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Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie

}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B

Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

I. The Cosmic Camarilla Mask Consciousness
II. Divine Laws of the Camarilla Mask Consciousness
III. The Divine Pillars (Infinite Love, Ancestral Knowledge, and
Divine Creativity)
IV. Camarilla Mask Wisdom
V. Greetings and Salutations
VI. Camarilla Holy Science
VII. Languages
VIII. Glossary

The Cosmic Camarilla Mask Consciousness

The Cosmic Camarilla Mask Consciousness is a non-profit, non-incorporated
consciousness assembled under the Universal Laws of Human Rights. Camarilla+
Mask Camarilla+ Camarilla Mask are a set of 17 divine council masks.
Sent as guides to tribes of West Africa to reunite the region. Each Camarilla Mask
represents specific tribal lessons, African proverbs, and spiritual messages transmitted
through the mask from Ancestral Spirits, Ancient Kings and Queens, Priests,
Legends, Gods. It is believed by societies in West Africa that those who own a
Camarilla Mask will inherit great wisdom of African Traditions, guided by the
ancestors to accomplish immense task, and often serve as totem of reminders of the
rich knowledge and history shared amongst the tribes of Africa. The Camarilla is a
private traditional council existing amongst the forest tribes of Africa. Masks
themselves represent transformation or mediate between structures, often appearing in
rites of passage, they are used as conduits, paradigms, and operators in initiation
sequences which signifies the death of the old self and the rebirth of the new one.

From ancient tradition the country devil has represented chaos and confusion within
the community. Country devils symbolize the effects of negative behavior and how it
destroys the environment with which it terrorizes. Camarilla Mask represent peace,
order, unity, infinite love, respect, honor, valor, health, meditation, nature, wisdom,
power, and understanding. Each Mask represents the three pillars of the Camarilla
Mask Consciousness, which are Infinite Love, Ancestral Knowledge, and Divine

In West Africa when a divine being wants to exist in the physical and influence the
affairs of man. The host or receiver of that divine energy is contacted in dream and
instructed to commission a mask to be carved. The Grand Patron or Mask Patron sees
to it that the mask has it will. Divine beings only assist man when supreme balance is
to be established and social order restored. Each mask represents a discipline for
ascension, to humbly strive and learn supreme lessons of divine charity. An army
of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep. African

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but
not to them. Matthew 13:11
This theory is self-evaluation for the last remaining sacred vessels. These are
makeshift paragraphs from the great ones. Collegian militants get tested in faith after
cultures are over run. Blessedness, not material possessions, is the measure of right
knowledge. Consciousness is the programming language of the universe. What is not
realized is countries that think they are free and independent but are unconsciously to
afraid of being free and independent will beg to be governed. Our demons are in our
everyday life, the people we argue with, the people we envy or hate, the ones we
physically or emotionally harm. Knowing your own demons is the best method for
dealing with the demons of other people. Question your own actions, question your
own thought process, make conscious decisions based on what you think is right,
Right Now! Is Cosmic Camarilla Mask Consciousness. This pamphlet will
augment your reality to see what is. Contemplate during the dim hours of the night.
Let these words be a guide to your inner voyage, the absence of the old self, flirting
with the presence of truth.

!"#"$% '()* +, -.% /(0(1"22( 3(*45 /+$*6"+7*$%**

ACT 1.- The uianu Pation anu the chaiiman of the Cosmic Camaiilla
Consciousness is in powei to make law anu enfoice laws with the assistance of
the Nastei Teachei anu uianu Bouy of the Cosmic Camaiilla Consciousness. The
assistant uianu Pation is to assist the uianu Pation in all affaiis if he lives
accoiuing to infinite love, ancestial knowleuge, anu uivine cieativity anu is
known befoie the Avatais anu self initiateu vessels of the Cosmic Camaiilla

