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Vong Sokheng

and Kevin Ponniah

RIME Minister Hun
Sen yesterday sought
to distance himself
from the land dispute
epidemic plaguing Cambodia,
professing complete ignorance
of many of the cases and plac-
ing the onus primarily on pro-
vincial-level ofcials.
Warning ministers, provincial
governors and other ofcials
that he has no patience left,
the premier went so far as to
suggest that if they dont pro-
vide speedy resolutions, they
should leave their posts.
The reprimand comes as vil-
lagers from Snuol district in
Kratie and Lor Peang village in
Kampong Chhnang have trav-
elled to Phnom Penh in recent
weeks to seek resolutions to
their disputes, with the Snuol
families being violently halted
by authorities as they tried to
march on the premiers house
just yesterday.
These groups have followed
the well-trod path of many who
came to the capital to appeal
directly to the prime minister
the one person they believe can
help them in land battles with
private rms, a large number
of which, the opposition was
quick to point out, are directly
linked to ruling party politicians
or their families.
But yesterday, the premier
said his governments ofcials
in the provinces are simply not
listening or understanding
what needs to be done.
If I was in an opposition
party, I too would oppose [the
TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL


James Goyder
Reach, a 26-year-old Cam-
bodian mixed martial art-
ist, will enter the cage in
the ONE Fighting Cham-
pionship event Rise of the
Kingdom at the capitals
Koh Pich Theatre.
For Reach, who was born
in Brooklyn, New York, the
match will be his profes-
sional MMA debut. But
over the weekend, he made
his crime-ghting debut on
the streets of Phnom Penh
by foiling a robbery.
I just nished drop-
ping off my girlfriend at
her friends place because
they were catching an early
ride to the province and
I was on my motorcycle
driving home through the
Tuol Tompong [commune]
when I heard screaming
behind me and decided to
do a U-turn and go back,
to crime
The buck stops elsewhere
PM lays land dispute woes
at door of provincial officials
Sudden halt
A police ofcer tases a man from Kratie, one of 10 people injured when a mixed security force confronted a group of Snuol district villagers marching to the prime ministers house in
the capital to ask that Hun Sen intervene in a land dispute. PHA LINA
Continued from page 1
government on land issues].
The opposition was not just
protesting [without reason].
Look at villagers who have
been settled for many years
on land where [they] are now
not allowed to live but invest-
ment is allowed, he told an
audience of diplomats, minis-
ters, provincial governors and
other high-ranking ofcials at
the Peace Palace.
I am sorry, but this matter
of land disputes is happening
again and again.
If economic land conces-
sions overlap with land where
villagers are residing, he add-
ed, the people living there,
and not the rms, should be
given priority.
While Hun Sen said that vil-
lagers were not always right,
he called on government of-
cials to actually work to nd
solutions, instead of being
lazy and continuously de-
ploying police to block pro-
testing villagers.
He also warned authorities
to stop accepting petitions on
behalf of the government but
failing, he claimed, to actually
deliver them to his ofce in
Phnom Penh.
According to rights group
Licadho, more than 2.1 mil-
lion hectares of land has been
granted to land concession-
aires since 1993, with approxi-
mately 400,000 people in the
Kingdom having been affected
by land disputes since 2003.
In 2012, Hun Sen announced
a moratorium on new conces-
sions, a review of existing con-
cessions and a new land-titling
program carried out by youth
volunteers. However, disputes
have continued to are up
throughout the country.
It has been for very long un-
der the leadership of Hun Sen
that land disputes continue to
occur, he said yesterday. So
now I have to watch and take
action. If you dont work and
you dont like to work hard,
you can resign.
Citing the example of those
from Snuol in Kratie, Hun Sen
instructed Sar Chamrong, the
provincial governor, to resolve
the problem locally, and fail-
ing that, at the ministry level.
[Ofcials] are not resolving
the problem, and then let the
people come to Phnom Penh,
and when they arrive in Phnom
Penh, still no one resolves the
problem, he said, claiming to
have only learned about the
Kratie villagers coming to the
capital after seeing pictures of
them marching with his por-
trait in the newspaper.
Both Chamrong and Kam-
pong Chhnang Provincial
Governor Chhouk Chandoeun
said they were too busy to
comment yesterday following
the premiers admonition.
Um Mara, governor of Preah
Vihear, where land disputes
are rife, could not be reached.
But opposition spokes-
man Yim Sovann said that lo-
cal authorities should not be
blamed for failing to resolve
a problem the roots of which
can be traced to the top levels
of government.
Everyone is aware the top
leaders of the CPP are involved
and their families are involved
in illegal land grabbing. So I
think that local authorities or
the lower rank of government
ofcials, they should not be
blamed for that . . . I think this is
a lack of political will from the
top leaders of the CPP, he said.
When asked if he was refer-
ring to Hun Sen directly, So-
vann said he did not want to
name names but wanted to
talk about principles.
Civil society advocates yes-
terday said that by playing the
blame game, Hun Sen would
achieve little.
In my opinion, I see that the
prime minister always blames
his subordinates but not him-
self, said Vann Sophath, land
reform project coordinator
at the Cambodian Center for
Human Rights.
Blame is blame but [peo-
ple] are still stuck without any
resolution for land conict,
he added. Blaming is not the
resolution; law implementa-
tion is the resolution.
He added that although the
premier might point the nger
at his underlings, in a country
like Cambodia where the
power is with one person
people feel that only Hun Sen
can solve their problems.
This is especially true given
that so many conicts involve
the relatives of powerful peo-
ple and politicians, he said,
citing the infamous Boeung
Kak lake evictions, which in-
volved a rm owned by CPP
Senator Lao Meng Khin.
According to rights group
Adhoc, Hun Sen cannot pre-
tend he has only just come to
the realisation that land dis-
putes are legion.
People affected by land dis-
putes have been constantly
ling complaints to the PMs
cabinet and protesting in front
of Hun Sens house; NGOs and
the UN have been condemn-
ing violations and there are
reports of land violations in
the news daily. Moreover,
some of these disputes have
been ongoing for decades,
said Chan Soveth, deputy
head of land and natural re-
sources rights at Adhoc.
While yesterdays speech
would hopefully work to drive
action at the local level, past
statements in the same vein
have achieved little, he said.
But some embroiled in land
disputes were buoyed by the
prime ministers words.
Om Sophy, who represents
Lorpeang villagers locked in
a dispute with KDC Interna-
tional owned by the wife of
Minister for Industry, Mines
and Energy Suy Sem said
she was pleased Hun Sen had
said land disputes should be
resolved in favour of people,
instead of companies.
I hope that, with the prime
minister speaking out now,
the problem will be resolved.
And I hope that the premier
will not favour the wife of his
Suon Vicheka, a representa-
tive of the Snuol district vil-
lagers, said that if provincial
authorities had taken ap-
propriate action instead of
accusing the families of land
grabbing from a rubber rm
they would not have had to
come to Hun Sen.
We would not want to come
to the prime minister if those
relevant local authorities were
able to solve the problem for
us, he said.
PM promises to keep deal
Sixteen vendors repatriated
Meas Sokchea
THE National Assembly will hold a ses-
sion next Tuesday to elect internal lead-
ership positions according to an agree-
ment made by the ruling Cambodian
Peoples Party and opposition Cambo-
dia National Rescue Party on July 22 that
saw the CNRP join the assembly, Prime
Minister Hun Sen said yesterday.
Speaking at the Peace Palace, the pre-
mier said his partys lawmakers would
fulfil their promise to vote in CNRP offi-
cials as the first deputy parliamentary
president and the heads of five commis-
sions. Some of His Excellencies and
Her Excellencies speak about dead-
lock. I am not in deadlock. What dead-
lock? I have gone on working forever,
he told an audience that included gov-
ernment officials and representatives
of the international community.
But I would like to send a message
that there will be a vote next Tuesday
. . . and please do not worry, the Cam-
bodian Peoples Party will fulfil its
promise by voting for the candidates
from the National Rescue Party.
CPP lawmaker Nhem Thavy said the
12 current permanent committee
members of the assembly will meet on
Friday to prepare Tuesdays agenda.
He also confirmed that while five
commissions will be headed by each
party, the deputy chair of each com-
mission will be given to the party that
does not hold the chair.
It is good. This is equal power in the
parliament, he said.
Senior CNRP lawmaker Mu Sochua
said that while a Tuesday session was
the plan, it could not yet be considered
official as the oppositions 55 lawmak-
ers were yet to receive an invitation.
While Sochua declined to comment
on who would take what position, a
party source previously leaked that she
would head the commission on health
care, social and veterans affairs, youth
rehabilitation, labour, vocational train-
ing and womens affairs.
Other leaked names tapped for com-
mission and leadership posts are law-
makers Yim Sovann, Eng Chhay Eang, Pol
Ham and Yem Ponharith, slated to take
the other four CNRP commissions, and
deputy CNRP head Kem Sokha, set to be
first deputy president of parliament.
Phak Seangly
SIXTEEN Cambodian market vendors
were released and repatriated yester-
day, six days after they were initially
imprisoned in a Thai jail.
The workers were arrested on Thurs-
day after allegedly being caught smug-
gling counterfeit clothing over the Poi-
pet border for sale at the nearby Rong
Kluea market in Sa Kaeo province.
The workers release followed a mass
vendor protest over the weekend that
shut down the border crossing and
resulted in negotiations between
worker representatives and govern-
ment officials from both countries.
During Mondays court hearing in
Thailand, the 16 workers submitted a
thumb-printed document claiming
the fake goods did not belong to them
and that they were responsible only for
transporting merchandise, according
to consular-general Neth Saray.
Provincial Governor Korsam Saroeut
urged the workers upon their return to
respect the law so that no further
customs arrests occur.
Safrole oil found buried
May Titthara
HUGE stockpile of safrole
oil a precursor in the
production of chemicals,
including illegal narcotics
has been seized in southwest Cam-
bodia after police informants alerted
the authorities to its location.
More than 3,200 litres of the oil
were found stashed in 109 cases bur-
ied underground in Pursat provinces
Veal Veng district, district police chief
Theang Len said.
The reason we know they were
hidden underground is because we
have our informants in the area. Peo-
ple tipped us off after they dug the soil
and broke some of the cases. They
could smell it; they called our forces
and we dug them out, he said.
Safrole oil is extracted from the
roots and bark of sassafras plants,
which include a variety of tree found
in the Cardamom Mountains known
locally as mreach prov.
The oil is typically used in the
manufacture of pesticides and other
chemicals but can also be used as a
key precursor of drugs such as ecsta-
sy and MDMA.
Police said yesterday they suspect-
ed the area was still being used to
produce safrole oil since the authori-
ties impounded about 600 litres in a
similar bust last year.
The oil is a source of drugs pro-
duction, Len said.
He added that police had identi-
ed multiple suspects, who were
residents of Kampong Chhnang
After the investigation is complet-
ed, we will send the evidence to the
provincial police station, but we will
still conduct further investigation
and arrest more suspects and bring
them to justice, he said.
In October, 2005, the Ministry of
Interior wrote to the Ministry of Ag-
riculture, Forestry and Fisheries to
advise the Forestry Administration
to stop all production of safrole oil
because in its rened form it can be
used in drug production.
In June last year, the agriculture
ministry granted tycoon Try Pheap
the rights to collect and process yel-
low vine at the Tatai hydropower
reservoir in Veal Veng. Yellow vine
has also been linked to safrole oil
Khieu Samorn, acting director of
the Anti-Drug Trafcking Depart-
ment at the Ministry of Interior, said
if the oil was processed in certain
ways it could be legal.
If it is rened it in a good way, it is
good, he said.
But if not, it is illegal.
Police ofcers seize a huge stockpile of safrole oil that was found buried underground
in cases in Pursat province. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Buck stops elsewhere
Protesters from Kratie displaying images of Hun Sen and his wife, Bun Rany, are confronted by security
forces on the way to the prime ministers house yesterday. PHA LINA
The article CNRP to probe organ claims
refers to opposition lawmaker Mu
Sochua as the head of the National As-
sembly Commission on Health, Labour,
Veteran, Social and Womens Affairs and
Vocational Training. While sources have
leaked to the Post that Sochua has been
selected by her party to head this com-
mission, she has not yet been elected to
the post.
Pech Sotheary

T LEAST 10 people, one a 4-year-
old child, were injured in a clash
in the capital yesterday when se-
curity forces used electric batons
to disperse about 300 villagers from Kratie
province embroiled in a land dispute with
a South Korean agrorm.
The villagers, from Kraties Snuol district,
set out on a march at about 7am from the
Samaki Rainsy pagoda, where they have
been living for the past month, to the Na-
tional Assembly, where they intended to
submit a petition to lawmakers.
Out Seanghai, a villager taking part in
the march, called on lawmakers to accept
the petition. Please, lawmakers, help us
solve this land dispute, which has been
going on since the provincial authorities
grabbed our land, she said.
After waiting for almost two hours, three
opposition Cambodia National Rescue
Party lawmakers came out to receive the
petition. No ruling Cambodian Peoples
Party members followed suit.
The villagers then headed towards
Prime Minister Hun Sens house, but were
met by more than 100 mixed security
forces before they reached the mansion
on Sihanouk Boulevard.
The security forces used batons, shields
and electric batons to disperse the crowd,
injuring a number of the villagers, includ-
ing a 4-year-old boy who was shocked
with a taser.
Suon Vicheka, a villager wearing a CPP
T-shirt, said he was disappointed at the
use of force against peaceful protesters.
The villagers just came to request in-
tervention and land certicates. We didnt
want anything else, and nothing has hap-
pened since our land was measured in
2012, he said.
Phnom Penh Deputy Governor Khuong
Sreng defended the attack.
The protest is the peoples right, but it
should not affect other people or block
the road like this. That is why this morn-
ings events happened, he said.
The villagers claim they started living
on the disputed land in Snuol commune
in 2000, before Horizon Agriculture De-
velopment Company moved in to set up
a cassava and pepper plantation.
A separate group of protesters from the
same area, who came to Phnom Penh in
May to protest against a rubber company,
accepted a 750-hectare social land con-
cession after staging several protests.
CNRP whip Son Chhay said yesterday
that he would seek a resolution to the vil-
lagers dispute by forwarding their claims
to the National Assemblys permanent
committees for discussion.
Cambodia Community Justice Assistance Partnership
Provincial Program Adviser
Exciting opportunity on Australian Aid funded project
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URS has been appointed as the Implementing Service Provider for this Australian Aid funded
The Cambodia Community J ustice Assistance Partnership (CCJ AP) continues the support that
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munity oriented and locally owned and administered program of support to provide communities
with equitable access to justice.
The aim of CCJ APis to provide safer communities for women, youth and children through less
crime. CCJ AP will work toward strengthening court and prison systems through more effective
management of pre-trial arrangements, use of non-custodial sentencing and improved prisons.
The Provincial Program Ofcer will be responsible for working with RGC agencies and other
communities, civil society and private sector stakeholders at sub-national and commune levels
to plan and implement activities supporting the CCJ AP partnership themes and end-of-program
outcomes that align with the RGC Legal and Judicial Reform Strategy. The provincial program
ofcer will play an active role to support integration of activities from a menu of options focusing
on Crime Prevention and Community Safety into the annual planning processes led by Provincial
and District Coordinating Committees.
To be successful in this role, candidates must have:
A minimum of 5 years experienceson a multidisciplinary team in a complex project man-
agement environment in Cambodia.
Familiarity with the RGC National Strategic Development Plan, Legal and Judicial Reform
Understanding of the current Decentralisation and Deconcentration (D & D) reforms and
the NCDDS 3-year Implementation Plan (IP3).
You must be eligible to work in Cambodia to apply.
For further information on this role and to apply go to
and enter the job code 633.
Applications close 31
August, 2014
Enquiries can be directed to
Australian Aidmanaged by URS on behalf of the Australian Government
URS is an equal opportunity employer of choice and is committed to child protection.
We encourage women and men to apply.
Capital clash sees 10 injured
Villagers from Snuol district in Kratie province clash with authorities in Phnom Penh over a land
dispute. HONG MENEA
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
FIVE people were convicted
yesterday and sentenced to
prison terms of varying lengths
for their roles in an embezzle-
ment scheme at Canadia Bank
last year that resulted in losses
of as much as $2.7 million.
As the schemes mastermind,
30-year-old Yet Sopheaktra,
formerly in charge of creating
ATM cards at the bank, was
sentenced to ve years.
Sopheaktras mother, Chak
Kimheng, received two years,
a sentence changed to time
served due to severe health
problems. Sun Saonin, the
33-year-old boyfriend of
Sopheaktra, also received
two years, as did the other
two suspects, 34-year-old
Leng Sokry, who worked in
the ATM division, and Tep
Winchanthy, 28, who was
sentenced in absentia.
All received nes and were
ordered to pay back the full
amount stolen.
It is ordered that the ve
accused jointly pay a total
of $2.7 million for damages
and pay $200,000 in com-
pensation to Canadia Bank as
plaintiff, said Kor Vandy, pre-
siding judge at Phnom Penh
Municipal Court.
Sopheaktra declined to
comment yesterday, but dur-
ing her trial said she created
fake ATM cards in the names
of the other suspects and
used them to withdraw more
than $2.3 million not the
$2.7 million alleged from
March to October of last year.
She later poured the funds
into investments and gam-
bling, she said at the time of
the trial, in March.
I withdrew between
$10,000 to $20,000 [at a time]
from the ATM, and as I re-
member it, from March to Oc-
tober 2013, I have withdrawn
more than $2.3 million from
Canadia Bank, she said.
The Ministry of Interiors
serious penal police forc-
es arrested four of the ve
suspects on October 3. At
the trial, all but Sopheak-
tra denied being part of the
scheme, though her boy-
friend said that he was aware
of a $10,000 withdrawal.
Canadia Bank attorney Te
Chamnan told reporters out-
side the courtroom yesterday
that the verdicts were fair
and could be accepted.
Five guilty in $2.7M
inside job at Canadia
Not over yet
Floods abate
but ofcials
still cautious
HE death roll from
ooding reached 35
yesterday, even as the
Mekongs waters in Cambodia
gradually receded, National
Committee for Disaster Man-
agement president Nhim
Vanda said.
While lower parts of the
Mekong flooded last week
because waters retreated in
its upper parts, all affected
areas are now experiencing a
steady decline in water levels,
said Mao Hak, director of the
Hydrological Department at
the Ministry of Water Resour-
ces and Meteorology.
The water is going down
step by step, but it could be up
at the end of the month or in
early September, he said.
Although the situation
is slowly improving, Hak
appealed for people living
along flooded areas to remain
In a Council of Ministers
meeting on July 15, Prime
Minister Hun Sen advised all
local and provincial authori-
ties to take action for peoples
safety in case floodwaters
were to rise again. PECH
Abuse of migrants rife: report
Shane Worrell, Alice Cuddy and Daniel Pye

