chest 'to below hisnavel ... and be tOIO,1e out my heart. Then a golden ICUP filled with f a itb was brought to me, ,My heart was, washed with Zamzam water, fined up (with faith} and put back in its place, A white beast" smaller than ,I, mule, and bigge:r than a d,o,n.tey',,, caned al-Bnraq.was brought to me, One stride of this creature covered ,3 distance as far as it could s,ee.,I wasmonRI.ed upon it, Jibril set o,ff withme until w'le reached the first heaven, and 'be asked forit to be opened, Hewas asked: ·'W'ho 1.1 there?' He said; "Jibril' .. The voice asked: 'Wh,oi.s with you?' Hie: said; 'M.ubam.mad' ~ The voice asked: 'Has revelation been sent to him? Jibril answered


'Vies;'. The voice: sa:id.::'W!elcome to him, blessed. is ·the

. '

one who bas come' .. - and the first heaven w~u; opened, When I entered, there was Adam, Ji bril said:

"This is: yOlur father Adam; greet. him . I greeted him' and he returned the greeting, th en he said: 'Welcom,e to, the righteous son and the righteous Prophet' ..

«Then Jibril took: me up untilwe reached 'the second heaven, and he asked for it to be openedv He was

t d 'W"h'l · th , ,1i'lJ., 'H' ld 'J' ib il' T-'h'I, ...

as eo: - ""' .. ,.,, r .. O IS t .Iert! . -: if: sal.]: -tirl I' ~ .' ill,e V,(nce

'~". d "W'" " 'h' . .' h ' ?'H" . d' ~M' 'hi d'

aske __ .:,,· L.O 1.:5 WltJJ you~ '.,.e: s,a~.'~.::~ ,J...U tammae ~

The voice asked: 'Has revelation been sent to him?' Jibril answered.r'Yes' ~Tbe voice said." W,elco:m,e to him, blessed is the one who bas come"-- andthe sec ... ond heaven was opened.When I entered.ithere were Yahya and. Isa"who were: maternal cousins .. Jibril said; "These are Yahya and. Isa; greet them', I greeted


them. and they returned thegreeting, then they said:

~Welcomle to the righteous: brother and the righteous Prophet' .

(~'Then Jibril took 'me UPI un til. we reached the third heaven, and be asked for it to' be opened. He was Ci8:

asked: "Who isthere?' He said: 'Jibril'. The voice asked: ~Wh,o is with you?"'H,e said: 'Muhammad'. The voice asked: 'Has revelation been sent to him?' Jibril answered, "Vies". The voice said: "Wel,come to, him, blessed is. the one "who bas come',- and the 'third heaven was opened, When Lentered, there was Yusuf Jibril said: "This is Yusnf, greet him', I greeted him and be returned the greeting, then be said: "Wel~ come to the righteous brother and the: righteous Prophet' ..

«Then Jibril took 'me up until we reached the' fourth heaven, and hie asked for it to, be opened. Hie W:I'S, asked: "Who is, there?' He: said: " Jibril' + The voice asked: ,c'Who is with y'o'D'?!~H,e said: 'Muh,amm,a,d',~ The voice asked: 'Has revela tion been, sen t to him?' Jibril answered, 'Yes'. Tbe voice said: 'Welcome to him, b lessed is: the 'OD.'e who ha 9, IC,(Ull1e: I,~ ~ a ndt he fourth heaven was opened ~ W'hle'.D Lentered, there


'was: Idris. Jibril said: 'This, :is Idris; greet him'. 'I

greeted him an.d hie returned thegreeting, then he said: I'Wlelco,m'c to' the ri ghteo us' brother and the righteous Prophet',


«Then Jibril took me up until we reached the fifth hea ven, and be: asked for .it to be opened ,.H,e; w,a:s asked: 'Who is therer' He said: 'Jibril'vThe voice asked: 'W'h'O,lswitb. you?' Hie said: iC'M,uham,'m,ad"~ 'The voice asked: 'Has revelation been sent tlo him?" Jibril answered "Yes". The: voice said': "Welcol:me to him, blessed is 'the one who has come"- and the :fiftb heaven was opened, Wben I e nte red, there was Har-

