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Self Access Learning Module

Self Access Learning Module


ICT Literacy ICT Literacy
for for
Secondary Secondary
School School
Programme Programme
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e #I$%&o!'%(o$ %o Po)e& Po($% P&e*e$%a%(o$
2. O+,e'%(-e#The students should be able to
a. state the steps to launch PowerPoint presentation
b. state the function of menu bar and toolbars
c. create a blank slide presentation
d. use WordArt
e. insert picture
f. insert custom animation
g. save the presentation
h. close and exit the presentation
3. K$o)"e.e a$ S/(""* #
a. aunch Power Point 2!!3 software.
b. "nsert WordArt# picture and custom animation.
c. $ave a file.
d. %lose and exit presentation.
&. Mo!"e S!mma&0' At the end of the module# students should be able to
produce a slide presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1 # La!$'1 %1e Po)e& Po($% P&e*e$%a%(o$
1. %lick S%a&%2 A"" P&o.&am* and M('&o*of% Off('e.
2. %hoose M('&o*of% Off('e Po)e&Po($% 2003.
3. A screen as below will be displa(ed.
&. The displa( is the interface of Power Point Presentation.
). There are Me$! +a& and Too"+a&* on the top of the window.
2 # C&ea%e a +"a$/ *"(e 3&e*e$%a%(o$
1. %lick 45o&ma%6 on the Me$! +a&2 then select 4S"(e "a0o!%6 as shown below

Me$! +a& Too"+a&
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
2. *rom the Co$%e$% "a0o!%*# select B"a$/ 3&e*e$%a%(o$. +ou will see a displa( as shown
A'%(-(%0 3 # I$*e&% Wo&A&%
1. ,n the drawing toolbar# click Wo&A&%
2. Se"e'% a$0 4Wo&A&%6 *%0"e.
3. The Wo&A&% Ga""e&0 dialog box appears.
&. When E(% Wo&A&% Te7% dialog box appears# t(pe the word Myself and click OK as
shown below.
). +ou ma( resi-e the word.
B"a$/ P&e*e$%a%(o$
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 8# I$*e&% P('%!&e
1. %lick I$*e&% on the Me$! +a&# then select P('%!&e from C"(3a&% or 5("e* where (our
pictures are saved
2. .ove the picture an(where (ou like on the slide. +ou ma( see an example below.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 9# I$*e&% C!*%om A$(ma%(o$
1. %lick S"(e S1o) on the Me$! +a& and select C!*%om A$(ma%(o$.
2. The C!*%om A$(ma%(o$ Ta*/ Pa$e appears on the right of the window as shown
3. %lick on the word Myself then click A Effe'% on the task pane.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
&. $elect E$%&a$'e from the drop down menu and select an( effects such as
C1e'/e&+oa&2 5"0 I$ and others.
). +ou ma( modif( the effects/ start# the speed and direction b( clicking the drop down
buttons as shown below.
0. %lick on the picture and then click A Effe'% on the task pane.
1. $elect Em31a*(* from the drop down menu and select an( effects such as
G&o);S1&($/2 S3($ or more effects.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
2. +ou ma( modif( the effects/ start# the speed and amount b( clicking the drop down
buttons as shown below.
3. $ave (our presentation as Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
1!. %lose and exit (our presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e # C&ea%($. P&e*e$%a%(o$ a$ E(%($. 1
2. Lea&$($. O!%'ome*' The students should be able to'
a. open an existing presentation
b. insert new slide
c. insert $lide a(out
d. insert $lide background
e. insert $lide Transition
f. save the file and run the slide show
g. close and exit the presentation
3. K$o)"e.e a$ S/(""*#
a. ,pen# $ave and %lose document
b. "nsert new slide
c. "nsert $lide la(out
d. "nsert slide transition
e. "nsert background
f. 4un the presentation
g. 5xit Application
8. Mo!"e S!mma&0# At the end of the module# students should be able to insert
new slide# slide la(out# slide background# slide transition# run# save and exit
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1 # O3e$($. A$ E7(*%($. P&e*e$%a%(o$
