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REDVOLUTION: Student empowerment

In the spectrum of light available, why did we ever attach red to things like fire, courage,
danger, life, warmth, enthusiasm and revolution?

Why is the color of revolution red?

Where did it begin?

The red has been highly associated to things that need a strong stance, something emphasized,
something revolutionary.

Through the years red has been used by heroes to symbolize strength in war and win a battle.
Revolutions like the French, Cuban and even the Indochina used it to symbolize their cause.

Taking much of the colors of nation's flags also bear this color that drips like blood and breathe
like fire.

Now, we no longer have the same war our ancestors used to have. But our times challenge us to
be at war with the current modern world. Our revolution now is less bloody but definitely bigger
than what we had before.

That is to educate mankind.

It was once said that if we are thinking about a year, plant seeds. If we are thinking ahead for
ten years, plant trees. But if we are thinking about 100 years, educate the children.

This is the revolution that we want to win right now. To educate the children the best way we
can and trust that in this pillar we are creating a better world to live in.

This is the kind of opportunity that we want to cultivate. A culture where the homo sapiens reigns
supreme by virtue of our capacity to learn and be taught.

Our parents send us to school in the hope that the best inheritance they could leave us is
education. A kind of legacy not too many people enjoy right now; a legacy that promises us
that there wont be any dark nights of ignorance.
The power at hand right now lies not on the elderlies, who have already did the best they did
during their time. But in the hands of the young blood who through education and guidance still
possess the Pandoras box of hope.
But as we go through the tides of time, we see that the youth too becomes victims of animosity.
We sow seeds of hatred on them. It caused them to rust and lose their sharpness. They too are
eaten out by the system. They, who are our only hope, are becoming our doom.
Knowledge knows no borders and ignorance is not a gift. Education should guide us on how we
change the world hopefully, only for the good because we can never outbuy nor outdo,
moral justice. We should always be on the good side.
Fellow Augustinians, studying alone will not suffice. Being intelligent is not all aces. But it is in the
oneness of mind and heart on the way to God that we become successful in this journey of
empowerment. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters.
The call to become the best is not an empty call. It is based on the truth that we are more than
capable to be the catalyst this world needs. Start small, start slow but pass it on and never stop.
The bible says that The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom this fear should not cripple
us, rather this anxiety should root us to seek the truth and goodness; that this is a revolution not
against anyone else but ourselves. To continually build and grow, to live in mortality but stay in
perpetual contribution, that this earth became better because of each of us.
The color red is indeed strong. This is indeed the most valiant of all. And this is the character we
need in order to conquer what we have at hand to be valiant, to seek goodness, to empower
ourselves. To possess fortitude that no matter how difficult, we will carry on expecting nothing
less but victory. We are the soaring eagles, and the sky is limitless.
Ladies and gentlemen, just look at our school banner, there goes our red that teaches us to be
courageous. And beside it, the gold, that teaches us to be genuine. Never give up. Never
accept defeat. Push through it and remain positive because better times will always follow.

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