Fatal Frame 2 Secrets FAQ

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Zero -Akaichou- (PlayStation 2, Xbox)

Secrets and Song Lyrics FAQ (Version 3.0 - Incomplete Struggle)

Current Update: Saturday, 7 August 2004
Previous Update: Thursday, 29 July 2004
Created: Sunday, 7 December 2003
By Don "Gamera" Chan (crs1219@hotmail.c_m)
Note: I DO NOT have this game, a PlayStation 2, or an
Xbox, thus I CANNOT verify these hidden commands. Also,
these hidden commands reportedly work in the Japanese
PlayStation 2 version, and may not work in the
non-Japanese PlayStation 2 or Xbox version.
(I typed up this FAQ as a "fan service" for the fellow
Yonemoto Chizu fans out there. Yonemoto san reportedly
voiced Tachibana Chitose.)
1. Acknowledgements
2. Links
3. Hidden Commands
4. Hidden Features
5. Mission Mode
6. Cheat Codes
6.1 Action Replay
6.2 Game Shark
7. Song Lyrics "Chou"
7.1 Ro-maji
7.2 English
"Setsunasa!" (*1)
Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only eight Websites:
Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement huit sites webs:
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://dlh.net/
- http://www.cheathappens.com/
- http://faqs.ign.com/
- http://www.gamenemesis.com/
- http://www.ggmania.com/
- http://www.geocities.com/crimsonsacrifice2/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.
"Shutter chance no renzoku."
- Iwao Junko
Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Asagiri Yohko, BondJamesBond, Emichan, Incendio,
maikuraki, Maskrider, and other Netters in the Zero
-Akaichou- message board in GameFAQs.com, for feedback,
links, and Q&A.
- Data Drain, for "Chou" song lyrics in English.
- Eos, for Mission Mode ghost names.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer. (After all, English and
French are the two official languages up here in Canada, the
True North Strong and Free.)
- Raistlin Majere, for "Chou" song lyrics in Japanese
and Ro-maji.
- Shiver, for his Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly fan
- The Project Zero staff of Tecmo Japan and Tecmo USA.
(Social democracy in action.)
In memory of:
- The seven astronauts on the NASA space shuttle USS
Columbia, which was lost in action (Mission STS-107) about
203,000 feet above north-central Texas, USA, at about 9 AM
EST (14:00 GMT, 16 minutes before her scheduled landing at
Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA) on
Saturday, 1 February 2003 (Chinese New Year Day).
Revision history of this file:
Version 0.5 (Limited Edition) [8 KB]: Wednesday, 17 December 2003
Version 1.0 [12 KB, +50%]: Thursday, 18 December 2003
Version 1.5 [13 KB, +9%]: Sunday, 21 December 2003
Version 2.0 [19 KB, +47%]: Sunday, 11 January 2004
Version 2.5 [22 KB, +16%]: Saturday, 7 February 2004
Version 2.6 [22 KB, +0%]: Sunday, 15 February 2004
Version 2.7 [22 KB, +0%]: Thursday, 19 February 2004
Version 2.8 [23 KB, +5%]: Wednesday, 17 March 2004
Later (Wednesday, 2004.01.28):
I rarely appreciate the staff of a non-Japanese branch
of a Japanese game maker unless the international version of
a Japanese game is subbed in English, instead of dubbed.
OTOH, I don't mind when the Japanese version of a
non-Japanese game is dubbed in Japanese, instead of subbed.
- http://www.tecmo.co.jp/product/zero2/
The Zero -Akaichou- official HP.
- http://members13.tsukaeru.net/mirage/koe/ps2/ps22_sa.html#zoroaka
The seiyuu (voice actor) list of Zero -Akaichou-.
(I typed up this FAQ just because the cast of this
game include (the former SG Girl) Yonemoto Chizu Anegosama.)
- http://game.pchome.net/2003/11/24/3896.htm
The Zero -Akaichou- section in the PCHome HP. Chinese.
Has movies (cut scenes, openings, and trailers) and screen
- http://g-mania.com/page038.html
Arbitrary gamers' HPs with Zero -Akaichou- hints,
information, reviews, screen shots, solutions, and urawaza.
- http://www.geocities.com/crimsonsacrifice2/
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Sacrifice, by Shiver. A Fatal
Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly fan page.
Later (Monday, 2004.01.26):
Permission granted to Shiver to cross-post this FAQ at
his HP.
- http://www.rogue-penguin.com/~laurean/ff/
Beyond the Camera's Lens, by Laurean Elizabeth
Broadbent of Rochester, New York, USA. A Fatal Frame series
fan page.
- http://pupu.sexy-bastards.net/chou/
"untitled//akai chou". A Fatal Frame 2: Crimson
Butterfly fan page.
