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Andrea Jung
Stepped down as chief executive of Avon (AVP) in April but remains as chairman
through the end of this year. Jung has been unable to fix the companys operational problems,
failed to groom a successor, and turned down a $10.7 billion offer from the beauty-care company
Coty that, in retrospect, it should have leaped at. Since 2004, the companys market value has
fallen under her watch from $21 billion to $6 billion. And the company has had to spend $300
million in legal expense related to allegations that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
which bars bribery of foreign officials.

A. What make them good or bad?
Transparency and Sense of Motivation
For the first five years under Jungs reign, Avons profits soared. However, in 2005
a financial crisis hit Avon Products. Following advice from business consultant Ram
Charan, Jung embarked on a restructuring of management levels that would save the
company over $250 million. Rather than delivering the bad news from a distance, Jung
travelled the world to explain to representatives from numerous cities why some members
of the organization would be losing their jobs. While the process was difficult for all
parties involved, Avon employees were grateful for her honesty, sending her emails
thanking her for being so upfront.

B. Cite an example management function where they performed well or poorly

Jung joined Avon Products, Inc. in 1994 as the company's president in its product
marketing group. She became president of global marketing in 1996 and executive vice
president/president of global marketing and new business in 1997. Her responsibilities at
that time centered primarily on market research, joint ventures and strategic planning.
She then became president and chief operating officer, with responsibility for all business
units of Avon worldwide. She has been on the companys board of directors since 1998.
In November 1999, Jung was promoted to chairman of the board and chief executive

C. Strongest and Weakest Skills

The subject manager has been observed to have excellent skills in
emotional intelligence recognizing that IQ alone cannot fuel their firms success.
She had shown this management skill a built self and social awareness, self
management and recognizes his self to be contagious. On the roaring and falling
down a bit of their firm and being on the top, she is the source of energy, empathy
and able to earned trust proving that optimism and realism will exist

Brian Dunn

Resigned as chief executive of Best Buy (BBY) in April after allegations surfaced
that he had an inappropriate relationship with a much younger subordinate. Thats not
why hes on the list, though. Declining stock price, cratering same-store sales, loss of
market share to more nimble competitors, and an addiction to share buybacks that cost
the company $6.4 billion with little to show for itthats why hes on the list.

A) What make them good or bad?
Mr. Dunn, 51 years old, was a rare CEO in modern American retailing: a
onetime store salesman who worked his way to the top over nearly three decades at the
same company. He never attended college, joking that he went to the "university of
retail." He fondly recalled his days selling stereos on the store floor in the 1980s, when
he sported a long, swirly haircut and would crank up the soundtrack from "Miami Vice"
to draw in customers.

As stated on the above paragraph, Mr. Dunn is an ambitious. As an employee of
best buy, he helped the company as he want to give his self a better career. He also
display leadership that begins in a self confidence, molded by positive reinforcement and
a continuous or repetitive success which then make him as the chief executives of Best

NEW YORK -- Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn abruptly resigned on Tuesday after the
embattled consumer electronics chain launched an internal investigation into his
"personal conduct." Best Buy released a statement late Tuesday saying that it is
conducting the probe after earlier only saying the departure was a "mutual decision."
The chain would not give any specifics on the circumstances surrounding the
investigation of Dunn, a 28-year Best Buy veteran who had been CEO since 2009.
"Certain issues were brought to the board's attention regarding Dunn's personal
conduct, unrelated to the company's operations or financial controls, and an audit
committee investigation was initiated," according to a company statement issued late
Tuesday. "Prior to the completion of the investigation, Mr. Dunn chose to resign."
It is just unfortunate for him that he was forced to resign for a personal
misconduct as stated above. For there had been an allegations of inappropriate
relationship to his employee, this had undermine his efforts to manage his people, making
disastrous to teamwork and undermines productivity and continuous success.

B. Cite an example management function where they performed well or poorly

As Best Buy is a retail business, coordinating is the functions that the
subject leader posses at its best, because this function controls all the organizing,
planning and staffing activities of their company that ensures that all activities
function together and effectively.

C. Strongest and Weakest Skills

After becoming CEO in 2009, Mr. Dunn maintained a presence on Twitter
and wrote a blog called Brian's Whiteboard that he used in January to rebut
criticism that the company was a dinosaur. "This misguided perspective is
especially troubling for me," he wrote, drawing responses from customers and
former store workers who begged to differ.

As a good manager, Mr Dunn has a strong tough conversation skill. He do
not avoid tough talks but learn them deftly and avoid pitfalls that the can present.
During his tenure as an top executive officer, and before resigning, he responded
to criticism and did not let problems fester or bullies prevail.


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