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word Barabbas in your concordance, you will see that it is a contraction of two

words: BAR, which means a daughter or sonor
child, and ABBA, which means father.
Barabbas is the son of the great father. And Jesus in the story is called the
Saviour, the
Son of the Father.
e have two sons in this story. And we have two sons in the story of !sau and
Bear in mind that "saac was blind, and #ustice to be true must be blind folded.
Although in
this case $ilate is not %hysically blind, the %art given to $ilate im%lies that he is
because he is a #udge. &n all the great law buildings of the world we see the lady
or the
man who re%resents #ustice as being blindfolded.
'Judge not according to the a%%earance, but #udge righteous #udgment.' John
Here we find $ilate is %laying the same %art as "saac. +here are two sons. All the
characters as they a%%ear in this story can a%%ly to your own life. ,ou have a son
that is
robbing you this very moment of that which you could be.
"f you came to this meeting tonight conscious of wanting something, desiring
you wal-ed in the com%any of Barabbas.
For to desire is to confess that you do not now %ossess what you desire, and
because all
things are yours, you rob yourself by living in the state of desire. .y saviour is my
As " want something " am loo-ing into the eyes of my saviour. But if " continue
wanting it,
" deny my Jesus, my saviour, for as " want " confess " am not and 'e/ce%t ye
believe that "
A. He ye die in your
sins.' " cannot have and still continue to desire what " have. " may en#oy it, but "
continue wanting it.
Here is the story. +his is the feast of the $assover. Something is going to change
now, something is going to %assover. .an is inca%able of %assing over from one
state of
consciousness into another unless he releases from consciousness that which he
entertains, for it anchors him where he is.
,ou and " may go to %hysical feasts year after year as the sun enters the great
sign of
Aries, but it means nothing to the true mystical $assover. +o -ee% the feast of the
$assover, the %sychological feast, " %ass from one state of consciousness into
another. " do
it by releasing Barabbas, the thief and robber that robs me of that state which "
embody within my world.
+he state " see- to embody is %ersonified in the story as Jesus the Saviour. "f "
what " want to be then " am saved from what " was. "f " do not become it, "
continue to
-ee% loc-ed within me a thief who robs me of being that which " could be.
+hese stories have no reference to any %ersons who lived nor to any event that
occurred u%on earth. +hese characters are everlasting characters in the mind of
every man
in the world. ,ou and " %er%etually -ee% alive either Barabbas or Jesus. ,ou -now
every moment of time who you are entertaining.
0o not condemn a crowd for clamoring that they should release Barabbas and
Jesus. "t is not a crowd of %eo%le called Jews. +hey had nothing to do with it.
"f we are wise, we too should clamor for the release of that state of mind that
limits us
from being what we want to be, that restricts us, that does not %ermit us to
become the
ideal that we see- and strive to attain in this world.
" am not saying that you are not tonight embodying Jesus. " only remind you, that
if at this
very moment you have an unfulfilled ambition, then you are entertaining that
which denies
the fulfillment of the ambition, and that which denies it is Barabbas.
+o e/%lainyour faithfulness, but you resurrect it unaided by a man.
As the story goes, no man could rise early enough to roll away the stone. 1naided
by a
man the stone was removed, and what seemingly was dead and buried was
unassisted by a man.
,ou wal- in the consciousness of being that which you want to be, no one sees it
as yet,
but you do not need a man to roll away the %roblems and the obstacles of life in
order to
e/%ress that which you are conscious of being. +hat state has its own uni2ue way
becoming embodied in this world, of becoming flesh that the whole world may
touch it.
3ow you can see the relationshi% between the story of Jesus and the story of "saac
and his
two sons, where one trans%lanted the other, where one was called the Su%%lanter
of the
other. hy do you thin- those who com%iled the si/ty odd boo-s of our Bible
made Jacob
the forefather of Jesus4
+hey too- Jacob, who was called the Su%%lanter, and made him father of twelve,
then they
too- Judah or %raise, the fifth son and made him the forefather of Jose%h, who is
to have fathered in some strange way this one called Jesus. Jesus must su%%lant
as Jacob must su%%lant and ta-e the %lace of !sau.
+onight you can sit right here and conduct the trial of your two sons, one of
whom you
want released. ,ou can become the crowd who clamors for the release of the
thief, and
the #udge who willingly releases Barabbas, and sentences Jesus to fill his %lace

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