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English Language Mid-Year Examination For Form 2

There are three sections in this paper; Section A, Section B and Section C. Section A is on
error identification. The errors can be in the form of tenses, spellings or other grammar
aspects. Section B is on reading comprehension. There will be two parts in this section; linear
and non linear text. Section C will be on sentence constructing. You will be given notes and
need to write the sentences. Answer all questions.

Section A: Error Identification (10 marks)
There are 10 errors in the text. You need to find and correct them. The first and last sentences
are error free.
Hello. How are you? Good morning, Have you eaten yet?
Where am you going? These are greeting which people use when they
meet each other. These are common greetings used by people.
A greeting is a way of being friendy to someone. It is not necessary
to describe your true condition or feeling. In fact, people reply to the
questions with a fixed expression such as Im fine, thanks or Im very
well. It are a way of being polite where you address them when you meet
them unexpectedly. It is also a way of starting a convesation. People
usually nod their head or just smile when she do not intend to start a
Usually, a question is used as a greeting: Where are you go? Hows
everything with you? But questions like this are not real questions. They
do not require a full answer or even a true one.
A greeting is usually followed by small talk. Small talk mean the little
things we talk about at the start of a conversation. People often talk about
suiteble topics for small talks such as the weather as it is a safe topic
compared to religion or politics. Thus, this makes meeting people easier
and more comfortable.

1 _____________
2 _____________
3 _____________
4 _____________
5 _____________
6 _____________
7 _____________
8 _____________
9 _____________
10 _____________


Section B: Reading Comprehension (20 marks)
Part 1: (13 marks)

Do you have what it takes to be a Science Superstar?
Come and join the International Petronas Science Talents Competition

Creatively Act Out Important Discoveries In Science.

Regional winners will compete against other Science Superstars from all over Malaysia in
the grand finals at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur in 26 December 2014

The competition is eligible to all Form 4 to 5 students

Science Superstars
National Level Prizes

A 4D/3N Educational tour package to Tokyo
Multimedia Set for school
Science Development Programme for school

A 4D/3N Educational tour package to Singapore
Multimedia Set for school
Science Development Programme for school

An Education/tour package within Malaysia
Multimedia Set for school
Science Development Programme for school

1. Dato Siti Noorhaliza
2. Ir.Dr Irwan Shah Ali
3. Tan Sri Dr Nawab Abu

Log on to for details or contest entry.

Closing date: 30 June 2014
Endorsed by: Ministry of Education


Write T for True and F for False for each statement below. (5 marks)
1. Students from all forms can participate in this competition. _____
2. There are three main prizes for the regional level winners. _____
3. There will be three judges for the national level. _____
4. The winner for the third prize will receive a multimedia set _____
5. The competition will take place at Istana Budaya. _____
Answer these questions.
6. Fazni loves Science and is in Form 3. Can she join this competition? Why?
7. What will the school get if their student won second place in the competition?
8. When does the competition take place?
9. What do you need to do if you need more details about the competition?
10. Can Bruno send his entry form on the 28
June? Why?


Part 2: (7 marks)
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
In camping, follow these golden rules. Camp on bare ground where possible. The
campsite should be away from trails and dead trees. Avoid slopes, high ridges and wet sites. Do
not choose campsites that are below flood level or are highly frequented by wildlife. Set up
camp as early as possible and familiarize yourself with the surroundings. This helps to prevent
injuries from moving about in the dark at night. Make sure that you bring enough food to last the
trip. The food can be fresh, dried or canned. Avoid bringing any food with a strong smell.
You will need at least two litres of water per person per day. Use water from a natural
source such as a spring. Make sure all water is boiled to eliminate bacteria and contamination.
Build your fire away from the tent. Do not cook inside the tent, even if you are using a gas
canister. Never burn rubbish, especially plastic, as the fumes are toxic. Make sure the fire is
completely put out before you break camp.
Do remember your camp etiquette. The campsite is part of nature. In areas of sensitive
environments, vegetation takes a long time to recover, so no holes should be dug around there
at all.

1. What do you need to avoid when camping?
2. To prevent injuries, what should the campers do?
3. What type of food you should bring when camping?
4. Where can you get water if you did not bring any?
5. List down two things you should not do when camping
i) ____________________________________________________________________(1M)

6. Why shouldnt you dig any holes around your camping area?

Section C: Sentence Construct
1. Write 6 sentences about Basmah. Use the numbered notes as a guide. (6 marks)


2. Write 8 sentences about Encik Saleh. Use the numbered phrases as a guide. ( 8 marks )


Answer (Question 1)
Answer (Question 2)
1. science teacher
2. handsome man
3. short and curly black
4. tall and thin
5. wears spectacles
6. always helpful -
7. likes to play tennis
8. hard-working teacher
1. Basmah Malay
2. She thirteen
years old
3. She tall thin
4. She big, round eyes
5. She long, straight
6. She likes play

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