To Do: 01 August 2014

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To Do: 01 August 2014

1) Antedate precede in time

2) Humdrum dull & lacking excitement
3) Cerebral involving intelligence rather than emotions
4) Preempt take the place of
5) Implicate convey a meaning
6) Ascribe attribute or credit to
7) Rakish marked by carefree unconventionality
8) Intermittent stopping & starting at irregular intervals
9) Consecrate to make holy or set apart for a high purpose
10) Insipid dull & uninteresting
11) Docile easily handled or managed
12) Finagle achieve something by means of trickery
13) Profusion the property of being extremely abundant
14) Clemency mercy, leniency
15) Foolhardy recklessly bold or rash ;
16) Buttress make stronger or defensible (to support)
17) Prevail be current
18) Piquant having an agreeably pungent taste /
19) Fawn try to gain favor by extreme flattery
20) Deride treat or speak with contempt
21) Forthright characterized by directness in manner or speech
22) Eccentric highly unconventional or unusual( usually describe a person)
23) Lethargic lacking energy; enervative
24) Irascible having a tendency to be easily angered
25) Analogous similar in some respects but otherwise different
26) Veneer () covering of a thin superficial layer that hides underlying substance
27) Rile cause annoyance in ; disturb, especially by minor irritations
28) Cohesive well integrated
29) Begrudge to envy someone for possessing or enjoying smthing
30) Emulate match or surpass(a person or achievement) ; follow
31) Behoove to be ones duty or obligation
32) Delegate give an assignment to (a person)
33) Conundrum a difficult problem
To Do: 01 August 2014

34) Belittle dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant
35) Presumptuous excessively forward
36) Incumbent responsibility
37) Industrious characterized by hard work & perseverance
38) Wanton showing no moral restraints to ones anger, desire & appetites
39) Uncanny strange or mysterious
40) Cavalier showing a lack of proper concern ; offhand
41) Melancholy a deep, long lasting sadness
42) Incense make furious
43) Furious extremely angry
44) Avert turn away
45) Evenhanded without partiality
46) Besmirch damage the good name and reputation of someone
47) Tribulation something, especially an event that causes difficultly & suffering
48) Coalesce cause to grow together
49) Precarious filled with danger ; fraught with danger
50) Fraught filled
51) Redress an act of making something right
52) Glean collect information bit by bit
53) Prevaricate speak in an evasive way
54) Castigate to reprimand harshly
55) Reprimand a formal expression of disapproval
56) Commensurate to be in proportion
57) Demur to object or show reluctance
58) Anomalous not normal
59) Extant still in existence (usually refers to documents)
60) Censure to show strong disapproval

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