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Silence is the true Commentary of the Self.

Truth is beyond words and speech.

Dissolve the mind at it Source, that is the Truth
When the mind is turned inward, it become the Self, turned outward,
it becomes the ego, and gives rise to the world.
The world is relative. It is synonymous with the mind.
Destroy the Ego and Be Happy forever.
From Babaji
The Divine Himalayan Yogi.
Do not confuse emptying the pot (Samadhi) with shattering the pot "Liberation" (
giving up the ego of I me and mine)
A pot that is temporally emptied can be filled whereas a shattered pot ceases to
THE AUTHENTIC KRIYA YOGA OF BABAJI Authentic kriya yoga practice is very simple
and easy for everyone. Authentic kriya yoga cannot be altered or modified. Thos
e who argue that kriya yoga has been changed or modified have no or incomplete k
nowledge of kriya yoga. The kriya yoga that Babaji gave to Lahiri Mahasaya is th
e same kriya yoga that is personally being given today by the God-realized. You
can be a householder or a monk. It make no difference.There is nothing to do or
Be still and know
In the pure essence of being all things happen
For spiritual novices kriya pranayama is very helpful in stilling restless Prana
, so that your heart and mind become calm (still), then simply rest in your pure
essence of being
Man comes here [on Earth] for the sole purpose of learning to break the cords th
at bind his soul. Disease, failure, negation, greed, jealousy break these bonds no
w. You are in a cocoon of your own bad habits, and you must be freed to spread i
ts wings of beautiful divine qualities.
(Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda Jee)
Failure and disappointment is a natural call for attention and correction. Like
physical pain. To pay attention is to move back in the right direction.
To awaken from your delusional trance
Paramhamsa Yogivah Giri says:
"As you rest in the inner essence of your being, you see clearly.
You see that you are free of all dimensions, and yet able to function in all dim
ensions.You understand that what you are conscious of is the result of your agre
ement with it.
When you are evenminded regardless of what happens, you are securely on the myst
ical path. As you break free from your agreement with solid realities, you becom
e conscious of several spiritual levels simultaneously, and you realize the trut
h that you have no home, no brother or sister, and yet in a way you do.
You are a free unbounded soul and can roam the universe at will. You are not the
body or the mind.
You have no father or mother and you belong to no race nor are you limited to a
creed, and yet you do,...
and this is the mystery which is hidden from the eyes of the spiritually unaware
. "
Parmhamsa Yogivah Giri says;
"You have and will always continue to exist throughout eternity.
Your dreams may change about you and your ever present consciousness may move wi
th the dream. When you mistake (wrong perception) the dream for the reality then
you are trapped by that which you yourself created.
Each of us lives in a world of our own creation. If you were to ask one who is f
ully awake (enlightened), he will gently awaken you reminding you of your real e
ternal, pure nature.
If you ask one who is still sleeping (conditioned by fragmented believing), he w
ill only be able to give you his superficial point of view, which may be very di
fferent from your own.
A Sat-guru (a fully awake guru) will always communicate clearly on a very deep s
oul level of the heart that you will recognize to be your very own.
Precious in ones life is the True Guru who awakens you from the slumber of mort
ality to the immortality of your very own Reality.
Love And Forgiveness
Any time the voice of jealousy, fear, or anger speaks, remember that it is not y
our voice, and command that it be gone. But you will not be able to expel that e
vil, no matter how you try, so long as you give that negative feeling a safe har
bor in your mind. Eradicate jealousy, fear, and anger from within, so that every
time an evil impulse tells you to hate and to hurt, another stronger voice with
in tells you to love and to forgive. Listen to that voice.
O Lord of Compassion, teach me to shed tears of love for all beings. May I behol
d them as my very own - different expressions of my Self. May I forgive (first i
nwardly, then outwardly) those who have most deeply injured me. I would return l
ove for hatred, sweet praise for sour complaints, and good for evil.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Journey To Self-Realization, 159; Affirmation, Whispers F
rom Eternity, 6.
Winning or losing,
Success or failure,
Acquiring things or losing things does not change you;
It only changes one false image of yourself for another
Self-realization is natural and easy,
When you renounce personal ownership of body and mind
After Kriya Pranayama recognize that the stillness before a thought is no differ
ent than the stillness after a thought.
Thoughts are diverse and many whereas stillness is always One and All.
When your read in the Scriptures that the Guru has revealed Brahma-Jnana to the
devotee, what He has done is given stillness to the devotee's heart and mind
When the storm's of the devotee's restless heart and mind have been stilled by t
he Guru's calming influence Brahma is Known.
This is the value of being in the physical presence of the illumined Guru.
Escaping the Suffering
When others are wasting time, the yogi meditates. Every day you feel you have so
me duty that is the most important thing you should do. And after you finish tha
t duty, you find another and another equally pressing engagement. So the whole d
ay passes; and by the time you have finished, sleep is upon you. You must save y
ourself for God, for communion with Him in the secrecy of inner silence. Let no
one tamper with your time for God. Then you will know what this life is all abou
Be with God instead of with your worries. If you can apply the same zest for God
that the miser feels toward his money, that the lover feels for his beloved, wi
th which the drowning man gasps for airwhen you concentrate those strong cravings u
pon God, then you will know Him. Be intense! Wholly immerse yourself in meditati
on. Start by spending half an hour in meditation, then increase it to one hour.