- http://www.psychelia.com/butterfly_crown.html
Psychelia.com, by Lin@Chari. A Zero -Akaichou- fan
- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/oliver/20031129

Action Replay cheat codes for Zero -Akaichou- for
PlayStation 2.
- http://www.gamewinners.com/gameshark.php?game=blp2fatalframe2.htm
Action Replay and Game Shark cheat codes for Fatal
Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly for PlayStation 2.
- http://www.cmgsccc.com/ps2/index.php?multi=108
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly for PlayStation 2
cheat codes in the Code Breaker HP.
- http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Bingo/8243/code/ps2/0cho.html
Cheat codes for Zero -Akaichou- for PlayStation 2.
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly Super Play MPEG files.
GameSpy ID log-in required. (-_-#)
- http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~zu-chii/
Chizu Yonemoto -Yonemoto Chizu no HP-. Yonemoto Chizu
Anegosama's personal HP.
(I lurk in its message board.)
- http://www.livejournal.com/users/sethsera/
"Under the moon that sheds no light". Raistlin Majere's
[Ramble ON]
- http://selios.free.fr/
Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, don't
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."
- http://home.comcast.net/~kagamix2/xp-compatible/
The Japanese Gaming Guide to Windows XP, by Kagami of
"Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Japanese PC Games on Windows
- http://www1.cts.ne.jp/~buton/
Miyabi Koubou, by Tounnkai of Japan.
- http://www.geocities.com/wavehawk.geo/
The Shiori Fujisaki Shrine, by Wavehawk. A Tokimemo
(Tokimeki Memorial) fan page.
- http://zanyvg.overclocked.org/
Zany Video Game Quotes. Has very funny quotes and
screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of
Segata Sanshirou TV CMs.
[Ramble OFF]
- Hidden difficulty levels.
Hard Mode:
Clear the game at Normal difficulty and any Rank.
Nightmare Mode:
Clear the game at Hard difficulty and any Rank.
- Album.
Clear the game at Hard difficulty and any Rank.
- Gallery.
Clear the game at any difficulty and any Rank.
Then, clear the game at Hard or Nightmare difficulty to
add Ending B.
Or, complete the Ghost List to unlock set-up information.
- Ghost List.
Clear the game at any difficulty and any Rank.
- Mission Mode.
Clear the game at any difficulty and any Rank.
- New commands.
The basic commands of the game, when not in Camera
Mode, are:
Direction Keys Move the heroines.
Left Analogue Move the heroines/Choose.
Right Analogue Move the flashlight.
Triangle Enter Camera Mode (Finder Mode).
Square Options.
Circle Examine/Confirm.
Cross Run/Cancel.
Select Map.
Start Pause.
When in Camera Mode, the basic commands are:
Direction Keys Move the Camera.
Left Analogue Move the Camera.
Right Analogue Move the heroine.
Triangle Exit Camera Mode.
Square Move the Camera quickly.
Circle Shoot.
Cross Use Power-Up Lens.
L1 Change Power-Up Lens.
R1 Shoot.
After the player clears the game at Easy or Normal
difficulty and any Rank, then replays the game at any
difficulty, the Shaeiki or Camera Obscura gets the new
abilities of Kan (feel or sense) and Kaku (expand or zoom).
Consequently, when in Camera Mode, the player gets two
new commands:
L2 Zoom in.
R2 Zoom out.
- Hidden endings.
Ending A (Normal Ending):
Clear the game at Easy or Normal difficulty.
(Reminds me of the ending of the OVA (Original Video
Anime) Windaria, by Kaname Pro, with chara designs
(character designs) by Inomata Mutsumi sensei.)
Ending B (Good Ending):
Clear the game at Hard or Nightmare difficulty.
Ending C (Bad Ending):
Mio breaks her promise and escapes from the village
- Hidden costumes.
Costume A (red and blue kimono):
Clear the game at Normal difficulty and any Rank.
Costume B (dark blue kimono):
Clear the game at Normal difficulty and any Rank.
Costume C (short kimono):
Clear the game at Hard difficulty and any Rank.
Costume D (Yae and Sae kimono):
Clear the game at Hard difficulty and any Rank.
Costume E (Zero 1 heroine costume):
Clear all missions in Mission Mode at Rank S or above.
Costume F (Zero 1 heroine seifuku, with red necktie,
white blouse, and red checker skirt):
Clear all missions in Mission Mode at Rank S or above.
From Emichan (Sunday, 2004.03.14):
E and F are not both uniform costumes. F is the uniform
costume, E is the normal [costume], but their colour schemes
have been switched. (Mio is now wearing a brown skirt and
white top instead of a white skirt and brown top.)
Costume G (Gosurori (Gothic Lolita) maid):
Clear all missions in Mission Mode at any Rank.
