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greek turkish explanation english

ade vre hayda bre an exclamation phrase

afendis (afendiko) efendi gr: only 'master' (exists also as
afendiko) tr: multiple use
master, gentleman
agaria angarya extra & unpleasant work one has
to do
agginara enginar artichoke
ai sihtir hasiktir badly slang in both languages, tr
oh- fuck' (unexpected failure and
situtations like, exclamation) or
'fuck off' (get out of here- can be
very bad)
alana alan field, suare
aman! aman! exclamation word oh-no', or well there's no
euvalent " think- of this 'aman
amane#amanes#mane mani gr: mania$eros %& maneros & manero
& mane
a kind of song
anihtiri a'mak #anahtar( speculartion: maybe where 'anahtar'
('key' in turkish) word comes from
to open in gr, key in tr
arabas araba car
argo argo slang
aroma aroma )oreign origin aroma
asanser asans*r )oreign origin elevator
asiklik a+"kl"k gr: as in 'asik atmak'- to rebel
somebody#something stronger tr: to
be in love (and absentminded
because of this)-- ask: love asik: sne
who's in love asliklik: the case of
being in love -- but ,asik, used to be
name for 'marbles' and ,asik atmak,
(to throw marbles) implies to compete
with the other-
to compete with sne, useless
heroistic behavior
asuredes(plural) a+ure a mixed friut&nut desert
ati at horse
at.em-pilafi acem pilav" a kind of cooked rice
avanta avanta sth for free
avli avlu yard
babas baba father
baga.i baga/ foreign origin baggage
0aglamas ba1lama tr: ba1lamak: to tie, ba1lama,
nominative of ,ba1la mak,-
a regional musical instrument
baharika, bahariko bahar, baharat spice
bahtse bah'e garden, yard
bairaki bayrak flag
bakalis bakkal shop#shop-keeper bak"rc" tr: bakir%copper, -ci: turkish ending for
making professions
the men who works with copper
baklava#baklavas baklava a kind of very sweet desert
bamies bamya ocra
banio banyo foreign origin bath
barberis berber barber
barbuni barbun red mullet
barbunia barbunya
Gr: primary meaning of this word
is the plural of barbuni, so it recalls
the fish first. But it does exist also
as a kind of "fasulye", same as in
red (kidney() beans
baruti barut dynamite
bastuni baston a walking stick
bataksis batak'" gr: only about the gambling the man who takes care of
gambling debts
batalis battal hulk
batania battaniye blanket
bataria batarya (pil) battery
batiris#batirlis bat"k tr: batmak- to sink, batik: sank
(ad/ective) slang- to bankrupt
sne who lost all what s#he had, to
batis imbat a wind
batmis batm"+ (yoksul,
iflas etmis)
batsanakis bacanak the brother of one's wife
bat.aki bacak (pantalon
the lower parts of trousers
baulo bavul foreign origin- gr: instead of sand"k luggage
baxisi bah+i+ tip
bebeki bebek (k". bebek) gr: only girl babies, tr: baby baby
begleri tesbih tr: beyler means 'gentlemen' a chain of color chaplets, men
used to play with that thing, still
favoarable by some
beis bey genlemen
bekiaris bekar gr: only for male single
bekris bekri tr: specific use drunk
belas bela trouble
berde perde curtain
bere bere foreign origin tight hat
bereketi bereketli prosper, producing betoncu foreign origin concrede maker betoncu

beton beton foreign origin concrede
betoniera betonyer foreign origin concrede machine
be.eri.o be.mek

