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Social Host Ordinance Fact Sheet



The Problem of Underage Drinking (UAD)
Wisconsin leads the nation in almost EVERY alcohol-related statistic, including underage binge
Studies show those that drink before the age of 15 (no matter whom with) are more than 5
times more likely to have issues with alcohol as adults.
Studies show that our brains develop until the age of 25 and the last part to develop - the
prefrontal cortex which impacts our decision making - is also the first to be affected by alcohol

What Contributes to Underage Drinking?
While many things contribute to underage drinking ACCESS is a major factor.
o Easy access to alcohol in general, but also the availability of high alcohol content
Ex. Alco-pops & 4LOKO which are sweet tasting and up to 4.7 servings of
alcohol at a cheap price ($2-3 each)
o Two main places where minors get alcohol = retail license establishments or social
access from family, peers or other adults

How to address access for Underage Drinking
RETAIL anywhere that is licensed to sell alcohol
o Compliance checks
o Alcohol license applications
o Responsible beverage server trainings
SOCIAL family, friends, and other adults
o This is a tougher nut to crack due to the culture of drinking
o Hosting and taking keys may stop a person from drinking and driving, it doesnt prevent
all the other bad things that happen when kids drink
o A Social Host Ordinance is one more tool for law enforcement and communities to
address social access to alcohol.

What Social Host is
21st Century Solution to centuries old problem.
This is a new ordinance in WI - first passed in the Fox Valley in 2009.
Penalizes ANYONE who PROVIDES A LOCATION for underage drinking to take place.
o Location includes home, cottage, camper, trailer, land, hotel, or other public or private
property where 3 or more can gather
o Municipal forfeiture up to $5000 typically set by judge
o Ordinance covers known or should have known giving flexibility to look at the
incidents on a case by case basis
o The penalty is a municipal forfeiture, not a crime, so the burden of proof is less.

Social Host Ordinance Fact Sheet


Social Host does not
Duplicate state law it is still illegal to give, sell or procure this comes down to the location
not the alcohol itself
Eliminate parents rights. A parent can still give alcohol to their own child, not anyone elses.
Create a crime. It is a municipal ordinance violation. The goal is not throw people in jail or put
something on permanent record; its to deter the act of underage drinking.
Allow law enforcement will be hunting down violators to earn a quick buck. The ordinance is
used as a tool when responding to possible underage drinking party calls.

Another tool for law enforcement and communities to hold those that host underage drinking
parties accountable.
Take a stand to say it is not OK to host underage drinking parties in our municipality.
Each municipality can take it and make it fit their community.
o Strength of ordinance is in consistent penalties across municipalities that are swift,
certain and pinch to pocketbook.

Whos Passed and Whos Discussing
In October 2011, Wausau became the 11
municipality to pass a Social Host Ordinance
o 1
municipality in Central Wisconsin
o Fox Valley, Kenosha and Prairie Du Chien among those that passed prior
Weston followed in December 2011 - Kronenwetter in February 2012
Marathon County became 3
county to pass on Feb 2012 1
in central WI
Rothschild passed in March 2012 - Schofield passed in May 2012
Approx. 60% of Marathon County is covered under this ordinance
Many other municipalities and counties throughout the state, including our neighbors, are
currently in discussion

FAQ from Previous Passage
Trends in tickets as of December 2013 is towards young adults (17-26 yrs.) receiving citations
for holding parties for their underage friends.
2012 = total citations
2013 = 28 citations
Enforcement Doesnt put undue burden on law enforcement, they are responding to the calls
anyway, this is one more tool when they get there
Scenarios Going away for weekend or remote hunting land
o Depending on how the ordinance and citation is written as to who gets citation
o In the end it comes down to officer discretion and the municipal attorneys belief there is
a case

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