ROM forced marriage in Chi-
na to daily 20-hour shifts on
shing boats, most Cambo-
dian workers face some kind of
abuse when they leave the country to
escape desolate work opportunities
and low wages, a report from the Com-
munity Legal Education Center says.
Released last night, The Risk of Move-
ment: Migration in Cambodia 2013
details the experiences of workers that
CLEC helped free from abusive situa-
tions last year.
More often than not, Cambodian
workers will . . . experience abuse at the
hands of their employers in their desti-
nation countries, the report says, add-
ing that the NGO worked on more than
100 cases of trafcking in 2013.
Although most workers are largely
migrating voluntarily, low wages and
limited opportunities domestically are
proving push factors, forcing those
desperate for money to take risks.
As a direct result of wage dissatisfac-
tion, many Cambodians have reported
that they are being forced to migrate to
other countries within the region for
any hope of receiving a higher wage,
the reports says, adding that the King-
dom has not kept apace with the region
when it comes to wage increases.
Among the patterns of labour migra-
tion complaints identied in the report
are those stemming from domestic
workers in Malaysia.
While a moratorium was placed on
sending maids to Malaysia in 2011
amid mounting concerns over abuses,
CLEC has continued to receive com-
plaints of abuse, forced labor, and debt
bondage at an alarming rate, with 35
new complaints of domestic worker
abuse received in 2013 alone.
As reported in the Post earlier this
month, CLEC says the Cambodian
governments provisional allowance of
contract and visa extensions for Cam-
bodian domestic workers who traveled
to Malaysia prior to the ban have led
to a relatively high number of reports
of forced contract extensions.
When it comes to passports, many
Cambodians, unable to afford one,
have migrated illegally, while the sys-
tem has fuelled a culture of a debt
bondage, in which workers are bound
to illegal brokers.
The problem of women going to
China on the promise of high-paying
garment work then being forced into
marriage was made worse by unhelp-
ful Cambodian ofcials at embassies
and consulates, the report says.
Despite constant communication
and several requests for assistance,
the Cambodian consulate service took
an average [of ] more than four weeks
to assist the victims in each case a
period of time in which the victims
were told to return to the homes of
their husbands.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokes-
man Koy Kuong denied yesterday that
embassies and consulates were react-
ing slowly to the complaints of victims.
We are trying our best to help
them back as early as possible, he
said. We try to work with Chinese
authorities. When we get complaints
from relatives, we . . . contact them
To address abuses, CLEC urged the
government to revamp the system of
recruitment by instituting a maximum
waiting time for jobs, adjusting pass-
port fees, and requiring a maximum
deposit and recruitment cost, as well
as government monitoring.
It also recommended improvements
to domestic labour conditions and
practices that could make the local la-
bour market more attractive.
These included a living wage in the
region of $160 per month.
Asked whether higher wages in Cam-
bodia would help more workers stay at
home, Kuong said he had no idea and
that workers had freedom of choice
to migrate if they wanted to.
Council of Ministers spokesman
Phay Siphan could not be reached.
Migrants returning home from Thailand arrive at the Poipet border on June 6. VIREAK MAI
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Phak Seangly

ORE than ve
years ago, Nam
Sims son, Oeurng
Thy, was shot in
the back by a member of the
military police after being
handcuffed over a minor scuf-
e. Now, three years to the day
after the Appeal Court ruled
that the ofcer owed her son
some $5,000 in damages, the
family has yet to see a single
riel in compensation.
According to Sim, Thy went
to work as a trader in Poipet
in 2009. That July, as he and
seven other workers were
transporting goods back from
the border, a group of people
on motorbikes began pelting
their truck with stones. The
two groups fought until police
intervened, arresting Thy and
his companions.
The military policeman
Cheth Somnang arrested my
son and his co-workers and
handcuffed them, Sim said.
They argued, and suddenly
Chheth Somnang kicked my
son [to the ground] and took
out a gun and shot my son in
the upper back.
The bullet exited the right
side of his chest.
Records drafted by the Ban-
teay Meanchey provincial
health department at the time
said Thys condition is bad,
since the bullet ran through
his right lung; he has lost a lot
of blood, is tired and has chest
pain, difculty breathing and
low blood pressure. Sim said
his treatment cost $15,000,
and forced the family to put its
land in hock.
In 2010, the Banteay
Meanchey Provincial Court
found Somnang, the ofcer,
guilty in the shooting. A subse-
quent 2011 decision from the
Appeal Court ordered him to
pay Thy 20,000,000 riel (about
$5,000), court records show.
But the money never came.
Sim appealed to the minister of
justice, Ang Vongvattana, who
in April 2013 told the Banteay
Meanchey court to implement
the Appeal Courts decision, all
to no result.
Until now, I have not re-
ceived any compensation, and
the court told me to nd Som-
nang by myself, Sim said.
Huon Chundy, a program
manager for the Community
Legal Education Center, said
yesterday that victims some-
times have to seek payment
from defendants themselves.
I cant say [whether] there
are a lot [of such cases] or not,
but there are some cases like
that, where the victor loses the
right to ask for the compensa-
tion because of the statute of
limitations, he said, noting
that the system places a burden
on ordinary citizens.
Many people do not under-
stand the law, he said. Its a
complicated procedure.
Whats more, he said, under
the civil and criminal codes,
a legal entity, in this case
the provincial military police,
should be held liable for paying
compensation when an infrac-
tion is committed by its mem-
bers during working hours.
Banteay Meanchey court
clerk Sun Rattana said yester-
day that Sim should le her
documents so he could check
them. Somnang could not be
reached for comment, but his
commander, Or Borin, said he
is still working as an ofcer.
Let the court take legal action
against him, he said. ADDITIONAL
Compensation proves elusive
Oeurng Thy (foreground) recovers in hospital in 2009 after being shot
through the back by police while handcuffed. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Chhay Channyda
A UNION leader was detained
briey by police in Svay Rieng
province yesterday while
peacefully monitoring a gar-
ment worker strike.
According to striking worker
Pum Sokunthy, 25-year-old Tun
Saren, the director of the Svay
Rieng branch of the Collective
Union of Movement of Work-
ers (CUMW), was arrested at
about 9:30am after hundreds
of You Li International (Cam-
bodia) employees blocked
National Road 1 in front of the
factory while negotiations were
taking place inside.
I and other CUMW repre-
sentatives were negotiating
with labour ofcers and the
deputy town governor when
people in the union said Tun
Saren was picked up . . . [so]
we put off the negotiations,
Sokunthy said.
He added that workers
marched to the provincial po-
lice station, where Saren was
being held, to demand his re-
lease, which was granted at
around 1:30pm.
The strike, which had en-
tered its fth day yesterday, had
nearly come to a close with only
two of 10 points including bo-
nuses and the wages of seam-
stresses left to be settled.
Following his release, Saren
told the Post he had refused
requests from the police to end
the strike.
They asked me to thumb-
print [a document] and take
responsibility for the road
block and stop striking, but
I did not, he said. Im not
afraid of any threat.
CUMW president Pav Sina
said Sarens arrest was intended
to dispirit protesters, adding
that union representatives are
regularly targeted. We just use
our roles to protect workers,
but we are under threat of be-
ing arrested.
Ou Sokhoeun, deputy direc-
tor of the Labour Department
in Svay Rieng, and represen-
tatives of You Li could not be
reached yesterday to conrm if
a nal deal had been reached.
A separate factory in Phnom
Penhs Vattanac 2 Industrial
Park was ordered yesterday to
cease operations until an in-
spection into mass fainting had
been completed, ofcials said.
Teb Bunthen, Kraing Ponro
commune police chief, said
eight workers from Newpex
factory fainted last week and
. . . [were] still not well [yester-
day] but came to work and
fainted again.
Union leader arrested
at strike in Svay Rieng
I have not received
any compensation,
and the court told
me to find Somnang
by myself
Long arm of law meets
clenched fist of drunk
A 32-YEAR-OLD in Phnom
Penhs Tuol Kork district was
arrested early yesterday morn-
ing for allegedly taking a drunk-
en swing at a cop. Police said
the man was driving home from
a boozy party when he hit a
parked car. Cops, responding to
a call from the cars owner,
were trying to arrest the sus-
pect when he lashed out,
punching an officer in the face.
Undeterred, the police hauled
the man to the station, where
they determined he was simply
too drunk to control himself.

Bad-luck builder beats
buddy over phone row
STRONG drink and bad luck left
a construction worker in
Phnom Penhs Sen Sok district
a little grumpier than usual on
Sunday. According to police, the
builder had lost a lot of money
drunkenly gambling with his co-
workers. When one of them
unceremoniously grabbed his
phone to play a game, it was
just too much to bear, allegedly
prompting the suspect to punch
and kick his colleague until he
fell from his bed. The victims
family filed a complaint, and the
suspect was arrested and
reportedly confessed the same
Suspicious duo busted
after making run for it
THE road to Kampong Thom
proved too long for two alleged
thieves in Kampong Cham town
on Sunday. Police said the two
were spotted riding a motorbike
with a suspicious air and
refused to stop when asked.
After a chase, police nabbed the
duo, who said they had broken
into a home, taken the bike and
were headed to Kampong
Thom to sell it. Now police in
Kampong Cham are cooperat-
ing with police in Kampong
Thom to catch the two would-
be buyers. NOKORWAT
Drug den, delivery men
busted due to tipster
FOUR men were arrested in the
bust of a reputed meth den in
Kampong Chhnang town on
Sunday. Acting on a tip, police
raided the home of a local
32-year-old, finding three small
packets of methamphetamine
and drug paraphernalia. The
man and his three guests were
arrested in the house, which
police believe was used as a
staging area and drug den,
while the three guests were
thought to be drug delivery
Household heist lands
duo in the big house
A BIG haul in Phnom Penhs
Tuol Kork district turned into a
big headache for two alleged
burglars on Sunday. According
to police, an assistant to a court
prosecutor was staying over-
night with his uncle when the
two alleged burglars broke into
his home, nabbing a desktop
computer, two scanners, a
printer and a CD player. After
receiving the complaint, howev-
er, police tracked down one
suspect who quickly gave up his
accomplice, who was arrested
the same day. KOHSANTEPHEAP
Translated by Phak Seangly
Chea team
working to
oust judges
Two years
for massage
shop owner
Stuart White
THE defence for Nuon Chea at
the Khmer Rouge tribunal is
making good on its promise to
seek the disqualification of the
current panel of trial chamber
judges, according to an August
11 memo posted to the courts
website yesterday.
Based on the courts guilty ver-
dict in the recently concluded
Case 002/01, and its decision on
the witnesses and civil parties to
be heard in that case, the
Defence intends to apply for the
disqualification of [trial cham-
ber] President NIL Nonn and
judges YA Sokhan, Jean-Marc
from any further trials in Case
002, the memo says. Judge Silvia
Cartwright is already expected to
leave before September 1.
Nuon Chea legal consultant
Doreen Chen, who sent the
memo, goes on to say the defence
expects to file its application at
the same time as its notice of
appeal of the Case 002/01 Judg-
ment, shortly before or on Mon-
day, 8 September 2014.
Cheas defence announced its
intention to seek the judges
disqualification after the August
7 judgment, citing what seemed
to them as a strong bias against
our client.
In a separate memo filed four
days after the Chea teams, trial
chamber president Nonn asked
the courts Judicial Administra-
tion Committee to constitute a
panel of judges from amongst
the ECCC judges in order to deal
with the matters raised by the
NUON Chea Defences email
and the application when it
is made.
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
A MASSAGE shop owner was
yesterday sentenced to two
years in prison after a Phnom
Penh Municipal Court judge
ruled that there was sufficient
evidence to show her staff had
accepted money to have sex
with customers.
Mach Ny, also known as Long
Srey, 37, was arrested on Feb-
ruary 10 this year on prostitu-
tion charges after a raid on her
shop in the capitals Por Sen
Chey district.
The court convicts her to
two years in prison, said the
judge, Kim Rath Narin. The
accused has the right to appeal
this decision in the next
30 days.
Um Sopheak, a deputy pros-
ecutor, said officers who raided
Nys shop had discovered three
of her staff engaged in sexual
intercourse with customers.
Seven young women all
working as massage staff were
detained after the raid and
later released after being edu-
cated by police, he added.
Ny a widow and mother
and her defence lawyer could
not be reached for comment