1. To open Myself.ppt from M0 Do'!me$% folder2 launch the .icrosoft PowerPoint
application# %lick 5("e on the Me$! +a& and select O3e$
2. The following window will appear.
3. $elect the file Myself and then click OK. +our file will now be opened.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 2 # I$*e&%($. Ne) S"(e P&e*e$%a%(o$
1. %lick I$*e&% on the Me$! +a& and click Ne) S"(e.
2. A new slide will appear and from content la(out on the right# select T(%"e a$ Te7%
3. +our new slide now will be like this
T(%"e a$ Te7% "a0o!%
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 2 # I$*e&%($. a$ E(%($. Te7%
1. %lick to C"('/ %o a %(%"e and t(pe the word Myself.
2. 6ext# click to C"('/ %o a %e7% and t(pe/
.( *avourite Things# then press E$%e&
.( *amil(# and press E$%e&
.( $chool.
3. +ou ma( edit the 5o$% %03e2 *(?e a$ 'o"o!& as (ou like. An example is shown below.
A'%(-(%0 3 # I$*e&%($. S"(e Ba'/.&o!$
1. %lick 5o&ma% on the Me$! +a& and select Ba'/.&o!$.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
2. %lick D&o3 o)$ +!%%o$ to select the background fill. +ou ma( select Mo&e Co"o&* or
5("" Effe'%*. An example is shown below.
3. %lick A33"0 to set the background for this slide. "f (ou want to set all slide with the
same background# click A33"0 %o A"".
A'%(-(%0 8 # S"(e T&a$*(%(o$
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
$lide transition is an animation that shows how one slide moves to another slide.
1. %lick S"(e S1o) and select S"(e T&a$*(%(o$.
2. $elect an( S"(e T&a$*(%(o$ as (ou like from the Ta*/ Pa$e such as Com+
3. +ou ma( also modif( the transition *3ee and *o!$.
&. +ou ma( set the slide transition either A!%oma%('a""0 or O$ mo!*e '"('/.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
). This slide transition effect ma( be applied to the current slide or all slides.
0. $ave (our presentation.
A'%(-(%0 9 # R!$$($. %1e S"(e S1o)
+ou ma( run the presentation from the beginning of slide or from the current slide.
1. To view the slide show from the beginning# click S"(e S1o) on the .enu bar and
select A(e) S1o).
2. To view from the current slide# click S"(e S1o) +!%%o$ as shown below.
3. %lick the mouse or press E$%e& to change the slide.
&. Press E*' to end the slide show.
S"(e S1o)
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# C&ea%($. P&e*e$%a%(o$ a$ E(%($. 2
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. insert new slide
b. insert text box and sound effects
c. set slide design
1 K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. "nsert new slide
b. "nsert text box
c. "nsert graphic and text
d. "nsert animation effect
e. "nsert sound effect
f. $et slide transition
g. $et slide design
h. $ave file
2 Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be able to insert new slide
insert text box and sound effects set slide design
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1# I$*e&%($. Te7% Bo7
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. "nsert a new slide presentation and select a blank presentation.
3. ,n the D&a)($. %oo"+a& click Te7% Bo7 +!%%o$
4. Then# click and drag on the blank slide presentation.
5. T(pe My Favourite Things in the text box.
6. +ou ma( edit the 5o$% *(?e2 %03e2 'o"o!&2 and %e7% +o7 "($e as (ou like. An example is
shown below.
7. "nsert another five text box. "n each text box t(pe Food, Place to Visit, Movie, Music
and Poem.
8. $et C!*%om A$(ma%(o$ to each of the %e7% +o7e*.
9. $ave (our presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 2# Se%%($. So!$ Effe'%*
1. %lick the text box My Favourite Things.
