Automated Sports Club

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Automated Sports Club

The Ellesmere Sports and Leisure Club (the automated sports club) provides cricket, tennis,
squash, bowls, and croquet acilities to its members! There is room or improvement in the current
procedures or bookin" sports acilities! #resentl$, sports users make bookin"s in person and sports
centre sta record them b$ hand! Sta currentl$ spends a considerable amount o time administratin" the
bookin" o sports centre acilities! There is currentl$ no wa$ or users to check what bookin"s the$ have
outstandin" without contactin" sports centre sta! This can lead to more unnecessar$ use o sta time or
users missin" bookin"s! %$ automatin" above s$stem, administrator or"ani&es, schedules tasks and
maintains the s$stem, users (members) can access and can book sports club tasks throu"h internet,
dierent club promoters can see various tasks and or"ani&e them eicientl$ b$ usin" this developin"
online application! 't is elt that there would be beneits to both sports users and sta rom automatin"
this process! (or this reason, the ocus o this pro)ect will be on the development a "eneric solution that
is suitable or a variet$ o sports centers!
Existing System
'n the current procedures or bookin" sports acilities, presentl$, sports users make bookin"s in person and
'n the current procedures or bookin" sports acilities, presentl$, sports users make bookin"s in person
and sports centre sta record them b$ hand! 't is elt that there would be beneits to both sports users
and sta rom automatin" this process!
This is manual maintenance s$stem!
*ere some spread sheet is maintained or listin" all the members and acilities!
%ookin"s are also maintained in the spread sheet!
+nnual bills are provided b$ linkin" word processor usin" mail mer"e!
There b$ causin" loss o emplo$ee time also!
Thus the present s$stem stated is time takin", insecure and costl$!
Proposed System
Contact: 040-4027484! "#$"42"$
Emai% id: academiclivepro)ects,"mail!com, www!lo"ics$stems!or"!in
Automated Sports Club
The proposed s$stem +-T./+TE0 S#.1TS CL-% serves or"ani&ation2s needs and Club /embers
in a consistent and transparent manner! 't should cater the needs o inormation sharin"! 't allows the
Sta members to allow activities throu"h net! The members need not to "o to Club to book activit$ and
pa$ments! 't saves a lot o time o Sta and members o that Club!
Scope o the S$stem
The scope o this s$stem is automatin" the sports bookin" acilit$ and etc! and dierent club promoters
see and or"ani&e the tasks eicientl$! %ut the user (club member) needs to appear beore sta i he needs
to pa$ mone$ and take receipt or choosin" some sport! 't is possible to enhance this application b$ addin"
a unctionalit$ that the user pa$ throu"h online bakin" s$stem attached with our s$stem or usin" credit
card! 3e can also implement internationali&ation (i45n) to support user interace in various6local
&od'%e (escription
The s$stem +-T./+TE0 S#.1TS CL-% consists o 7 modules!
4! +dmin /odule
7! /ember /odule
Admin &od'%e:
This module is or +dministrator who or"ani&es, schedules tasks and maintains the s$stem!
&em)er &od'%e:
This module is or bookin" activities, pa$in" mone$, updatin" his details and can view the bookin"
Contact: 040-4027484! "#$"42"$
Emai% id: academiclivepro)ects,"mail!com, www!lo"ics$stems!or"!in
Automated Sports Club
*eat'res to )e imp%emented:
Session mana"ement
Connection poolin"
8ormali&ed database
#revention o duplication lo"in
0esi"n patterns
Three9tier architecture
Eas$ deplo$ment with +nt script!
E:ception handlin"
Client9side validations
System Re+'irement Speci,ication:
So,t-are Re+'irements:
3eb #resentation; *T/L, CSS
Client < side Scriptin"; =avascript
#ro"rammin" Lan"ua"e; =ava
3eb based Technolo"ies; =80', Servlets, =S#
%uild Tool; +8T
0ebu" Tool; Lo" >=
C+SE tool; 1ational 1ose, ?isual #aradi"m, Enterprise +rchitect
Contact: 040-4027484! "#$"42"$
Emai% id: academiclivepro)ects,"mail!com, www!lo"ics$stems!or"!in
Automated Sports Club
%ackend 0atabase; '%/ 0%7
.peratin" S$stem; 3indows @#67AAA67AAB, L'8-@, Solaris
=7EE 3eb6+pplication Server; Tomcat63eblo"ic63ebsphere6=%oss6Class (ish
'0Es; Eclipse with /$ Eclipse plu"9ins68et %eans61+0
%rowser; 'E6/o&illa
.ard-are Re+'irements:
#entium processor 99999999 7BB /*D or above
1+/ Capacit$ 99999999 475/%
*ard 0isk 99999999 7AC%
(lopp$ disk 99999999 4!>> /%
C091./ 0rive 99999999 B7 *D
EEF%.+10 99999999 4A5 Standard
Contact: 040-4027484! "#$"42"$
Emai% id: academiclivepro)ects,"mail!com, www!lo"ics$stems!or"!in

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