Only 30 pct passed exam: PM
Chhay Channyda

RE-EMPTING the of-
cial announcement
of the national exam
results, Prime Minister
Hun Sen yesterday declared
true his prediction that most
grade 12 students would unk
the high-stakes test.
Only 30 per cent of the
more than 93,000 test takers
achieved a passing score this
year, according to the premier.
An educational reform is now
going on . . . its not like before
when more than 80 per cent
passed, he said at a ceremony
at the Peace Palace yesterday.
The prime minister blamed
this years dismal results on
stricter measures against for-
merly widespread cheating
and test leakage, and repeated
his decision to hold a retest on
October 13.
Hun Sen also declared yes-
terday that from this coming
academic year onwards, school
will start in October, one month
later than usual, in order to ac-
commodate ooding.
The new school year will run
from late October or early No-
vember until July.
The latest of the prime min-
isters recent slew of education
pronouncements was met
with criticism yesterday from
educators, who took issue with
the one-man program.
The prime minister just uses
a microphone and a stage to
announce education reforms or
changes without any real plan,
said Rong Chhun, president of
the Cambodian Independent
Teachers Association.
Like setting a new date for
the beginning of the school
year due to oods, the govern-
ment only has to shout and it is
done, [but] they should at least
issue a directive rst.
Ofcials from the Ministry of
Education could not be reached
for comment yesterday.
However, in an effort to con-
textualise this years national
exam outcome, the ministry
posted on Friday the test re-
sults from the 1980s onwards.
In 1994, the ministry gures
revealed that only 4 per cent of
students passed. The number
of passing students increased
every year onwards, however,
until last year when 87 per cent
passed. From 1995 to 1999, each
initial exam round was followed
by a retest, setting a precedent
for this years redo.
A teacher guides students through exercises in Phnom Penh in March. Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday
that only 30 per cent of more than 93,000 grade 12 test takers passed this year. PHA LINA
Chan Muyhong
HINA will work with
Cambodian ofcials
to broaden the range
of agricultural prod-
ucts that the Asian economic
giant allows to be imported
from the Kingdom, govern-
ment ofcials said yesterday.
Ken Ratha, spokesman for
the Ministry of Commerce,
conrmed that Chinas Gen-
eral Administration, Qual-
ity Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine (AQSIQ) had
agreed to establish a joint task
force, which will develop a
new Sanitary and Phytosani-
tary (SPS) protocol, granting
more Cambodian agricultural
produce, such as pepper, man-
gos and cashews, access to the
Chinese market.
This SPS certicate is an im-
portant step towards market
expansion for our agriculture
products, Ratha said, adding
that historically Cambodian
farmers have been forced to
rely on Thai or Vietnamese
buyers to relay their produce
onto to the Chinese market.
Chinas General Adminis-
tration has nal say over all
product quality and safety of
imported food in China. Cur-
rently, China only allows Cam-
bodian rice and cassava into
their market due to General
Administrations strict sanita-
tion regulations.
We will be able to reduce
our reliance on neighbouring
countries as markets for our
crops and be able to directly
export to China. Having Chi-
na as a market, farmers will
have more condence about
demand and pricing of their
products, Ratha said.
According to Ratha, the min-
istries of agriculture and com-
merce will work together to se-
lect a committee for the joint
task force. Once the protocol
has been nalised, guidelines
and standards will be dis-
persed to Cambodian farmers.
In addition to opening the
trade lines between China and
Cambodia for products such
as fruit, cashew nuts and rub-
ber, China has also agreed to
amend rice import protocols
to include broken rice.
Hun Lak, president of rice
exporter Mekong Oryaza
Trade, said China is a key mar-
ket for Cambodias rice sector
after the European Union.
Though Cambodia is grant-
ed [duty-free status in the EU
through its Everything But
Arms scheme], it will not be
forever. So we have to expand
our market to countries like
China, Lak said.
I expect more demand from
China if Cambodia does well
on producing good quality
rice and supplies it on time,
he said.
Meas Leun, a cassava and
corn farmer in Pailin province,
welcomed the news, saying it
could potentially release him
from selling to Thai traders
who then export to China.
This is very good news. I
hope farmers will be able to
sell their crop at a higher price
and have a more stable mar-
ket, he said.
Leun added that the govern-
ment should focus on ensuring
the proposed statndards were
well documented and clearly
communicated to farmers
once they are established.
Indicative Exchange Rates as of 18/8/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.
New airline
gets closer
to launch
Hor Kimsay
CAMBODIA Bayon Airlines will
soon import two Modern Ark 60
aircrafts from the state-owned
Aviation Industry Corporation of
China (AVIC), with plans to begin
domestic flights before the end
of the year, a company repre-
sentative said yesterday.
Bayon will sign an agreement
with AVIC on Thursday the
same day the company
announces its official establish-
ment in Cambodia, said Taing
Chung Leang, vice president of
parent company Bayon Hold-
ings Limited.
We will fly regularly from
Phnom Penh to Siem Reap every
45 minutes, he said, adding that
flights from Phnom Penh to
Sihanoukville will be scheduled
twice a day.
Chung Leang said the new air-
crafts can carry up to 50 passen-
gers and the company plans to
expand its fleet to five planes by
the end of 2015.
We see a big potential in
domestic flight market as the
number of tourists in Cambodia
increase annually.
The firm is in the process of
applying for an Air Operators
Certificate from the Secretary of
State Secretariat of Civil Aviation
of Cambodia (SSCA).
Keo Sivorn, director general at
the SSCA, told the Post that Bay-
on was on track to receive their
licence by the end of the year.
Their working process is
modern and quicker compared
to other companies that we are
used to working with.
Quality control to lift exports
A rice farmer in Kampong Cham lays his rice in the sun. HONG MENEA
Eddie Morton
JAPANESE nancial rm Sumi-
tomo Mitsui Banking Corpora-
tion (SMBC) has agreed to buy
out the International Finance
Corporations (IFC) stake in
Acleda Bank for more than
$100 million.
Pending approval from the
National Bank of Cambodia,
the IFC member of the World
Bank Group conrmed with
the Post yesterday that it has
sold its 27.6 million shares, or
12.25 per cent stake in Acleda
Bank to SMBC for $110 million.
With its nancial strength
and expertise, we believe Sumi-
tomo Mitsui Banking Corp. is
a strong strategic partner that
can support Acledas continued
long-term growth and contrib-
ute to Cambodias economic
development and job creation,
Adel Meer, IFCs nancial insti-
tutions group manager for East
Asia and the Pacic was quoted
saying in a statement yesterday.
The share sale concludes a
15-year partnership between
the IFC and Acleda Bank, and
marks the end of the local
banking rms 20-year reliance
on international assistance or-
In Channy, president and
CEO of Acleda said bringing on
SMBC as a major shareholder
will best help the bank target
corporate clients.
We already established a
Foreign Corporate Desk with
SMBC, Channy said.
We can provide a full pack-
age of nancial services and
products to our corporate cus-
tomers from nancing, cash
management, payroll service,
to international trade.
SMBCs purchase of 12.25 per
cent of Acledas share capital
makes the rm equal with Hong
Kong-based JSH Asia Holdings
and COFIBRED, a subsidiary
of the French banking group
BRED Banque Populaire, as pri-
mary shareholders.
Masayuki Shimura, head
of Asia Pacic division and
emerging markets SMBC, said
his rms purchase was in fact
an extension of an existing rela-
tionship with Acleda.
In view of the expanding
Cambodian economy, SMBC
signed a memorandum of
understanding for a business
alliance with Acleda Bank in
August 2012 and has been pro-
moting business cooperation
since then, he said.
CHINA has now accused Mer-
cedes-Benz, a unit of German
car giant Daimler, of price-
xing, state media reported,
amid an ongoing anti-mo-
nopoly investigation into for-
eign carmakers.
Pricing authorities in the
eastern province of Jiangsu
have collected evidence that
Mercedes-Benz controlled
prices of its spare parts and
maintenance services, the of-
cial Xinhua news agency re-
ported on Saturday.
The total cost of all spare
parts for a Mercedes-Benz C-
class could be 12 times more
than a nished model, the re-
port said, citing data from an
industry group.
The Benz case involves typ-
ical vertical price-xing, Zhou
Gao, head of anti-monopoly
department at the Jiangsu
price bureau, told Xinhua.
The bureau was designated
by Chinas National Develop-
ment and Reform Commis-
sion (NDRC) one of several
Chinese government bodies
that is tasked with investigat-
ing violations of the countrys
anti-monopoly law to
probe Mercedes-Benz for
alleged monopoly actions,
Zhou explained.
A Daimler spokesperson
conrmed yesterday that the
company was still assisting
Chinese authorities in an in-
vestigation but declined to
comment further on the Xin-
hua report.
We are unable to comment
further on what is still an on-
going matter, the company
said in a statement provided
to AFP.
Mercedes-Benz said in
early August that it will cut
spare parts prices from Sep-
tember in response to the
anti-monopoly investigation
by NDRC.
The case comes against the
backdrop of a sweeping probe
into foreign rms in China,
which has spread from phar-
maceuticals and baby formula
to the auto sector, the worlds
largest but dominated by for-
eign brands.
More than 1,000 companies
in the countrys auto sector,
both domestic and foreign,
are currently under anti-mo-
nopoly probes by the govern-
ment, the China Daily news-
paper has reported.
The NDRC has yet to an-
nounce its ndings and pen-
alties for the companies in-
volved. AFP
THE National Legislative As-
sembly (NLA) voted yesterday
to accept in principle the 2015
budget bill, with the Education
Ministry getting the biggest
budget, followed by the Inte-
rior Ministry.
The members voted 183 in
favour, with three abstentions.
A 50-member panel was also
set up to scrutinise it in the
coming weeks.
The Education Ministry was
allocated the biggest budget
of 502.25 billion baht ($15
billion), a 4 per cent increase
from last years budget and
19.5 per cent of the total bud-
get allocations. General Pr-
ayuth Chan-ocha, chairman of
the National Council for Peace
and Order (NCPO), has called
for education reforms in an ef-
fort to reshape the country and
restore political stability.
Defence spending, which
typically increases in Thailand
after a coup, grew 5.3 per cent
from last years allocation to
193.50 billion baht.
If we dont increase the bud-
get and purchase new weap-
ons, then nobody will fear us,
General Prayuth said.
The NLA ofcially convened
for the rst time yesterday af-
ter the appointments of its
president and his deputies had
been royally endorsed.
The rst bill it considered
was the 2015 expenditure bud-
get worth 2.57 trillion baht.
Gen Prayuth and permanent
secretaries of all ministries
joined the meeting to explain
details of the budget.
The army chief said the
economy had improved
steadily after the political situ-
ation became clearer and the
administration resumed.
The Thai economy should
grow in a range between 1.5
per cent and 2.5 per cent this
year. The NCPO targeted to
achieve a 2 per cent growth
rate and ination at an ac-
ceptable range between 1.9
per cent and 2.9 per cent next
year, he said.
Thailands economy grew 0.9
per cent in the second quarter,
dodging recession after the
military ended months of po-
litical deadlock with a coup
and promised to unshackle
The junta, under coup-lead-
ing Army Chief Prayut Chan-
ocha, has pegged its legitimacy
to improving the economy af-
ter months of political protests
froze government spending,
scared off tourists and bat-
tered consumer spending.
Between April and June the
economy crept back to life
with 0.9 per cent growth after
shrinking a revised 1.9 per cent
in the preceding three months,
the National Economic and
Social Development Board re-
ported. On a year-on-year ba-
sis, the economy grew 0.4 per
cent, NESDB said.
Since seizing power on May
22, Prayut has opened the cof-
fers pledging to kick-start
stalled investment projects,
including major train and road
links, and paying state debts to
rice farmers to help spur agri-
culture. However, Southeast
Asias second largest economy
still looks set for a disappoint-
China alleges misplay
at Mercedes in probe
Thailands 2015 budget
agreed in principle as
country skirts recession
A motorist drives by ACLEDA bank on Monivong Boulevardin May. PHA LINA
SMBC buys IFC Acleda shares
Programme: Promotionof inclusiveandsustainablegrowth
intheAgricultural Sector: FisheriesandLivestock
Fisheries sub-sector Component
The Fisheries sub-sector Componentof theProgrammeonPromotionof inclusiveandsustainablegrowthintheAgricultural Sector: FisheriesandLivestock isseeking
for 4positionsof Technical Support Staff.
ThisisanEuropeanUnionfundedprogrammeexecutedby theMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry andFisheries. TheFisheriessub-sector Component ismanagedby theFisheries
Administration, #186, PreahNorodomBlvd, Sangkat TonleBasac, KhanChamcar Mon, PhnomPenh, Cambodia.
1 M&E Specialist(MES)
Main tasks
MES will performhis/her dutiesaccordingto thebest standardsandprofessional ethics
andaccordingto EU Practical GuidelinesandtheFinancingAgreement.
S/hewill monitor andevaluateactivitiesimplementedby FiA under FiA work planand
EU ProgrammeEstimate.
Qualications and skills:
Graduatelevel or higher inplanning, monitoring, economics; -
A minimumof 7yearsexperienceinsimilar tasks; -
Fluent inEnglishandKhmer (speakingandwriting); -
Very goodcomputer skills, very goodknowledgeof relevant hardandsoftware -
(Word, Excel, Access, GIS);
Goodinterpersonal andcommunicationskills; -
Previousdonor fundedproject experience; -
Ability to developandpresent conceptual ideas; -
Excellent communicationandpresentation(oral andinwriting) skills; -
Capacity for teamwork; -
Capacity for networking; -
Backgroundinagricultureor rural development; -
Familiar withmonitoringandevaluationof projectactivities. -
1 Administrative and Logistic Assistant(ALA)
Main tasks
ALA will performhis/her dutiesaccordingto thebest standardsandprofessional ethics
andaccordingto EU Practical GuidelinesandtheFinancingAgreement.
S/hewill support all administrativeandlogistic functionsfor asmoothprogramme
implementationandto beableto submit timely EU documentationrequiredafter
authorisationby theImprest Administrator.
Qualications and skills:
Minimumbachelor degreeinpublic administration, accountingor equivalent; -
A minimumof 5yearsof relevant workingexperienceinadministrativework in -
development programmes;
Experiencewith EU projects/programmes and/or donor funded programmeis -
ExperienceinHumanResourcesmanagementandaccountingandrelatedissues; -
Fluency inKhmer andEnglish(speakingandwriting); -
Solidcomputer skills(word, excel); -
Provenability to work withmulticultural environment, teamspirit andrespon- -
Pro-active, engagement, initiative, reporting skills, systematic thinking and -
working, quality achievements.
1 Finance and Procurement Assistant (FPA)
Main tasks
FPA will performhis/her dutiesaccordingto thebest standardsandprofessional ethics
andaccordingto EU Practical GuidelinesandtheFinancingAgreement.
S/hewill support thepreparationof procurement andcontract. S/hewill also support the
preparationof recordof expendituredocumentsandtheimplementationof corresponding
paymentsandrecoveriesafter their authorisationby theimprest administrator. Thisalso
includesthemanagement for thebookkeepingof theseoperations.
Qualications and skills:
Minimumbachelor degreein law, finance, business administration or equiv- -
A minimumof 5yearsof relevant workingexperienceincontract management -
andprocurement indevelopment programmes;
Experience with EU projects/programmes and/or donor funded programme is -
Experience in law, procurement, contract, nance and related issues; -
Fluency inKhmer andEnglish(speakingandwriting); -
Solidcomputer skills(word, excel); -
Provenability to work withmulticultural environment, teamspirit andrespon- -
Pro-active, engagement, initiative, reporting skills, systematic thinking and -
working, quality achievements.
1 Translator (TR)
Main tasks
TR will performhis/her duties accordingto thebest standards andprofessional ethics
andaccordingto EU Practical GuidelinesandtheFinancingAgreement.
S/he will support all interpretations and translations from English to Khmer and
vice-versa. S/he will also support all administrative tasks if required by Imprest
Qualications and skills:
Previousexperiencewithinterpretationandtranslationfor at least 5years; -
Knowledgeof community andrural development; -
Previousexperienceinadministrationpreferred; -
University degree in related eld preferred; -
Goodcommunicationwithgovernment agencies, NGOsandprivatesectors; -
Ability to work inteam; -
Knowledgeof computer skills; -
Previousdonor fundedproject experience. -
Process to apply
Candidatescanapply for onepositiononly. Applicationsareacceptedby email. Candidatesmust mentioninthesubject of theemail thereferenceof theposition. Candidatesmust
provide (i) a letter of motivation, (ii) a curriculum vitae including names of 2 referees at least and (iii) scan copy of educational and professional certicates. / Attn: AdministrativeandLogistic Specialist, Tel: 017952976
Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is 1
September 2014, at 5.00pm / Only short listed candidates will be notied.
Authors held hostage
by Amazon in price war
MORE than 1,000 German-
language writers have signed
a petition protesting against
the methods used by online
retailer Amazon in its e-book
price battle with Scandinavian
publishing house Bonnier. In
the past few months, Bonnier
authors are being boycotted
and their books no longer held
in stock, said the letter, which
was signed by, among others,
Austrian Nobel literature prize
laureate Elfriede Jelinek and
the head of the German PEN
writers association, Regula
Venske. Amazon has no right
to take hostage authors who
are not directly involved in the
conflict, it said. . AFP
London house prices
down most in six years
LONDON home sellers cut
asking prices by the most in
more than six years this
month, adding to signs that
the property market in the UK
capital is coming off the boil.
London values fell 5.9 per cent
from the previous month to an
average 552,783 ($922,300),
the biggest drop since
December 2007, property site
Rightmove said. Nationally,
prices declined 2.9 per cent, a
record for an August.
Nationally, the annual pace of
growth in prices slowed to 5.3
per cent in August from 6.5 per
cent in July. AFP
Sanctions bite, Russia branches out
MID the sanctions
imposed on Russia
due to the ongoing
conict in Ukraine,
and the embargo placed on
US and European food prod-
ucts in Russia, the Kremlin has
been looking at different mar-
kets to supply foreign foods to
help skirt the bans.
Furious over the sanctions
Western countries have im-
posed on Russia over its sup-
port for Ukraines separatist
rebels, the Kremlin announced
on August 7 it was placing a
full embargo on most food
imports from the US and EU.
Russian President Vladimir
Putin reached out to Latin
America last month on a six-
day tour that included a stop
in Brazil, the regions largest
food producer.
Moscow then sealed import
deals with two dozen Brazil-
ian poultry companies and
ve pork producers, just days
before announcing its Western
import embargo.
Russian health regula-
tors have since granted new
import permits to 87 meat
producers and two dairies in
Brazil. The South American
countrys bilateral trade with
Russia totalled $3 billion in
the rst six months of the year,
$563 million of it in beef.
Jose Augusto de Castro, the
director of the Brazilian For-
eign Trade Association, esti-
mated the countrys exports to
Russia this year could add up
to an extra $300 million to $500
million over previous years.
Other Latin American coun-
tries could be in for similar
dealing with the Kremlin. Rus-
sia is just the sixth-largest mar-
ket for Chilean food exports,
but businesses there have
been in talks with Russian of-
cials to increase exports of
fruits and sh.
The Russians have asked us
to help them nd suppliers,
said Diego Vicente, manager
of the National Agriculture
Societys Russia-focused Busi-
ness Development Platform.
The Russian embargo is an
opportunity for Chile, said
the director of the countrys
International Economic Rela-
tions ofce, Andres Rebolle-
do, insisting it was strictly a
business matter.
Russian ofcials have also
been in contact with Argentine
farmers: Weve gotten a lot of
requests from Russia, mainly
in citrus, dairy and meats,
said Matias Garcia of the Ar-
gentine-Russian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.
For Mexico, which currently
sends just 1 per cent of its ex-
ports to Russia, the situation
provides an opportunity to di-
versify its partners and reduce
its food industrys dependence
on the US. Mexico runs a trade
decit with Russia, but the
embargo could change that,
said Antonio Gazol Sanchez
of the National Autonomous
University of Mexicos school
of economics.
Now an opportunity has
opened to balance our trade
with Russia if we take advan-
tage of the gap the European
Union is leaving, he said.
Elsewhere, Russian state oil
giant Rosneft, despite tight-
ening Western sanctions, said
yesterday it had started ex-
ploring for oil in a joint project
with Norways Statoil.
The two companies started
exploration operations at the
Pingvin License PL713 pros-
pect in the Norwegian section
of the Barents Sea, Rosneft
said in a statement.
Norway, which is not an EU
member but is part of the Euro-
pean Economic Area free trade
zone, has followed Brussels in
imposing sanctions against
Russia over its alleged backing
of rebels in east Ukraine. They
include restrictions on sales
of technology and equipment
used for offshore Arctic oil
drilling projects.
The test well will descend
through the Arctic waters and
then bore through the soil to a
total depth of 1,516 metres in
what Rosneft called the most
promising and prolic area of
the Barents Sea next to the dis-
covered Castberg elds.
Washington has targeted
Rosneft, preventing it from
raising anything but short-
term funding in US markets,
for its paramount role in Rus-
sias oil industry and because
its chief Igor Sechin is a close
ally of President Putin.
The US sanctions appear to
be hurting the companys -
nances, with Rosneft appeal-
ing to the government for help
to renance part of $45 billion
of debt it took on as a part of
its drive to become Russias
top oil company. However, The
US restrictions did not prevent
Rosneft from beginning to ex-
plore for oil in the Kara Sea off
the northern coast of Siberia
earlier this month in a joint
project with US oil major Exx-
The EU technology sale re-
strictions only touch future
projects and not those signed
before the sanctions were
agreed. AFP
Russian President Vladimir Putin has been looking at different markets
and economic partners in an effort to skirt the effects of European and
American sanctions on the Russian economy. AFP
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Aug 15
FTSE Straits Times Index, Aug 15 FTSEBursaMalaysiaKLCI, Aug 15
Hang Seng Index, Aug 15 CSI 300 Index, Aug 15
Nikkei 225, Aug 15 Taiwan Taiex Index, Aug 15
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Aug 15
2,374.56 24,955.46
1,861.75 3,312.78
605.08 1,034.39
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KOSPI Index, Aug 15 PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Aug 15
Laos Composite Index, Aug 15 Jakarta Composite Index, Aug 15
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Aug 15 Karachi 100 Index, Aug 15
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Aug 15 NZX 50 Index, Aug 15
28,934.31 26,368.28
5,156.75 1,458.24
7,027.58 2,053.13
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 96.31 -1.04 -1.07% 5:07:35
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 102.14 -1.39 -1.34% 5:08:35
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.75 -0.02 -0.58% 5:07:00
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 267.18 -2.68 -0.99% 5:05:15
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 281.72 -3.08 -1.08% 5:07:03
ICEGasoil USD/MT 859.25 -7.5 -0.87% 5:07:03
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 12.69 -0.06 -0.47% 4:17:42
CME Lumber USD/tbf 345.4 1.3 0.38% 17:00:00
Carmaker aims to shift up a gear
HEN you next shop
around for a new car,
the chances are you
will not buy a Karenjy.
For a start, only a dozen are built
each year, by hand, on the Indian
Ocean island of Madagascar, and
none are exported outside the im-
poverished nation.
They dont come with electric
windows, airbags, sat nav or any
other convenience long considered
standard. And in terms of looks,
their long sloping front and boxy
hindquarters may be something of
an acquired taste.
All this has meant that since Kar-
enjy was founded by the state in
1984, the islands only car manu-
facturer has been thoroughly pum-
melled by foreign competition on its
home turf.
Everything is based on design
and the previous Karenjys looked
very bulky, said Nantenaina Andri-
anaivoson, a young Malagasy father
who drives a Peugeot 307. There was
plenty of room for improvement.
Even a Papal endorsement from
John Paul II, who cruised around
the central city of Fianarantsoa on a
custom built Karenjy Papamobile
during a 1989 visit, was not enough
to save the rm.
In 1993, Karenjy which means a
stroll in Malagasy was placed un-
der administration and the govern-
ment simply abandoned it, spelling
a slow walk to death.
The factory became dilapidated,
its shop oor surrendered to veg-
etation that grows quickly in the hot
sun on this island of 20 million resi-
dents off southeast Africa. Building
materials were unusable, but a few
tools and a spare car remained.
In 2008, French-Malagasy com-
pany Le Relais bought the carcass of
the rm hoping to turn it around.
But after a yearlong refurbish-
ment, a coup plunged the country
into a deep political and economic
crisis and brought punishing inter-
national sanctions.
The resultant strife cost Mada-
gascar already one of the worlds
poorest countries $8 billion and
tens of thousands of jobs, accord-
ing to World Bank estimates. Not an
ideal market in which to sell cars.
But now, according to Le Relaiss
Luc Ronssin, Karenjy is rising from
the ashes after a 15 year coma.
Last week Karenjy unveiled its lat-
est model, the Mazana 2, along with
plans to increase production around
20-fold to 200 units a year by 2017.
That is still a tiny rate of produc-
tion by any measure, but would
make up 2 per cent of the 8,600 cars
Madagascar imported last year.
Hopes are pinned on the new
Mazana meaning strong in Mala-
gasy which will hit the market next
year and is a low maintenance 4x4
designed for the islands rugged ter-
rain. It bears a passing resemblance
to a Hummer but makers say it will
also suit the wallet of impoverished
Malagasy consumers.
It will be very competitively
priced and cheaper than imported
vehicles, Ronssin said.
The companys optimism about
the market has been spurred on by
last years election, which heralded
the return of democracy and the re-
sumption of relations with interna-
tional donors.
The US recently allowed Mada-
gascar back into a lucrative trade
pact that gives preferential access to
US markets, further kindling hopes
of a brighter future.
The countrys new leader, Hery
Rajaonarimampianina, has toured
the world seeking to bring investors
and jobs to Madagascar.
But Karenjy is not just aiming to
make a quick buck, it also wants
to be socially responsible. Owners
have so far resisted bringing robots
to the factory oor, there is no pro-
duction line and work is done by
hand by 70 specialised workers.
Le Relais has a specic approach
to business: making money is not a
problem, the question is what to do
with it to create real social develop-
ment, Ronssin said.
On an island that has felt the full
force of globalisation, that is a mes-
sage that resonates with the patri-
otic Malagasy.
Resident Patrick Fananontsoa
drives a Mazana 1 originally bought
by his brother.
My brother wanted to buy a Ma-
zana 1, because he was fed up with
all the Chinese cars, said Fanano-
ntsoa, it was a question of patrio-
tism. It was also a little cheaper and
efcient with decent petrol con-
sumption. The design may be a bit
rustic, but lots of people like it.
Still, given the complicated
global operating environment, Ron-
ssin says Karenjy cars will only be
targeted for the domestic market.
International car buyers may have
to wait a little while yet before buy-
ing their rst Karenjy. AFP
A prototype of the new Karenjy Mazana II car drives through Ranomafana National
Park near Fianarantsoa, southern Madagascar. AFP
Good lord
A Bangladeshi youth dressed as the Hindu god Lord Krishna takes part in a procession during celebrations for the Janmashtami festival in Dhaka on Sunday. The Hindu festival of
Janmashtami marks the birth of Krishna. AFP
National Guard called in to quell race protests
MISSOURIS governor yesterday
ordered National Guard troops to help
restore order in Ferguson, hours after
police hurled tear gas to disperse vio-
lent protesters in the town.
Ferguson has been engulfed in unrest
since a white police officer on August 9
shot dead Michael Brown, an unarmed
black 18-year-old.
The soldiers of the National Guard
part of the armed forces reserve com-
ponents will respond to the unified
police command in Ferguson, Governor
Jay Nixon said in an executive order.
About three hours before the mid-
night Sunday curfew, police in body
armour and gas masks moved to dis-
perse a peaceful protest that had dete-
riorated into mob violence.
Police, supported by armoured vehi-
cles, responded with tear gas and rubber
bullets after Molotov cocktails were
thrown, said Ronald Johnson, the Afri-
can-American state highway patrol cap-
tain charged with restoring local order.
There were shootings, looting, van-
dalism and other acts of violence that
clearly appear not to have been spon-
taneous but premeditated criminal acts
designed to damage property, hurt peo-
ple, and provoke a response, said John-
son, speaking at a press conference after
the violence subsided.
Looters attacked at least four busi-
nesses, including a McDonalds restau-
rant and a Dominos Pizza. Johnson
described the violence as disobedi-
ence, preplanned aggression.
At least two people were wounded by
gunfire among the protesters, Johnson
said. He did not say how many people
had been arrested.
Just before 9pm, hundreds of protest-
ers marched towards the police com-
mand post, and people in the crowd
threw multiple Molotov cocktails, bot-
tles and rockets at police.
Based on these conditions, I had no
alternative but to elevate the level of our
response, Johnson said.
Some of the marchers carried signs
protesting police brutality. Many
marched peacefully with their hands
up in the air, however others taunted
police and threw back tear gas
canisters. AFP
Ebola patients on the loose
SEARCH was on
in Liberia yesterday
for 17 Ebola patients
who ed an attack
on a quarantine centre in the
capital Monrovia, raising fears
they could spread the deadly
and highly contagious disease.
We have not yet found
them, Information Minister
Lewis Brown said, adding that
those who looted the place
took away mattresses and
bedding that were soaked with
uids from the patients.
On Saturday, youths wield-
ing clubs and knives raided the
medical facility set up in a high
school in the densely-popu-
lated West Point slum, some
shouting theres no Ebola,
echoing wild rumours that the
epidemic has been made up by
the West to oppress Africans.
The authorities are now
considering sealing off the
area, home to around 75,000
people, although some re-
ports suggest the infected pa-
tients may have already ed
West Point.
All those hooligans who
looted the centre are all now
probable carriers of the dis-
ease, said Brown, spokesman
for President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf. To quarantine the area
could be one of the solutions.
We run the risk of facing a
difcult to control situation,
he warned.
Ebola has killed at least 1,145
people in West Africa since the
start of the year. There is no
known cure for the haemor-
rhagic fever, which can be
spread through bodily uids
including blood and sweat.
The head of the Health
Workers Association of Libe-
ria, George Williams, said the
unit had housed 29 patients
who had all tested positive
for Ebola and were receiving
preliminary treatment before
being taken to hospital.
Of the 29 patients, 17 ed
[after the assault], Williams
said on Sunday. Nine died
four days ago and three others
were yesterday taken by force
by their relatives from the
centre, he said.
Fallah Boimas son Michel
was among the patients who
ed the centre. I am afraid
that he could die somewhere,
and I will not know, he said.
Wilmont Johnson, head of
a youth association in West
Point, told journalists yester-
day he had organised a search
for the missing patients.
We searched everywhere
but we did not see them. Those
who saw them passing told us
that they have gone into other
communities, Johnson said,
suggesting that quarantining
efforts might come too late.
Meanwhile yesterday, EU
border agency Frontex said it
had suspended ights taking
migrants back to Nigeria, one
of the West African countries
hit by the Ebola outbreak.
We have decided to inde-
nitely suspend those ights that
we coordinate and co-nance
to Nigeria, Frontex spokes-
woman Ewa Moncure said.
The Warsaw-based agency
only handles around 2 per
cent of all ights carrying mi-
grants who have crossed into
the EU back home. The EU
countries in question handle
the rest. Last year, 160,000
such migrants were sent
back to their home countries,
mainly to Albania, India, Paki-
stan and Russia.
Certain countries, notably
Austria, have taken a similar
decision to suspend ights to
countries affected by the dead-
ly Ebola virus, Moncure said.
The epidemic is the worst
since the virus rst appeared
in 1976. It has claimed 413
lives in Liberia, 380 in Guinea,
348 in Sierra Leone and four
in Nigeria, according to World
Health Organization gures
released on August 13. AFP
Rebels re
on eeing
Kiev forces
UKRAINE yesterday accused
pro-Russian rebels of shelling a
convoy of civilians fleeing the
war-torn east, leaving many
dead, as crisis talks to halt
months of bloodshed failed to
make a breakthrough.
Kievs military said many
people died, including women
and children when insurgents
shot at residents escaping fierce
fighting around the besieged
separatist city of Lugansk with
Grad rocket launchers and
mortar guns given by Russia.
The allegations came after a
five-hour meeting between the
foreign ministers of Ukraine,
Russia, France and Germany
broke up without agreement on
how to end more than four
months of conflict that has
killed over 2,100 people and left
the region facing a humanitar-
ian catastrophe.
Moscow has demanded that
Ukraine government forces
halt an offensive against main
separatist strongholds. Mean-
while Kiev accuses Russia of
pouring in more arms to save
the unravelling insurgency.
One place where we cannot
report positive results is in, first
and foremost, establishing a
ceasefire and [starting] a polit-
ical process, Russias top dip-
lomat Sergei Lavrov said.
Lavrov said the ministers
would however meet again and
hoped that some agreement on
paper was possible soon.
Meanwhile, an aid convoy
sent from Moscow was still
waiting to be checked near
Ukraines restive border as talks
dragged on about allowing
them into rebel-held territory.
Struggle without water
Fierce fighting centred
around the second-largest
rebel bastion Lugansk over the
weekend as Kiev said its troops
had battled their way into an
outlying suburb.
Nine soldiers were killed in
clashes with insurgent fighters
across the strife-torn east over
the past 24 hours, a military
spokesman said yesterday.
Those left in the city have
been facing an increasingly
severe humanitarian crisis with
water and power cut for over
two weeks as Kievs army inched
closer to regaining control.
In Ukraines largest rebel
stronghold of Donetsk, people
were queueing to buy drinking
water from kiosks after fighting
forced local authorities to turn
off supplies. The city hall urged
residents to stock up as water
was turned off and central
hotels instructed clients to fill
their bathtubs.
Fighting around the city has
also severed the railroad link
with the rest of the country,
leaving few options to flee the
city for its remaining residents.
The UN estimates over
285,000 people have already
fled the fighting in the east. AFP

