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The IQ Test The best mix of Communism and Nazism Approx.

A society where if, by adulthood, you cannot pass the set IQ limit on a test, you will be given two
options: leave or vasectomy/hysterectomy. There will be a few loopholes of course, for example, even
if you fail, and you have some form of unique attribute that would benefit our society, you may stay
with the privilege of reproduction. Another loophole is the knowledge test, if you lack cognitive ability,
but show determination and wisdom, you may stay. The bar IQ should start at about 100 and work its
way up each year.
The goal of such a society is to promote eugenics, but not by killing off offenders, although it
may still be considered cold. One problem that may occur is lack of a working class, and I offer a
solution. Our goal is robotics, to build machines for jobs that require no reason. However, young adults
will be trained on what to do in case of malfunction. Schooling will include a mandatory basic survival
course, for when technology fails. Students can also choose another course such as construction, for
skills needed during failure. At least one skill is mandatory for all citizens.
We would want life after young adulthood to be a utopia, a reward for the stresses of the IQ
test. Everyone should get free health care, free college, all basic needs fulfilled by the government as
long as they are working. The rich would be taxed the highest, which would probably hit the
entertainment business, and not our scientists and important figures. We dont want them leaving our
society, they are beneficial.
We would passively eliminate dysgenics, stupidity, and aggressiveness. The poor would have an
inadvertent benefit in the fact that they probably cant afford to raise kids anyway. The children of our
society deserve better anyway.
Is the IQ test efficient? The originator of the test, Alfred Binet, warned it would be misused, and he
believed intelligence wasnt inherited. Albert Einstein even said be careful not to make the intellect
your god. We would need to aim toward building the best test beneficial to our technological society,
to promote eugenics and otherwise peace.
Military may be another problem. A utopian society isnt going to risk their life. They wont be the
violent type. Then again who messes with Canada? Maybe we can get defense from allies.
World VS Society, I couldnt decided whether this should be a world view or not, but I went with the
more realistic socirty view. A society version allows evasion of the vasectomy, but can cause problems
via taxation of the rich and military shortage.
Propensity against diversity? Our eugenic promotion would be for intelligence only, and would show no
further bias. Nothing about race, sexual orientation, etc. however could we lose other traits by filtering
out based on IQ?

Origins: Originally I developed the idea for presidential election in the USA. Stupid people seem to vote
for the party, and not the person, worse even is of they vote for a party just because their parents did.
You should at least be required to know some of the views from all the main candidates and that
includes independents.
The idea also became better manifested through debates with friends, hearing contradictive
combinations of words such as affirmative-action/equal opportunity employer and also special thanks
to the movie Idiocracy.
-Greg dratsab Huffman

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