2. *rom the Ta*/ Pa$e select Effe'% O3%(o$* from the O+,e'% 1 drop down menu.
3. The Effe'% O3%(o$* (a"o. +o7 will appear 7the dialog box appearance depends on
the custom animation set8.
&. Then select Effe'% button and set the *o!$ enhancement as (ou like such as C1(me
and click OK.
A'%(-(%0 3 # A33"0($. S"(e De*(.$
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. *rom the Me$! +a& click 5o&ma% and select S"(e De*(.$.
2. $elect an( S"(e De*(.$ %em3"a%e that (ou like from the task pane.
3. *rom the drop down menu# select A33"0 %o Se"e'%e S"(e*. "f (ou want all the slides
to have the same design# click A33"0 %o A"" S"(e*.
&. 9elow is an example how the slide looks like.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
). $ave (our presentation
0. 4un (our presentation
1. 5nd the slide show and exit.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&% a$ G&a31
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. insert new slide
b. create an organi-ation chart
c. add text to the organi-ation chart
d. add the hierarch( box to the organi-ation chart
e. choose and insert graph
3 K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. "nsert new slide
b. "nsert text
c. "nsert organi-ation chart and graph
d. "nsert animation effect
e. $et slide transition
f. $et slide design
g. $ave file
h. 4un the slide show
& Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be able to create
organi-ation chart and graph
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1# I$*e&%($. O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&%
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. "nsert a new slide presentation and select T(%"e a$ D(a.&am* o& O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&%
from the slide la(out.
3. The following screen will be displa(ed
T(%"e a$ D(a.&am o&
O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&%
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
&. T(pe the title as MY FAMILY T!! in the C"('/ %o a %(%"e text box. +ou ma( change
the font format and slide design as (ou like.
). :ouble click at the Do!+"e '"('/ %o a (a.&am o& o&.a$(?a%(o$ '1a&% box.
0. D(a.&am Ga""e&0 box will appear as shown below
1. $elect a O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&% and click OK
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
2. The screen below will be displa(ed
3. ,n each of the text box# t(pe (our famil( members; name such as (our parents; name
in the top box# followed b( (our siblings; name in the other boxes as shown below.
A'%(-(%0 2# I$*e&%($. O&.a$(?a%(o$ C1a&% S1a3e
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
There are three t(pes of I$*e&% S1a3e in the organi-ation chart/ Co)o&/e&2 S!+o&($a%e
a$ A**(*%a$%. To add a shape# select the shape (ou want to add the new shape under or
next to# click the arrow on the I$*e&% S1a3e button on the ,rgani-ation %hart toolbar# and
then click one or more of the following'
Co)o&/e& ' to place the shape next to the selected shape and connect it to the same
superior shape.
S!+o&($a%e ' to place the new shape below and connect it to the selected shape.
A**(*%a$% ' to place the new shape below the selected shape with an elbow connector.
1. %lick to the last text box on the right and select 'o)o&/e& from the drop down menu of
($*e&% *1a3e.
2. A new text box is inserted. T(pe (our additional sibling;s name. An example is shown
3. +ou ma( insert as man( coworkers as (ou wish
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
&. %lick the second text box and t(pe the name of Aini;s spouse.
). *rom the drop down menu of ($*e&% shape# insert two *!+o&($a%e. And t(pe the name
of aini;s children;s name as shown below.
0. +ou ma( insert as man( o&.a$(?a%(o$ '1a&% *1a3e as (ou like depending on (our
famil( tree.
A'%(-(%0 3# I$*e&%($. T(%"e a$ C1a&%
1. "nsert a new slide presentation and select T(%"e a$ C1a&% from the slide la(out
2. T(pe the title as MY FAMILY M!M"!#$ "L%%& '%(P in the C"('/ %o a %(%"e text
box. +ou ma( change the font format and slide design as (ou like.
