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A 50nm Depleted-Substrate CMOS Transistor (DST)

Robert Chau, Jack Kavalieros, Brian Doyle, hand Murthy, Nancy Paulsen, Daniel Lionberger,
Douglas Barlage, Reza Arghavani, Brian Roberds and Mark Doczy
Components Research, Logic Technology Development, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR 97 124
I. Abstract
In this paper we show a Depleted-Substrate Transistor
(DST) technology which demonstrates significant
performance gain over bulk Si transistors without the floating
body effect (FBE). We have fabricated depleted-substrate
CMOS transistors on thin silicon body (130nm) with
physical gate lengths down to 50nm which show much
steeper subthreshold slopes (<75mV/decade) and improved
DIBL (15OmVN) over both partially-depleted (P-D) SO1 and
bulk Si, for both PMOS and NMOS transistors. The salicide
formation and high parasitic resistance problems associated
with the use of thin Si body can be overcome by using raised
source/drain. Depleted-substrate PMOS transistors with
50nm physical gate length and raised source/drain were
fabricated and achieved I,,,, =0.65mA/um and I,,@ =9nNum
at V, =1.3V. This PMOS drive current is the highest ever
reported, and is about 30% higher than any previously
published PMOS I,,, value for both PD-SO1 and bulk Si at a
given bff. The use of raised source/drain improved the I,,,, of
the depleted-substrate NMOS transistors by -20%. Depleted-
substrate NMOS transistors with 65nm physical gate length
and raised source/drain achieved DIBL = 45mVN,
subthreshold slope =75mV/decade, I,,,, =1.18mAlum and I,,@
=60nA/um at V,, =1.3V, as well as significant improvement
in Id-Vd characteristics due to a 60% reduction in DIBL and
>25% improvement in subthreshold slope over the bulk Si.
II. Introduction
There are two kinds of planar SO1 transistor structures,
namely the partially-depleted (P-D) SO1 and fully-depleted
(F-D) SOI. Previously we evaluated P-D SO1 CMOS
transistors and concluded that P-D SO1 has diminishing
performance gain with scaling over standard bulk Si CMOS
[l, 21. In addition, standard P-D SO1 transistors exhibit FBE
which puts a significant burden on circuit design. On the
other hand, it is well-known that fully-depleted (F-D) SO1
transistors eliminate the FBE while providing better
subthreshold slopes than bulk Si transistors [3-51. However,
there are very few reports on F-D SO1 transistors with
physical gate lengths less than 100nm, and the scalability of
F-D SO1 technology is unknown. In this paper we evaluate a
thin-silicon-body depleted-substrate transistor technology
with a focus on sub-70nm physical gate lengths and examine
its scalability and performance down to 50nm. We give this
transistor technology a generic name of Depleted-Substrate
- Transistor (DST).
III. Process
Sub-70nm depleted-substrate CMOS transistors were
fabricated on thin silicon body with thickness 530nm on top
of a -200nm buried oxide. The physical gate oxide thickness
was equal to 1 Snm. Figure 1 shows a TEM cross section of a
thin-silicon-body depleted-substrate transistor. To overcome
the salicide formation and high parasitic resistance problems
in thin-silicon-body devices, raised source/drain can be used.
Figure 2 shows a TEM cross section of the DST with raised
source/drain. In this experiment depleted-substrate transistors
with and without raised source/drain were fabricated down to
50nm. Standard 0.1 3um-generation CMOS transistors with
-70nm physical gate length and 1.5nm physical gate oxide
[6] were used as the control.
IV. Device Characteristics and Discussion
Figures 3 and 4 show the subthreshold Id-Vg
characteristics of the 70nm depleted-substrate PMOS and
NMOS transistors respectively without raised source/drain.
Included are the standard bulk Si transistors for reference.
Both the PMOS and NMOS show steeper subthreshold
slopes (5 75mV/decade) and reduced DIBL (I5OmVN)
compared to the control. Figures 5 and 6 show the Id-Vd
family of curves for PMOS and NMOS respectively. There
areno abnormal subthreshold slope changes or kink-effects,
indicating the absence of FBE. The PMOS and NMOS
inversion CV curves are shown in Figure 7. The results show
no abnormality in forming ultra-thin gate oxide on the thin Si
body. Figure 8 shows the channel mobility of the thin-Si-
body DST and the bulk Si transistor. The data shows no
channel mobility degradation in the thin Si body.