ACT 2.- All meetings aie to be openeu anu closeu piomptly accoiuing to the Yaya
Affiimation anu Infinite Love , Ancestial Knowleuge, anu Bivine Cieativity.
Sunuay is oui Boly Bay of iest, because accoiuing to the ancestois, Sunuay
iepiesenteu the gift of leaueiship, piospeiity, anu uivine piotection; foi that
cause Sunuay is the Boly Bay of all conscious vessels connecting to Camaiilla

ACT S.- Infinite Love, Ancestial Knowleuge, anu Bivine Cieativity must be
pioclaimeu by all who have Camaiilla Consciousness. No vessel is to put in
uangei oi falsely accuse his biothei oi sistei on any occasion at all which may
haim his biothei oi sistei because Stai (u0B,ALLAB) is Infinite Love.

ACT 4.- All conscious vessels must pieseive these Boly anu Bivine laws anu all
vessels must obey the laws of the uoveinment, because by having Cosmic
Camaiilla Consciousness, you aie pait anu paitial of the goveinment, anu live life

ACT S.-The Cosmic Camaiilla Consciousness is not to cause any confusion oi to
oveithiow the laws anu constitution of the saiu
goveinment but to obey heieby.
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

ACT 6.- The Cosmic Camaiilla Nask aie not to be woishippeu, they aie useu as
spiiitual auvisois anu guiues foi vessels on the quest to Cosmic Consciousness.
Passpoit mask aie useu as talisman anu goou totems foi cosmic piotection anu
uivine guiuance uuiing youi spiiitual jouiney.

ACT 7.- The Cosmic Camaiilla Consciousness is a non-incoipoiateu, non foi
piofit awaieness assembleu unuei the 0niveisal Laws of Buman Rights. Cosmic
Consciousness is obseiveu as an evei-evolving state of consciousness
manifesting constantly within the collective libeiateu conscious.!

Camarilla Divine Pillars

Ancestral Knowledge 4 (Masculine Energy) can be defined as your right to nature.
Nature is the phenomena of the physical world collectively, so we as the divine
vessel, posses the essential qualities and inherent features of Mother Nature. Fully
redeemed by divine grace, civilized and cultivated to accept divine access throughout
the cosmic hierarchy.

Infinite Love 3 (Feminine Energy) is unaltered truth. Infinite love exists in truth and
nothing but the truth. Children must know the law of love. Love, conscious Love is
Infinite Love. The Ego does not exist with love. For infinite love to exist the Ego
must be eradicated. Infinite Love is really only known by those who have incarnated
the soul.

Divine Creativity 7 (Divine Child) is the state of being awakened to be able,
meaning Power or Empowerment is cosmic energy and represents dynamic forces of
thought moving through the entire universe. Divine Creativity is the personification,
of divine father and divine mother united to trigger white lotus. Cosmic Existence as
well as liberation, in its most significant form of being is achieved in divine creativity.
The 16 tiibes iepiesent the setting Libeiia (mouein uay }eiusalem). Known foi
its civil wais anu plagues one of many Afiican countiies stiuggling while
wiestling with colonial poweis anu singulaiity. The complexity of mouein
heugeis obligateu tieacheiy. Ciauleu by the essence of giace is youi ietuin to
senioi mothei. 0niteu not gou but holuing man on faith by enlighteneu cause we
auoie valoi anu plan gieat. Chance favois captuieu piesents. That moment shall
align foi the 16 tiibes. Thiough 16 we get S2 anu 64 anu the piocess of initiation

In oiuei to have Camaiilla Nask" consciousness one must have knowleuge of
the mask.

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

/(0(1"22( 3(*45 8"*9+0

Nask Name: :(;(- is often iefeiieu to as the stoiytellei
the one who gatheis the gioup anu tones them in foi the
lesson. Stoiytelleis that speak ancient, piesent, anu futuie
knowleuge finuing cieative intiospective ways of ielate it
to the piesent. Yaya also maintains paitneiships with
ioyal families as auvisois, tutois, anu uiplomats. 0ften
peifoiming as couit musicians, tiansmitting theii
knowleuge thiough epic song poetiy anu stoiies. Bence
why Yaya was selecteu as the intiouuctoiy piece to the
Camaiilla Nask" Collection.

