Letter of Introductionoi

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Dear Madame/ Sir,

My name is Adina Mateescu Alionte and I am currently holding the position of Integration Manager
within Ipsos Interactive Services. I have held a management position in Ipsos Interactive Services for over 7
years. One of the most important responsiilities I have is to train and coach the new memers of the team
so that they can help Ipsos grow and improve its services.
!his letter"s purpose is to recommend Ale#andru Andrei $ilip for a position in your company.
Ale#andru has a very professional attitude towards his wor%, he"s open to discuss any matter and he always
proved himself to e e#tremely supportive and optimistic for the team, his manager and more importantly for
the client.
&e always tries to find a win'win situation, he"s willing to sacrifice his own personal time and agenda for
solving emergencies( even though his time wor%ed in IIS )Ipsos Interactive Services* was not so long, he
managed to ecome easily a role model for the team.
+hile training and coaching a ,ro-ect Manager I usually impose very high standards which of course are
hard to reach. &owever, Ale#andru managed to impress me on several occasions.
&e proved the aility to coordinate and motivate the team to handle emergencies y ta%ing mature and wise
decisions. &e was ale to thin% fast, evaluate o-ectively the situation and assume the decision ta%en,
including the possile ris%s. One of his main assets is the aility to asor stress while %eeping e.uilirium
etween the team"s e#pectations and the client/s e#pectations.
It rarely happens to wor% with ,ro-ect Managers that prefer first to help the client and truly discover their
needs y focusing on .uality and having a client centric attitude instead of simply following the re.uest and
e#pecting nothing more than a positive feed'ac%. It is ecoming of him to deliver .uality instead of -ust
providing service for the client.
Ale#andru managed to solve difficult situations y eing a good strategist, an innovative thin%er and a
creative prolem solver.
+hile wor%ing with the team, the general feed'ac% was that he is very adaptale, a modest person in spite
of all his proven .ualities, he has a strong personality ut he is always fair and opened to share information
with the team.
If I need to use only three words to descrie the way he"s wor%ing, than those three words are0 resourceful,
responsile and respectful.
It has een a true pleasure to wor% with Ale#andru and I would e more than happy to share more
information regarding his wor% in IIS.
1espectfully, at your disposal,
Adina Mateescu
Adina Mateescu (Alionte)
Integration Manager
,roduction Mar%eting 23
Ipsos Interactive Services
456 Splaiul Independentei lvd, Sema 7ity 5, 89884:, ;ucharest 9, 1omania
Direct0 <=845 ::8= 47> Moile0 <=87=> 56> 754 $a#0 <=845: :8= ?96
e'mail to0 adina.mateescu@ipsos.com
Ipsos Interactive Services - The Online Data Collection Specialists
Ipsos Interactive Services Issued0 85.8=.:85=

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