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1. God created man in his own image but for woman He didnt.

[Gen 1:27]
(a) True (b) False
2. All the beast of the field and every fowl of the air that was formed from the ground by the lord God was named
by who? [gen 2:19]
(a) Noah (b) Abraham (c) God (d) Adam
3. How many sons did Adam begat [gave birth to] Gen 4:25
(a) 2 (b) 2 but lost 0ne (c) 3 (d) many
4. Josephs brothers were able to steal his garment and were also able to steal his dreams [Gen37;1-36]
(a) True (b) false
5. At age ninety, God spoke to Abraham that, I am the almighty God, walk before me and be
thou_________[Gen 17:1]
(a) Perfect (b) obedience (c) faithful (d) holy
6. In the journey of the Israelites to the Canaan land, after the death of Moses who took the mantle of leadership
from Moses to lead them to the promise land? [Deut 31:14, 34:8-9]
(a) Aaron (b) Caleb (c) Joshua (d) God
7. Nadab and Abihu put up a strange fire before the lord in the camp of the Israelite, and were devoured by fire
from the Lord, Nadab and Abihu are whom sons? [Levi 10:1-2]
(a) Amalekites (b) Israel (c)Aaron (d)Pharaoh
8. How many times did the Israelite march round Jericho before it fell down, as they shout with a great shout
[Josh 6:15-20]
(a) 21 times (b) many times (c) almost six times (d) 7 times
9. The women shall not wear that which partakes unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman garment; for
all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. [Deut 22:5]
(a) True (b) false
10. Who was the only prophet whom the Lord knew face to face[Deut 34:10]
(a) Abraham (b) Elijah (c) Noah (d) Moses
11. Who lived 365years and was not; for God took him, because he walked with God [Gen 5:23-24]
(a) Elijah (b) Enoch (c) Elisha (d) Philip
12. Methuselah the oldest man in the bible lived for how long? [Gen 5:27}
(a) 1000years (b) 960years (c) 969years (d) 965years
13. In the bible, whom did the Angel of God told his parent that he shall be a Nazarite unto God right from his
mothers womb? [judges 13:5 & 24]
(a) John (b) Jesus Christ of Nazarite (c) Samson (d) Samuel
14. In the bible, the statement for wither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest, I will lodge, thy people
shall be my people, and thy God my God, where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried was spoken by
whom to whom? [Ruth 1:1-17]
(a) Peter to Jesus (b) Disciples to Jesus (c) Naomi to Ruth (d) Ruth to Naomi
15. Hanna conceived and bare a son and called his name Samuel saying because? [1 Sam 1:20]
(a) He is my own (b) he is my only son (c) I have asked him of the Lord (d) I am giving him to the Lord.
16. It was the lord that had shut up Hannahs womb. [1 Sam 1:5]
(a) true (b) false
17. Elkanah was Hannahs husband and was also the priest at Shiloh?
(a) True (b) false
18. Samuel was categories as a great psalmist in the bible
(a) True (b) false
19. David slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David [1 king 2:10]
(a) True (b) false
20. After the death of David, who became the next king? [1 king 2:10-12]
(a) Saul (b) solomon (c) Nebuchadnezzar (d) Hezikiah
21. The ravens brought bread and flesh to Elijah, only in the morning. [1Kings 17:6, 1 Chro. 29: 24-25]
(a) True (b) False
22. Josiah reigned for 31years as a king in Jerusalem, how old Was he when he became a king.[2chro 34:1]
(a) 40years old (b) 13years old (c) 8years old (d) 52years old
23. Job sinned against God and that was why God left him for Satan to deal with him.[Job 1:1-12]
(a) True (b) False
24. The books of Proverb and Ecclesiastes were written by who? [Prov. 1:1, Eccl 1:1]
(a) Moses (b) David (c) Solomon (d) Jeremiah
25. Who among the names listed below is not a prophet?
(a) Peter (b) Jeremiah (c) Elijah (d) Isaiah
Rule a line to connect this Hebrew figures to their names
During the reign of king Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, the prince of the eunuchs gave names to the children of
Judah, respectively.[Dan 1:7]
As To

30. Jonah obeyed God instruction to go to go to Nineveh, so God provided a free means of transporting him, by
carrying him in the belly of a fish through the Journey. [Jonah 1:1-3, 1:17]
(a) True (b) false
31. Blessed are the poor in spirit for; [Math. 5:3]
(a) Theirs is the riches in heaven (b) Theirs is the treasure in heaven (c) Theirs is the kingdom of
heaven (d) Theirs is the blessings of God
32. Blessed are they that mourn for; [Math. 5:4]
(a) They shall smile someday (b) They shall be comforted (c) They shall laugh in the Holy ghost
(d) Theirs is the joy of eternal life
33. Blessed are the meek, for; [math. 5:5]
(a) Theirs is the heavenly milk (b) They shall have peace of mind (c) They shall inherit the earth
(d) They are righteous
34. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for; [math. 5:6]
(a) They shall be filled (b) They are spiritually minded (c) Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
(d) They are God minded
35. Blessed are the merciful, for; [math. 5:7]
(a) They are not wicked (b) They shall obtain mercy (c) They have a lovely heart
(d) Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
36. Blessed are the pure in heart, for; [math. 5:8]
(a) Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven (b) Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven (c) They shall obtain mercy
(d) They shall see God
26. 26. Daniel Abed-nego
27. 27. Hananiah Meshach
28. 28. Misheal Shadrach
29. 29. Azariah Belteshazzer
37. Blessed are the peace maker, for; [matth.5:9]
(a) They shall be called the peacemaker (b) They shall be called the children of God
(c) They shall have rest (d) The shall go free
38. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for; [math 5:10]
(a) Theirs is the glory forever (b) They shall be strengthen (c) Theirs is the kingdom of heaven
(d) There is a reward for them
39. Jesus said, Think not that I am come to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace, but a sword [math
(a) True (b) False
40. John 11:35 Jesus wept
(a) True (b) False
41. And about the Ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani ? That is to say, My
God, My God,______________ [Matth 27:46]
(a) Let the heavens be opened (b) Have mercy upon me (c) Why has thou forsaken me?
(d) Let thine kingdom come
42. Whom does the Angel of the Lord spoke to his parents about his birth, his name and his purpose, and also that
he shall go before him in the Spirit and power of Elijah ? [Luke 1:13-17]
(a) Elisha (b) Jesus (c) John (d) Solomon
43. John was older than Jesus but he was the one to prepare the way for the Messaiah [Luke 1:17, 1:26]
(a) True (b) False
44. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost right from his mothers womb, while Jesus was conceived of the
Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him as he was being baptized
and praying as the heaven was open. [Luke 1:15, 3:21-23]
(a) True (b) False
45. Peter was very close to Jesus so he did not deny Christ.
(a) True (b) False
46. Jesus laid his hand on Lazarus and Lazarus came back to life.[John 11:42-44]
(a) True (b) false
47. Judas Iscariot was a thief. [ John 12:4-6]
(a) True (b) False
48. Who made these statement ? This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you [ John
(a) Paul (b) Moses (c) Jesus (d) Paul and Silas
49. For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became
___?___, that ye through His poverty might be rich. [2 Cor 8:9]
(a) Dead (b) Poor (c) Slave (d) Rich
50. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto man, but unto god; for no man understandeth
him; how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. [1 Cor 14:2]
(a) True (v) False
51. How many spiritual gifts does Apostle Paul describes in the bible for Christians. [1 Cor 12:7-12]
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

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