:(;( <,,"10(-"+$
!"# !"#$%& !($()%**( !"+#&%",#+-## %&'(&% )*&" &"# '+*,*&- &. %## /)"'&
*%/0 1"*2" ',,.)% -.3 &. 4*%2.5#( )"'& -.3 +#,*#5#0 1"#6#5#( -.3 '(# #78#(*#62*69
,*:*&'&*.6; %&'(& #7*%&*69 *6 *6<*6*&# =.%%*+*,*&- '64 >+364'62# )*&"*6 -.3; '% -.3;
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*::#4*'&#,- %&'(& &. #78#(*#62# &"'& 9(#'&#( A.%:*2 A.6%2*.3%6#%% &"'& -.3
',(#'4- '(#?

Nask Name: =2($9 /.( iepiesents Stiength anu Powei. It
embouies anu ieminus the vessel of the innei stiength that
we possess anu the peace anu tiiumph we exhibit when we
tap into this innate powei. =2($9 /.( tells us that we can
get thiough anything life thiows at us huit, heaitbieak, loss
of love, anu extieme haiuship.

=2($9 /.( >1+#%1?
./%01 0%$- 2-)#-3-)(+&- (+4 $-4%0(0%"+ 5- 1(3- 01-
(6%*%07 0" "3-)&"$- (** 01%+8#9 :%3%+8 ,# 01- 2"5-) 0"
#1(2- ",) ,+%3-)#- (+4 $(;- %0 5"); <") ,# (+4 +"0 (8(%+#0 ,#9.

=2($9 /.( is a constant ieminuei of the spiiit that enuows woman man with
this immeasuiable stiength anu powei that we all possess anu can use as a
instiument to cieate oui uestiny.

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

Nask Name: @"%A.%

Repiesents: Faith, Bope, Stiength, Peiseveiance, anu Piayeis

Cieate a vision boaiu, Reau youi histoiy (family, iace,
cultuie) Neuitate anu piepaie foi Y00R-stoiy, constantly
senuing eneigy towaiu what you envisage anu celebiate it
while you ieceive it.

@"%A.% >1(;%1
!"'6B% &. &"# C.%& D*9" E.4 .< #'(&"; )'&#(; <*(# '64 '*( <.(
&"# %8*(*& .< 8#(%#5#('62#0 F "'5# <.364 36G:#'%3(#'+,#
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-#%&#(4'-0 F :.5# *6 %8*(*&; &(3%&*69 &"'& &.:.((.) )*,, &'B# 2'(# .< *&%#,<0 F& 4.#%
6.& (#H3*(# :- '67*#&*#% .( <#'(%0 !.:.((.) ',)'-% 8(.5*4#%; 8(.&#2&%; '64 93*4#%
)"*,# ,#'4*69 *6&. &.:.((.)%0

Nask Name : !(1?+1;7 (Ba-boi-yu)- the chilu of an olu
woman oi man.

Tiibe: Bassa

Ritual: Seciet Intimacy

Repiesent: Spiiitual Blessing, The Spiiit that biings a
chilu. Blesses the home with infinite love, anu uivine
wishes. The spiiit of hope,, yeaining to be loveu, anu

Nask Name: B(0(4($C '(**%.CD)(.

D# ".,4% :#%%'9#% '64 %##B% &"# B6.),#49# .< I*<#0 J6,-
%8#'B*69 &. E.4; D# "'% 6#5#( %8.B#6 &. :'6; D# ".,4%
%#2(#&%0 D# *% ' 2'((*#( .< :#%%'9#%GB6.),#49#0

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

D# "'% 6. (#,*9*.60 D# 2'6 6#*&"#( +# 2',,#4 ' C3%,*:; A"(*%&*'6; @344"*%& .( K#);
+3& D# *4#6&*<*#% )*&" ',,0 L. D*% #'(% '(# .8#6 &. "3:'6*&-0

D# %##B% &. +# ".6#%&; %&(.69; B*64 '64 83(#; *6 #5#(- ).(,4 D# #7*%& '64 "'% #7*%&#4
*6; %. D# %##B% &"# <'2# .< E.4 :.(# &"'6 D# %##B% :'60 D# +'(% "*% :.3&" &. B##8
*6 D*% B6.),#49# +#2'3%# D# B6.)% 6.& )"'& :'6GB*64 *% (#'4- <.( .( )"'& :*9"&
2.:# .3& +3& 3%#% D*% "#'(& &. %8#'B &. E.40

Nask Name: E%2%6-(.

