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I Think Therefore It Exists 4/15/2013

What does I think therefore I am really mean? What I mean by this is, how does
knowing that you are thinking prove you exist more than any other thing that you can see
and seems to exist? For example, if you created an obect in a computer program that
seems to exist, does it really exist? !an you say that it really does exist in some form?
"ven if you delete it you can say at one time it existed# If you can$t then wouldn$t that
mean that our death would prove we didn$t exist? %lso, what would be the difference
between this obect we created and possibly being able to program a conscious machine
that would say it could think, but at any time we could turn it off?
&ut when we die and if that$s the end of consciousness, wouldn$t that be the same
as a dream ending? What really is the difference between a dream and real life that we
know for sure? 'ure, this reality is sturdier and more predictable and seems to always
over(ride the dream world, because we always come back to this, but what if this is ust a
stronger dream? )ow can consciousness be said to exist, but not the obects that it sees?
If you think therefore you exist, can$t you also think that something exists, so it does
exist? What does exist really mean? *oes exist mean that it has some form that you can
interact with? 'urely things that exist are temporary#
What exactly does exist mean really? +o be able to interact in this world? We can
interact with obects in the dream world, so don,t they exist in their own way if only they
play by their own unstable chaotic rules? If we can interact with an obect then surely it
must exist in some form# Isn,t that how we can say that we exist? &ecause we can interact
with our consciousness?
&ut what do we mean by exist? *o we mean something that can survive outside
of this world? -ike, if this world is an illusion, then that means that we will still .exist. in
the real world but the obects of this world won$t? )owever, if we die, and consciousness
ends, wouldn$t this prove this way of thinking false? If someone is destroyed then it stops
existing correct? 'o everything we see, even in the dream world, does exist, but when we
wake up it is destroyed and no longer exists correct? /ow, when I say this it reminds me
of that picture that shows a pipe and says .this is not a pipe#. 'ure, because what you see
in a dream might not play exactly by the rules of what we think they are in this more
steady dimension of reality, but does that mean they don$t exist in the dream world by
their own rules? If you can say these things don$t exist, then I want to know how we
define exist# If not for the literal dream world, then in this reality which could be a dream
according to solipsism#
(Greg dratsab Huffman
(4/15/2014) Note:
First I would like to say W0W1 I went to make my first note on this writing and
the date is "2%!+-3 one year after I wrote this, how cra4y is that? %nyway, I am
reading %yn 5and,s Introduction to 0bectivist "pistemology and she referenced
something similar to what I was saying in this work# 'he says that to be conscious at all
means that you are conscious of something and therefore *escartes can,t start with I
but that the fact that he is conscious of something at all is proof of the outside world#
+here can be no consciousness without content and therefore if *escartes exists in some
form then he must admit that the world must exist in some form as well, otherwise why
would he be seeing something instead of nothing?

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