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Paranoid Argument on Youtube 10/27/2011

Ministry - Paranoid (Black Sabbath Cover)

I thumbs down this video, because I was hoping it was a cover of the Jonas Brothers
song. dratsabREVIEWS 2 months ago
what the! there"s on#$ one song that has the right to use %&aranoid% as tit#e and its the one
p#a$ed b$ B#ac' Sabbath
(he)tt$*ace 2 months ago
(he)tt$*ace +ome on bro, don"t den$ the Jonas Bros, their songs are time#ess, un#i'e
this hac'... ,--$.
dratsabREVIEWS 2 months ago
dratsabREVIEWS how can $ou sa$ the$ are (ime#ess the$ a#read$ #ost ha#f their fans
to that fag who sings #i'e a bitch, and its been what, . $ears!... fuc' the J bros..
/Vo#tage0.2 0 wee' ago
dratsabREVIEWS *ust another 1S21+ man...
/Vo#tage0.2 0 wee' ago
/Vo#tage0.2 Whi#e the$ c#ear#$ got their inf#uence from the 1S21+, I don"t see this
as a negative. It"s 'ind of #i'e the Beat#es getting inf#uence from 3ran' Sinatra. (hough, it
is hard to compare 3ran' Sinatra to the 1S21+, since I thin' 3ran' Sinatra hasn"t aged
we##, whereas we wi## be ta#'ing about 1S21+ and the Jonas brothers for $ears to come.
dratsabREVIEWS 0 wee' ago
dratsabREVIEWS dude... 1S21+ was a cra-e... #i'e J bros... the$"re done.. their fans
are gone... thats not #egendar$ at a##.. 3ran' Sinatra"s music S(I44 has mi##ions of fans,
because no one cou#d even come c#ose to touching his music, but with 1S21+ or J Bros,
a## $ou need is some new age computeri-ed %music% e5uipment.thats wh$ the$ #ost so
man$ fans to newer artists.. its a#wa$s the same, its *ust a shame, thats a##... #o#
/Vo#tage0.2 . da$s ago
/Vo#tage0.2 3irst of a##, this %computeri-ed music% thing that the 1S$nc innovated
6and has now been improved upon b$ the Jonah Brothers7 was revo#utionar$ for music.
(he 1S$nc managed to combine computer science with music, and that is wh$ music has
changed for (/E BE((ER8 (he o#d fogies are simp#$ 4uddites, who are afraid of these
new artistic too#s of genius. )nd 1s$nc sti## has 6more7 fans, the$ *ust aren"t e#itist, the$
are pure c#ass.
dratsabREVIEWS 9 da$s ago
dratsabREVIEWS $es, the$ improved upon the fact that it ta'es computers to ma'e
them sound good. +a## peop#e who don"t be#ieve in auto:tune #udditica# a## $ou want, I"m
sure $ou 'now the e;act reason the$ don"t want their voices generated from a computer
when the$ don"t need it to produce a#bums and earn fans.. $es <ratsab, the$"re scared,
scared of becoming computeri-ed and ta#ent#ess, #i'e an$ artist that re#ies on autotune..
/Vo#tage0.2 9 da$s ago
/Vo#tage0.2 I guess $ou hate the peop#e who made $our house too, since the$
probab#$ used too#s to ma'e it better8 I guess $ou hate ath#etes that eat right, since the$
need to eat right *ust to perform we##8 <on"t shit on the 1$snc and the Jonas Bo$s *ust
because the$ want to push their abi#ities to the e;treme. 4oo', an$ sane person 'nows
that sure, if either band wanted to, the$ cou#d comp#ete#$ crush and destro$ ,--$ or some
other over:rated band, #i'e 4ed =epp#in, without a computer.
dratsabREVIEWS > da$s ago
dratsabREVIEWS $ou sir, are fuc'ing stupid. 0, J Bros need their music made for
them, as 1S21+ does, is what I"m sa$ing.. who writes J Bros music! &aranoid inc#uded
fuc'ing <isne$, and wh$ does it sound in tune and #i'e the$ can actua##$ perform it!
because its generated b$ computers, not them. fuc' $ourse#f.
/Vo#tage0.2 > da$s ago
dratsabREVIEWS and 2, theres a difference between using too#s to ma'e music, and
#etting the too# ma'e it itse#f.. p#a$ing guitar is using a too#, but ma'ing a s$nthetic guitar
generator p#a$ a music trac' for $ou, thats #etting the too# ma'e it on its own.. a#so, if $ou
cant 'eep a tone in $our voice enough on $our own to sound good, and $ou need to sing
into a machine that a#ters the pitch and the tone, it is no #onger $our voice, it becomes the
voice of the too#, and no #onger 2,?.
/Vo#tage0.2 > da$s ago
/Vo#tage0.2 So, #et me get this straight@ 07 2ou #ove <isne$ 27 2ou /ate the Jonas
Bros >7 2ou hate the Jonas Bros because the$ p#a$ a song that was... 97 composed b$
<isne$. (his is a horrib#e s$##ogism, and I hate $ou for ma'ing me t$pe it out. I"m not
even accepting that as true, because I 'now the Jonas Brothers are smart, ta#ented, and
pure... that is wh$ the$ wear promise rings, because the$ &R,AISE to ma'e great music.
If $ou did some research, $ou"d 'now that. B)W<8
dratsabREVIEWS 0 sec ago
dratsabREVIEWS $ou sti## dont get it.. $ou %had% to t$pe that out because $ou"re too
pigheaded to see from m$ perspective at a##, $eah, <isne$ is awesome, I dont hate the J
bros because <isne$ composes their music, I hate them because I 07 dont #i'e their sound,
27 the$ are given more credit than credit is due, >7 the$ dont compose their ,W1 music
6not about who does it, its because its not themse#ves7 and 97 the$ have dumbass fans #i'e
$ou who are narrow:minded as fuc' about music.
/Vo#tage0.2 0. hours ago
/Vo#tage0.2 4aw#, we## I spose this *o'e has run it"s course. It was a good showC I am
actua##$ surprised $ou bought m$ argument at a##, but I guess Jonas fans are capab#e of
the highest feats of stupidit$. Bood due#, good sir.
dratsabREVIEWS 2. seconds ago
dratsabREVIEWS I"m a Aaster at (ro##ing @& best wishes, and no rea# offence intended.
/Vo#tage0.2 2 da$s ago

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