E,2%6-(. has Sieiia Leone oiigin in the mysteiy
systems of the Bogon Tiibe. Rflectah is a cosmic mask
that see's fai into the celestial. Rflectah iepiesents
something fantastic, wonueiful, that's has yet to be
seen. A celestial visionaiy that can only be channeleu
veiy scaicely howevei when channeleu, vessel has
visions of gieat anu gianu things anu attain an
incieuible awaieness. Rflectah is veiy mouein with
ancient beliefs. Rflectah is a cieol speaking entity
often migiating with the Rastafaiian movement
ielating to Empeioi Baile Salassie.

Nask Name: F10+;G

Noimoyee a feminine mask fiom the ancient Bassa
Tiibe, allows us to accept self belief anu
unueistanuing. She asks that we acknowleuge that
we aie all one of a kinu. Compaiing one's self to
anothei is not an option. We aie to be piouu of oui
uniqueness anu cast away self uoubt anu pity. 0ne
must not be afiaiu to uieam, uo not be afiaiu to be
youi own tiue self. 0nueistanu that you aie always
in the position to bettei youiself. Bo not ieceive
ciiticism negatively. Take it, apply it, anu watch
youiself blossoms into the being you weie cieateu
to be ages ago. Know that you aie bettei now than you evei have been befoie.
Noi-mo-yee can be calleu on in times of loss, uefeat, oi feai. She will fill youi
spiiit with light anu self woith.

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

Teims associateu with Noi-mo-yee: unique, positivity, ambition, peiseveiance,
piiue, joy, spiiitual wealth, success, evolves, self-love anu self woith.

Camaiilla Nasks aie uistiibuteu by
license only thiough the B-(1 ($9
B."%29 /2+-."$A Company out
of Noniovia, Libeiia. Licenses to
caive, maiket anu uistiibute aie
negotiateu thiough Stai anu Shielu
Clothing. Each Camaiilla Nask is
uniquely caiveu to society
specifications anu chiisteneu unuei iitual befoie it is ieleaseu to the public.
Camaiilla Nasks aie tiauitionally caiveu in tiue mahogany afiican woou anu
polisheu to the council liking. Some Camaiilla Nask contain cowiie shells, cowiie
shells weie among the uevices useu foi uivination by the Bogon
Tiibe astiologeis of Ancient Nali. Cowiie shells aie also woin as jeweliy oi
otheiwise useu as oinaments oi chaims. They aie vieweu as symbols of
womanhoou, feitility, biith anu wealth. The symbolism of the cowiie shells on
mask is associateu with the appeaiance of its unueisiue: the lengthwise opening
makes the shell look like a vulva oi an eye. " It is not enough to know the
Camaiilla Bivine Conscious (thiough stuuy of the mask concepts), you must
know what to uo, WBILE applying the Camaiilla Bivine Conscious".

=1%%-"$A* ($9 B(27-(-"+$*

The way someone is gieeteu speaks volume on the type of expeiience that
peison will have with you. vessels neeu be conscious of
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

the type of expeiience that is expeiienceu with otheis. The uivine eneigy shoulu
be ieveienceu anu the temple piepaieu to engage in human inteiaction.

Step 1
Bow anu Nake
Eye Contact

@.% /(0(1"22(
H($9*.(4% was put in place foi membei access to events anu meetings. The
bow is the act of loweiing the toiso anu heau as a social gestuie in uiiesction to
anothei peison symbol. Is most piominent amongst nobility anu
aiistociacy. Always executeu fiom the waist with the hanus by the siue, the bow
conveys uiffeient expiessions uepenuing on the following gestuie.