be.esteni bedesten vegetable market
bifteki biftek beef steak
bigonia begonya a kind of flower
bilia#bilies bilya#bilye marble (the small ball-shaped
biliardo bilardo pool (the game)
bilieto bilet foreign origin ticket
bira bira beer
bitoni bidon maybe foreign origin( a water container
bi.eli -ia be.elye gr: also araka(for fresh ones) green peas (fresh, dry or cooked)
blofa bl2f foreign origin bluffing bl2fc3, bl2f
person who bluffing
blok blok block
bobina bobin foreign origin reel, spool
bobmbe bombe foreign origin a little bump
bogia boya paint boyac" painter
boi boy tallness, length
boikota. boykota/ boycott
bora bora strong storm
bostani bostan a backyard with some vegetable
planting# vegetable field
box boks boxing
boxas boh'a a rectangular shape of cloth (or
other material) which is tied from
the corners to hold somehing
brigianti p"rlanta diamond
bri.ola pir.ola meat food: ribs
bukles bukle foreign origin curl
buluki bolluk (kalabal"k) 0olluk: ,merryness,, ,a lot, in 45,
bouliki: big crowd ("-e- animal
herd) in 15
burekaki -ia b2rek pie (pirakka in finnish)
bu.uki (43rk halk
ba1lamadan bira.
b3y3k ve meydan
sa."ndan k3'3k
doku. telli bir sa.)
tr: broken, not complete- "t is
said that this insturment was called
,broken, because of its 6 strings- 4his
family of instruments generally have
twin-strings, so an odd number is not
a regional musical instrument
busula pusula 1r: ,orientation, pusulayi
+a+"rmaktaki gibi
dada dad" nunny
dailiki day"l"k turkish endings to word 'dayi' to show the tough attitude
dais day" gr: only as in 'kabadayi' tr: dayi is the
uncle from the mother's side, but has
different meanings in slang
a tough (male) person
dalgas dalga 4r: wave, 1r: heartache of a love wave
damari damar 1r: 7aden damar" vessel
damit.ana damacana large bottle, demi/ohn
daraveri dalavere to cheat sne
davas tava pan davac" 1r: "t is used for '8e.evenk' careful!, somone who complains about the
other, "-e- in court
delalis tellal town crier
delis deli mad
derbederis derbeder measarble
derti dert trouble
dertilis dertli troubled
dip dip 1r: double meaning, also means total bottom of stg
divani divan divan, couch, sofa
dolmas dolma gr: only for rolled stuffed wine-leaves stuffed vegetables and#or wine
leaves in 4urkish
domata -es domates tomatoe
dugru do1ru gr: without deviation tr:multiple
meanings (truth, straightforward,
math- a vector, a straight line etc)
directly to somewhere
dulapa#dulapi dolap cabinet
dumani duman smoke
dunias d3nya world
duvari duvar wall
eklisia kilise church
ergatis "rgat labour, worker
ergenis#bekiaris bekar 4r: ergen means adult unmarried
fanari fener torch, light fenerci

fasoli fasolaki fasolakia fasulye beans ferace veil
fidanaki fidanc"k a baby tree to be planted (sweet
way of saying it)
fidani fidan tr: also a girl's name a baby tree to be planted
f9to fide, fidan (bitki) gr: it means 'plant' any baby plant-to-be
fira fire loss
firmani ferman king's order
fiseki fi+ek bullet
fisekliki fi+eklik bullet belt
fisiki fi.iki pyhsics teacher, physical
fisikohimia fi.ikokimya physio-chemistry
fisiognomia fi.yonomi physionomy
fisiologia fi.yolo/i physiology
fisiologos fi.yolog physiolog
fisiotherapia fi.yoterapi physio-therapy
fistiki f"st"k peanut
fitili fitil 1r: :amba fitili, 4r: several meanings wick, fuse
fi.ik fi.ik physics
flit.ani fincan small coffee cup
fokia fok seal
folia fol hen's nest
fonitiki fonetik phonetics
fonografos fonograf phonograph
fonologia fonolo/i phonology
fosforos fosfor phosphor
fotogenia foto/eni photogeny
fotografia foto1raf photograph
fotografikos -" -o foto1rafik photographic
fotografos foto1raf'" photographer
fotometris -ia fotometre photometry
fototipia #fotokopia fotokopi photocopy
fuduki f"nd"k ha.el nuts
funta ponpon tr: )unda ()ounta as spelled in gr) is a
girl's name
furnos f"r"n owen, bakery
furtuna f"rt"na gr: in relation to sea tr: storm gale, storm, tempest
fustani fistan tr: old expression female dress
galatas galata tr: the place name in "stanbul milkman (gr)
galeta galeta crick crack bready thing
gara. garage foreign origin garage
garida -es karides shrimps
garsoniera garsoniyer 45: bachelor's house a one room place
giakas yaka