Costume H (bondage leather top and skirt):
Clear the game at Nightmare difficulty at any Rank.
(Her vest reminds me of Mistress Domina's costume in
Black/Matrix 1 for Sega Saturn.)
- Hidden accessories.
Accessory A (Mio glasses):
Clear the game at Normal difficulty and any Rank.
Accessory B (Mayu glasses):
Clear all missions in Mission Mode at any Rank.
- Hidden ghosts.
After the player clears the game at any difficulty and
any Rank, then replay the game at any difficulty, some new
ghosts appear at some locations.
- Screen saver.
During the game, do not pause the game, then do
nothing. After the game idles for a while, a big ghost
Reportedly, when the game idles in Camera Mode, a
different screen saver happens.
Does not work during the title screen.
- Mission Mode objectives.
Mission 01:
Miyako Sudo/Masumi Makimura.
Shoot 2,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 3.
Mission 02:
Broken Neck Woman.
Defeat evil ghosts in 45 seconds.
Type 14 film x 10.
Mission 03:
Drowned Woman.
Shoot 1,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 15, healing pill x 1.
Mission 04:
Veiled Priests (3).
Shoot 5,000+ points total.
Type 14 film x 50, Type 0 film x 5, healing pill x 1.
Mission 05:
Broken Neck Woman/Woman in Box.
Shoot 2,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 20, healing pill x 1.
Mission 06:
Children Playing Tag (4).
Defeat evil ghosts in 5 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 0 film x 4, healing pill x 1.
Mission 07:
Shoot 1,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 61 film x 10, Type 0 film x 5,
healing pill x 1.
Mission 08:
The Mourner (3).
Shoot 2,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 40, Type 61 film x 1, healing pill x 1.
Mission 09:
Man in Dark (4).
Defeat evil ghosts in 2 minutes.
Type 14 film x 20, Type 0 film x 3, healing pill x 1.
Mission 10:
Shoot 8,000+ points total.
Type 14 film x 50, Type 0 film x 3, healing pill x 1.
Mission 11:
Woman in Box.
Defeat evil ghosts in 7 minutes.
Type 14 film x 20, Type 0 film x 5, healing pill x 1.
Mission 12:
Mechanical-doll Maker.
Defeat evil ghosts in 3 minutes.
Type 14 film x 20, Type 0 film x 1, healing pill x 1.
Mission 13:
Child Running By.
Shoot photo of ghost.
Type 14 film x 1, healing pill x 1.
Mission 14:
Miyako Sudo/Masumi Makimura.
Shoot 1,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1. No flashlight.
Mission 15:
Chitose Tachibana/Akane Kiryu/Azami Kiryu.
Shoot 5,000+ points total.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1.
Mission 16:
People in Dark (3).
Shoot 1,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 1. HP 10%.
Mission 17:
Shoot 8,000+ points total.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1.
Mission 18:
Defeat evil ghosts in 4 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 0 film x 3, healing pill x 1.
Mission 19:
Man in Dark/Woman in Dark.
Shoot 3,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 50, healing pill x 1.
Mission 20:
Shoot 2,000+ points photo.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1.
Mission 21:
Children Playing Tag (4).
Defeat evil ghosts in 4 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 0 film x 3, healing pill x 1.
Mission 22:
Veiled Priest/The Mourner.
Navigate Mayu to the end point in 4 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 0 film x 1, healing pill x 1.
Mission 23:
Shoot 40,000+ points total.
Type 14 film x 30, Type 0 film x 5, healing pill x 1.
Mission 24:
Mr. Kurosawa.
Defeat evil ghosts in 5 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1.
Mission 25:
Sae Kurosawa/Kusabi.
Defeat Kurosawa Sae in 8 minutes.
Type 14 film x 30, healing pill x 1.
Note: These cheat codes reportedly work in the
Japanese version, and may not work in the non-Japanese
Master Code:
EC878560 1433A434
Maximum HP, but still vulnerable to instant death:
1C8A5588 D8D3E7A5
1C8A5590 B893E74D
Unlimited films:
1C8A3770 3859E7A5
Unlimited heal items:
1C907BC0 1456FFBA
Activate Stone Mirror, even when not carrying any
Stone Mirror:
1C8A1380 15E1D7C2
1C8A13EC 1456FFC2
Maximum expendable items:
1C9078A0 1456E7A5
All items not expendable:
1C907A2C 2459E70C
99 Spirit Orbs:
3CA3BB78 1456E788
Maximum points:
1CD70424 144F25CC
Power-up Camera Obscura regardless of points:
1C8E0A20 AF56DD01
1C8E0D4C AF56DD11
1C8E15D8 AF56DCA1
1C8E1C5C 145607BA
Super high-power Camera Obscura:
1C85CF54 20552765
1C85CF5C D8D5E7A5
1C8A2C24 2054295D
1C8A2F2C D8D487A5
1CB81F10 DAxxxxA7
xxxx =
53CF: Increased damage ON
55E7: Increased damage OFF
Mio's costume change, Ver.1:
1CD70628 1456E7xx
Mio's costume change, Ver.2:
1CB78DF0 2854E7xx
xx =
A5: Default
65: Kimono A
67: Yukata A
61: Kimono B
63: Yukata B
5D: Seifuku A
5F: Seifuku B
CB: Gosurori maid
59: Leather top and skirt
Ver.1 is reflected in save data, but Ver.2 isn't.