To improve salicide formation and reduce parasitic
resistances on thin-silicon-body devices, raised source/drain
technique can be used. Figure 9 shows the Id-Vg
characteristics of a depleted-substrate PMOS transistor with
50nm physical gate length and raised source/drain. It
achieves DIBL = 40mVN, subthreshold slope =
70mV/decade, I,,,, =0.65mA/um and I,,@= 9nA/um at V, =
1.3V. This is the highest PMOS I,,,, value ever reported for a
given I offt and is -30% higher than any previously published
PMOS I,,,, value for both P-D SO1 and bulk Si at a given I,,ff
[6]. Figure 10 shows the Id-Vd family of curves for this
50nm PMOS transistor. Figure 11 shows the PMOS I,,n-I,,H
comparison of the depleted-substrate transistor, the depleted-
substrate transistor with raised source/drain and the standard
0.13um-generation bulk Si transistors at V,, =1.3V. For a
given I,,@ (e.g. 1 .O dum) , the depleted-substrate transistor
with raised source/drain shows the highest I,,n value, about
30% higher than the standard bulk Si transistor. Figure 12
shows that compared to the standard Si bulk PMOS at 1.3V,
depleted-substrate PMOS with raised source/drain is able to
achieve the same &, J, , n performance at 1.1V and reduces the
power by at least 30% (power a voltage*).
0-7803-7050-3/01/$10.00 02001 IEEE 29.1 . I
IEDM 01-62 1
The use of raised source/drain also improves salicide
formation and reduces the parasitic resistance problems in the
case of the depleted-substrate NMOS transistor. Figure 13
shows the L,,& comparison of the NMOS DST with versus
without raised source/drain. The data shows that for a given
LE, raised source/drain improves I,,,, of the NMOS DST by
-20%. This L,, improvement can be increased by further
optimizing the raised source/drain formation and reducing
parasitic resistances. Figures 14 and 15 compare the Id-Vg
and Id-Vd characteristics respectively of the NMOS DST
transistor with raised source/drain and the bulk Si control.
Both transistors have physical gate length of 65nm. The
results show that compared to the bulk Si control, the DST
shows significant device performance improvement. Figure
14 shows that the DST NMOS achieves DIBL =45mVN,
subthreshold slope =75mV/decade, L,, =l.l8mA/um and J ff
=60nA/um at V,, =1.3V (this I,,,, can be increased by further
optimizing the raised source/drain formation). Figure 15
shows the much improved Id-Vd characteristics of the
NMOS DST due to the 60% reduction in DIBL and >25%
improvement in subthreshold slope over the bulk Si control.
V. Summary
We have shown here depleted-substrate transistor (DST)
technology on thin-Si-body can be scaled to 50nm physical
gate length with significant performance gain over bulk Si
without FBE. Sub-70nm depleted-substrate CMOS
transistors were fabricated on thin silicon body &30nm) and
shown to have much steeper subthreshold slopes (I
75mV/decade), reduced DIBL SOmVN), similar CV
characteristics and channel mobility compared to standard
bulk Si CMOS transistors, for both PMOS and NMOS. 50nm
physical-gate-length depleted-substrate PMOS transistors
with raised source/drain achieved L,, =0.65mAlum and I,,E =
9nA/um at V,, =1.3V. This is the highest PMOS drive
current ever reported for a given LE, and is -30% higher than
any previously published PMOS I,,,, value for both P-D SO1
and bulk Si at a given LE. The use of raised source/drain
improved the I,,,, of the depleted-substrate NMOS transistors
by -20%. Depleted-substrate NMOS transistors with 65nm
physical gate length and raised source/drain achieve DIBL =
45mVN, subthreshold slope = 75mVdecade, L,, =
1.18mA/um and I,,B =60nA/um at V,, =1.3V, as well as
much improved Id-Vd characteristics due to the 60%
reduction in DIBL and >25% improvement in subthreshold
slope over the bulk Si.
VI. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Gerald Marcyk, Director of
Components Research, Mark Bohr, Director of Process
Architecture and Integration, and Youssef El-Mansy, Vice
President and Director of Logic Technology Development for
their encouragement and support.
VII. References
[l ] R. Chau et al., EDM Tech. Digest, pp. 591-594, 1997.
[2] K. Mistry et al., Symp. VLSI Tech. Digest, pp. 204-205, 2000.
[3] Y.-K. Choi et al., Spp. VLSI Tech. Digest, pp. 19-20,2001.
[4] T. Ohno et al., Symp. VLSI Tech. Digest, pp. 25-26, 1993
[SI D. Hisamoto et al., Symp. VLSI Tech. Digest, pp. 208-209,2000.
[6] S . Tyagi et al., IEDM Tech. Digest, pp. 567-570.2000.