gialant.i yalanc" tr: also 'liar, fake
gialant.i dolmas yalanc" dolma
Tr: Yalanc : liar, fake. !hen
dolma is called with this name, it
means it doesn"t ha#e any meat
stuffing, so it is fake :$
a stuffed vegetable food
giapraki yaprak leaf
giaurti yo1urt yoghurt
giavrum yavrum gr: old slang (tr: in slang same)
:iterally 'my baby'
used for girls by men, like baby
gida g"da food
giuvetsi g3ve' clay cooking pan
gka%o%a ga%o% &robably foreign origin 'sweet$ soda(water
graviera gravyer )oreign origin type of cheese (g yumusak g seklinde
telaffu. edilemli), grursu.a,
grursu.iko, grusu.ia
u1ursu. someone who brings bad luck
guri u1ur good luck
habari haber news
hafies hafiye gr: bad meaning, ispiyoncu demek secret agent, or agent of sne
hagiati hayat (avlu) gr: covered on the top but no wall
life (tr)
hairi hay"r charity
haivani hayvan animal
haki haki a color, dark green
halali helal gr: no religious association unlike in tr,
tr: religious association
permitted, lawful
hali hal gr: only negative state (of mind)
hali hal" carpet
halifis halife khalif
;alima ;alime a girl's name
halkas halka ring (not the one you wear)
halva helva a kind of desert helvac" the guy who makes 'helva'
hamaliki hamall"k turkish ending to be doing the porter's work
hamalis hamal porter
'to$ hamami hamam Turkish bath
hamilos)hamili)hamilo hamile pregnant
'to$ haliki *ak+ far fetched, pebble
hamuris#hamura hamur gr: only slang for bitch tr: dough dough
hani han kind of a hotel in older days
handaki hendek canal, ditch, trench
hani han a hotel in the middle of nowhere in
old times for travellers
(i) hanumisa han"m
gr: a turkish woman,
hanos hani, hanos
a kind of fish
haos kaos chaos
hapi hap pills
harakiri harakiri foreign origin harakiri
haraktiras karakter character
haraktiristikos -a karakteristik characteristic
harami -.o haram gr: no religious association unlike in tr forbidden, or wasted
haratsi hara' money or goods collected using
force (tax, hehe!)
haremi harem harem
harika (" was glad < singualr person
+imple past tense)
harika gr: hara%/oy, harika: " am very glad
(past tense)
harisma chaos
harismatikos- kari.matik- charisma
'to$ harma , gr: delight, source of -oy ,
harmani harman gr: only for 'blend' tr: also for harvest
hartis harita map
hart.iliki har'l"k pocket money
hasapikos kasap havas" a folk dance a folk dance
hasapis kasap butcher
'to$ hasimo hasim 'gr:loss, tr: enemy ad#ersary$
hasis #hasisi ha+ha+ hash
hatiri hat"r favour
hat.ari han'er knife
hat.iavatis hac"vat same as above
hava hava gr: slang- only like in 'hava atmak'
(someone's having an attitude)
havale havale gr: making fun of stg or sne, funny
to transfer something, high fever
haviari havyar caviar
havra havra /ewish temple
havu.a havu. gr: where all the garbage are buried swimming pool (tr)
hayde # ade #aide haydi exclamation word let's--' sort of thing
ha.i ha. /oy, en/oy
himia kimya chemistry
horos horon gr: all kinds of dances tr: folk dance dance
hovoli hav, havl" tr: kor- atesin havi (
htapodi # ohtapodi ahtapot octopus
hurmas hurma date (the fruit)
hu.uri hu.urema hu.urevo hu.ur a peaceful time, inner piece
imam baildi imambay"ld" 4r: imam (priest) fainted (literally) an eggplant food
kadaifi kaday"f a desert
kadro kadro gr: frame staff, personel
kafasi kafes you'd think it is 'kafa' in tr but not cage
kaiki kay"k rawboat
kaiktsis kay"k'" tr: kayik- a small boat, kayikci: the
person who uses the boat
kaimaki kaymak tr: kaymak is also verb for 'to slip' the creamy part of the milk
kalamari kalamar suid
kalderimi kald"r"m sidewalk
kalemi kalem pencil or a metal driver to drill a
hole, chisel
kalfas kalfa experienced apprentice
kalorifer kalorifer )oreign origin heating system (batteries)
kaltsa -tses kal'a 1r: socks 4r: hips

