HSSD Janitor 08 06 2014

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Employment Opportunities

+ Ii https://jobs.hssd.k12.wi.us
Janitor - Bay View Middle School (8/6/14)
.Job Description: th d1rct1on nd supervtsion of the Principa l a nd Facifitle.s Ma nager. provide
gene.rat cleanlng and limited mu,tennc:e of district faeil1t1es Hourly rate ts Sl2.83 - s . 30 shift
dtffere ntfa l. Scheduled Mtrk hours 'Mii be 2 100pm10: 30 pm A Job Oe scripbon l5. a vaila ble by clicking on
Attachme nt Two below
Qualifications; High school d1plom or G.E.O. Ability to move a m1n1mum of 75 lbs. Ability to "'rk on a
6 -foot step ladder and/or ab1ltty to worf.c. t heights up to 30 fee t using a one-or tvo-persoo lift ptatform
.:ubj-ed to applicable wtfety standards. JOB OUTIES1 Clean. mop, scrub. s eal a nd finish various type iloors
1n class room: gymnasiums, hllv-ey1, restrooms nd dm1ntsl:rabve a re as. O ean, dus t a nd pohs h filing
bookshelve..s locken fumrture. light fixtures and other office and District equipment.. Move
fumrture a nd arrange tablu chai rs pianos. dec:orabons and fumitur e, ma t o:ria ls a nd
supplies a s directed, mow. and W8t r l awns, trim shrubbe ry. Sho ...el s nov,. \'.:ash walls. and
cha lkboa rds Operate motonzd anow and lwn equipment. Responsinle for the gene ral safety a nd secoritv
ot the btJtld1ng Replace light bulb nd oerform s1mllr limited malntenai nce tasks Keep building a nd
or emtses induding sidev,lks. dn..,e49ys. nd plv reas safe and d ean at a ll times.
How to app!v: Como1ete the onl1ne appl1cUon for tne Howard-Suamico Schoo-I OL-=-tnd at
https ://J-Ob:s.hssd.k12.wi.us:I. Pl tt-ack your cover letter and resume a nd complete the SupportlnSlght
within the online application. Do not send any additional matenals to Human Resources unless you are
req uested to do so. Applicabons Wiii be ccepted no later tha n 4:00p.m. on August 26, 2013. The Ho..-.-ard-
Suami co School 01stnct la an EQuI Opoortvn1ty employer and does n0-t d1scrim 1nab= ag.al nst a p0-licant:s or
employe_.e.31 bas e d on racef agei se.x or 1exual orienUatlon; creed or rel i gion ; col or; or di sability:
mari tal, ci t i zenship, or vetern 1tatus1 membership 1n the National state def e-nse f on:e or r e:;erves:
national o ri gin or ancestry; rrut or conv1ction record: use or non-use of lawful pro.ducts off the Di strict' s
duri ng non-worki ng kour11 or any other chrctenstic proteded by law. The District encourage::
applicat1on.s f rom all segments of the population. Mi noriti es are encourage--d t o appl,.. Applications will be
accepted no l ater than 4;00p.rn. po Ayaust 20. 2013.
V1 w AttachmontTwo
Apply f o r this
Posit ion

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