Manila calls out Beijing
on illegitimate patrols
THE Philippines said yesterday
that it would protest to China
about what it called Beijings
increasing patrols in a disputed
area of the South China Sea
believed to hold vast oil and gas
resources. Foreign Department
spokesman Charles Jose
announced the protest a day
after the airing of a television
interview in which President
Benigno Aquino raised the
alarm over the Chinese vessels
at Reed Bank. The frequent
passage of Chinese vessels in
Recto Bank is not an innocent
exercise of freedom of
navigation but is actually done
as part of a pattern of
illegitimate sovereign patrol,
Jose said, referring to Reed
Bank by its Filipino name. He
said the bank was about 157
kilometres from the Philippine
island of Palawan, making it
well within the countrys
internationally recognised
exclusive economic zone. In
contrast, Jose said the bank
was 595 nautical miles from the
coast of Chinas Hainan Island.
China lays claim to almost all of
the South China Sea, even up to
the coasts of its neighbours. AFP
Mandalay curfew lifted
but security to stay put
A CURFEW imposed in
Mandalay after an outbreak of
violence in July has been lifted,
but police officials said
additional security forces would
remain in the city. A 9pm-5am
curfew was imposed across six
townships on July 3 after two
men a Buddhist and a
Muslim were killed in
religious violence two days
earlier. The curfew was
extended after Muslim burial
grounds were attacked during
the Buddhist mans funeral on
July 4. We will add some more
police in the city as to avoid
problems, Colonel Sein Tun
from the citys District Police
Force told the Myanmar Times,
Police will patrol townships.
Colonel Sein Tun also said that
restaurants, teashops and
other shops will have to close
by 11pm even though the
curfew has been lifted. City
residents had been growingly
increasingly frustrated at the
limitations on their movements
in the evening. MYANMARTIMES
Im sorry, says Malaysia
nude games organiser
THE organiser of a nudist
sporting festival has apologised
for holding the event, which
triggered outrage in Muslim-
majority Malaysia and led to
the arrest of eight people. A
video of the May gathering,
called the Nude Sport Games
2014, first appeared on social
media earlier this month and
went viral. It showed naked
participants engaged in a
range of activities including
body painting, dancing, relay
races and various other
contests on a secluded Penang
beach. Co-organiser Albert
Yam, who is in police custody,
has publicly apologised for the
naturist event in an open
letter to the government of the
state of Penang, the New
Straits Times reported
yesterday. We will not do it
again and please accept our
deepest apologies for our
misconduct, which has caused
embarrassment to the
country, he said. AFP
Pope urges Korea unity
POPE Francis wrapped up the
first papal visit to Asia in 15
years yesterday, urging the
divided Koreas to reject suspi-
cion and confrontation to unite
as one family, one people.
The popes appeal, made at a
special inter-Korean reconcili-
ation Mass in Seoul, came as
South Korea kicked off a mili-
tary drill with US troops that
the North has condemned as a
prelude to war.
In his homily to the congre-
gation in Myeongdong cathe-
dral, which included President
Park Geun-hye and a handful
of North Korean defectors,
Francis said the road to recon-
ciliation was always hindered
by unpalatable demands.
It challenges you, as Chris-
tians and Koreans, firmly to
reject a mindset shaped by sus-
picion, confrontation and
competition, he said. Forgive-
ness is the door which leads to
reconciliation, although it may
seem impossible, impractical
and even at times repugnant.
Church officials in the South
had sent several requests to
Pyongyang to send a group of
Catholics to attend the Mass,
but the North declined, citing
Seouls refusal to cancel the
joint military exercise.
The mass was one of the most
anticipated events of the popes
five-day visit to South Korea,
during which he reached out to
Asian countries such as North
Korea and China which have no
formal ties with the Vatican. At
it, Francis made a special point
of greeting comfort women
Koreans forced to work in Japa-
nese wartime brothels. AFP
PAKISTANS opposition par-
ties distanced themselves yes-
terday from opposition leader
Imran Khans call for mass civ-
il disobedience to unseat the
government, as talks began to
try to end a destabilising ve-
day political standoff.
Khan made the call on Sun-
day to mount pressure on
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
to step down.
I am appealing to my sup-
porters and fellow Pakistanis
not to pay taxes, gas and elec-
tricity bills until the Nawaz
Sharif government is dis-
lodged, Khan told thousands
of anti-government protesters
who have been staging a sit-in
in Islamabad since Friday.
This is the only way to get
rid of this corrupt and fake
government, Khan said.
There is no other legal way
left to remove Nawaz Sharif,
as he buys everyone.
The cricketer-turned-poli-
tician gave Sharif 48 hours to
resign. If our demands are
not met in two days, I will not
be able to stop my workers
from entering the Red Zone,
he threatened, referring to the
area that contains Parliament
House, the premiers house
and other key state buildings.
But Khan was left looking in-
creasingly isolated yesterday,
as support failed to materialise
and other opposition parties
refused to rally to his call.
Former president Asif Ali
Zardari, co-chairman of the
Pakistan Peoples Party, which
is the largest opposition party,
said Khans willingness to use
unconstitutional means to
pursue his goals threatened
democracy. AFP/UCANEWS.COM
Kurdish forces retake dam,
push jihadists back farther
KURDISH fighters backed by
US warplanes pressed a coun-
ter-offensive against jihadists
yesterday after retaking Iraqs
largest dam alongside federal
forces, as the US and Britain
stepped up their military
The recapture of Mosul Dam
marks the biggest prize yet
clawed back from the Islamic
State (IS) since it launched a
major offensive in northern
Iraq in June, sweeping Iraqi
security forces aside.
US aircraft carried out strikes
on Saturday and Sunday in sup-
port of the forces battling to
retake the dam from IS mili-
tants, who have declared a
caliphate straddling vast areas
of Iraq and Syria. On Sunday, IS
militants also came under
attack in their Syrian stronghold
of Raqa by Syrias air force.
Fighting yesterday erupted in
an area south of Mosul Dam
while engineering teams
worked to clear booby traps
and bombs left by jihadists, said
Kawa Khatari, an official from
Iraqs main Kurdish party.
Iraqi security spokesman
Lieutenant General Qassem
Atta confirmed yesterday that
the dam was entirely liberated
in an operation by Iraqi anti-
terrorism forces and peshmer-
ga forces with aerial support.
Atta added on state TV that
while the dam had been retak-
en, fighting was continuing in
adjoining facilities, including a
residential compound.
The Mosul Dam break-
through came after US war-
planes and drones at the week-
end carried out their
heaviest-yet bombing against
IS militants in the north since
they began launching air strikes
on August 8.
The US Central Command
reported that the military had
carried out 14 airstrikes on
Sunday near the dam, which
provides electricity and irriga-
tion water for farming to much
of the region. Sundays strikes
destroyed 10 IS armed vehicles,
seven IS Humvees, two
armoured personnel carriers
and one IS checkpoint.
US President Barack Obama
told Congress that the limited
strikes he has authorised to
support the fight for the dam
protected US interests there.
The failure of the Mosul
dam could threaten the lives of
large numbers of civilians,
endanger US personnel and
facilities, including the US
Embassy in Baghdad, and pre-
vent the Iraqi government from
providing critical services to
the Iraqi populace, he said.
British Prime Minister David
Cameron described the IS fight-
ers sweeping across Syria and
Iraq as a direct threat to Britain,
and said all available tools must
be used to halt their advance.
He said that while it would not
be right to send an army into
Iraq, some degree of military
involvement was justified due
to the threat that an expanding
terrorist state would pose to
Europe and its allies. AFP
Ferry survivors found
after two-day ordeal
Andy Amaldan
HIRTEEN people lost
at sea for two days
when their tourist
boat sank in Indone-
sia were rescued yesterday af-
ter a horric ordeal that forced
other survivors to swim to a
volcanic island and drink their
own urine.
Two Spanish men were still
missing after the boat, which
was also carrying Indonesian
crew, sank Saturday as it made
the long voyage from Lombok
island to Komodo island, a
popular tourist destination.
The vessel went down slow-
ly, breaking up into pieces,
close to tiny Sangeang is-
land after running into a reef
and being hit by a storm. But
there was no communications
equipment on board to radio
for help.
A rst group of 10 foreigners
of various nationalities includ-
ing Britons, Germans and Ital-
ians, was rescued on Sunday.
A French survivor told how
they perched on the roof of
the boat for hours the previous
day as it sank, and eventually
decided to swim to an island
on the horizon, even though
a volcano on it was emitting
smoke at the time.
Bertrand Homassel said it
took them hours to swim to
the island, but they had no
choice as the vessels single
lifeboat only had room for a
handful of people.
The others climbed onto
the roof of the boat, which had
not completely sunk, he said.
We were 5 kilometres from
the coast there were many
big waves separating us from
the coast.
People started to panic . . .
Everyone took the decision
to swim to the closest island 5
kilometres away, where there
was an erupting volcano.
They managed to reach the
island after swimming for six
hours, only to nd it deserted.
Dehydrated and sunburnt af-
ter being exposed to the erce
Indonesian sun for such a long
time, they resorted to drink-
ing their own urine and eating
leaves to survive overnight on
the island, Homassel said.
They were rescued the next
day by a passing boat and tak-
en to nearby Sumbawa island,
where they received medical
treatment. I was really very
lucky, the Frenchman added.
The second group rescued
yesterday was made up of
eight foreigners, four Indone-
sian crew and an Indonesian
tour guide. Several were in the
lifeboat when the vessel went
down while others put on life
jackets and swam alongside.
Dutchman Jan van Ommen,
recovering in Sape town on
Sumbawa, said they were in
the water for about 40 hours,
and took it in turns to spend
stints in the lifeboat and oat-
ing in the water wearing the
life jackets.
So we had this system, and
in the beginning it was not
easy . . . but later on the system
went on, and we changed and
changed, he said.
He recalled how the crew
started panicking on Friday
night when the boat was hit
by a storm and began taking
on water. The crew came out
shouting Very dangerous sit-
uation as water started gush-
ing into the boat, he said.
Budiawan, search and res-
cue chief on Lombok, said
the second group was found
early yesterday, oating about
100 kilometres off the coast
of Sumbawa.
None of those rescued have
serious injuries, ofcials said.
An immigration ofcial on
Sumbawa said the second
group were quite weak as
they didnt eat or drink for sev-
eral days in the sea. They have
minor injuries like scratches.
The boat was carrying 25
people. The foreigners rescued
were from New Zealand, Brit-
ain, Spain, the Netherlands,
Germany, France and Italy.
A search for the two Spanish
men still missing was under
way yesterday, with the mili-
tary and police involved.
Komodo island is one of sev-
eral islands that make up the
Komodo National Park. AFP
William Robert of the Netherlands and two other survivors leave a
hospital on Indonesias Sumbawa island yesterday. AFP
Tal Afar
Mosul Dam
Length: 3,650 m
Height: 113 m
Capacity: 1,000 MW
Provides electricity
and irrigation water
for farming
If it were breached,
a 20 metre-high wave
would hit Mosul*
*2007 report by US Army Corps of Engineers
50 km
Islamic State jihadists
Kurdish peshmerga fighters
Controlled by:
Iraqs largest dam
Disobedience a op
Mai Yaghi
IGHTING destroyed
their homes and her
big white dress, but
Heba and Omar agreed
nothing would stand in the
way of their future happiness.
So they got married, refu-
gees at a UN school in Gaza.
Decked with a cloud of mul-
ticoloured balloons and echo-
ing with the joyful ululating
of women, the school in Gaza
Citys Shati refugee camp was
transformed from a refugee
camp into a party hall.
In the nal hours before a 72-
hour truce between Israel and
Hamas, set to expire at mid-
night, the young couple threw
misery and mourning to the
wind to celebrate their love.
If somebody told me that
I would be getting married
in these conditions, I would
not have believed them for a
second! said Heba, sitting in
a salon in Gaza City the day
before, a hairdresser darting
around as she rearranged her
long, brown hair.
I had planned everything:
the music, the guest list, my
dress and my bouquet. And
here I am today, Im getting
married in a school with thou-
sands of refugees.
Heba Fayad, 23, and Omar
Abu Namar, 30, were due to
wed next month in her family
home in Beit Lahiya in north-
ern Gaza.
But then the war came, lay-
ing waste to their plans.
Hebas family home was de-
stroyed along with the items
they bought for married life:
dresses, accessories, owers,
everything went up in smoke
when Israeli warplanes rained
destruction on the tiny en-
clave, which is home to nearly
1.8 million Palestinians.
With reconstruction set to
take years Israel has blockad-
ed Gaza since 2006 and restricts
the entry of construction ma-
terials Heba decided to speed
things up rather than wait for
her home to be rebuilt.
If I dont get married today,
and in these conditions, then I
wont be able to get married for
at least three years, she said.
My house was destroyed, I
lost everything.
But UNRWA, the UN agency
for Palestinian refugees and
other aid agencies, was keen
to give the couple a break from
the bloodshed, and chipped
in to pay for the marriage and
two nights in a hotel for the
For Heba, the stay in the ho-
tel is a godsend the opportu-
nity to get out of the UN school
in Beit Lahiya where she is
staying with 4,000 refugees.
Over there, I will take a
shower every hour. It will be
a change from all these days
without seeing a drop of water
to wash in, she laughed.
Part of Hebas eagerness to
tie the knot at any price is the
fact that she has already seen
several Israeli attacks, and her
family has paid a heavy price.
Her mother Nabila, who
casts a watchful eye over her in
the salon, has been in a wheel-
chair since she was wounded
in an Israeli air raid that struck
her house in 2006.
Nabila also lost her son, aged
9 at the time, in an Israeli at-
tack. Heba is my life, I wanted
so much for her to have a nice
wedding ceremony in better
conditions. It makes me sad to
know that she is going to get
married in a school for refu-
gees, she sighed.
But what can we do? These
are the conditions that have
been imposed on us. Our
house was destroyed and her
future husband wants to leave,
once they get married.
Omar waits at the door. He is
just waiting for the moment to
depart for a better life abroad.
My familys not in Gaza, I
am alone here, he said.
With no work and few job
prospects in the Strip, he is
placing his hopes on a new life
outside Gaza and being able
to join his family in the United
Arab Emirates.
For Heba, leaving Gaza is an
opportunity to start a new life
with Omar.
It will be like a long pe-
riod of recovery to forget ev-
erything that we have gone
through during this war, she
said. AFP
WIKILEAKS founder Julian As-
sange said yesterday he would
leave Ecuadors embassy in
London soon, but his organi-
sation downplayed the remark,
saying he would not depart
until there was an agreement
with Britains government.
A pale and bearded As-
sange, who sought asylum at
the embassy two years ago,
said at a press conference that
WikiLeaks spokesman Kris-
tinn Hrafnsson had said he
could conrm that I am leav-
ing the embassy soon.
His comments came after
British media reported, quot-
ing a WikiLeaks source, that
he was suffering from the po-
tentially life-threatening heart
condition arrhythmia and had
a chronic lung complaint as
well as high blood pressure.
Assange, 43, insisted he
would not be leaving for the
reasons reported by the Mur-
doch press and did not elab-
orate further on how or when
any departure would happen.
But speaking after the press
conference, Hrafnsson said
Assange would remain at the
embassy until an agreement
on his future was brokered.
What Julian meant is that
his plan is to leave as soon as
the British government hon-
ours its commitment, he said,
without elaborating.
Assange sought asylum at the
embassy in June 2012 to avoid
extradition to Sweden, where
he faces rape and sexual mo-
lestation claims. He fears ex-
tradition to Sweden could lead
to him being transferred to the
US to face trial over the publi-
cation of classied military and
diplomatic documents. AFP
KENYAS internationally fund-
ed anti-terrorism police have
carried out a series of killings
and enforced disappear-
ances following a string of
attacks in the country, Human
Rights Watch said yesterday.
Kenyan counter-terrorism
forces appear to be killing and
disappearing people right un-
der the noses of top govern-
ment ofcials, major embas-
sies, and the United Nations,
HRW deputy Africa director
Leslie Lefkow said.
This horrendous conduct
does not protect Kenyans
from terrorism it simply un-
dermines the rule of law.
The unit receives funding
from the US and Britain, HRW
added, with Washington pro-
viding $19 million in 2012.
HRW said it had docu-
mented evidence of at least
10 cases of killings, 10 cases of
enforced disappearances, and
11 cases of mistreatment or
harassment of terrorism sus-
pects, with strong evidence of
police involvement.
Suspects were shot dead in
public places, abducted from
vehicles and courtrooms,
beaten badly during arrest,
detained in isolated blocks,
and denied contact with their
families or access to lawyers,
HRW said in its report.
Donors need to carry out
their own investigations of
these abuses and suspend their
assistance to abusive forces, or
risk being complicit in Kenyas
culture of impunity, it added.
Several Muslim clerics
have been shot dead on the
coast. AFP
Assange to leave soon
Kenya anti-terror abuse
In Gaza, a rare kind of wedding
Omar Abu Namar and his wife Heba Fayad attend their wedding ceremony at a UN-run school in Gaza. AFP