kamioni kamyon foreign origin in both lang- truck
kanapes kanape both meanings small sandwiches, sofa
kapaki kapak lid, cover
kapamas kapama a meat dish karag2. gr: it doesn't mean 'black eye' a folk tale, tradition with shadow
kardasi karda+#karde+ gr: (only for male) slang brother or sister (turkish is gender
karga(s) karga+a gr: filled up, tight tr: confusion
comes with crowd
karpu.i karpu. watermelon
karsilamas kar+"lama tr: to receive, to welcome sne and the
a folk dance
kartografia kartografya cartography
kartografos kartograf cartographer
kartoni karton hard paper (cartoon()
kaseri ka+ar a kind of cheese
kasmas gasmas tr: used also in slang for 'stupid' big axe
kastano kestane chestnut
kastanos kestane (renk) brunette
kavgas kavga fight
kavurdi.o kavurma roasting, baking
ka.aka ka.ak pullover
ka.andi ka.andi.o ka.anmak tr: ka.andi (past tense of ka.anmak
for third person, 's#he gained, earned,
won' gr: ka.andi is noun
gain,profit ka.andibi a desert
ka.ani a deep kettle for boiling
kefali kafa you would think it is 'kefal' in tr but
kefalos kefal striped gray mullet
keftes keftedes keftedakia k2fte meatballs
kelepuri kelepir cheap
kepses kep'e service spoon
keramidi kiremit foreign origin the tiles used for roof
kerasi kira. cherry
kese -es kesedaki kase a small, deep plate
kimas k"yma minced meat
=ina k"na henna
kitapi kitap book
kiupi k3p 1r:storage, 4r:cube cube
kleidi kilit 45: lock 15: key

klidaria#klidonia kilit lock
klima klima 45: air conditioner 15: climate (also
grape tree)