J"'b-' . ~l- id "Th" ~ H .- hi '. " I' d

UD. _ IIClfl sal: I ,cl:S, :IS, "Brun,;, greet mm j, I greeted

him and he returned the greeting then he said: 'Welco'm,e: to the righteous brother and the righteous. Prophet." ~

«Then Jibril took me up until 'we reached the sixth heaven and be asked for :il to' be opened ~H,e, 'was; a sked: 'Who is there? He said: 'Jibril' ~ The voice asked: "Wh,o, is with you·7'" He 'l;aid:,'Mu.ha'lDm,ad,'.~ Thevoice asked: "Has revelation -belen sent 1;0, him?'. Jibril answered, 'YIC'S\ Tb.e voice :said:'W'el,co'me: to, him" blessed is, the one w:h,Q has IC'Ollnle'.- and the sixth heaven was 10 peDled " Wb,en .I entered, there 'w,as 'M us a '.' Jibrrl said: "I'his is Mus,a,; g,re,e:t b,j,m' ~ I greeted him and he returned the greeting, then be


said: "W',elcom,e to, the righteous brother and the righteous Prophet' ,.

«Then Jibril took me up until we reached the seventh heaven, and hie asked fair it to, be opened, Hie was,

~ ,

asked: 'Who is with ,Y,OIU?" He said: "Muhammad'. The voice asked: 'Has revelation been sen t to him? Jibril answered, 'Yes'. The voice said: "Wle),come to him", blessed is the one who has come' . ,iii and the se .. vie nth heaven was opened. When I en tered, therewas Ibrahim, Jibril saidrThisis YOU,f father' Ibrahim; great him '. I greeted him and he: returned the greetmg, then be said: "W,c:icome to the righteous son and the righteous Prophet',

«Then I was taken up tothe Lote ... tree beyond which none: may pass [cf, al .. ,N,ajm, 53,:' 1.4]; its fruits were like the pitchers of Hajar and its le a 'Yes: were like the: ears of elephants. Jibril said: "This: :is the Lote .. tree beyond which nonemay pass',

«There were fourrivers, two hidden and two visible" '71

I asked: 'What are these, 0 Jibri.11" He said: "The two hidden ri vers a re ri vers of Paradi se; the two visible rivers are the Nlleand the Euphrates',

«Then 1 was taken up to the Much ... Frequented Fane [rcf.. alTur .52:4l1 asked, -o Jibril, what is ·t,hi:~r?'" He: saidThisis the Much-Frequented Fane; every day, seventy thousand angels pray in it"and when they


«Then 1 was presented with a vessel of wine, a vessel of milk and ,I vessel of honey.J chosed the milk:" and Jibril said: "This: is thena rural disposition (Fitrah) of your Ummah' .

«Then Salat (Prayer) wasmade obligatoryr flfty prayers every day .. Then I returned, and passed by Musa, who asked, Wba,t have Y(lU belen commanded to do?'~!1 said, "I have been commanded to perform fiftyprayers every day", He said: 'YourUmmah wiU not be able to, perform fifty prayers every day ~By AI ... Iah, I testedthe people before you~ and I triedmy utmost b)' reform the people of Israel. Go back to your



Lord and ask Him to lighten the burden of your Um .. mah' .. So I went back, and the number of prayers was, reduced by ten Ito forty). 1 went back te Musa, and he said the same as before. So l went back J and the number of prayers was reduced by it further ten (to thirty)lw',ent back to Musac and he said the same as bef ore. Sol went back again, and the number of prayers W,IS reduced by ;at further ten (to twenty), [went back to Musa, and he said the same as before. So I went back, and the Dumber of prayers was reduced by a further ten (to ten). So Lwent back to Musa, and be 'Said the same as before .. So lwent back, and was ordered to perform five prayers every day.Tcame back to. Musa, and he asked.i'What have you been commanded to do? I said: ') have been commanded to perform five prayers every day'. Mu,s;81, said: 'Your Ummah willnot bile able to per .. form five prayers every day .. Lhave testedthe people before you, and I tried my utmost to reform 'the people of Israel, Glo back to your Lord and ask Him to ligh tenthe burden of yourUmmah". I said: 'Thave askedmy Lord until I felt ashamed .. Now I am CODtent and submit (to His Wi,lI)'. Wben Ipassed by, a.


voice proclaimed: ~I have: eonfirmed My command and lightened the borden of My servents'»,

[ I B, ikhari ~M-' -I" A· bm ad al -N-'~ 'I' , ".'-]

, '"~ ' - I ,,-" ',' 1-" -I' 'C: ' "I - ~ I'

a.. ,U . Lan", ' ,'. us 1m" ", " a ,_ "" ,8., . ,Isa I.,.