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UK container-shipment
survivors IDd as Sikhs
THE frail survivors found inside
a shipping container at a
British port at the weekend
following a horrific ordeal are
Sikhs from Afghanistan and
include 13 children, police have
said. Staff at Tilbury Docks,
east of London, on Saturday
discovered one dead man and
34 others alive after hearing
banging and screaming
coming from the container. The
survivors were nine men and
eight women aged between 18
and 72, and 13 children aged
between 1 and 12. The man
who died is thought to have
been in his 40s, and a homicide
investigation has been opened
into his death. AFP
Two die, 500 evacuated
after trains collide in US
TWO people were killed and
two injured when freight trains
collided in the US state of
Arkansas early on Sunday,
officials said. The collision took
place in Hoxie, a town of
approximately 3,000 people in
northeastern Arkansas at
around 3am. The dead and
injured were all believed to be
crew members, according to a
police statement. A fire which
erupted after the collision
involved a tank car that the
National Transportation Safety
Board said was carrying
alcoholic beverages. Some 500
people were evacuated to a 2.5-
kilometre radius around the
crash due to an initial report of
a hazardous material release,
but they have since returned
home, the NTSB said. AFP
Over 160,000 farewell
candidate killed in crash
MORE than 160,000 mourners
turned out to pay their respects
to Brazilian presidential
candidate Eduardo Campos on
Sunday after the popular
socialist politicians death in a
plane crash last week. A burst
of fireworks marked his burial
after a packed crowd of tens of
thousands of people
accompanied his body, carried
in a flag-draped fire truck,
through the streets to a family
vault in Recifes largest
cemetery. The burial took place
at 6:35pm after being delayed
more than an hour by the
throngs of mourners, many of
whom shouted Eduardo,
warrior for the Brazilian
people! Earlier, a line
stretching 3 kilometres queued
to file past his coffin. AFP\
Saudi prince robbed of
250k, sensitive files
HEAVILY armed robbers
attacked the motorcade of a
Saudi prince in Paris, making
off with 250,000 ($335,000) in
cash and reportedly stealing
sensitive diplomatic
documents, French police said
yesterday. The spectacular
robbery took place in northern
Paris late on Sunday after the
motorcade left a plush hotel,
said police. There were no
injuries. A gang of between five
and eight thieves in two BMWs
and armed with handguns
hijacked the first of around 10
vehicles in the convoy, driving
off with the three occupants
before letting them go. The
Saudis Mercedes and one of
the thieves BMWs were later
found abandoned and burned
out in a village 40 kilometres
from the scene of the crime. AFP
Evolutionary misfit finds a family
Darryl Fears
HAT has 20 legs,
14 sharp spikes
on its back and
a head thats re-
ally hard to distinguish from
its rear end? Scientists didnt
know either until recently.
Its called Hallucigenia
because researchers have
scratched their heads over
where it ts among life forms
since its fossil was discov-
ered in the Burgess Shale of
Canadas Rocky Mountains
in the early 1970s. Unable to
determine any living thing
that evolved from it, they
called it an evolutionary mis-
t for decades.
But a closer look into mi-
croscopes by scientists at the
University of Cambridge -
nally yielded some clues. A
new analysis of the claws at
the end of all those legs re-
vealed an organisation very
close to those of modern vel-
vet worms, the study says.
Like technicians who mani-
cure ngernails and toenails,
the researchers zeroed in on
the animals cuticles, which
were stacked one inside the
other, like those wooden Rus-
sian nesting dolls that open
up only to reveal another doll.
It was an oddity observed in
at least one other place, the
weird jaws of velvet worms,
which, in the words of the
universitys synopsis of the
report, are no more than legs
modied for chewing.
Thats right, legs that eat.
That stranger-than-science
ction reality nally solved
a nearly 40-year-old puzzle.
Hallucigenia, aptly named
because people might have
thought a person describing it
was hallucinating, lived about
500 million years ago during
the Cambrian Explosion, a pe-
riod when most major animal
groups rst started to appear
in the fossil record.
Its often thought that mod-
ern animal groups arose fully
formed during the Cambrian
Explosion, Martin Smith, a
professor at the universitys
department of Earth sciences
and the studys lead author,
said in a statement. But evo-
lution is a gradual process:
todays complex anatomies
emerged step by step, one fea-
ture at a time.
Smith and his co-authors
painstakingly tracked strange
fossils that appeared to evolve
from the original. By deci-
phering in-between fossils
like Hallucigenia, he said, they
were able to determine how
different animal groups built
the bodies they inhabit today.
Heres what they looked like
and where they lived, accord-
ing to the study: Hallucigenia
had a row of rigid spines along
its back, and seven or eight
pairs of legs ending in claws.
The animals were between 5
and 35 millimeters in length,
and lived on the oor of the
Cambrian oceans.
Because velvet worms are
so weird, Hallucigenia was
suspected to be an ancestor.
However, characteristics link-
ing the two were not easy to
nd in the fossil record, and
the details of the claws cu-
ticles and such had not been
closely reviewed.
After squinting hard and
analysing both the prehistoric
and living animals, the claws
were identied as a smoking
gun joining the two.
The nding is a big deal, said
Javier Ortega-Hernandez, a co-
author of the study, because it
turns what is known about the
evolutionary tree of arthro-
pods spiders, crustaceans
and insects on its head.
Most gene-based studies
suggest that arthropods and
velvet worms are closely relat-
ed, Ortega-Hernandez said.
But our results indicate that
arthropods are actually closer
to water bears.
Hes not talking about an ac-
tual bear. Ortega-Hernandez
was referring to a microscopic
tardigrade, a little beast whose
image can make a viewers
skin crawl, a thing with a
round mouth full of teeth for
attaching and sucking, with
claws at the end of stubby legs.
This was a real creature that crawled on the ocean oor. Its called the Hallucigenia, and scientists are
nally starting to gure out where it ts in the fossil records. PHOTOS SUPPLIED
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HE debate over net neutrali-
ty is often portrayed in
terms akin to white hats
against black hats in an old
Western. The alleged black hats are
internet service providers (ISPs) with
Sauron-like market power; the white
hats are the edge providers or mar-
ket-disrupting content and web
companies, conceived by young
visionaries in garages and dorms,
that must constantly innovate and
compete to survive.
But if this story were true, one
would expect the black-hatted ISPs
to show all the signs of monopoly:
high profit margins, lacklustre
investment rates and no pressing
effort to improve service to entice
customers and content to their net-
works. Conversely, one would expect
edge providers to operate on slim
margins while trying to survive an
endless competitive death march.
But the data tell a dramatically
different story. ISP profits are, in
fact, considerably lower than many
of the companies that reside on or
use the web. Whether based on
sales or assets, the profit margins of
companies such as Verizon (with
which my company has a consult-
ing contract), Comcast, Level3, Pio-
neer or Cablevision are between
one-sixth and one-eighth of those
of such companies as Apple, Goog-
le, Yahoo, Facebook, Viacom or oth-
er device and content producers.
The white hat-black hat narrative is
also undercut by ISPs being among
the biggest investors in the US econ-
omy. Broadband providers held four
of the top 10 slots in the most recent
investment rankings; in 2012 alone,
they ploughed $40 billion into their
networks. And the US is seventh in
the world in share of broadband con-
nections at 10 megabits per second
or above. Thats not an industry
coasting on monopoly laurels.
One reason for the black-white par-
able may lie in the industrys legacy.
In the Ma Bell phone system, the
connection was the end product, and
no value was created on top of it. But
modern broadband is much more
than a dumb signal; its the plat-
form for applications, devices, the
cloud and other services that all con-
tribute to and compete for the inter-
nets value to the user.
And the ISPs have not done well in
that competitive cage match. As ISPs
have improved speeds and service,
edge companies have improved their
ability to extract the value these
improvements create. ISPs spend bil-
lions to blanket the nation with high-
speed connections, but Netflix bene-
fits by shedding its distribution costs.
Watch what happens when 4K TV
the next step beyond HD enters the
market. The set manufacturers will
do great business, but the ISPs
investment allowed it to happen.
When I was the strategic planner of
Unisys 25 years ago, we glumly
reminded ourselves that two compa-
nies made money every time we sold
a computer. Unfortunately, they
were Intel and Microsoft, not us.
Todays ISPs must shudder to think
that their innovations are making
Apple, Google and Facebook, but not
them, very profitable.
And that dynamic is reflected in
market performance, as the leading
edge providers have achieved true
market power and, in many cases,
monopoly or near-monopoly status.
According to, Google
has a search-engine market share of
88 per cent around the world and 67
per cent in the United States. Face-
book and YouTube combine to con-
trol 75 per cent of all social media. reports that
iOS and Android control 90 per cent
of mobile operating systems by units
and minutes. Amazon controls
almost two-thirds of e-books. If
black-hat broadband providers had
anything like these market shares,
the outcry would be deafening.
Such dynamics give the device,
application and content companies
substantial leverage over the ISPs.
They trumpet their innovative prow-
ess while turning the underlying
connection into a fungible, replacea-
ble commodity.
Google started in a garage, to be
sure, but today it is seven times larg-
er by market value than General
Motors. Its burgeoning growth alone
should lead to us to question the idea
that ISPs are the ones extracting
monopoly rent while edge providers
are fresh-faced upstarts.
The industrys critics need to
rethink the white versus black hat
sophistry. Or, even better lets make
internet policy without any hats at
Ev Ehrlich
The net neutrality myth
Protesters hold a rally to support net neutrality and urge the US Federal Communications Commission to reject a proposal that would allow ISPs such as AT&T and Verizon to
boost their revenue by creating speedy online lanes for deep-pocketed websites and applications, while everyone else is left behind. AFP
Ev Ehrlich is president of ESC Company,
an economics consulting rm, and was US
undersecretary of commerce from 1993
to 1997.
Lifestyle Lifestyle
The name game
Gamers ask
Nintendo to
honour Robin