kokoretsi kokore' delicious thing, but you don't want
to know what it is made of
kolios kolyo. chab mackerel (a fish)
kot.abasis, kocaba+ 1r: 2ttoman times, high rank people
were called like that (() 4r: 'bighead'
common dog's name!
big domesticated animals kocaman big, biggie
krima k"yma mercy
kumari kumar gamble
kurabies kurabiye 15: a dry pastry (pudra sekeri,
tr: almost all dry pastries
kurbeti gurbet absense from home, exile
kus-kus kuskus couscous
kusuri kusur a fault
kuti kutu box
kuvas kova bucket
lahano lahana gr: lahana is plural cabbage
lahano-dolmadas -es lahana dolmas" rolled stuffed cabbage-leaves
lavraki levrek bass fish
lemoni limon lemon
limani liman harbour
lufari lufer gr: istanbul greek a fish
lukumas lokma a kind of desert
lukumi lokum delight
a regional musical instrument
mahalas mahalle district, regoin
mahsuli mahsul product, crop
maidanos maydano. parsley
maimu maymun ape
manavis manav gr: manaviko is the shop, tr manav is
both for the person and the shop
small vegetable&fruits shop
mandili mendil gr: it is also used for headscarf handkerchief
manitari -ia mantar mushroom
maruli -ia marul lattuce
mat.uni macun 1r: > drink 8aste
meidani meydan open space, public suare
mentese mente.e hinge
meraklis merakli gr: only for 'interested' (positive) tr:
someonw who's corious, can be
positive or negative, -li is a tr ending
for 'with'
interested, motivated me.e tit-bits
midi -ia midye gr: midi singular, midia plural mussels, sea shells
monastiri manast"r 15 origin: monos - alone monastry
mosaiko mo%aik &robably foreign origin mosaic
murdaris murdar dirty
musafiris misafir guest
musakas musakka a kind of food
musamas mu+amba hard plastic
na.i na. couetry? coyness? whims-
nisafi insaf 1r: only as in 'insaf yaa!' as if
outi ud
/ middle eastern instrument used
in 0ttoman palace music 'Turk
klasik m1%iGi$ and /egean music
'in both sides of the /egean :$
a musical instrument
palamari palamar gr: cable, mooring line mooring rope
palamida palamut (bal"k) bonito fish
palto palto foreign origin coat
papagalos papa1an parrot
papas papa. priest
paputsi -ia papu' shoe
paras para money
pasta pasta 1r: also for eng- 8asta pastry
pasturmas past"rma a spicy dried meat food
patata -es patates potato
patirdi pat"rt" noise made by a person or a
crowd patsat.idiko pa'ac" a kind of soup-selling place
patsavura pa'avra in 15 slang also used for insulting
women (very bad)
worn out clothes ("-e- the old
clothes you use to clean the floor)
panigiri panay"r "t seems to have an origin from
,panw, (%up), gyros (%round),
probably meaning something like
exposing stuff to the public-
open-air market, folk-fest-market
pat.ari pancar beet
pat.uri -ia pancur tr: pencere also for window blinds for windows (generally
outside of the building)
pa.arevo pa.arl"k bargain
peinirli peynirli borek gr: peynirli is directly the pie cheese pie
pelte -es pelte anything smashed
pensa pense a carpenter's tool
petime.i pekme. a kind of grape marmelade
petseta pe'ete napkins
pilafi pilav (cooked) rice
piperia -ies biber pepper
pliguri bulgur hulled#crushed grain
'to$ pouxo ruh a bit far fetched, to pouxo 'cloth, material$ ruh
'soul. essence, spirit$
portatif portatif gr: bed(side lamp mobile
portokali portakal orange
prasa pirasa leek
pudra pudra foreign origin powder
pure -es pure smashed (as in mashed potatos)
puro p3ro cigar
rahat lukumi not used in 4r in
modern language,
existed in old lang-
4r: ,rahat lokum, means 'comfortable
a delight
rahati rahat to rahati 'leisure, la%ing about$
rahat 'ease, comfort$
raki rak" an annis drink
rantevu randevu foreign origin meeting
retsina re'ina 1r: >n alcholic beverage's brand
revani ravani revani a desert
to re%ili re%il gr: shame tr:disgraced
rusfeti r3+vet bribe
saganaki sahanda in some typeof pan (esp- for eggs)
salamura salamura preservative waters (brine,
salata salata salad
salepi salep a sweet milky drink
sabuni sabun soap salep'i the guy who sells 'salep'
'to$ saloni salon probably foreign origin saloon
samari semer horse saddle
samata#samatas samata big annoying noise generally
made by people samatac" the one who makes 'samata'
samuri samur a sort of fur
sandali -ia sandal tr: sandal also means a small boat, gr:
sandalya is plural of sandal (tr: it
