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A Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage Model Middle School A California

Distinguished School
Back to School BBQ- A Great Success!
It was so nice to share a great celebration with Edna Hill families on Friday night at the Back to School BBQ. Thank
you to the Parents !lub" Brentwood #otary" B$S% Food Ser&ices" and 'eadershi( class for making it such a
wonderful e&ent. )e look forward to many more e&ents filled with fun and community building*
Cherrydale Fundraiser Ends This Wednesday!
This is the last week to raise funds for our si+th grade science cam( and other (rograms at Edna Hill. ,oney and
order forms are due this )ednesday" -ugust ./
Important ates to !emem"er at Edna #ill $iddle School
BUSD Family Life Parent Meeting 8/18 @ 7pm (Library)
Softball v! "#$ara @ %&MS 8/18 '()* pm
Boy +olleyball an, -irl Softball @ .,am 8/1/ @ '()*
Parent 0l1b Meeting 8/23 @ 7 pm (Library)
Boy +olleyball an, -irl Softball v! Brito4 8/21 @ '()* pm
August 18, 2014 Issue #4 Weekly
Annual Barnes and Nole
Book!air !or the "iraries o!
Brent#ood $chools%
&hursday, August 21, 2014
$ho' All (ay )am to ) 'm
School Events 3:00-6:40pm
*+0) "one &ree Way
$latten ,anch
Barnes - Nole $tore
.ll pro5ee, bene6t o1r lo5al 5$ool librarie7
%very p1r5$ae yo1 ma8e 5ontrib1te money to4ar,
o1r 5$ool library7 Loo8 for a bl1e 9yer 5oming $ome
oon in t$e .,viory envelope 4$i5$ yo1 may bring
4it$ yo1 4$en yo1 viit t$e tore o t$at o1r 5$ool
may bene6t from yo1r p1r5$ae!
Cant attend our book fair
at Barnes !oble"
Visit bn#com$bookfairs to support us online from 8/21/14 to
8/26/14 by entering
Bookfair ID #%%400&%' at checkout
&hank you !or your continued su''ort o!
literacy and our school lirary 'rograms.
Contact (s:
School )ffice: *'&-&%3-6440 +a,: *'&-&%3-06*6 -eb: ...#brent.ood#k%'#ca#us
/rincipal: 0irsten 1obb k2obb3brent.ood#k%'#ca#us
4ice-/rincipal: 5aria 6on7ale7 m8on7ale73brent.ood#k%'#ca#us
4ice-/rincipal: 9an :a.le; dha.le;3brent.ood#k%'#ca#us
Counselor: Saraina Silva ssilva3brent.ood#k%'#ca#us
/arents Club /resident: <eann -eibert !1"#644$ %4$&6 ehmsparentsclub3;ahoo#com
'i&ing the 0ey of Flexibility means to
get off of whats not working to get our
desired outcome. Its a willingness to
shift (ers(ecti&es and change if
needed to reach our goals.
1th -nnual
WA&& o' A!T
featuring students of
Brentwood Schools
at the Brentwood -rt" )ine"
2 3a44 Festi&al
to be held at
Streets of Brentwood
-ugust 5/ 2 56

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