OBIN Williams fans
are asking Nintendo to
name a character in the
next instalment of its popular
Legend of Zelda series after the
Oscar-winning actor, who died
last week.
There are more than 100,000
signatures on an online petition
calling for the Japanese gaming
giant to honour the renowned
comedian and avid gamer, who
appeared in numerous Nintendo
commercials. Williams was a
huge fan of the Zelda series,
even naming his own daughter
after its titular princess.
Robin Williams was loved at
Nintendo, the companys US
unit said in a statement on Fri-
day. We appreciate the outpour-
ing of support from the gaming
community, and hear the request
of fans to honour him in a future
game. We will not be discussing
what might be possible for future
games during this difcult time,
but we will hold our memories of
Robin close, it added.
A Tokyo-based Nintendo
spokesman said yesterday that
nothing has been decided, but
we wont rule out the request.
The designer of popular video
game World of Warcraft said last
week Williams would be hon-
oured as a character in the game.
The actor was found dead last
week of an apparent suicide at
the age of 63. AFP
Readers react angrily to new
cover for Chocolate Factory
HE legions of read-
ers buying physical
books is growing
smaller, but when
you mess with the classics,
theyre as loud as ever.
Thats what Penguin discov-
ered last week, when the pub-
lishing houses British arm
announced the cover art for
a 50th-anniversary edition of
Roald Dahls Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. Its an im-
age of a little girl decked out
in makeup and a pink feather
boa a la JonBenet Ramsey
no Willy Wonka, no Charlie,
and certainly no chocolate.
Though the new edition will
be printed only in Britain,
it was controversial enough
that bookworms worldwide
registered their outrage.
You mean, the worst cov-
er ever? Hannah Depp, a
oor manager at Politics and
Prose, said when asked about
the updated art.
Well, not the worst ever,
she said. It just looks like, I
think Im cleverer than I am.
The cover is certainly a
departure from other incar-
nations of the Roald Dahl
classic, most of which have
featured the famed whimsi-
cal illustrations by Quentin
Blake. But the Modern Clas-
sics imprint under which the
new edition will be released,
is not a childrens book line.
Instead, the sleek yet
strange edition of Charlie is
intended for older readers,
said Nan Graham, publisher
of New York-based Scribner.
Shes well versed in the re-
packaging of classics, hav-
ing overseen new printings
of Margaret Mitchells Gone
With the Wind and Heming-
ways The Sun Also Rises.
Adults who would not want
to be seen reading the story
of a cheery jaunt through a
candy factory might be more
interested in the Modern
Classics version, the cover of
which emphasises Dahls dark
commentary on parents who
act like children and children
who must parent themselves.
Its a common strategy for
publishers, who are always
trying to carve out markets
for their books, Graham said.
Is that what the editors be-
hind the new Charlie cover
were going for? The publish-
ing company declined to
comment, although a blog
post accompanying the an-
nouncement about the jacket
art suggested that its eeriness
was not unintentional.
This new image . . . looks
at the children at the centre
of the story, and highlights
the way Roald Dahls writing
manages to embrace both the
light and the dark aspects of
life, it reads.
But much of the literary
world was not sold. Why did
the cover of a novel about
kids and a wonderful if bi-
zarre candy-maker look
like a scene from Toddlers &
Tiaras? Commenters on Pen-
guins Facebook page called
it creepy, sexualised and
inappropriate garbage.
The impulse to focus on
the darker aspects of the book
makes a lot of sense to me, but
Im just so shocked by the re-
sult, Depp said.
People respond the way
they do because they care,
and they care about the book
the way they remember it,
said Chip Kidd, a New York-
based graphic designer.
Penguin UK is not the rst
publishing house to incur the
wrath of literature lovers by
changing a cover. Last sum-
mer, when Scribner put Leon-
ardo DiCaprio on the jacket of
The Great Gatsby to capitalise
on the popularity of the mov-
ie, the book world revolted.
We never even took the
non-movie tie-in edition out
of print, Graham said. And
still we got into trouble.
Graham is not surprised
by the response. Looking at
her own shelf, she begins list-
ing books whose covers she
wouldnt want to see changed.
Its a testament to an authors
ability, she says. Good writing
can make readers feel so pos-
sessive towards a book that
they want nothing about it
altered. And beyond that, fa-
miliar book covers serve as a
kind of tether in a world of fre-
netic Twitter feeds and glow-
ing smartphone screens.
The classic, the thing that
one recognises, gains value
up against the deluge of new-
ness, Graham said.
To Tony Ross, a former
publishing house art direc-
tor who teaches a class on
jacket design for the DC Pub-
lic Library, its a particularly
bookish perspective. The
modernisation of a beloved
childrens story, even if it goes
no deeper than the cover art,
gets to the heart of some
reader anxiety.
The classics are sort of
these touchstones for people,
Ross said.
For the record, Ross likes
the new Charlie and the Choc-
olate Factory cover, which he
says is provocative to exactly
the right degree.
As for what Dahl who
wrote, Never do anything by
halves if you want to get away
with it would think?
Ross says that he would like
Most Roald Dahl covers feature whimsical illustrations (left). Penguin publishing houses British arm changed
the cover for a 50th-anniversary edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. THE WASHINGTON POST/PENGUIN
After breakups, US newspapers seek path forward
FOLLOWING an unprecedented
series of spinoffs by major US media
companies, the print news industry
now faces a rocky future without
financial support from deep-pocketed
parent firms.
The wave of corporate breakups
comes with newspapers and maga-
zines struggling in a transition to dig-
ital news, and shareholders of media
conglomerates intolerant of the lag-
ging print segment.
Gannett, publisher of USA Today
and dozens of other newspapers,
became the latest to unveil its plan,
splitting its print and broadcast oper-
ations into two separate units in a
move to sharpen the focus of each.
This follows the recently completed
spinoff by Tribune Co of its newspaper
group, which includes the Los Angeles
Times and Chicago Tribune, and Time
Warners separation of its magazine
publishing group Time Inc.
Two other newspaper groups, EW
Scripps and Journal Communications,
announced last month they would
merge and spin off their combined
newspaper operations while
creating a separate entity
focused on broadcasting
and digital media.
The trend arguably
took hold last year
with Rupert Mur-
dochs split of his
empire into separate
firms focused on
media-entertainment and
publishing 21st Century Fox
and News Corp.
The wave of spinoffs certainly
plays into the perception that these
are children being cast out of the
house by their parents, said Mark
Jurkowitz, associate director of the
Pew Research Centers Journalism
Newspapers were snapped up by
media groups in an era when print
was profitable, but other segments of
the media empires are now driving
profits, such as local television.
The market doesnt think much of
the newspaper industrys future,
Jurkowitz said.
Industry consultant Alan
Mutter argues that pub-
licly traded newspa-
per firms still pro-
duce an average
profit margin of
16 per cent, high-
er than that of Wal-
mart and Amazon.
But Mutter said on his
blog that profits and news-
room staffing have taken a hit
in recent years, and that news-
papers have failed to do enough in
the digital arena.
Rather than reliably owning their
audiences as they once did in print,
the internal metrics at every newspa-
per show an increasing dependence
on the likes of Google, Facebook and
Twitter to generate the traffic that is
the lifeblood of any media enterprise,
he said.
Dan Kennedy, a journalism professor
at Northeastern University, said news-
papers are recovering from the negative
impact of earlier corporate tie-ups.
Its really corporate debt and the
expectations of Wall Street that have
done as much to damage the newspa-
pers business as Craigslist, Kennedy
told AFP.
Newspaper margins are still pretty
good. And when you have newspa-
pers owned by private companies
without debt, some of them are doing
pretty well.
Some analysts say the breakup of
big media firms may force publishers
to create ways to connect with read-
ers online.
The real problem with newspaper
industry has not been with the dead
tree part, it is the failure to monetise
the digital eyeballs, Jurkowitz said.
Unless there is an increase in dig-
ital revenue streams its hard to imag-
ine them getting out of the situation
they are in.
The industry is closely watching the
efforts of newspapers like the New
York Times, which is experimenting
with new digital access plans, and the
Washington Post, which under new
owner Jeff Bezos has boosted online
readership to record highs.
Kennedy said that while newspa-
pers may be profitable and an impor-
tant part of the community, they may
not be able to meet Wall Streets expec-
tations for growth.
Private owners can still keep the
business in the black, he said, citing
the record of Boston Globes new
owner, sports magnate John Henry.
But he said that newspapers need to
make considerable investments to
make a smart transition to digital in
the coming years.
Peter Copeland, a former Scripps
Howard News Service editor and gen-
eral manager who now is a media
consultant, said the breakups are
logical and generally positive for
Its better for the newspapers and
TV to be separate, Copeland said.
They were never a match. They are
very different businesses. AFP
Robin Williams and his daughter
Zelda. AFP
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
PG 930 Daily 13:20 14:30 PG 939 Daily 11:20 12:30
PG 938 Daily 06:20 07:30 PG 931 Daily 08:10 09:25
PG 932 Daily 10:15 11:25 TG 580 Daily 07:55 09:05
TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
FD 607 Daily 17:05 18:15 PG 935 Daily 17:10 18:20
PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
QR 965 Daily 16:30 23:05 QR 964 Daily 01:00 15:05
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 11:40 CZ 6059 2.4.7 12:00 13:45
CZ 6060 2.4.7 14:45 18:10 CZ 323 Daily 19:05 20:50
VN 840 Daily 17:30 20:35 VN 841 Daily 09:40 13:00
QR 965 Daily 16:30 17:30 QR 964 Daily 14:05 15:05
VN 841 Daily 14:00 14:45 VN 920 Daily 15:50 16:30
VN 3856 Daily 19:20 20:05 VN 3857 Daily 18:00 18:45
KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
KA 207 6 11:45 22:25 KA 206 3.5.7 14:30 16:05
KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |
1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 1 Call/week
3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
(4 calls/moth)
1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 1 Call/week
2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 1 Call/week
(4 calls/onth)
Sun 09:00-23:00 1 Call/week
(4 calls/month)
Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 1 Call/week SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ
(4 calls/month)
Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SIN
(2 calls/month)
Irregula 2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)
34 call/month
BUS= Busan, Korea
HKG= HongKong
kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC
Kob= Kebe, Japan
KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia
LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand
NBO= Ningbo, China
OSA= Osaka, Japan
SGN= Saigon, Vietnam
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand
SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia
SIN= Singapore
TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia
TYO= Tokyo, Japan
TXG= Taichung, Taiwan
YAT= Yantian, China
YOK= Yokohama, Japan
Air Asia (AK)
Room T6, PP International
Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555
Fax: 023 890 071
Cambodia Angkor Air (K6)
PP Ofce, #206A, Preah
Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
#168, Monireth, PP
Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.
5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20
OUND, bell-like bod-
ies drifting and danc-
ing through the wa-
ter a most relaxing
sight that also carries an air of
mystery. Jellysh, those sooth-
ing, umbrella-shaped crea-
tures, are aquarium idols that
attract many people.
At Enoshima Aquarium in
Fujisawa, Japan, jellysh il-
luminated in dark blue light
swim amid relaxing music
in a jellysh exhibit hall. The
aquarium started exhibiting
jellysh on a permanent basis
in 1973 and is now known as a
pioneer of rais-
ing jellysh for
Some stud-
ies show that
viewing jellysh
can ease stress.
Their healing
effects attract
peoples atten-
tion, said Aya
Adachi, a cura-
tor at the aquar-
ium. Asked
which jellysh
species are pop-
ular these days,
Adachi showed me a species
called aurelia. Aurelia are often
seen in waters around Japan.
Its not showy. It just swims
along with the current, opening
and closing its umbrella. Many
visitors to our aquarium say
they feel healed after watching
them, Adachi said.
Adachis next suggestion was
the Pacic sea nettle, which
has an umbrella more than 30
centimetres in diameter. It in-
habits the Pacic coastal area
of North America and is one
of the largest jellysh species
in the world. Seeing them drift
through the water with their
tentacles trailing softly behind
is compelling.
Meanwhile, the blue jellysh
actually comes in various col-
ors such as blue, brown and
white hence its other nick-
name, colour jellysh.
Its chubby shape is cute.
Its also agile. These jellysh
are popular among children,
Adachi said.
The brown jellysh matches
its name with brownish tones.
Its umbrella is 10 to 15 cen-
timetres in diameter, and its
tentacles are about 1 to 2 me-
tres long and slowly retract af-
ter snagging prey.
We occasionally feed them
during the aquariums opening
hours. So if youre here at that
time, you can see it, she said.
Visitors are allowed to take
photos as long as they dont use
a ash, so many jellysh lovers
come to Enoshima Aquarium
to snap pictures, Adachi said.
A cafe here sells a custard
bun and a jelly dessert both
designed after jellysh.
An increasing
number of peo-
ple are buying
jellysh at pet
shops. Howev-
er, such owners
must educate
themselves on
jellysh behav-
iour and other
important fac-
tors, such as
You may
have an im-
age of jellysh
as dangerous,
but visitors can forget that
here and just enjoy watching
them, Adachi said. Once peo-
ple understand that toxins are
meant to catch prey, they will
probably be more enchanted
by their beauty.
Jellysh can also be seen at
other aquariums across Japan.
The Tsuruoka municipal
Kamo Aquarium in Yamagata
Prefecture exhibits more than
50 species of jellysh. It also
sells original goods themed
on jellysh, including the
Kurageiri Kasuterayaki cake
containing sweetened bean
paste mixed with drained and
processed jellysh. Jellysh
have no taste, but their gummy
elastic texture is delightful.
The cake is a popular souvenir
at the aquarium. Yokan sweet
bean cake, which also includes
jellysh, is also popular.
Shinagawa Aquarium and
Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo
and Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
in Osaka also entertain visitors
with their jellysh exhibitions.
oddities of
the jellysh
Pacic sea nettle jellysh drift in the water. The sight is so enchanting,
visitors may forget about their deadly venom. THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN

12pm - MUNICH: Five Mossad assassins are tasked by
the Israeli government to avenge 11 athletes, who were
killed in the Black September terrorist atack at the 1972
Summer Olympics in Munich, by killing 11 Palestnian
leaders. But the team leader sufers a crisis of conscience
and begins to doubt his mission. Inspired by true events.
2:40pm -BIG TOP SCOOBY DOO!: Scooby-Doo and the
gang go on vacaton to Atlantc City, but they get involved
in a mystery at a circus. It is the 18th flm in the direct-to-
video series of Scooby Doo flms. HBO
5:30pm - BRIDGET JONESS DIARY: A Britsh woman,
who struggles with her weight, love life and job, is
determined to improve herself while she looks for love in
a year in which she keeps a personal diary. HBO
11:30pm - THE CAMPAIGN: An incumbent congressman
embroiled in personal scandal faces a no-holds-barred
challenge from a naive newcomer funded by two
unscrupulous billionaire lobbyist brothers. HBO
Thinking caps Thinking caps
1 Letter shaped like a horseshoe
6 Sizable
11 Opposite of gross
14 Electrical unit
15 Passover month
16 Kind of moron?
17 About to appear
19 Headstone letters
20 German poet Heinrich
21 Kings place
23 Trumpeter Herb
26 Moored
27 Word before in sickness and in
28 Performed wrongly
29 Neither here ___ there
30 Natural starter
32 Odists Muse
35 Tolkien forest creatures
37 Arranges by kind
39 Slide sideways
40 Your house, e.g.
42 Palette pigment
44 Yoko of music fame
45 How much folklore is passed on
47 With a sharper taste
49 Court rule enforcer
51 Sneaker bottoms
52 Trig function
53 Mill output
55 Nest egg component
56 Worthless
61 Fifth of a scale
62 Brother in a hood?
63 Arctic inhabitant
64 Right-angled extension
65 Musical repeat sign
66 ___-weeny
1 On vacation
2 Long March leader
3 Goof
4 Amass
5 Sticks like glue
6 In a little while, to Shakespeare
7 Wordless entertainer
8 Tire-pressure abbr.
9 Knights weapons
10 Fencers warning
11 A U.S. state
12 Napoleon was one
13 Did a word processing chore
18 Like oranges and lemons
22 Mixes batter
23 Sleeping problem
24 Fish-eating diving birds
25 Stops for ships
26 Annually celebrated event
28 Compassionate treatment
31 English Channel borough
33 Like a fork
34 Theyre sniffed at
36 Ecological stages
38 Living room piece
41 Export-import duties
43 Cheese dish
46 Poes maiden
48 Put new shelf paper down
49 Paycheck booster
50 Flynn of old Hollywood
53 Musial or Laurel
54 Comin ___ the Rye
57 Semi, e.g.
58 Really regret
59 Loud noise
60 Sloppy home?
Mondays solution Mondays solution