The more you become accustomed to meditating longer, the more you will like it.
Why do you permit yourself to remain entrapped in the cycles of births and death
s and their untold miseries? How many lifetimes will you helplessly go through a
ll this? Don't waste your time.
I condemn anything that keeps you away from God. To seek Him is the eternal way
of happiness. This, every man and woman should realize.
Anyone who is successful in making money does so by spending much time learning
the means to his goal, then adopts the right method, and then persists with dete
rmination until he achieves. That same systematic effort must be applied to find
ing God. Self-Realization Fellowship gives you the method. If you take my advice
and follow the Lessons sent from our headquarters, and meditate night and morni
ng, you shall see what wonderful changes happen to you. I will show you the way
again and again until you get it. We are here for Self-realization, to know the
truth now. Some are already achieving that through these Lessons and their medit
ations; I know who they are. Why shouldn't you, too, have that fulfillment?
(Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda Jee)
"My body cells are made of light,
My fleshly cells are made of Thee.
They are perfect, for Thou art perfect;
They are healthy, for Thou art Health;
They are Spirit, for Thou art Spirit;
They are immortal, for Thou art Life."
-Paramhansa Yogananda, How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality
One and the same
Sivananda states: "Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essent
ially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the
all-pervading Supreme Parabrahman the Supreme Being or the Absolute. Sivasya hrida
yam vishnur-vishnoscha hridayam sivahVishnu is the heart of Siva and likewise Siva
is the heart of Vishnu."
Self Realization is the realization of That which is prior to the body, and mind
You are not the mind anymore than you are the body. When this is really understo
od, it does not matter whether the mind is quiet or unsteady anymore that it mat
ters whether your body is sitting or walking.
At the time of Kriya Yoga initiation you are shown how to make contact with the
Primordial Divine Current. Immerse your awareness in, and identify with That whi
ch was prior to your body and mind. You then don't have to make an effort to con
trol your mind or get rid of illusion. Thinking that you have to control the min
d and remove illusion is part of the illusion.
There is no need to exert effort to control, just see through and transcend the
body, mind and illusion.
If you are sincere and prepared an enlightened Guru can demonstrate transcendenc
e and awaken the Divine Current within you at the time of Kriya initiation
September 25th, 1983 ~ ~ (Part 2)
Babaji's Close Disciple Gaura Devi's Spiritual Transformation
"On a few occasions I have tried to perform a puja to Babaji in the kirtan hall,
holding a lighted lamp in front of Him. He took the flame from my hands and sta
rted to wave it in front of my face, teaching me that He only resides 'inside my
Once again I was doing pranam to Him today when Babaji asked me: "To whom are yo
u doing pranam? I am your 'own' Self." On another occasion I was walking in the
jungle with Him and I stumbled on a stone because I was intent on looking at His
feet. He turned towards me and said: "Look 'Inside;' outside there are many dif
Self-realization is assured when you receive the personal instruction, guidance
and love of a Sat-Guru.
1) You are shown the Truth about what you really are at the time of Kriya Diksha
; The mistaken identity is between what one is and what one seems to be. The app
earance of the three worlds and the one who knows the three worlds have a common
2) This Reality is revealed to you, and you are taught how to affix your attenti
on firmly in Reality "God".
3) Cling firmly to That which is dependent on nothing and unswervingly abide the
Self-realization will unfold rapidly. God- realization and complete Liberation a
re then assured. With God and Guru's grace
Your mind is not you anymore than your body is. Don't be overly concerned with t
he condition of the mind. Happy or unhappy, calm or restless. Not being Identifi
ed with the mind is what is relevant. When we are first initiated into Kriya yog
a practice we are taught how to calm the mind so that we may experience our soul
nature "Bliss". As our contact with our true nature deepens we naturally begin
to identify with our essential nature, and not with the mind and body. If the mi
nd is not yours what difference does its condition make? Lahiri Mahasaya once wr
ote in his diary " the mind is very restless today." He wrote this after Self an
d God-realization. He mentioned the condition of the mind in a way that we might
mention the condition of our stomach. Sometimes the mind is restless because of
the collective Cosmic Forces of Rajas- Tamas and Sattva Gunas. Meditate on, and
in your true essence, and don't be overly concerned with the body and mind.
"There are [those] who would say that consciousness, acting on itself, can find
universal knowledge,"
Can it?
The Rig Veda, the oldest and perhaps most mystical text ever composed in India,
Sayana has this to say: "With deep respect, I bow to the sun, who travels 2,202
yojanas in half a nimesha."
A yojana is about nine American miles; a nimesha is 16/75 of a second. 2,202 yoj
anas x 9 miles x 75/8 nimeshas = 185,794 m. p. s.