means chair)
an easy-to-use summer shoe
sardela -les sardunya sardine
sarrafis#sarafiko sarraf the one who understands
savridi safridi istavrit horse mackerel
sedefi sedef mother of pearl
seftes siftah first sale of the day in a shop
seisis seyis horse trainer, care taker
serai saray palace
seraskeris serasker in old days a high rank soldier
serbeti serbet a drink made by mixing sugar &
sermaia sermaye capital
sersemis sersem fool
sertis sert hard
sevdalis sevdal" the one who is in love
sevdas sevda love, passion
sfugari s3nger sponge
sinoro -ra s"n"r border
sira s"ra raw
sirma s"rma gr: very fine wire, tr: an ad/ective for
fine hair, golden fine hair, and a girl's
fine (golden)wire
siropi +urup syrup
si#as si#a paint, plaster
skeletos iskelet skeleton
skubri uskumru mackerel
soba soba stove
soilis soylu blue blood (of good family)
sopaki sopa stick s"vac" painter
spanaki "spanak spinach
spiunos ispiyoncu un-trustworthy person
stridia istiridye gr: stridi singl, stiridia pl- oysters
susami susam maybe foreign origin sessame
sut.ukaki sut.ukakia sucuk a spiced suassage
tahini tahin some food made of sessame
tapsi tepsi tray
taramas tarama 4r: taramak is to scan, to comb a kind of food
tas kebap tas kebap a meat food
tavani tavan ceiling
taverna taverna greek origin tavern
tavli tavla backgammon
tebelhanio tembelhane :)
tebelis tembel la.y
tefteri defter notebook
tekkes tekke some sort of old religios school
telaro tel kafes tr: tel% wire wire cage
tenekes teneke you know: tebelis tenekes! tin
tetanos tetano. tetanus
theatro tiyatro greek word theatre
tiri peynir tr: reali.e, 'tiridine banmak' chese
tornavida tornavida screwdriver
topi top ball
trahanas tarhana a soup
tsadiri 'ad"r tent
tsahpin)tsahpina 2apkn Gr: "/ low(life party animal" a flirting type, a 3a%ano#a, a
tsai 'ay tea
tsakir kefi 'ak"rkeyif slightly#nicely drunk
tsakmaki 'akmak lighter
tsanta 'anta bag
4santali 'antal" 1r: )amous 3.o brand one with a bag
tsanti.o# tsanti.omai catmak (ki.mak,
getting hot tempered
tsardi 4+>5@>=" 'ardak 1r: +lang also ,pad, hangout, hut made by branches
tsaruhi 'ar"k rustic shoe (usually with a
tsepi cep pocket
tsibuki 'ubuk a stick
tsiflikas 'ift'i gr: the owner of a big farm tr: farmer farmer
tsifliki 'iftlik farm
tsigaro sigara cigarette
tsiment *imento must be foreign origin *ement
tsinari '"nar plane-tree
tsingos 'inko .ink
tsipura 'ipura a big fish (dorado, gilthead)
tsiraki '"rak gr: can be also 'g*.cA' inexperienced apprentice
tsiros 'iro.
'must be$ Greek origin
a fish-kind
tsivieri cevher speculative- tr: valuable gr: bir cesit
gr: a kind of song
tsopanis 'oban sheperd
tsureki 'orek a sweet bread (easter time
specific for greece)
t%epi cep pocket
tufeki t3fek rifle
tulumba tulumba it is not 'pumping thing' in greek a desert
tumberleki d3mbelek a small drum
tursi tur+u a vegetable conservation with salt
and vinegar
tuvlo tu1la a brick
t.ami cami mosue
t.Bmi cam window glass cac"k a yoghurt salad
vapori vapur foreign origin ship
vareli varil barrel
velanidia palamut (aga') oak tree
verese veresedia veresiye on credit
vida vida screw
volta volta

vorias poyra. 1r: ,Coras, means north north-wind
vurtsa f"r'a brush
yahni (patates) yahni gr: ahni.o is steaming- yahni might be
from that word
a way of cooking
yakamos(() yakamo. 1reek origin, used in 45- +eems to be
frgotton in 1reek ((), poetic in 4urkish-
The shines on the sea surface
yalant%i dolma yalanc dolma stuffed grape lea#es without
yaourti yoGurt yoghurt
yapi yap"
Gr: half way 'not completed$
building construction. Tr: General
word for "building", or
building, construction
yarmadis yarma seftali gr: yarmadis is the proper word for
peach tr: only a certain type of peach
is ,yarma % eually devidable to
yuvarlakia sulu kofte sulu koftedeki yuvarlak kofteler aabi! round' meatballs
.afiri safir a valuable stone
.ambon /ambon )oreign origin bacon
.argana .argana a fish (gorn fish, horn fish, sea
.ar.evatika .er.evat gr: (spoken) for all the family of
vegetables, tr: vegetables
.ev.eka .ev.ek gr: used for insulting women in slang,
easy women tr: someone who's too
talkative, .ev.eklik: empty chattery, a
negative expression
giddy, talkative
.ori .or difficult

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