When the player begins a New Game, Ver.1 isn't
immediately effective. After the player saves game, return
to the title screen, and continues by Load Game, it becomes
Mayu's costume change, Ver.1:
1CD7062C 1456E7xx
Mayu's costume change, Ver.2:
1CB78C30 2854E7xx
xx =
A6: Default
66: Kimono A
68: Yukata A
62: Kimono B
64: Yukata B
5E: Seifuku A
60: Seifuku B
CC: Gosurori maid
5A: Leather top and skirt
Maximum MP:
1C8A55B4 B893E74F
1C8A55C0 D8D3E7A5
No instant death:
1C8A07E0 0456E7B4
Mayu's motion test:
1C9AC328 2059E79C
1C9AC32C 849D270C
1C9AC330 2055E7B9
1C9AC334 883575E5
1C9AC338 2438E7A6
1C9AC33C 0416E7A3
1C9AC340 84A5270B
1C9AC344 0936E7A2
1C9AC348 2E35E7C0
1C9AC34C 3A25E7A6
1C9AC350 14555F9F
1C9AC354 B4A5270B
1C9AC358 B4B8270C
1C9AC35C 0C4E2375
1CB8F648 105397A5
1CB8F7CC 2894E7A6
Press L1 and Mayu's motion changes step by step.
This code is only effective when Mio is controllable
and Mayu is accompanying her.
From Raistlin Majere (Thursday, 2004.01.15):
Image Song
Lyrics: Amano Tsukiko
Compose: Amano Tsukiko
Arrange: Tokura Hirotomo
Vocal: Amano Tsukiko
"Chou" (05:51)
chika ni moguri ana wo horitsuduketa
doko ni tsuduku ana ka ha shirazu ni
tsuchi ni nureta SUKO-PU [scope] wo katate ni
kimi no ude wo sagashiteita
tsugihagi no shiawase wo yoseatsume makinagara
kimi no tsuyosa ni oshitsubusareteta
hagarenai tenohira no ato
chigireta tsubasa de akaku somaru kumoma wo saite
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
mayu ni komori egaita eien ha
doko ni mebuki hana aku no darou
asa ha yagate yami [kanji: anya] wo tsuremodoshi
watashi no hitomi wo ubatte yuku
tesaguri de kasaneai motsurete ha
kimi no arika ni nareru to shinjita
modoranai yakusoku no basho
chigireta itami de kuroku somaru daichi wo kakete
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
sakendemo kikoenu nara
sono te de kowashite hoshii
mada watashi wo "watashi" to yoberu uchi ni
dakitomeru kimi no ude ga odayakana chiri ni kawaru
tada shizuka ni
sora [kanji: ten] wo aoida
hagarenai tenohira no ato
chigireta tsubasa de akaku somaru kumoma wo saite
modoranai yakusoku no basho
jouzu ni habataku watashi wo mitsukete
From Data Drain (2003.12.21):
Deep underground, I kept digging a hole
Without knowing where it would lead.
With a dirt-covered eyepiece in one hand,
I search for your arm.
Scraping together patchwork happiness, and sewing it
I was crushed by your strength.
Burned on, Burned on,
The inerasable scars left by the palms of my hands.
Sever a rift in the red-stained clouds with my torn hands,
See, I can flutter better than you thought.
The eternity that I dreamed while confined in my cocoon
Where will it take seed and blossom?
The morning will eventually come and bring the darkness back home
And steal my eyes away from me.
Fumbling for you by moonlight, overlapping and entangling with you,
I believe I could become your true hiding place.
Burned down, Burned down,
The place of our promise that will never return.
Run across the black-stained earth with a torn-off agony
See, I can flutter better than you thought.
If you canft hear me, even though I scream,
I want you to destroy me with your own hands
While you can still hold me dear.
Your arms that hold me back
Turn into a gentle dust.
I simply stare at the sky, silently.
Burned on, Burned on
The inerasable scars left by the palms of my hands
Sever a rift in the red stained clouds with my torn hands
Burned down, Burned down,
The place of our promise that will never return.
See, I can flutter better than you thought.
Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (Aho)
*1 "Sakuretsu!"
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