Basically, Sayana is saying that sunlight travels at 186,000 miles per second! H
ow could a Vedic scholar have known the correct figure for the speed of light? I
f this was just a wild guess, it's the most amazing coincidence in the history o
f science!
The distance between the earth and the sun is approximately 108 times the sun's
diameter. The diameter of the sun is about 108 times the earth's diameter. And t
he distance between the earth and the moon is 108 times the moon's diameter.
Could this be the reason the ancient sages considered 108 such a sacred number?
If the microcosm (us) mirrors the macrocosm (the solar system), then maybe you c
ould say there are 108 steps between our ordinary human awareness and the divine
light at the center of our being. Each time we chant another mantra as our mala
beads slip through our fingers, we are taking another step toward our own inner
In fact, the Puranas, encyclopedias of yogic lore thousands of years old, descri
be the birth of our solar system out of a "milk ocean," the Milky Way. Through t
he will of the Creator, they tell us, a vortex shaped like a lotus arose from th
e navel of eternity. It was called Hiranya Garbha, the shining womb. It graduall
y coalesced into our world, but will perish some day billions of years hence whe
n the sun expands to many times its present size, swallowing all life on earth.
In the end, the Puranas say, the ashes of the earth will be blown into space by
the cosmic wind. Today we know this is a scientifically accurate, if poetic, des
cription of the fate of our planet.
The Surya Siddhanta is the oldest surviving astronomical text in the Indian trad
ition. Some Western scholars date it to perhaps the fifth or sixth centuries A.
D., though the text itself claims to represent a tradition much, much older. It
explains that the earth is shaped like a ball, and states that at the very oppos
ite side of the planet from India is a great city where the sun is rising at the
same time it sets in India. In this city, the Surya Siddhanta claims, lives a r
ace of siddhas, or advanced spiritual adepts. If you trace the globe of the eart
h around to the exact opposite side of India, you'll find Mexico. Is it possible
that the ancient Indians were well aware of the great sages/astronomers of Cent
ral America many centuries before Columbus discovered America?- the Mayans or In
How could the writers of old Sanskrit texts have known the unknowable? In search
ing for an explanation we first need to understand that these ancient scientists
were not just intellectuals, they were practicing yogis.
The very first lines of the Surya Siddhanta, for of the Golden Age a great astro
nomer named Maya desired to learn the secrets of the heavens, so he first perfor
med rigorous yogic practices. Then the answers to his questions appeared in his
mind in an intuitive flash.
Does this sound unlikely? Yoga Sutra 3:26-28 states that through, samyama (conce
ntration, meditation, and unbroken mental absorption) on the sun, moon, and pole
star, we can gain knowledge of the planets and stars. Sutra 3:33 clarifies, say
ing: "Through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known." Highly devel
oped intuition is called pratibha in yoga. It is accessible only to those who ha
ve completely stilled their mind, focusing their attention on one object with la
ser-like intensity. Those who have limited their mind are no longer limited to t
he fragments of knowledge supplied by the five senses. All knowledge becomes acc
essible to them.
"There are [those] who would say that consciousness, acting on itself, can find
universal knowledge," Professor Kak admits. "In fact this is the traditional Ind
ian view."
Perhaps the ancient sages didn't need advanced astronomical instruments. After a
ll, they had yoga.
Half knowledge cannot take one to complete wisdom. Knowledge of the scriptures i
s inferior to knowledge of that which births the world, the sages, their written
word and is prior to it.
What is the use of reading so many books. Every scripture says the same thing "B
e Still and Know God"
God-realization is a return to the original nature "Wholeness"
There is no division, no seer and no seen, Only seeing
1) For elevated consciousness keep your awareness in the higher physic centers o
f the spiritual eye and higher brain.
2) breathe normally through the nose and follow your breath as it comes in; paus
e for a moment; follow the breathe as you exhale, and continue to circulate the
Prana (subtle energy) in this way.
3) Be alert and ready as expanded awareness comes upon you as revelation.
HOW A PARAMAHANSA BEGINS THE DAY The attachment to one's own particular perspec
tive, belief's and opinions is the greatest shackle to complete freedom "Liberat
To be and live free is to have no particular limited perspective, belief or opin
ion. All perspectives, beliefs and opinions are delusional.
To have your heart and mind open to the unbounded Infinite is to know that one d
oes not know. A Paramhansa starts each day childlike as a open vessal to be fill
ed with the ever new unrestricted bliss of God.
When you awaken in the morning instead of rushing out into the world, be calm an
d still for a few moments. What if you had no name, no history, no future, no be
liefs, no particular individualized perspective to identify with, and thus no op
This is the Consciousness of a Paramhansa The joy of infinite eternal discovery
The awareness of every life form as an expression of the Infinite God
Even when making the bed, making the morning tea, sweeping the porch, taking the
children to school, going to the office to work or having Satsang with devotee'
s a Paramhansa lives in an infinite ocean of unbounded bliss

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