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Proselytizing Kimberly Elise Relford for SCIENCE 4/24/2012

32 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman

29 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford

28 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>how is the tree state

28 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford

28 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>tis a shamme, texas is always super hot

27 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>must be nice

27 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>ehh its ok, im more of an indoor person anyway, been reading the bible ironically, i finished
the old testament

26 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford

>good for u learn anything

25 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>yeah, that god really hates it when you make molten images, and hes ready to kill jews for any
little thing at a moments glance. He kills a bunch of jews with snakes and the plague, just
because they want something to drink while walking... merciful all loving god he is

24 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>if u are going to criticize jesus to my face then I am going to ignore you.. I hope you know that
I am a believer in Jesus

23 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>I wasnt really criticizing jesus, I was criticizing god for being a murderer... which is before jesus

22 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>either way i worship dont have to believe and i dont have to listen to ur thoughts of
why either

22 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>i was just saying what happened in the bible, its right there in the bible

21 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>yes and those who do not believe twists the message to there own way of making him sound
cruel and most baptist go by the new testament.

20 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman

>well, technically when you do believe in something you have to twist it, but because i do not
believe, i can see through it like glass
>for example, liking something creates bias... when there is no bias, there is no like
>or hate for thta matter

17 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>if your soul purpose is to talk to me and try to convince to convert to a non believer its better
you did not talk to me because you are only going to make me angry and I don't want to be
angry today

15 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>But isn't your goal as a Christian to proselytize me? If you don't try to convert me, you aren't
doing your duty to god

13 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>I never said I was perfect. I realize that you are in debating mood. Great! Go in a Chat room.
But I am trying to talk to other people. I would appreciate it if you did not patronize me. Do you
see me criticizing the way you live? Would you please show me the same respect.

12 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>Maybe this is the most important conversation you can have today, instead of gossiping about
what other people are doing and judging them

10 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>Ok Greg I tried to get the point politely. Leave me alone. Since when is talking to your mother
about how she is healing and talking to your best friend about how she is feeling seeing as she
is pregnant considering gossiping being judgmental? You are the one casting judgment on the
way I choose to live

9 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>It's not really how you choose to live, it's more how you choose to interpret how the world
works. The religious people have been holding back scientific progress for years, and it is my
duty to science to convert them to reason

6 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>Greg. I am not trying to convert you to religion. I would appreciate it if you would please
abandon the attempts to convert me to science. I have had the experience I need to believe in
the Lord. There is nothing you can say to make me choose science over him. Now please leave
me alone or I will report you to face book for harassment. Do you understand?

6 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>really, so you are using this computer that was made by god right, and not by science and
>and you talk on a phone that was made by moses
>because science has nothing to do with your life
>science flies us to the moon, religion flies us into buildings

5 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>Greg I understand your frustration for me not doing what you want. Will you please leave me

4 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>That's a rather simple understanding of the situation dont you think
>Doug saw the light when he read actual books and questioned things
>are you afraid of the truth?
>what lies outside of the south? atheism... thats why the north mocks you

>frustration is good, the pain leads to truth, to question what you are afraid to question

2 minutes ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>I don't care that the North mocks me. I am not afraid of truth but embrace faith. I have asked
you to please leave me alone. That request has nothing to do with science or religion. Its a
matter of respecting my wishes. I

2 minutes ago
Gregory Everette Huffman
>what means something to you
>what did faith ever do for anyone?
>what about all the kids born with disabilities, did faith fail them?
>the jews in the holocaust, where was god for his chosen people?
>why are the richest men in the world atheist?
>ever wonder that?
>bill gates = atheist, warren buffet = atheist
>ted turner

57 seconds ago
Kimberly Elise Relford
>Greg you are harassing me. I said leave me alone please

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