7 ..


1., A'l-Da,:yla,m.i", Musnad al-Pirdaws; £1:l.lsJld as, Hasan b, al .. A),bani" Sahih al .. ,J ami; No, 121:8.

2. a,assed as Sah,ib .y 8,II-Albani, op,~ cit, No 1219'.

3,., Abu Da'lud, ,al ... N'isa'i. Ibn M,ajiall", et al. See alsol 81 ... , Albani, 'OIP"~ ,cit, N,o.. 2]08.

4,,, Classed :0 Sabihb,.a~lr-,A1.alli", cp, cit, No. 2787.,

5., Mus,lim e:t 81,.

PIA'RIIT"I' IS'·· '.' E' 1,"'V",,"·""'E-'iIN

> , 1\, i ~ II I '.I ' , 111


T'H-' "E" D'" 'E['C,-,jEI ' lA" 'S··':-:~'E' "·DI A", '-FT! I CIEI' "'RII' H~ "1'8- D'IE".lA"T' 'H-'-'

, ,1,1, ',,' .. 111,_ "",,'., ,_, ",,!I,', ", ,I,'" I" 1 ,I "",,, ~/ ~"I", I, ., I,

t..Prayi11;g, for him.

Tbe~ Prophet (SAAS) said:

«If a company of Muslims numbering one hundred pray over a dead person, all of them interceding for him, their' intercession [i.e, prayers for forgiveness and mercy] for him wiU be accepted» 1 ~

«If a company of the people pray OYler a dead person, they will intercede .cO,f' :him~)2.,

2~ The deceasedfeels the comforting presence of his: ' brothers in AUab(SWT} after 'the burial, for aperiod of time equal to, the timetaken to sacrifice a, ca .. mel and distribute its meat,

Asquoted before, 'Amr Ibn al .. "As (RA) said: ,«When TI

you bury me, :s!'t,ay around mygrave for the time it would take to sacrifice a, camel and distribute: its meat, sothatI may be comforted, by your presence, until I see how I will answer the messengers of my Lord». [M uslim].

3!~ Praying for strength and forgiveness for him im .. mediately after his burial,

From, UthmanIbn A.ffa'o (RA),whosaid:«Whe:n.evler the Prophet (SA AS) had finished burying anyone he would stand bythe grave and say: ~,A,B:k for forgive ... ness laud strength for your brother, for even now he is. being, questioned»:'.

4~ Continuous charity (Sa,da,qllh Jsriysb), 'which he set up, in. his lifetime; beneficial knowledge; and a pious son whowiU pray Cor him,

The Prophet (S,A,AS,) said: «,Wbe'D a person dies, his deeds stop, except for three: continuous charity, knowledge which benefits cthers.or ,3 pious son wh,o, wUI pray fOI[ 'him».,--- .. uslirn],


5,~ Charity given by the son of the: deceased on his\her behalf.

From 'A'Ishah (RA): aman said '1,0 the Prophet (SAAS): «My mother died suddenly without making any will, I think she 'would definitely have given char ... ity (S'ada,qah) if she had been able to speak. Wo,uld she ha ve a reward if I g,a,ve cha ri ty 10'D her behalf?» He said: «yes», [al .. Bukhari, Muslim],

'6-AU the believers and Muslims should pray for him and ask forgiveness for him,

AIJah (SWT) ssys: «And those who csme after them say;" 'OurLord! Forgive us, sud OUT bretbren who csme beior« us into the Faith' .. » {aJ-Hash'F 59: JIOJ~

The Prophet (SAAS) said: ~(Wboever' prays for for, .. , gi veness for the believing men and believing, women, Allah will give him, one reward for each believing man and believing: women (be prayed for)» 4 ..

