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There is something uniquely energising about making someone smile!

I am not sure whether

it is because it sadly doesn't happen very often or indeed because there is a power in it that
cannot be completely explained.
As Christians, we are constantly thinking of new ways to communicate the good news of
Jesus but if the 'Love St Albans' event taught me anything it is that sometimes the simplest
ways can be the most powerful.
I don't for one minute think that smiling at people and other 'random acts of kindness' are
all that is required but what a superb starting point we discovered they are during our 8
hours of 'Loving St Albans'! For most of the day the question we were asked was 'why?' 'Why
are you doing this? Why is it free? Why have you given up your Saturday to make a bunch
of strangers smile? The answer is simple, because a bunch of us believe that this event
can be used by God to re-orientate people's view of young people, of the church, of faith,
of Jesus and of Christians. We have no way of knowing
what impact we actually achieved but we do know that
for one Saturday in June we got to mess with people's
heads and cause them to reconsider their view of a
number of important things!
What if every persons first contact with a follower of Jesus
was a smile or a 'random act of kindness'? How different
would the world be? How different would our churches
be? How different would our communities be?
The verse above from 1 Peter has really come alive to
me since the 'Love St Albans' event. I witnessed a whole
bunch of young people and their leaders 'serving others'
and being amazing 'stewards of God's grace!' My prayer
is that the day was more than just a glimpse of what is
possible but that actually it will inspire individuals, youth
groups and churches to consider a more creative yet
simple way of communicating the love of Jesus.
Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly,
and most underrated agent of human change.
Bob Kerrey (1943) American Politician
Balloons, food, flowers,
smiles, cakes, characters,
joy and whole load of
Gods grace!
newsl et t er
J U LY A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
J U LY A U G U S T 2 0 1 4
Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
Gods grace in its various forms 1 Peter 4:10
Tuesday 15th July Total Training
Quiet or Loud, managing group
dynamics, 7.45pm 9.30pm
at Forest Town Church
Monday 21st July
267 trustees meeting
Tuesday 22nd July
11-15s Weekend Away debrief session
Dates for next term:
Saturday 6th September
267 Trustees Away Day
Tuesday 9th September
267 trustees meeting
Thursday 11th September
Youth leader breakfast,
9.30am at Vineyard St Albans
Friday 19th September supporting
ClubGen at Christ Church St Albans
Monday 22nd September
Child protection training
Tuesday 23rd September
Total Training Helping kids 'know'
God and not just know about Him'
Saturday 27th September
X-Cite 7-11s event, 6.00pm 8.00pm
at High St Methodist
Sunday 28th September
FUEL St Albans, 7.00pm 9.00pm
at Christ Church St Albans
Saturday 11th October
267 Fundraising Quiz Night
at Forest Town Church
Encouraging and equipping
your youthwork
uiz Night
Saturday 11th
with Fish & Chip Supper!
In support of the local Youth Charity
Forest Town Church, Lyon Way St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 0LB
6.45pm for 7.15pm supper followed by the Quiz at 7.45pm
Tickets 10.00 Inc Supper
To book a place/team of 6
contact Tracy:
Encouraging and equipping your youthwork
Love St Albans was a superb day and I am pretty sure that not only did we encourage and
bless many members of the public but that the team of 80 involved were recipients of
blessing too. Thank you so much for all the local St Albans businesses that were massively
generous to us on the day; Sainsburys, Pizza Express, West Cornwall Pasty Company,
Wagamama, M&S, The Cross Street Centre, The Merchant Tea and Coffee Company and
Flower Box. Also huge, huge thanks to the lovely Nicky at Gadsden Flowers for supplying
us with 600 gerberas to give away.
Christ Church St Albans have employed a Children and Families Worker, her name is Becki
and she hopes to start in September. This is a massive answer to prayer and part of a long
journey for the Christ Church family but God has been faithful throughout
We had two fundraising golf days recently and both were a real joy to be involved with.
Thank you so much to Mill Green Golf Club, Porters Park Golf Club, RBS, Nigel Bretton,
Richard McFarland, Jason Chessher and some very generous donors of auction prizes for
supporting us in such a massive way. We raised a breathtaking 6000 over the 2 events,
thank you!
This month we also began a youth leader breakfast in Hertford as part of our ministry
growth towards the Welwyn, Hertford and Ware areas. Pray for wisdom as we consider
how best to build on the contacts we have
More? Caf was a real joy again this summer and loads of young people came to the
sessions designed to help people relax during the exam season. Give thanks for the
amazing relationships that exist between young people that come to various 267 events
The simple truth is that our God is good! He provides us with surprise gifts, faithful
trustees, generous supporters and amazing young people to experience this ministry. All
these things encourage me and inspire me to do more and continue in this phenomenal
calling that God has given me. Thank you all for journeying with us this far
Please pray for Mike and the trustees as we discern whether it is right to employ
someone to help with the more practical aspects of the ministry. We have been
thinking about this for a while but we want the timing to be right and knowledge that
this is right for our next stage of our vision
We are still in our wonderful office space at The Ziggurat but some of the other
charities that were given space at the same time as us have been given notice to
leave. It is still a bit up in the air as to how long we will be here but pray for peace
about our future
Pray for rest over the summer for all involved in the267project. Pray that Mike
would have time to reflect on the encouragements of the past year but also to receive
further insight and energy for the year ahead
Last year we were hugely blessed with a grant to buy a van. We would love to find
someone who might donate their skills and time to service the van for us. If you are a
mechanic, or know a very friendly lovely one that might want to help us, could you
drop us an email. Thanks
X-Site - This is a new initiative I am involved with that is a sort of 'Fuel' event for
7-11's. X-Site is a Scripture Union resource and is a high energy 'holiday club in an
afternoon' type event. We have had 3 meetings as a team and we are planning our
first event for the end of September. If it takes off I think it would be worth
considering running something similar in St Albans in a years time. Pray for the team
as plans progress
Please pray for our trustees
as they continue to guide and
support the project with
wisdom, care and passion.
Pray for Mike as he directs the
ministry and for space to
discern Gods plans for the
coming year. Pray also for
Tracy and her role as Project
PA, pray that she will thrive in
our new office environment
"In terms of the project's financial condition, the trustees
and I are hugely appreciative of your support and the
interest you take in our financial position and security.
We have been blessed with additional contributions over
the years, both one-off gifts and uplifted regular
donations. The nature of our financial flows is such that
we have some level of reliance on these one-offs and new
and increased regular giving, along with our grant
applications and fundraising events. We are projecting a
declining cash position as we enter the second half of this
year and would ask you to see if you are able to increase
your financial support, either directly yourselves or by
introducing new financial supporters. You can increase
your regular giving on line at your bank or by downloading
a standing order form from our website - or email us if
you need some help with the paperwork."

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