The worlds most famous team of crime-fight-
ing, pizza-loving turtles fights an evil kingpin
from taking over New York City.
City Mall: 11:15am, 3:25pm, 5:35pm, 10pm
Tuol Kork: 11:25am, 3:35pm, 5:50pm
Meanchey: 9:25am, 5pm, 9:25pm
In the far reaches of space, an American pilot
named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a
manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the
villainous Ronan.
City Mall: 11:55am, 5:05pm
Tuol Kork: 9:15am, 5:05pm
Meanchey: 6:35pm
Having endured his legendary twelve labors,
Hercules, the Greek demigod, has his life as a
sword-for-hire tested when the King of Thrace
and his daughter seek his aid in defeating a
tyrannical warlord.
Tuol Kork: 7:35pm
In the wake of a disaster that changed the
world, the genetically evolving apes find
themselves at a critical point with the surviving
members of the human race.
Tuol Kork: 9:35pm
When a team of explorers ventures into the
catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris,
they uncover the dark secret that lies within
this city of the dead.
City Mall: 9:15am, 11:25am, 1:25pm, 7:30pm
Tuol Kork: 9:20am, 1:35pm, 7:55pm, 10:10pm
Meanchey: 11:30am, 3:40pm, 10pm
Barney augments his team with new blood for a
personal battle:
City Mall: 7:45pm
Tuol Kork: 9:55pm
Meanchey: 7:10pm
Exhibition Opening @
Romeet Gallery
Made from corn tortillas cooked from
scratch and prepared in authentic
taquiera style. Buy one cocktail and
get a free taco with your purchase.
Cocina Cartel, #198b Street 19.
Intermediate lessons precede tonights salsa party. AFP
Eric Bana stars in Munich. BLOOMBERG
An intermediate salsa dance lesson at
8pm precedes the party. The cost is
$5 for each participant. The salsa
party afterward at the Groove is free.
The Groove, #1C Street 282 above
Terrazza Italian Restaurant.
Salsa @ The Groove
Tacos @ Cocina Cartel
Music Videos @ Meta
Artists participating in the Time to
Think exhibition includes Anida Yoeu
Ali, Sou Sophy, Oeur Sokuntevy, Linda
Kert, Tes Vannorng, Khchao Touch and
Sao Streymao.
Romeet Gallery, Street 178.
A compilation of music videos by
Cambodia-based performers including
Kong Nai, The Messenger Band,
Cambodian Space Project and Krom.
Meta House, #37 Sothearos Boulevard.
Rent $500/M Tonle Basac Area
1Living room, 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Fully Furnished, Big Balcony
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent $1000/M near Independent
Monument, Free Internet, TV
1Living room 4Bedroom, 4Bath
Motor Parking, Fully Furnished
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
4 bed with 5 bath located in BKKI,
Basic furnished, clean, Western
kitchen, big living room, balcony,
& nice garden, closed to ISPP, Super
market, UN ofce, and riverside.
Rent: $2500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 05 bed with bath located in
DP, Basic furnished, clean, west-
ern kitchen, big living room, nice
swimming pool, big parking.
Rent: $3500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, and safe, swim-
ming pool and gym on the top oor.
location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
for rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, and safe,
swimming pool, gym, quiet.
Rent: 2400 USD/month Location:
BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
rent 1-2-3 beds, 3 bath, available
near Independence, fully furnished
quiet, many trees around, western
kitchen, bright inside Price :
$ 700-1700-2000/ m 012 503 356
for rent 1-2-3 bed, bath, furnished,
swimming pool, gym, some service
included in the rent, located in
CKM. Price: 1200 USD/ month.
Tel: 012 879 231
100sqm to 400sqm, from 5$/sqm
Parking, 24h security, elevator
Spacious 5 meter high ceilings Lots
of plants & light + 60 sqm large
balcony Great view over
Phnom Penh
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Classes start: August 04, 2014
#100 St. Pasteur (St.51 St.200)
Tel: (855)23 214 825 (Khmer/English)
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Rent $3500/Mo in Daun Penh Area
1Living room, 6Bedroom, 6Baths
Some Furniture, Very Good Place
Ofce or Resident, Quiet Place
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent: $2200/M South Russian
Market Private Terrace Big Living
room 3Bed, 3Bathroom, Western
Kitchen, Very Nice River Views
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697

Rent $1700/M Tonle Basac Area
Big Living room, Wester Kitchen
4Bedroom, Furnished, Terrace
Nice Garden Good for Resident
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
Rent Boeung Keng Kang1 BKK1
Area $2500/M 3Bedroom, 3Bath
$1400/Month 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Big Living room, Western Kitchen
New Full Furniture, 1Car Parking
Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
Boeung Kok2, Toul Kok Area
$3000/Month, Big Living room
Western Kitchen 5Bedroom 5Ba
Good for Place Resident /Ofce
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
777 697
Swim-Pool in Tonle Basac, Roof
Swim Pool $750~$850/M for 1Bed
$1000~$1500/Month 2Bedroom
Big Living room, Western Kitchen
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697

Rent Loc: near Russian Market
-$750/month, 1Bedroom, 1Bath
-$1000/month 2Bedroom, 2Bath
-$1300/month 3Bedroom, 2Bath
Big Livingroom All New Furniture
Contact to see Tel: 077 777 697
:$250/m free wi,cable TV garbage
collection , on st 288 near Lucky
Super market Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$600/m on st 178 near Royal, big
living room, western kitchen
massive balcony, big bathroom
with bath tube Tel:089 36 32 06,
for rent:$700/m on st 294, free
wi,cable TV, garbage collection
Tel:089 36 32 06,

:$700/m on st 456 near Russian
market,free wi,cable TV, garbage
collection,24 hrs security guard,
Gym,2Baths,1 living room,1 kitchen
Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$600/m in BKK1 free wi,cable
TV,24 hrs security guard , car
parking,1kitchen,1 living
room,2bathrooms Tel:089 36 32 06,

Apartment for rent Located near
Russian market,1BR:$550/m,
2BR:$800/m,1living room, 1kitchen
,open Balcony Tel:089 36 32 06,
:$250/m free wi,cable TV garbage
collection ,on st 288 near Lucky
Super market
Tel:089 36 32 06,
A monthly basis with receptionist
security and excellent location.
Call 016 503 727 012 380 710
(At Steves Steakhouse)
Fresh Spring Rolls, Grilled Beef and
Stcky Rice @ only $5.50!
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Super Specials. Sirloin
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single malt for free.
#8, St. 240. TEL: 023 215 415
Udd Architecture and Development
1- Sale manager
2- Secretary (woman)
3- Civil Engineer or Architecture
Anyone who interesting please contact or come to
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contact number 071 977 530 5 / 012 380 158
Job Announcement
Western Rooftop Pool Apartment
for Rent LocatedinBKKI, 01&02&03
bed, roof toppool andgym, openliving
room, fully andmodernfurnished,
westernkitchen, nicebalcony, safety
area, goodconditionfor living.
Price: 1,200-US$1,800-2,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bed ,
Large living room, fully and modern
furnished, modern kitchen, nice
balcony, roof top gym, very good
condition for living
Price: US$1,200-US$1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment for Rent Located in Tonle
Bassak area (near Phnom Penh
Center), 01-02 bed, roof top pool &
gym, open and big living room, fully
&modernfurnished, modernkitchen,
big balcony, safety area, for living .
Price: $1,100$1,400/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent Located in west
of Russian Market, 01- 02 bed, nice
pool and gym, open and big living
room, fully and modern furnished,
western kitchen, nice balcony, safety
area, for living .Price: 650-$1,100/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Daun Penh area,
01-02-03 bed, nice living room,
fully & modern furnished, modern
kitchen, nice balcony, gym and big
parking, very good condition for
living.Price: $700-$1,200-$1,800/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in south of Russian
Market, 01-02 bedrooms, large
living room, fully and modern
furnished, modern kitchen, lots of
light, nice balcony, very good
condition for living, big parking.
Price: US$600-US$850/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 1-2-3 bed,
large living room, fully and modern
furnished, western kitchen, very
big balcony, very quiet and safety
area, big parking lots, good
condition for living.
Price: $800-US$1,200-$2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment for Rent Located in Wat
Phnom, 01&02&03 bed, big pool
and gym, open living room, fully
and modern furnished, western
kitchen, nice balcony, very safety
area, very good condition for living .
Price: 1,00-$1,200-1,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
for Rent Located a long riverside,
02 bedrooms, elevator, open living
room, fully and classic furnished,
nice kitchen, nice and big balcony,
river view, very safety area, very
good condition for living.1,800/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent BKK1, 01-02-
03&Penthouse, Real Modern interior
designed, large living room,light,
and modern furniture, western
Kitchen, roof top pool &gym
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

For Rent Located at Daun Penh
Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design
& lots of light, open living room, fully
and modern furnished, western
kitchen, very nice balcony, very nice
pool and gym, condition for living.
Price: $1,300-1,700-2,200/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Near Russian Market, 01-02
Bedrooms, very nice interior
designed, large living room, very
light, fully and modern furniture,
western kitchen, very good condi-
tion for living, quiet & safe.
Price: US$600-1,100/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent Located near independent
monument, 02 bedrooms, open
living room and kitchen, fully and
modern furnished, very safety area,
very quiet, very good condition for
living. Price: USD770/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent In Bassak Garden City, 05
bed, large living room, very modern
designed, fully &modern furniture,
modern kitchen, big balcony, play-
ground, very safety and quiet, will
becompletedinSeptember. $5,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent At Chhroy Changeva area,
river view, ground oor, 03bed,
fully furnished, very lights, western
kitchen, very safety and quite, very
nice garden, very good condition
for living. Price: $1,700/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent DaunPenhareaandvery close
toIndependent Monument, 05bedro,
largelivingroom, real colonial design,
somefurniture, westernkitchen, very
quiet &safe. thebest locationfor
residence.Price: $4,500/m
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000
Tree For Rent At BKKI, 03bed,
some furnished, very nice and
clean kitchen, very safety and quite,
very nice trees, very good condition
for living and ofce.
Price: US$1,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent At BKKI, 03bedrooms,
some furnished, very nice and
clean kitchen, very safety, very nice
trees, very good condition for
living and ofce.
Price: US$2,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Rent In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed
large living room, modern designed,
some furniture, western kitchen,
nice balcony, big parking and
playground, very safety, The best
location for residence.$3,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Villa For Rent In North bridge area,
05 bed plus 01 ofce room, large
living room, very nice design, fully
and modern furnished, nice pool
and garden, western kitchen, nice
balcony, Price: US$3,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed,
large living room, very modern
designed, some furniture, western
kitchen, nice balcony, big parking
and playground, very safety, The
best location for residence.
Price: US$2,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
At Tonle Bassak area,
04bedrooms, some furnished,
western kitchen, very safety, very
nice trees, very good condition for
living and ofce.
Price: US$1,800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh, 03
bedrooms, some furnished, very
nice and clean kitchen, very safety,
very nice garden and many trees,
very good condition for living.
Price: US$3,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent At Toul Kork area, 03bed,
some furnished, western kitchen,
very safety and very quiet, very nice
trees, very good condition for living
and ofce. Price: US$1,500 /month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

At BKKI, 03bedrooms, some
furnished, very niceandcleankitchen,
very safety, very nicetrees, very good
conditionfor livingandoffice.
Price: US$2,000/month
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

For Rent Near Independent
Monument, 03 bedrooms, very
big and open living room, western
kitchen, big balcony, very good for
residence, very quiet and safety
area. Price: US$800/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Located in Daun Penh area
(close to Independent Monument),
01 bedrooms, large living room,
some furnished, nice kitchen, quiet
& safe. big balcony, the best location
for residence.: US$450/m per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01 bedroom,
open living room and kitchen, fully
and modern furnished, very safety
area, very quiet,
very good condition for living.
Price: USD750/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in Tonle Bassak area
(close to BKKI), 01 bedroom, open
living room and kitchen, fully and
modern furnished, very safety area,
very quiet, very good condition for
living. Price: 450/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
LocatedalongNorodomBlvd, 100to
1700sqm, bigparkinglot, bigelevator,
bigstaircase, 24hsecurity andmany
Price: US$12- $14/monthper sqm.
Tel: 092232623/ 081230000

Located a long Norodom Blvd,
400 sqm , parking lot, big
elevator, big staircase, 24h
security and many facilities
Price: US $15/month per sqm.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Rent located in on the main street,
size: 8x20m, 07bedrooms, 04
stories, very good for showrooms,
banks, micronance, and other
business purpose, big parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Price: US$5,500/sqm
Rent located in on the main street,
size: ground oor 8x20m and
rst oor is 12x16m, 03 stories,
very good for showrooms, banks,
micronance, and other business
purpose, big parking lot.
Price: US$3,500/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

A long road No 04 (Factory zone),
Size: 6600 sqm, electricity and
water are connected, very standard
quality, good environment, very
easy to nd workers. $1.8/sqm
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
located in on the main street, 200
plus and $15/sqm per month, big
parking lot.
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
Jayawardene ends Test
cricket career on a high
Jayawardene ended his
glittering, 17-year Test career
on a high yesterday as Sri
Lanka won the second and final
Test against Pakistan by 105
runs to sweep the series 2-0.
The 37-year-old was hoisted
onto his team-mates
shoulders for a lap of honour at
Colombos Sinhalese Sports
Club after the tourists, who
resumed their second innings
at 127-7 chasing a target of
271, were shot out for 165
before lunch on the fifth day.
The former Test captain, who
had retired from Twenty20
internationals after Sri Lankas
title-winning campaign in the
World T20 in April, will now play
only one-day cricket heading
into next years World Cup. AFP
England beat Canada to
win womens World Cup
ENGLAND ended a run of three
straight final defeats with a
21-9 victory over Canada to be
crowned womens rugby World
Cup champions on Sunday in
front of a near-capacity 20,000
crowd at Stade Jean Bouin,
home to Top 14 club Stade
Francais in western Paris. The
Red Roses, also champions in
1994, were beaten by New
Zealand in the finals of the last
three tournaments (2002, 2006,
2010). The Black Ferns missed
out on this years showdown
after a shock defeat by Ireland
in the pool stages. AFP
Federer warms up for
Open with 80th ATP title
ROGER Federer won his 80th
career title and sixth at the
Cincinnati Masters on Sunday,
beating David Ferrer 6-3, 1-6,
6-2 to stamp himself as a US
Open favourite. The Swiss now
goes into the final Grand Slam
of the season in eight days as
a legitimate threat after
reaching the final last week in
Toronto and claiming his 16th
win without a loss against
Spains Ferrer over an 11-year
span. Meanwhile, Serena
Williams won her first
Cincinnati title with a
convincing 6-4, 6-1 victory over
Ana Ivanovic, just a week out
from the defence of her US
Open crown. AFP
Mekhissi earns golden
redemption at Euros
FRENCH athletics bad boy
Mahiedine Mekhissi managed
to keep his vest on as he
completed a show-stealing
redemption run with victory in
the mens 1500m final on the
closing day of the European
Athletics Championships in
Zurich on Sunday. Three days
after he was stripped of the
gold from the 3,000m
steeplechase final after
removing his singlet in the
home straight, the 27-year-old
produced a stunning last lap to
claim the 1500m title, shooting
past his rivals at the bell and
entering the final 100m
straight with a big enough lead
to do a repeat strip. This time,
however, Mekhissi contented
himself with gesturing to the
crowd in premature
celebration, before crossing
the line in 3min 45.60sec
precisely half a second ahead
of pre-race favourite Henrik
Ingebrigtsen of Norway, with
Britains Chris OHare
snatching bronze. AFP
Dragons fire over Emperors
H S Manjunath

OUNG Englishman Ben Laird
performed magnicently as
Smart Dragons brought the
hitherto unbeaten Emperors
to their knees 67-57 in a ercely con-
tested Angkor Beer Cambodian Bas-
ketball League xture at the Olympic
Stadium Indoor Arena on Saturday.
The fall of the Emperors has left Me-
kong Tigers as the only unbeaten side
after nearly six weeks into the second
edition of the competition.
The Dragons had favourable wind
behind them after posting a record
three-digit score in their last outing
and that positive energy showed it-
self in the way the side handled their
tough rivals.
In a fourth-quarter ourish, Laird
scored 11 points in a row, shaking off
in the process a full-court press that
the Emperors employed on him. He
ended up as the Dragons top scorer
with 25 points.
The game turned the Dragons way in
the third quarter after the scores were
tied at 27 when the teams went for the
break. At the start of the quarter the
Dragons tightened their defence, thus
shackling Emperors hitman Kim Ven-
gunoun, while in attack Leng Seng
reeled off nine points in a row six
free throws and a three pointer.
Philip Elliots one handed dunk and
Chum Naus buzzer beater gave the
Dragons a godly 10 point lead going
into the nal session.
The Emperors staged a strong ght-
back in the fourth quarter until Lairds
scoring spree settled the argument in
a favour of the Dragons.
In Saturdays opening game, Pate
310, currently ranked second behind
Mekong Tigers, pasted the CCPL War-
riors 72-54.
Once they took a ve-point lead at
the end of the rst quarter, Pate were
never headed the rest of the way.
The absence of Vince del Mundo
apparently had a marked impact on
the Warriors performance.
In Sundays rst game, Extra Joss
Fighters got past Sabay Tiger Mos-
quitoes, who despite being much
sharper in offence than their two
previous games eventually capitu-
lated in the face of their rivals sus-
tained aggression. The Fighters won
76-66 after a wafer-thin lead of 34-33
at half time.
The Fighters top player Stephen
Suriman was warming the bench in
the opening quarter but this in no
way diminished the sides zeal in of-
fence as Ken Gadaf made his con-
siderable size count with a basket off
an offensive rebound and a mighty
block of a Geoff Harry lay up.
The Mosquitoes did marginally bet-
ter in the second quarter to keep the
scores tight at the break and even lev-
elled up at 36 early in the third quar-
ter after briey leading 31-25. But
that was as far as they could get and
the momentum had faded out by the
time they got to the fourth session ve
points behind at 54-49.
With Suriman in full ight, the
Fighters built up a 15-point buffer
with not much time or opportunities
left for Mosquitoes to bridge the gap.
Jeff Kane and Steve Chunn pulled
back a few to cut the decit down to
seven with a minute to go but then
Mosquitoes desperation led to a few
fouls and more misery.
In the days second xture between
two tail-enders who had lost their
three previous games, NSK Dream at
last broke the ice by beating GL Con-
crete 81-52.
The Dreamers took charge from
the get go and kept pumping bas-
kets freely as Concrete struggled at
both ends. By the third quarter, the
Dreamers were so far in front that
there was no prospect of their rivals
catching them.
CCPL Warriors Sovann Panha (left) vies with Pate 310s Ouch Phanat during their CBL game at the Olympic Stadium indoor hall. SRENGMENGSRUN
MMA ghter Chan Reach foils armed robbery
Continued from page 1
said Reach, the head coach at
the capitals A-Fighter Gym.
It was around 3:30am on Mao
Tse Toung Boulevard, and Reach
had to be up at 7am for a training
session to prepare for his impor-
tant fight for Asias biggest MMA
organisation. He could have
ignored the cries, gone home
and put his feet up. Instead, he
put his feet to use against sev-
eral men allegedly attacking a
middle-aged woman.
I went back and saw four
guys on mopeds trying to rob
a lady in her 40s. They had
knocked her off her moped
and one of them was trying to
steal it while the other was try-
ing to grab her bag, Reach
said. They got her bag and
tried to make their escape but
while the driver was fighting
to balance his moped I rushed
over and push-kicked him off
the moped. He and his buddy
both fell down and when they
tried to get back up I kicked
them again to stop them from
Reach said he was unarmed,
and the suspects had knives.
In the middle of the confronta-
tion, however, an elderly man
living in the area ran out of his
house with a gun, ratcheting
up the stakes.
At first I thought he was
with them and was worried I
was going to get shot, but
instead he held those crooks
at gunpoint unti l police
arrived, he said. The wom-
an was pretty banged up
because they knocked [her]
off her moving moped . . . at
the time I didnt think of my
own safety, my only concern
was saving her from being
attacked but afterwards I
thought that it couldve ended
badly for me because they
were armed with knives and
who knows what else.
Reach left the scene and the
police arrived, arresting one
of the men who had not
escaped in the confusion of
the moment.
Chamkarmon district mili-
tary police commander Khoun
Sam Ol told the Post yesterday
that the man is 23-year-old
Sok Rano.
The victim, Chab Symorn,
45, said during a phone inter-
view with Post reporters yes-
terday that she was too scared
to remember the incident
clearly, however she did con-
firm that a man had helped
to ward off the robbers.
Mixed martial arts fighters
have intervened in criminal
activity before. Last month, a
petrol station clerk with pro-
fessional MMA experience
beat would-be thieves out of a
parking lot in Houston, Texas,
kicking one of the suspects
several times on the ground.
Reach says the reflexes he
honed during hours of training
helped him to defuse a poten-
tially deadly situation.
Without the training, I
would not have reacted fast
enough to the situation nor
would I have the confidence to
help the poor lady. I used the
awareness and kicking skills
which comes from my martial
arts training, he said.
I didnt stick around to
wait for the cops to arrive
because I had training in two
hours. ONE FC [Fighting
Championship] is a huge
event and I plan to put on a
show, so I rushed home to rest
and left the old guy with the
gun to take credit for it.
But Symorn wont let the
gun-toting Good Samaritan
take all the credit.
I dont know the guy, she
said of Reach. But I want to
find him and thank him. ADDI-
MMA ghter and coach Chan Reach (above) helped stop an attempted armed robbery of a lady along Mao Tze
Tuong Boulevard in the early hours of Saturday morning. SRENG MENG SRUN
Edin Dzeko close to new