7w Defending the borders of Islam for the sake of AUah (SWT) in 'this world.

The Prophet, (S,AAS) said: «'Wh,en a person dies his 79

good deeds come to an end except for his defending tbe borders of Islam for the sake of Allah (Ii s,abiJ'ilIsh). This deed will grow (i.e, in reward) until the Day of Judgement, and he will be protected from, the Fitnah of 'the grave» S ~


I. MusHm e.' Ill •

.2. Al ... NiI8,"i:: 'cl:a;sse·. as H:Bsa'D b:y III .. Alh,ani, Sahib al ..

Jami', N,o. 5,663,.

3. A,bu Da 'uld,;: cliassed! 8:5: Sabih b!T I I,,,, A Ibanl, IOIP' , ci t, ,No,. 9'56.

,4", AI .. Tabar'a,n'i" al kabir, ela~ssed, as Ha:sB'D, b'y :&1, ... ,AIl ... , balli" op, cit ." No, 5902.

5;. Ab'u Da,"ull, al~Tirmldb:i.D'escr:ibed, by tbelatte'r :88, ,R Sahli.1 H,Bsa,nHa:ditlll.,




l·~Ma:rtyrdom on the ba ttlefiekl,

(a) The Prophet (S,A,AS) said; «The 'martyr enjoys six --

specific blessings from Allah: his sins will be forgiven.

from the flrstmomen m, his blood isshed; be win see

his, place in Paradise; be will be protected from, the punishment <of the grave; he will feel secure on the

most fearful Day (i.efhe Day of J ndgement); he will

be clothed in the robes of faith; he will be married to

sl ... HUF sl ... 'Ayn',; he win be able to intercede for seventymem hers, of his, family» .~.

(b), From a man from among the Companions of the Prophet ,(SAAS,)t: A man asked the Prophet (S,AAS): «01 Messenger of Allah, why 'win an the believers except the martyr suffer the Fitnah of the ,g.r,ave?»He said: «The shining swords above 'the bead of the martYf are Fi tnah lenoughb)2.


2.. Defending the bo rders 0 fl slam for the sake of



(a) 'The Prophet ($,AAS)I said: « Defending the bo rders ofIslam fora day and a night is, better than fasti n g andpraying at night for a month; if a 'man dies (whilst defendingthe borders of Islamj. the good deed ,hie was doing will continue to accumulate reward and bring him sustenance (Rizq), and he win be

• I - •

protected from the Fitnah of the grave», [Muslim].

(b)l~ The Prcphet (SAi'S) said: «When aperson dies, his good d's come to an. end, except for his, defendlog . the borders of Islam for the sate: of Allah {Ii' ,sa biIillsb). This, deed willgrow (i .. Ie. in reward) unti I ,the Day of Judgement, and be will be protected fromthe Fitnah of 'the grave»,

' .

. ,

. , ,

' .

From .Abdullah .lbn Yassar who, si,aid:<d was ' sitting wUb.~ Sulayman Ibn Sard and Khalid Ibn 'Arfatah, and they mentioned thata 111,a11 had died, fro(m fa sto-


mach disease. They expressed their wish 'tOI be present at his funeral, and one of them saidto the other, 'Didn't the Messenger of AJlah(SA,AS) say: ,«Who ... ever is killed by ,I stomach disease win not be pun, ... ished in thegrave?», The other said; 'Y es, indeed" . (i.n another reporc You have, spoken the truthr',

4~ Reciting Surah Tabaraka (i,e. aJ-M ulk, 67).

The Prophet (S,AAS) said: «Sarah Tabaraka is a shield fromthe punishment of the grave» 4~

5- Dying Oil. a, Friday (day ornight),

The Prophet (S,A.AS) said: «There is, no-one who died. 0'0 the day or night of Friday" but Allah, m,ay He be e:x,alte:d,protlect,ed, him from the Fjtnah of the

- - - ~,t:,J;A~1i. .5

gr,a'Y'\-.i7 ~


I. AI~'Tirmhlbi reported il,I'n:d: classed, it :.~I, IS,abib; a'1581 rep.rled 'by' IbD M,aj.ab"Aillmad,. CIIISSefI as S,abib h,. al .. ,A.)lmi,~ Abk,am al-Jana'ia, p 3 S, .. 3,6,.