Fig.1. TEM cross-section of a depleted-substrate transistor (DST) on
thin silicon body.
Fig.2. TEM cross-section of a raised-souddrain depleted-
substrate transistor (DST) on thin silicon body.
1 E a b,. ......
- ....... ~~
. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .
'El 1 E a
lE-10 1 \Y
1E-114 . . . . . . . . I . . . 1 5
-1.3 -12 -1.1 -1 4.0 4d 4.1 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.3 42 4.1 0 0.1
vo (vow
Fig. 3. Subthreshold Id-Vg characteristics of the 70nmdepleted-
substrate PMOS (without raised sourcddrain) and bulk Si PMOS.
622-IEDM 01 29.1.2
1 E43
1 ED0
1 E 4
1 E-Q)
1 E47
1 E48
4.1 o ai a2 a3 0.4 as 0.6 a 7 a8 ao 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
ve wow
Fig. 4. Subthreshold Id-Vg characteristics of the 70nmdepleted-subsmte
NMOS (without raised sourcddrain) and bulk Si NMOS.
1.3 -1.1 4.0 4.7 -0.1 -0.3 -0.1 ai a3 as 0.7 0.0 1.1 1.3
ve M
Fig. 7. PMOS and NMOS inversion C-V plots for the thin-Si-body
depleted-substrate transistor. Physical gate oxide thickness =1 Snm.
g QE.4
-1 U
I Oh 0
Bulk Si
-1.1 -1.2 -1.1 -1 4.0 -0.6 -0.7 4.6 4.5 4. 4 4.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
vd (VoW
0.4 a6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.
Eeff (MVkm)
Fig. 5. Id-Vd family of curves for the 70nm depleted-substrate PMOS
(without raised sourcddrain).
Fig. 8. NMOS channel mobility of high and low Vt thin-Si-body
depleted-substrate transistor versus bulk Si transistor.
1 E43
1 E44 6E-4
I 4m
I 3E.4
1 E06
1 E46
1 E47
Phyalcal Gate Length =50nm
Swbthreahold slope I 70mVl d.cade
4. I 0.65mAlurn, Cn =QnNurn at V, =1.3V
1 E49
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 a8 0.0 i 1.1 1.2 1
Vd (Volts)
4.3 -11 -1.1 4 4.0 4.8 4.7 9. 6 4.5 -0.4 4.3 41 0.1 0
VP volts)
Fig. 6. Id-Vd family of curves for the 70nmdepleted-substrate NMOS
(without raised sourcddrain).
Fig. 9. Subthreshold Id-Vg characteristics of the 50nmphysical-gate-
length depleted-substrate PMOS transistor with raised sourcddrain.
IEDM 01-623
Fig. 10. Id-Vd family of curves for the 50nm physical-gate-length depleted-
substrate PMOS with raised sourcddrain.
Fig. 13. NMOS I,,&ffcomparison of the depleted-subsmte &sistor (no
raised sourcddrain) and the depleted-substrate transistor with raised
sourcddrain at V, =1.3V.
1 E-1 0
1F l
o ai az tu M ae ae a7 a8 ao 1 1.1 i a 1.s
.l__-__-ll___l_-_----..--.. .
Depi etedSubstrate Transistor (with Raised YD)
DepietebSubstrate Transistor (no Raised WD)/
1E-7 .
$' 1E-8-
1E-9 -
l b l 0 -
Bulk Si
- / BulkSi
1E-12 4
0.2 0.3 0.4 a6 0.6 0.7 I
Ion (rnAlprn)
Fig. 11. PMOS L-LE comparison of the depleted-substrate transistor (no
rai sed sourceldrain), the depleted-substrate transistor with rai sed
sourddrain, and the standard 0.13um-generation bulk Si transistor at V, =
Depleted-Substrate (wi th Raised SID), V, = 1.3V
Depleted-Substrate (with Raised YD), V, = 1.1V
Bulk Si, V, =1.3V
.g i
Raised SID,
Vcc =1.3V
Transistor with ,
Vcc =1.3V
l Bl l 4
02 0.3 0.4 OS 0.6 0.7 0.1
b n (mAlpm)
Fig. 12. DST PMOS (with raised SI D) at 1.1V achieves identical Ln-Lr
performance to bulk Si PMOS at 1.3V, with -30% power reduction.
0 1 1 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Vd (Volts)
Fig. 15. Id-Vd characteristics of the 65nm depleted-substrate NMOS (with
raised sourcddrain) and bulk Si NMOS.
624-IEDM 01 29.1.4

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