Theie aie uiffeient methous of bowing which
Camaiilla Nask" Conscious use howevei this
pamphlet will be uiscussing gieeting.

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

Step 2 (0ptional)
Infinite Love Salute
Salutation Is Followeu
S fingeis aie helu up to symbolize infinite love.
Resteu upon the heait aiea of the chest. This salutation is
uone to honoi the iecipient with infinite love.

Step 2 (0ptional)
Ancestial Knowleuge Salute
Salutation is followeu.
4 fingeis at iesting on
the siue slightly tilteu
foi the tiaineu eye to

@.% 3++$ is the natuial satellite of the planet Eaith. The
Noon is seconuaiy but most necessaiy. The moon
heavily influences human behavioi on a subconscious
level, emotional state anu uiiection in life. The cosmic
influence of the planetaiy bouies effects the vessel. The
Noon is the feminine piinciple in
the solai system.
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

@.% B7$ is the givei of light anu life the cential bouy
of the solai system. A peison oi thing iegaiueu as a
souice of gloiy oi inspiiation oi unueistanuing. The
masculine piinciple of the solai system iepiesenteu as
Ancestial Knowleuge. As the sun iises in the moining
so shall a man iise anu woik foi his family.

@.% I

In the Beginning, Nan (Not Nankinu) was full of
insight anu exeiciseu a spiiitual light that pouieu
out fiom between his eyesAn aiea that the
Elueis calleu the "The Thiiu Eye". Touay the "eye
of insight" locateu in the foieheau, which can be
activateu thiough meuitative piactice.


Relating to a ieligious movement of }amaican oigin
holuing that blacks aie the chosen people, that
Empeioi Baile Selassie of Ethiopia was the Nessiah,
anu that black people will eventually ietuin to
Afiica. Nembeis of the Rastafaiian ieligious
movement. Rastafaiians have a uistinctive coues of
behavioi anu uiess, incluuing the weaiing of
uieaulocks, smoking of
cannabis, iejection of Westein
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

meuicine, anu auheience to a uiet that excluues poik, shellfish, anu milk.


Locateu at the teiminus of foui majoi West Afiican language gioups, Libeiia has
as many as twenty uisciete inuigenous languages in use. Nany of these have
uialectal vaiiations. Thus, theie aie two vaiiations of the Kiahn language:
Eastein anu Westein Kiahn. Westein Kiahn is spoken in paits of Cote u'Ivoiie
anu Libeiia. Accoiuing to ieseaich, theie aie an estimateu 47,8uu Westein Kiahn
speakeis in Libeiia anu 12,2uu in Cote u' Ivoiie.
Nany of the inuigenous languages of Libeiia have maue the tiansition to
wiitten foim. A notable example is the vai sciipt, which is ienowneu as an
inuigenous Afiican invention. While the vai, Bassa, Kpelle, anu Loma languages
uevelopeu local sciipts, vai also evolveu its own liteiatuie. English is the official
language. Although only an estimateu 2u peicent of the population employ
English in official business, the language has been uomesticateu as in othei paits
of the woilu. This is in foim of coloqua, a language of commeice anu uiban life in
West Afiica. The Cieole foim of English, known as Libeiian English, seives as an
unofficial lingua fianca. Bowevei, the use of English is wiuespieau, iesulting
fiom the mannei of the establishment of the countiy, the impact of the meuia,
anu incieasing liteiacy iates.

Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia


Alauuia A Chiistian uenomination meaning "those who piay" (in Yoiuba, a
language spoken mainly in Westein Nigeiia).
Alhauj- Nuslim who has maue the pilgiimage to Necca anu Neuina.
Allah- "The Souice", Aim Leg Leg Aim Beau the embouiment of uivine
consciousness in the flesh.
Amma Amen- is the supieme cieatoi gou of the Bogon ieligion, whose effoits
initiateu the foimation of the univeise, the cieation of mattei, anu the piocesses
of biological iepiouuction.
Amon- Faithful, Biuuen, anu Loyal Aiamic Bebiew "Tiue Faith"
Anyun juwa ue- Weaveis (uola)
Aichitect- a peison who is iesponsible foi inventing oi iealizing a paiticulai
iuea oi pioject.
Autouiuact- a self-taught peison.
Awaken- aiouse fiom sleep; cause to stop sleeping
Bala- Xylophone (Kpelle)
Bilite- Tiauitional bone healei oi oithopeuic physician (Nanuingo).
Blokila- A mask with two piojecting cow hoins.
Bogaa- Inuigenous iice (Kiu anu Bassa)
Boo- Flute (Kpelle)
Boubou- Women's laige anu loose uiess shapeu like a gown.
Bugle- Type of Ban Nask
Chiistianity- the ieligion baseu on the peison anu teachings of }esus of
Nazaieth, oi its beliefs anu piactices
Cosmic- of oi ielating to the univeise oi cosmos, esp. as uistinct fiom the eaith
Ciie peiuu- Lost wax methou of biass casting.
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

Cultuie- the customs, aits, social institutions, anu achievements of a paiticulai
nation, people, oi othei social gioup
Banuai- Najoi foiest spiiits behinu Poio (Loma anu Banui); see Lanual Lanuai
Beangle- Type of Ban mask
Benuia- Seculai Songs (Bei).
Bogon Tiibe- is a mouein-uay Afiican people who live at the boiuei between
Nali anu Buikina Faso. 0ne of the last Afiican Tiibes that still piactice theie
tiauitional beliefs anu cultuie.
Biew Ali- Noble Biew Ali was the leau figuie in the
movement that emeigeu in noith Ameiica to
challenge segiegation calleu the Nooiish Science
Temple of Ameiica. (Pictuieu to the left)

Bu- Tutelaiy spiiit oi spiiit helpei, the foice behinu
eveiy cieatuie (Ban equivalent of 6#:#).
Bunuane- Lessei spiiits.
Fanga tanuegi- Nusical instiument foi piouucing
maitial music (Belle).
Fasting- is a spiiitual piactice known the woilu
ovei by mouein anu ancient cultuies. Auopteu by
shamanic tiibes foi magical anu uevotional puiposes
as it was founu to pioviue ceitain inteiesting iesults
psychologically, biologically, anu metaphysically.
Foofoo- Populai uish ueiiveu fiom piocesseu cassava.
Fieemason- a membei of an inteinational oiuei establisheu foi mutual help anu
fellowship, which holus elaboiate seciet ceiemonies.
ubo- Funeial uiiges (uio)
uihn- Talking uium
ule- Poweiful foiest spiiits believeu to empowei masks (Banuio).
ule va- uieat gle (Ban Nask)

Baile Selassie-

(1892-197S), empeioi of Ethiopia 19Su-74; boin
Tafaii Nakonnen. In exile in Biitain uuiing the Italian
occupation of Ethiopia 19S6-41, he was iestoieu to
the thione by the Allies anu iuleu until he was
ueposeu by a militaiy coup. (Pictuieu to the Left)

Ifa mo- Seciecy; liteially, "uo no speak it".
Islam- the ieligion of the Nuslims, a monotheistic
faith iegaiueu as ievealeu thiough Nuhammau as the
Piophet of Allah.
}inaa- Spiiits
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

}ollof Rice- Belicious iice uish; an amalgam of white iice anu vaiious
conuiments populai thioughout West Afiica.
Kamba Kangmba- Supieme Being (vai).
Kanya Kanjah- Belicious snack piouuceu fiom iice, peanuts, anu sugai.
Kaiamoko- Nuslim cleiic.
Kembe- Liteially, uncle (music instiuctoi foi the Poio, male counteipait of
Kengai- vai woman who supeivise Sanue musical activities; music anu uance
Kolako oi Bea- Seculai Songs (Bassa).
Kongoma- Inuigenous hanu piano.
Kpokpo- Inuigenous Cloth
Kuu (oi uemu)- uio coopeiative woik gioup.
Kwii- Westein Philosophy
Lanua Lanuai- Najoi foiest spiiit behinu Poio (see 4'64'*)
Lappa- Wiappei( women's gaiment wiappeu iounu the waist anu legs). S yaius
of West Afiican Fabiic.
Lemgbe- Seculai Songs (uola).