2,. AI-"Nis,.'i. Classed, 8:8, Sa,hih b:y al .. Albani:, 'OIP. cit, Pi ],6.,

1. Classed ,IS Saillilll by al .. ,A'lbBni'IJI as Hasan, by' 1,1,"';Tlr-

"d-'b'~ . -I 0'" _,..,"" ·S····, h-b'" Ahka . 'I J . ,~

IIUJ_ . I ,et aL~1 .. C-. :8 .... , as :-8 I . m _'_-"L'=:am. a "'ll,analz~ p


4~ C'lasse. '.s, :S,abib II", :al,·Alb:Bni, Sahib al-Jami' No 3537.

s,. Ahmad" M'U8D,g,d;, al, ... ,Tirmi,d'bt 'C'lalled 8S Ha:s:an hy II-Albini", D'p'. c~.t~,N 0 564,9.,

D····AILY·········· I···S··· ···L; . A· MIl. ··C···J ·L· I·F·· ·E·

.'. .:' . ,I.: - .... _ .-.~'Ic. .' :.1.·

* '00' you pray Fajr in the mosque every day, incon ..

- .


*D'oy'ou observe every prayer in the mosque in 000."" gre,lation?'

* Have you read any 'part of the Book of Allah tod,ay?'

-After every prayer, do you ream Dbikr and Wird?

• Do. you observe the regular Sunnah prayers. before and after the: Fard

• Did yo,u concentrate on your prayer today and. reallythiDk aboutthe words 'YOU · saying?'

* Did ylQU remember the Last Day and .its,terror,s?

• Di,Q you ask Allah (SWT)tmee ·time·s: to admi·tyolu 87

to, Paradise? Porwhoever asks Allah (SWT) to admit him to Paradise, Paradise says: <:<0, AU,ah:, admi t 'him to Paradiseb-',

lie 'Have you, asked Allah (SWT) three times to' protect. yOlu from the punishment of Hell'? Whoever does: that, Hen says: ,«0 Anah",pro~ect him from, Hell b>:1.

,: Have you read anything from. the Hadith of the Prophet (SAAS)?

:. Have youthou.ght, of distancing, yourself from bad gatherings?

!Ii Ha vie yootried to aVloid laughing and jokingexees,siveiy?'

:* Have you recited the Dhikr fcrmcming and eveni,ng?'

*H a vie you. asked. Allah (SWT) for forgiveness for your sins, today?

·.' Have you asked Allah (SWT) sincerely for martyr ... dorn? For the Messenger nf Allah (S,AAS) said: «Wh,oev1er asks Allah sincerely for martyrodom, Allab 'will give him the status ofmartyr, even if he dies on his bed»,

[Muslim et al.],

* Hav-e you, asked Allah (SWT) to make your heart strong in faith?1

*H,ave you made the most of the hours during which especially Allah (S'WT) will answer your prayers?

• Have you. bought a new Islamic book from 'which you will learn. more about your religion?

• Have you asked forgiveness for the believers, 'men and wom,en~ because for every believingman and believing woman (for whom you ask forgiveness) there win be a reward? ~

. ,

• Have you praised Allah (SWT) for the blessing of


• Have you praised Allah (SWT) for the blessing of ,89

* Have yougiven charity today ttl' the poor and needy?

Iii Have you refrained from getting angry for your own sake, and only got angry for the sake of Allah (SWT)?

* Have you avoided being proud andarrogant?

* Have you visitedany of your brothers in Allah (SW'T)?

* Have you prayed to Allah (SWT) for your brothers and neighbours" and anyone else you are in touch with'?

* Have you treated yourparents with love and kindness?

*H,ave you responded to any calamity by saying:

Inns LUlabi wa inns ilsyhiRsji'u» (<<To Allahwe belong, and to Him is. our return» [al-Baqarah 2: I 56n3 •

.. Have you prayed this Du' a' today?

