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of journal : 2nd
Practicum week : Week 2
Date of incident : 13-17
July 2014
Title of journal : Effective classroom management

Effective classroom management is an important aspect that can help a teacher to
achieve the learning goals set for the lesson fully. It also helps the teacher to have a
smooth flow of teaching and learning process where the pupils work on the task or
activity conducted with the target attitude and behavior (Jason, D). Besides, in my
opinion, a skilled teacher in managing a classroom would not have problems in
handling misbehaved pupils as they have their own ways of preventing it, that have
been implanted into the pupils characters early before the teacher ever start teaching
the pupils (it might be at the beginning of the school semester).

After two weeks teaching the class which is 3A, I can see that these pupils have lacks of
training from the teacher in classroom management. For example, they would not clean
the class if they are in duty. The class is always in dirty and rubbishes are everywhere. I
was wondering whether the teacher that has entered previously, do not see it or they
just dont care about it. So, the first thing I do before I taught the class is, I stated to
them that I would not enter the class if the class is not clean. The blackboard must be
clean as well as the dustbin should be empty. They have to make sure that, pupils who
are in duties, do their duty before the class start and I will check whether they do their
duty or not when I enter the class. If they refuse to follow, punishment of double
homework will be given.

Next, after the interview with the some teachers, the teachers had unintentionally said
that, the class is a problematic class in that school and other teachers always complaint
about the pupils misbehavior. The class is also very popular as the pupils in it always
been mention in the school meeting. They wont do the homework as well as they are
very disruptive in classroom lesson. They also have less respect to the teacher and
rebelling is just a nature to them (as what the teacher said).

After that, I was thinking about the factor of why the pupils are behaving negatively and
how to handle them. Thus, I look and read at some theories that I have learnt in
classroom management. Then, I found that there are some theories that can be used in
order to manage the problematic class. I decide to use authoritarian classroom
management as well as behavior modification theory. These two theories are very
helpful to produce effective classroom management in many ways.

First, by using the authoritarian classroom management, I would deal the misbehavior
with productive punishment, for example, class extension, double homework, or write
self- reflecting letter. Then by using the behavior modification, I would use the constant
and intermittent reinforcement to strengthen the target behavior as well as to weaken
the negative behavior of the pupils. To strengthen the target behavior, rewards will be
given and to weaken the misbehavior, some privilege will be taken for example, going
back late than the others, and no early break for recess. The reinforcement will be given
based on the situation and behaviors conducted by the pupils.

After conducting these two theories in my lesson, it shows many positive results. First,
the pupils are more focus on teaching and learning process, the rules implemented
make them more behaved, systematic and smooth flow of lesson, time management is
on schedule, achievable learning objectives, and controlled noise and classroom
movements. And the most important thing is that they have built the respect that they
should have on me as a teacher. Even Im being firm and autocratic to them, but it is as
a way to make them more manageable and behave properly as they should be.

Thus, as what I can see from the result of my way of teaching using these two theories,
I cannot see why the other teachers cannot manage the class properly as what they are
complaint for. They are sometimes that the pupils are out of control but they still
manageable in some ways. In my opinion, negative perception on the pupils have make
the teachers strongly dislike and give up on the pupils. They should throw their negative
perceptions on the pupils as they are young kids that need to be shaped with patient
and care. It is difficult at the beginning of time, but it will be better as the time goes.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing

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No. of journal : 1

Practicum week : Week 1
Date of incident : 6
July 2014
Title of journal : Effective classroom management

On the first day in the school, my practicum partners and I reported ourselves to
the headmaster of the school. We introduced ourselves and he welcomed us to the
school. Then, we attended the weekly assembly. We were introduced to everyone at
the assembly. Then, the headmaster introduced us to our co-operating teacher, Mr

On the second day, we could not meet with the headmaster yet because he was
on leave. I received my class timetable and i needed to teach Year 3A. I went to see
the class teacher, En Khairul to inform him about me taking over the class for a
month. He gladly agreed to that and gave me few advises on how to handle the
class, the proficiency level of the class, and would assist me on anything that i need

Then, my partner and I went to see the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum to ask for
opinion about the project that we could do in the school. He gave us permission to
choose our preferences and asked us to met him on the next day to confirm the

On the third day in the school, we got the chance to meet the headmaster,En Basri
Abdull Rahman. We introduced ourselves to him and he welcomed us to the school.
He asked us about our progress in the school and our opinion about the school. He
also asked us to refer to the Senior Assistant of Administration if we got any
problems in the school.

For the forth and fifth day, we were working on the paper work and asking for our
mentors guidance in completing it. At the end of the week, we managed to send our
paperwork to the headmaster for the endorsement and approval.

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