3. :ouble click at the Do!+"e '"('/ %o a '1a&% box. A :atasheet dialog box will appear
as shown below.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
&. %hange the data according to (our famil( blood group and gender as shown below
). +our graph ma( look as below.
0. $et C!*%om A$(ma%(o$ and S"(e T&a$*(%(o$ to each of the slides.
1. $ave (our presentation.
2. 4un the $lide $how.
3. 5xit the presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# P(e C1a&%
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. insert new slide
b. create a pie chart
c. choose and insert pie chart
3. K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. "nsert new slide
b. "nsert pie chart
c. $et animation effect
d. $et slide transition
e. $et slide design
f. $ave file
g. 4un the slide show
&. Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be
able to create a pie chart
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1# C&ea%($. P(e C1a&%
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. "nsert a new slide presentation and select T(%"e a$ C1a&% from the slide la(out.
3. T(pe the title as MY "(&'!T and click %o a %(%"e text box. +ou ma( change the font
format and slide design as (ou like.
&. :ouble click at the Do!+"e '"('/ %o a '1a&% box. A :atasheet dialog box will appear
on the screen.
). 4ight click on the plot area and select %hart T(pe
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
0. C1a&% T03e dialog box will appear. *rom the S%a$a& T03e select C1a&% T03e as P(e
and an( of the C1a&% *!+D%03e that (ou like and click OK.
1. %hange the data according to how (ou spend (our monthl( pocket mone(. An example
is shown below.
2. The pie chart will look as below.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
3. $et C!*%om A$(ma%(o$ and S"(e T&a$*(%(o$ to each of the slides.
1!. $ave (our presentation.
11. 4un the $lide $how.
12. 5xit the presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# I$*e&%($. Mo-(e* a$ So!$*
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. insert new slide
b. insert movie
c. insert sound
3. K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. "nsert new slide
b. "nsert movie
c. "nsert sound
d. $et slide transition
e. $et slide design
f. $ave file
g. 4un the slide show
h. 5xit presentation
&. Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be able to insert movies
and sounds
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
A'%(-(%0 1# I$*e&%($. So!$*
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. "nsert a new slide presentation and select T(%"e O$"0 from the slide la(out.
3. T(pe the title as MY M(#I). +ou ma( change the font format and slide design as (ou
&. The slide will appear as shown below.
). "nsert text box# t(pe the title of the song and insert line colour. +ou ma( format the font#
the line colour and line st(le as (ou wish.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
0. *rom the Me$! +a&# click "nsert. $elect .ovies and $ounds from the drop down menu#
and select So!$ f&om f("e.
1. %hoose (our preferred song. 75xample' $elect file named love songs < +ou;re m(
ever(thing from Sam3"e of Po)e& Po($% folder and click OK8
2. A dialog box appears# and selects W1e$ C"('/e. +ou will see a sound icon appears on
the screen as shown below
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
3. Then move the sound icon into the right side of the text box.
1!. 4epeat step ) to step 0 and insert an( song (ou prefer.
11. 9elow is an example of the slide.
A'%(-(%0 2# I$*e&%($. Mo-(e*
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. "nsert a new slide presentation and select T(%"e O$"0 from the slide la(out. T(pe the title
as MY M%VI!.
2. *rom the Me$! +a&# click I$*e&%. $elect Mo-(e* a$ So!$* from the drop down
menu# and select Mo-(e f&om f("e. 75xample ' $elect file named smoking from $ample
of Power Point folder and click OK8
3. %hoose a movie. A dialog box will appear. Then click A!%oma%('a""0.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
4. 4esi-e the movie box as shown below.
5. $et S"(e T&a$*(%(o$ to each of the slides
6. $ave (our presentation.
7. 4un the S"(e S1o).
8. 5xit the presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# I$*e&%($. @03e&"($/
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. open an existing file
b. insert h(perlink
slide to slide
slide to another file
slide to web pages
3. K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. "nsert h(perlink
b. $ave file
c. 4un the slide show
d. 5xit presentation
&. Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be able to insert h(perlink.