Allah umm a in ni .8.' 'u d h' u bike 'sn usbriks biks we '9ft

IlDJ1' IS: 'lam, 'wa, astaghJirlfJka Iimsls s: 'Jam (0 Allah, 'I sleek rle'fuge with 'You. from knowingly association anythi D, g, with Y'OID., and ask Your IorgivenessifI have unwittingly done so),

~ For whoever says this, Allah (SWT)wiU remove from him both major and. minor forms of Shirk" ~


,~ . The ,H,adit'h :in tiollreads:: (~WIIloe',~er asks Allah three ti,Dl,eSr'JU' P'ar'adise:" Paradise 58,11:"',0 Allah~ A,ld,mit kim to p:ara.disle'!" And whoevl'F ,as,ks ,three times io,r protection frolm keU" be'li 18,),,1:: '0 AII:ab protect, ihim f~olft HeIU»~,

I I 'T'·' ·'..Ih·)- •. s···· ~,! ... ,·'h b I AIL 'I' s~ hih 'III

la~ -lrmll.,~J; 't :asse I :BS-illIJl i cy :1.-. uaRI,_,a~~l _ all'"

Jami', No., 615 t, vol. 6]1.

2. See above,

,1 The Prophet (:SA AS) said:: «.Any Q'D,e of yOU! shuu,l.d. say Inns: Lillshi 'w:a inns iJayhlj R,ajrul1 'Wben, :Ioy rnisfo,rtune befalls ,bim, 'e'v,enif' bis sboe I:eu d'a:maleG,~, for these are' a,lltypes '01' 'calamity'».

I'Q:assed as Hasan by al ... Albani" al-Kalim al .. Tayyib, No~ 1.40].

4., See ,s,ahih ,al-Jamf'"No, 36,:25.


Translator's Poreword .' .. , ~ ~ . ,. ,. _ ,0 • _ • ' •• ' '.' • ~ ., ~ .'. t' ~ •• ~. 5

Note on A bbrevi a tions '. ' .. ' .... ' ., ., , ... , ~ ~ ~ ~ ' .... ' .. ' .. ' . . .. 7

Au th _-, D~-'r"'C'!1 p' - refa ;"fiA n .. , ... · r

, __ ,Ill.. '[" ... 1, lal " .. ,_· ... I.~, I~ -!I!'!II' iI'!il;i iii Iii '. III ,iii, iI'.' i!'''" 'I!'.' !I'~'I!'" I~ il! II •• ,', iI!"!I' ill II !Ii i! Iii' iii oil '7

What Happens Just Before The Soul is Taken? . ~ ,i 13

When Death Comes I ~ , ••• ,. ~ • ~, .' • ~ • OJ '. ' •• ' •• ' ;0 ~ .' .' ~ 15

What Happens After 'The Soul is Taken? .. '.'.' I' ' •• ' ~ '. ..9 Part' F,o,ur,:

The Physical Punishment of Sinners: in The 'Grave. 51

The Sins For Whi.,ch The Sinners Wi.n be Punished

in The Gra ve ~. II III '.1 I!!!!' ;r. I!I '!II ,. 'iI' ii' !II ii' ii' ill ... ,ii III, ..... , ,iii ~ <!II I. '. !ii' !I' .... II! ~ .. " 5:9

Part Six:

The, Prophets, and Barzakh ~ ... ' , .. ~ , .. ~ ... ' .. ' ... ,. . . .. 65, '3

Part Se:vea::

Deeds Which Will Benefit The Deceased After

Hisl Dea't'h, !jil ,. 'iI! ·1' 'ii Ii' ,I 'I 'I '!!I !II i ill jI !i II 'iii, 'I '!l1 !!I ~ ~ .. 'ii! Ii'I Ii! 'ii' oj .. it Ii!!' 'ili '.' ,~ .~ tIj Ii; iii


Part ,Eil:ht::

'Things W'b.ichWfll Save a, Person From 'This Punishment of ' The Grave .~ . ~ ~ ~i, ,i I' I' •• ~ • ,oj, • "' ~ • ~ ~,. :83,


,D',ai1:y Islamic 'Life. '. .' . ~ ~ . ~ '.. ~ ~ . . . '. . .. ,~ ~ ~ . ,. .' ~ '.' . ~ . ~, ~ '. ,i, .'

'87<-.·' 1 .. ~It'

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