CRAG Membership Form

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Date: _______________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________ e-mail: ___________________________ Postal Code: ________________________
(For e-mailed newsletters)

New or Renewi ng Member: As a member of the Campbell River Art Gallery youll receive email
newsletters notifying you of special events, classes and exhibitions, as well as discounts on classes and workshops!

$20 Individual $25 Family $25 Organization / Business Is this a Renewal?

For family memberships please list family names: ___________________________________________________________

Membership Card Issued Staff Signature: ______________________________________________

I wi sh to donate to the Gal l ery: $25___ $50___ $100___ Another amt $________
A chari tabl e tax recei pt wi l l be provi ded for al l donati ons.

Fri ends of Campbel l Ri ver Art Gal l ery i s a group of i ndi vi dual s who contri bute $150+
annual l y and enj oy opportuni ti es to parti ci pate i n art tours, l ectures and soci al events.

Are you interested in contributing at this level? ____
Would you like to receive invitations and information from the Friends of Campbell River? ___ yes ___ no
Do you want your name listed as a Friend of Campbell River Art Gallery in our newsletter & website? ___ yes ___ no

____ $150 (individual) ____ $250 (family)

Vol unteer! The Gallery would not be a success without our wonderful volunteers! Would you like to help in:
__ Gi ft Shop __ Speci al events __ Garden Tour __ Chi l dren s programs __ Fundrai si ng

Gallery Administration Only:
Entered in member database Emails group
Entered in FRIENDS database Emails group
Thank you letter sent (for donations)
Income Tax Receipt sent Receipt #

1235 Shoppers Row, Campbell River, B.C. V9W 2C7 250-287-2261
Membershi p / Donati on form


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