five-year Man City deal
EDIN Dzeko, a key figure in
Manchester Citys 2-0 victory
at Newcastle United, is on the
verge of signing a new contract
that will keep him at the club
for the next five years. The
Bosnian internationals current
deal has only 10 months to run
and manager Manuel
Pellegrinis determination to
keep the striker was fully
justified by his performance as
City beat Newcastle for the
11th time in succession. He
finished last season playing
very well and was one of the
best players in this game,
said Pellegrini. He worked
hard and won a lot of aerial
duels. It was a complete game
from him. AFP
Bordeauxs comeback
hand Monaco 2nd loss
MONACO suffered a second
defeat in as many games this
season as Bordeaux came
from behind to beat the
principality club 4-1 in Ligue 1
on Sunday. Dimitar Berbatov
gave the visitors the lead at the
Stade Chaban-Delmas just
before half-time, but having
lost at home to Lorient last
weekend, Leonardo Jardims
side collapsed in the face of a
brilliant Bordeaux second-half
performance. Two goals from
Uruguayan striker Diego Rolan
and penalties from Emiliano
Sala and Wahbi Khazri made it
two wins out of two for Les
Girondins, who are top of the
fledgling table with a
maximum six points after a
fine start under their new
coach Willy Sagnol. AFP
Rodgers pleased by
post-Suarez Liverpool
LIVERPOOL manager Brendan
Rodgers said he was
encouraged by the manner in
which his side have responded
to life without Luis Suarez
following their 2-1 win over
Southampton. Uruguay striker
Suarez departed Liverpool for
Barcelona during the close
season and there were
question marks over how
Liverpool would cope in his
absence. Liverpool were far
from their best against
Southampton in their opening
Premier League game of the
season at Anfield on Sunday.
But victory was secured
courtesy of Daniel Sturridges
winner 11 minutes from time
after Nathaniel Clyne had
cancelled out Raheem
Sterlings first-half strike. AFP
South Korea talks with
van Marwijk collapse
SOUTH Koreas hopes of
appointing Dutchman Bert van
Marwijk to succeed Hong
Myung-Bo as national coach
have broken down, the Korea
Football Association (KFA) said
yesterday. KFA technical director
Lee Yong-soo told local media
South Korea would rely on a trio
of interim coaches for next
months home friendlies against
Venezuela and Uruguay, but
insisted the search for a full-
time foreign manager would
continue. We will keep trying to
hire a head coach of foreign
nationality, Lee told Yonhap
news agency. AFP
Real Madrid defender Marcelo (left) is tackled by Atletico Madrids midelder and captain Gabi during the UEFA Champions League nal at Luz stadium in Lisbon on May 24. AFP
Atletico seek Champions
League revenge over Real
A LIGA champions Atletico Ma-
drid have an early season chance
to avenge their defeat to Real
Madrid in Mays Champions
League nal in the rst leg of the Span-
ish Super Cup tonight (4am Wednesday
morning Cambodian time).
Despite having arguably Atleticos
best ever season, Diego Simeones men
have still suffered from the departure of
a number of key players over the close
season as Filipe Luis and Diego Costa
joined Chelsea and Thibaut Courtois
returned to Stamford Bridge after a
three-year loan spell.
The money received from the sales
of Costa and Filipe Luis has, however,
been reinvested in an exciting new
frontline as Mario Mandzukic joined
from Bayern Munich, Mexican inter-
national Raul Jimenez was signed from
Club America, and Antoine Griezmann
moved from Real Sociedad for 30 mil-
lion ($40 million). All three are in line
to make their competitive debutes at
the Santiago Bernabeu, but playmaker
Arda Turan misses out due to a ham-
string injury.
The Super Cup is one of the few titles
Atletico have missed out on during
Simeones three years in charge as they
were just edged out on away goals by
Barcelona last season.
And midelder Mario Suarez is deter-
mined to make amends for their heart-
breaking 4-1 defeat to Real after extra
time in Lisbon three months ago hav-
ing been just over a minute away from
wining the Champions League for the
rst time in the clubs history.
On Tuesday we are playing for an
important title against our eternal ri-
vals and we will face it as we always do.
We want to win and everybody knows
that, said Suarez.
It will be very difcult. The two
teams know each other very well and it
will be a great, hard-fought game as all
derbies are.
We know that the team that com-
mits the fewest errors and is more con-
centrated across the 180 minutes will
be the one with most chance of win-
ning the trophy.
Real havent rested on their laurels
after claiming a tenth European crown
as they have splashed over 100 mil-
lion on World Cup stars James Rodri-
guez, Toni Kroos and goalkeeper Key-
lor Navas.
Colombian Rodriguez and Germany
playmaker Kroos made an immediate
impact in their debuts as Real won the
rst of a potential six trophies this sea-
son by defeating Sevilla 2-0 to win the
UEFA Super Cup last week.
However, Navas has had to wait for
his opportunity as Iker Casillas started
against Sevilla in Cardiff despite his
poor form in Spains disastrous cam-
paign at the World Cup.
Real boss Carlo Ancelotti, though,
hasnt yet declared who his rst choice
keeper for the campaign will be and
Navas is willing to push Casillas for his
place in the side.
I have come here to work with hu-
mility and to try hard every day, which
is what I have done my whole life. I am
at the disposition of the coaching staff
and I will never give up, Costa Rican
Navas told the clubs website.
Now we need to think about the next
game. We want to win and we have that
winning mentality. The team is very
motivated and we know it is an impor-
tant title that we will all ght to win.
The second leg will be played at
Atleticos Vicente Calderon stadium
on Friday evening before both clubs
begin their league campaigns next
Monday. AFP
Arsenal out to prot from luck of draw
AFTER a positive start to the
new season domestically, Arse-
nal head to Istanbul in optimis-
tic mood ahead of tonights
Champions League playoff first
leg against Besiktas.
The Gunners followed up a
convincing victory against
Manchester City in the Com-
munity Shield with a 2-1 win
over Crystal Palace on Saturday
in their opening Premier
League game, in which Aaron
Ramsey netted a late winner.
Now they are looking to
secure a place in the lucrative
group stage of Europes elite
club competition for a 17th
consecuti ve campai gn,
although Wenger could do
without the fitness concerns
that are hanging over several
players, including Kieran
Gibbs, Laurent Koscielny and
Jack Wilshere.
We want to be in the Cham-
pions League group stage.
Besiktas had a convincing
result against Feyenoord [win-
ning 5-2 on aggregate in the
third qualifying round], and so
for us we have the luck to play
the first game away, said
Wenger, who has floated the
idea of calling on German
World Cup-winning trio Mesut
Ozil, Per Mertesacker and
Lukas Podolski for the first
time this season.
Meanwhile, Ramsey admit-
ted that Arsenal will need to
improve on their performance
against Palace, although he
lauded the contribution of
Wengers summer recruits in
that match.
I think they have started
really well. We were really solid
at the back with [Mathieu]
Debuchy and [Calum] Cham-
bers, who were playing as if
theyd been there for the last
three years, he said.
Arsenal would settle for a
repeat of 12 months ago, when
they beat another Istanbul
side, Fenerbahce, 3-0 on the
Asian side of the Bosphorus
on the way to a 5-0 aggregate
With Besiktas in the process
of rebuilding their stadium
across the river, tonights match
will be played at the Ataturk
Olympic Stadium, where Liver-
pool beat AC Milan in the 2005
Champions League final.
Slaven Bilics side, who fin-
ished third in the Turkish
Super League last season, do
not begin their domestic cam-
paign until later this month,
although they were convinc-
ing winners against Feyenoord
in the third qualifying round,
with former Chelsea striker
Demba Ba scoring a hat-trick
in the second leg.
Arsenal have some of the
best players in the world, but
we have seen on many occa-
sions that talent doesnt neces-
sarily mean a team will win,
said the Croatian Bilic, who
played in England for West
Ham United and Everton.
The pick of the ties elsewhere
tonight sees Napoli, knocked
out of a group containing
Arsenal last season, entertain
Athletic Bilbao. Both clubs
have yet to begin their domes-
tic seasons, and Napoli coach
Rafa Benitez may have reser-
vations about playing Gonzalo
Higuain, who returned late
from his summer break after
reaching the World Cup final
with Argentina. AFP
Tonights Fixtures
Besiktas v Arsenal 1:45am
FC Copenhagen v
Bayer Leverkusen 1:45am
Salzburg v Malmo 1:45am
Napoli v Athletic Bilbao
Steaua Bucharest v
Ludogorets Razgrad 1:45am
Arsenals Alexis Sanchez (centre) vies with Crystal Palaces Joel Ward
(left) and Joe Ledley during their English Premier League match. AFP
French Ligue 1
Marseille 0 Montpellier 2
St Etienne 3 Reims 1
Four bouts added to ONE FCs
Rise of the Kingdom fight card
Dan Riley

ship, Asias largest mixed
martial arts organisation,
announced four bouts for
its inaugural ght card in Cambo-
dia, ONE FC: Rise of the Kingdom,
which will be held at Koh Pich The-
atre on September 12.
The headlining match Brazils
Adriano Moraes against Geje Eu-
staquio of the Philippines for the
vacant ONE FC yweight division
title will be preceded by the co-
main event of the night, a rematch
between highly rated lightweights
Caros Fodor of the US and South Af-
rican Vuyisile Colossa.
The Cambodian card will also fea-
ture Singaporean rising star Radeem
Rahman facing Taiwanese MMA
pioneer Sung Ming Yen at bantam-
weight and Amir Khan of Singapore
taking on Malaysian featherweight
Jian Kai Chee.
A sure-re highlight of the cage
ghting event will be the lightweight
match-up of Cambodian-Australian
Suasday Chau and amboyant
Frenchman Arnaud Lepont.
Tickets are on sale now during
week days at CTN TV station, along
National Highway 5, and at Naga-
World during the weekend. A booth
at the indoor hall of the Old Stadium
will also sell tickets during MyTVs
MMA shows on Sundays.
The full red carpet and cage-side
experience is available for $80, with
other tickets priced at $50 and $20.

The Future v The Cheetah
Caros The Future Fodor (9-4) is a
muay Thai and submission grappling
champion who was one of the top
lightweights in US-based promotion
After suffering a decision loss to
Colossa at ONE FC: Moment of Truth
in Manila in December, 30-year-old
Fodor beat Dutch master Willy Ni in
convincing fashion in May and now
gets the chance to avenge his only de-
feat out of three ghts with ONE FC.
Vuyisile The Cheetah Colossa
(7-4) is a feared striker, winning
many of his matches with explosive
knockouts thanks to his devastating
low kicks and knees. The 32-year-old
has won his last two ONE FC bouts
including a points victory over for-
mer lightweight champion Kotetsu
Boku of Japan.
Radeem Rahman (2-0) became
the rst Singaporean to compete
inside the ONE FC cage, defeating
Susovan Ghosh of India in the or-
ganisations very rst event back in
2011. Injury kept him out of compe-
tition for years, but he made quite
an impression on his return in Sin-
gapore in May when he smashed
up Malaysias Raymond Tan in
the second round of their battle.
Sung Ming Yen (3-1) has proved him-
self as one of the top MMA ghters
out of Taiwan, being equally adept
at grappling and striking and prid-
ing himself on his aggressive style.
The ONE FC debut for the 34-year-
old known as Sam couldnt have
gone much better, as he submitted
Singaporean Nick Lee in just over a
minute of the rst round in front of
a home crowd in Taipei.
Amir Khan is a Singaporean who
has an undefeated amateur record
competing in the United States. The
namesake of the famous British box-
ing champion is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu
blue belt under Relson Gracie and
has also competitive wrestling and
muay Thai experience.
Jian Kai Chee (4-4) is a striking
expert from Malaysia who has won
national championships in both
Sanda and Muay Thai. He grabbed
his rst victory at ONE FC back in
February 2013 when he overcame
compatriot AJ Lias Mansor by judg-
es decision.
Suasday Chau (4-3) was born on
the Thai border as a refugee and
emigrated to Australia with his fam-
ily when he was 2. Now the owner
of a gym in Adelaide, he will get to
full his dream of competing in his
ancestral homeland. Unlike most
Cambodian combatants, who fa-
vour stand up techniques, Suasday
has deadly skills on the ground and
has claimed all four of his pro MMA
wins via submission.
Arnaud The Game Lepont (10-4)
is well known for his charisma and
crazy entrances and always goes
looking for the KO. The 34-year-old
Frenchman has outstanding striking
and knockout power in both hands
and is hell-bent on getting back on
track to a championship opportu-
nity after losing his last three bouts
for ONE FC against top opponents
including current lightweight cham-
pion Shinya Aoki of Japan.
Local ght fans can catch all the
action live on MyTV and Star Sports,
which on Friday was rebranded as
Fox Sports 2.
ONE FC rocks up to the Dubai
World Trade Centre on August 29 for
its rst ght card in the Middle East,
titled Reign of Champions, with
title belts in the lightweight, welter-
weight and featherweight divisions
all on the line.
South Africas Vuyisile Colossa (left) and Caros Fodor of the US throw punches during their lightweight bout at ONE FC Moment of
Truth in Manila on December 6, 2013. The cage ghters will clash once again in Phnom Penh on September 12. ONEFC.COM
Pedrosa puts a Czech on Marquezs record ambitions
MARC Marquezs hopes of set-
ting a record 11 straight MotoGP
wins ended on Sunday as Hon-
da teammate Dani Pedrosa of
Spain won the Czech Republic
MotoGP in Brno.
Pedrosa, who also won at
Brno in 2012, finished the 22
laps on the dry 5.4-kilometre
circuit in 42min 47.800sec,
ahead of Yamaha duo Jorge
Lorenzo and Valentino Rossi,
with Marquez finishing
Marquez, the reigning cham-
pion who won at Brno last
year, was looking to become
the first premier class rider
ever to win the 11 opening
races of a season.
Italian legend Giacomo
Agostini won the opening 10
races of the premier class sea-
son in 1968, 1969 and 1970 at
a time when he dominated
the sport.
However, no one has ever
won the first 11 in part
because Agostinis perfect
season in 1968 comprised
only 10 events.
Marquez, who failed to make
it to the podium for the first time
since Australia last year, now
tops the championship with 263
points, 77 ahead of Pedrosa and
90 ahead of Rossi.
In a way its taken a weight
off my shoulders, as now peo-
ple wont be asking me if I can
win every race anymore, said
We took 13 points, which
are important for the World
Championship and we have a
big advantage.
What matters is who wins
the title not who wins the most
races, said Marquez, adding
he had failed to find the best
setup for the bike.
It wasnt down to a mistake
by me or by the team, it was
simply that we didnt have
the same feeling as on other
As often this season, Mar-
quez got off to a poor start
from pole position, dropping
to sixth place.
Lorenzo soon settled down at
the front, followed by Pedrosa
who overtook him on the sixth
lap to nurse his lead, with
Lorenzo never really getting
close enough to fight back.
I didnt plan the race in this
way, but fortunately Jorge ...
opened a gap immediately so I
had to change my plan and
then push to the limit, said
I kept my rhythm until the
end, but in the end I struggled
with my rear grip and was not
able to go out strong in the
corners, added the 28-year-
old who finished 0.410sec
ahead of Lorenzo.
Finally we beat Marc, but
unfortunately it wasnt me, it
was Dani this time, said
After two laps I started feel-
ing not as well as in the first laps
and Dani cut me and passed me
... and went away.
The bike wasnt so bad at the
end of the race so I tried, pushed
to the limit to cut him, but it was
too late, added Lorenzo.
Marquez moved up to third
after a few laps but instead of
narrowing the gap on the two
leaders, he found himself under
heavy pressure from Rossi.
Shrugging off a heavy crash
in Saturdays practice in which
he injured the little finger on his
left hand, Rossi, who has won
five premier class races in Brno,
breezed past Marquez midway
through the race. He finished
more than five seconds ahead
of the championship leader for
his 190th podium finish in all
classes of motorcycling Grand
Prix. AFP
Repsol Honda Teams Spanish rider Dani Pedrosa wins the MotoGP of
the Czech Republics Grand Prix on Sunday in Brno. AFP

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