Libeiia- a countiy on the Atlantic coast of West
Afiica; pop. S,441,8uu (est. 2uu9); capital,
Noniovia; languages, English (official) anu
English-baseu piugin. Fiee

Lime- Caiveu woouen human figuies.
Nabole- Women of gieat spiiitual influence (Nenue).
Na go- Small masks, calleu passpoit mask (Ban).
Nama Kpon- A populai game playeu with seeu of the :' vine (Ban).
Neni-pelee- Nusical-uiamatic folktale of the Kpelle.
Noiiman- Nuslim spiiitualists
Negba- Taboos oi conventions goveining aitists' ielationships with theii 6#:#.
Neme- Aitists' tutelaiy spiiit oi spiiit helpei (uola anu vai).
Ramauan- 0ne-month manuatoiy Nuslim fast.
Rastafaiian- a iich Afiican tiauition populaiizeu by the Bonoiable Naicus
Nosiah uaivey, Ballie Selassie, anu Bob Nailey.
Sasaa- gouiu iattle (vai)
Shiik- Islamic funuamental uoctiine of monotheism.
Sowei- Nasks with high iiugeu haiistyle.
Spiiit- the nonphysical pait of a peison that is the seat of emotions anu
chaiactei; the soul. Such a pait iegaiueu as a peison's tiue self anu as capable of
suiviving physical ueath oi sepaiation
Stepi- Cloth uesign consisting of a set of steps.
Camaiilla Nask" Cultuie Stoie
}ean Tiavis Builuing Suite 2uu-B
Ranuall St. (Bowntown)
Noniovia, Libeiia

Suku- vai Nuslim musical genie (fiom Aiabic %"3B('6, to give thanks).
Suku-ba- Nuslim musician (vai).
System- (the system) the pievailing social oiuei of the 21
centuiy, set of
connecteu things oi paits foiming a complex whole.
Tan- Bance Song (uio).
Tombo- Bance (vai).
Tuku- Woouen Bium (Kiu).
Tuiu- Siue- blown hoin (Kpelle).
vai keseng- A ieal vai peison.
val kpolo- vai book.
vessel- (chiefly in oi alluuing to spiiitual use) a peison, esp, iegaiueu as holuing
oi embouying a paiticulai quality.
Waya- Seculai song (Palipo)
Wepliikiigle- Fun-making gle (Ban mask).
Wunkiilone oi wunkaue; singulai, wunkiile- Woman honoieu foi geneiosity
Wunkiimian oi wake mia- Ceiemonial laule (Ban).
Yala- Supieme Being (Kpelle)
Yaya- uouheau anu Nothei Nask of the Camaiilla Nask" Consciousness
Yombo- Seculai songs (uio)
Yun maku he- Woou caivei (uola)
Yun yai ene- Tailoi ("one who sews things") uola
Zlan- uou (Ban)
Zloo- Piaise Song (uio)
Zo- A Poio high piiest (pluial, M.#%).
Zonga- Poweiful meuicine men (Kpelle).
Zooba- Naskeu uancei in the Sanue Society, impeisonatoi of male ancestoi
watei spiiit.

These pamphlets anu piinciples evoke in us a sense of the uivine, holy, anu
sacieu. They aie means of accessing that highei consciousness that iest uoimant
in youi vessel. The masks have cieative sophisticateu meanings that aie meant
to optimize the minu of the beholuei. The univeisal templates, symbols anu ait
aie useu to tiansmit the language of magic. This usei evolving technology can
empowei the usei to optimize the founuation of uivine will if heshe so chooses.


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