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(GUI to learn and use CalculiX)
This is Prool's Converter (!/ )
(free" as is" no warrant# or support" etc)
Cop# it into C:\ dri$e and run Prool.exe
%et up path to the file (with I&' e!tension) and press (con$ert( button
The new folder with two files (in and out) will be created.
This con$erter was tested with )sh*2.+., (#ou can obtain it here:
http://)eu-.or)/)sh/bin/.indows/ or here: http://#adi.s//d/2wu0U)pp1b0uc )
Note, the open-source software may changes permanently (file formats, etc). So, if you tested
something with version N, there is no guarantee that it will work with N+1, etc. ry to keep all
!inaries and sources, to avoid these issues
Use CalculiX CGX to prepare the load and )roups for boundar# conditions
Table 1 Main CalculiX CGX cards
prnt se Show list or all groups
plot plot n all show all nodes (group ='all')
plot e VOL1 show elements of the group
plot na all all nodes with their numbers
plus Add to view (similar to plot)
!dis "easure the distan#e between nodes http$%%&outube%&"d'()*u
!add name Semi-.ntera#tive #ard to #reate the new
group 'name' b& sele#tion or add new
entities for e)isting group See the
video-lesson //
!rem name Semi-.ntera#tive #ard to remove entities
for e)isting group 'name' b& sele#tion
See the video-lesson //
move "ove or s#ale model 5or e)ample
move all s#al 8
will s#ale all in 8 times
send 4rite some data to the t)t file 5or e)ample
send all ab!
write all mesh without groups
send load ab! pres 19
write the file with pressure = 1 for the group of fa#es with name =
send fi)1 ab! nam
write nodes for the group 'fi)1' into the t)t file with 'num'
#omp name do Add fa#es to nodal group 'name': or add nodes and fa#es to the
elemental group
"ead #$% help for more information.
How to get recombined mesh in the GMSH?
. 1 Create parametric GEO mode in the te!t editor" and change some
meshing options be#ore meshing
. $ % Here are meshing options to obtain S&' t(pe Cac)i* mesh. Set )p
re+combined mesh with ,-)ards option" Eement Order.$/ and sometimes (o)
need to pa( with Eement Si0e 1actor 2ma3e it smaer/
1ig. 4 % 5he res)t o# meshing. 1or the c)r6ed s)r#aces the 7acobian can
be negati6e. 2CC* wi print the mista3e abo)t negati6e 7acobian/ 8se
specia GMSH p)g+in to ana(0e mesh be#ore con6ersion 2,naise C)r6ed
Mesh/ see beow
1ig. 9 % :n case o# negati6e 7acobian ma3e the mesh smaer

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