A'%(-(%0 1# I$*e&%($. @03e&"($/ 5&om S"(e %o S"(e
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. .ove to S"(e 2# entitled Myself.
3. =ighlight the phrase M0 5a-o!&(%e T1($.*. *rom the Me$! +a&# click "$*e&% and select
@03e&"($/ from the drop down menu.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
&. The I$*e&% @03e&"($/ dialog box will appear. %lick to P"a'e ($ T1(* Do'!me$%
). $elect S"(e 3 from the S"(e T(%"e* as shown as below.
0. Then click OK.
1. 4epeat step 3 to step 0 for the other texts except step )# select slide & on M0 5am("0
and slide 0 on M0 B!.e% to link.
2. The slide will look like below.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
3. .ove to S"(e 3# from the me$! +a&2 click S"(e S1o). *rom the drop down menu#
select A'%(o$ B!%%o$* and choose A'%(o$ +!%%o$# @ome .
1!. Place the action button an(where (ou like.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
11. An A'%(o$ Se%%($. dialog box will automaticall( appear.
12. *rom the @03e&"($/ %o2 click on the pull down menu and select *"(e.
13. The @03e&"($/ %o S"(e dialog box appears. $elect slide title as M0*e"f.
1&. %lick OK on both of the dialog boxes.
1). 4epeat step 3 to step 1& for S"(e 8 and S"(e :.
10. $ave (our presentation.
11. 4un the S"(e S1o)
12. 5xit the presentation
A'%(-(%0 2# I$*e&%($. @03e&"($/ 5&om S"(e %o 5("e.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. .ove to S"(e 3# entitled My Favourite Things.
3. =ighlight the word Poem. *rom the me$! +a&# click I$*e&% and select @03e&"($/ from
the drop down menu.
&. The I$*e&% @03e&"($/ dialog box will appear.
). $elect file named 3oem.o' from M0 Do'!me$% and click OK.
0. $ave (our presentation.
1. 4un the S"(e S1o).
2. 5xit the presentation.
A'%(-(%0 3# I$*e&%($. @03e&"($/ f&om S"(e %o We+.
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
2. .ove to S"(e 3# entitled My Favourite Things.
3. =ighlight the phrase P"a'e %o A(*(%. *rom the me$! +a&# click I$*e&% and select
@03e&"($/ from the drop down menu.
&. The I$*e&% @03e&"($/ dialog box will appear.
). "n the address box# t(pe 1%%3#;;3"a$e%.%(me.$e%.m0;Ce$%&a"Ma&/e%;Me"a/a;101 or an(
webpage address that (ou want.
0. Then# click OK.
1. $ave (our presentation.
2. 4un the S"(e S1o).
3. 5xit the presentation.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint presentation Module
1. Name of Mo!"e# P&($%($. P&e*e$%a%(o$
2. O+,e'%(-e # The students should be able to'
a. open an existing file
b. print presentation as
3. K$o)"e.e B S/(""#
a. ,pen an existing file
b. Print presentation as slides and handout
c. %lose and exit presentation
&. Mo!"e S!mma&0 ' At the end of the module# students will be able to print
presentation as slides and handouts.
A'%(-(%0 1# P&($%($. S"(e*
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. *rom the menu# click 5("e and select P&($% from the drop down menu.
3. A P&($% dialog box will appear. $elect S"(e* from P&($% )1a% area and click OK.
A'%(-(%0 2# P&($%($. @a$o!%*.
ICTL for Secondary School - Powerpoint Presentation Module
1. ,pen an existing file Myself in M0 Do'!me$%.
2. *rom the menu# click 5("e and select P&($% from the drop down menu.
3. A P&($% dialog box will appear. $elect @a$o!%* from P&($% )1a% area and set the
number of slides per page as 8 at the @a$o!%* area.
&. Then click OK.
). After completing the printing# close the presentation and exit.

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