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ElmoHATE 5/2/2011

Report 9:45pm
hey elmo
Report 2:21am
emo emo meo!
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:22am
"o a#ay really you $all me elmo it pi%%e% me o&& you $all emo meo thi!' imma tal' to ya(
)o !o# "o a#ay im %i$' o& you $alli!" me *y the #ro!" !ame
Report 2:22am
you !ever %aid a!ythi!" *e&ore
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:22am
i i"!ored it
Report 2:2+am
#hy !ot ,u%t me!tio! it
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:2+am
i& i i"!ore it mea!% pi%% o&& ov*ou%ly
Report 2:2+am
)ot !e$e%%arily- %ome people ,u%t do!t %ee it
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:24am
#ell im %i$' o& you $alli!" my %ite *y the #ro!" !ame it% a pi%% o&& im !ot elmo im emo
!o# either "et it &u$'i!" ri"ht or &u$' o&& already
Report 2:24am
#hy do you hate elmo( .e/% adora*le0 Remem*er ti$'le me elmo(
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:25am
elmo i% a &a" he %hal die i! &u$'i!" hell i %ta**ed that &u$'er to death
Report 2:25am
That/% !ot very !i$e- #hy do you di%li'e elmo(
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:21am
*e$u%e li'e i %aid he i% a &u$'i!" &a""ot
Report 2:21am
2 du!!o- 2 thi!' he ,u%t e3perime!t% arou!d- 2 mea! you $a!t *lame him- *i" *ird loo'%
'i!da hot
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:24am
o'ay &u$' o&& already u have pi%%ed me the &u$' o&& !o# "o a#ay you &u$'i!" &rea'
Report 2:24am
5hy doe% thi% Elmo tal' ma'e you %o mad(
5erey ou mole%ted a% a $hild000 *y Elmo(
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:24am
either &u$' o&& or imma "et you *a!!ed
Report 2:26am
2 hardly *elieve you $a! "et me *a!!ed- u!le%% the o#!er% o& &a$e*oo' are a!ti7elmo
&a%$i$%t% li'e you- mi%% elmolove
or %hould 2 %ay000 elmo.8TE
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:29am
2 have alot o& &rie!d% o! here #ho do !ot li'e people pi%%i!" me o&& a!d 2 o#! over 5
a$$ou!t% 2 $a! "et you *a!!ed &a%t %o pi%% the &u$' o&& or *e *a!!ed &rom &a$e*oo' your
Report 2:+9am
You have a *u!$h o& &rie!d% that hate Elmo( 5hat are you- %ome "roup o& a!ti7Elmo
o$$ulti%t%( You have $ho%e! the %eedy %ide o& Se%ame Street have!/t you( You have %ided
#ith the o!e they $all :%$ar
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+1am
:;< ;=>? :;; 2 8 S2>? :; = =R 8 ;=>?2)< L:SER ;=>? :;; 5.Y @:
= T.2)? 2 @2@)T ;=>?2)< 8>>EAT Y:= 8)@ =R ;RE8? .E8@ .8T T.2)<
Report 2:+2am
Be$au%e it remi!d% you o& Elmo- *ut 2 a!d my pa!da hat #ill *e here repre%e!ti!000 ;:R
EL: Y:= 52LL <: @:5)
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+2am
"ood lu$' little pe!i% ma! :C:C
Report 2:++am
2 %ee you have $ho%e! to &o$u% o! a mu$h %maller oppo!e!t- #hy $a!/t you %ta!d your
"rou!d a"ai!%t Elmo000 !o# you $ha!"e the %u*,e$t000 Y:= .8DE L:ST T.2S 58R
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+4am
)o 2 have!t you have *ee! po%ted :C:C
EEEF):TE: The po%t %he made a*out me o! her #all i% %ho#! a&ter thi% $o!ver%atio!CEEE
Report 2:+5am
Your army i% !o mat$h &or Elmo
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+1am
"ood lu$' &rea'
Report 2:+1am
Tha!' you &or your #ord% o& e!$oura"eme!t- they are a %mall *riht li"ht i! a! other#i%e
*lea' outloo' o! li&e000 tha!' you ElmoLove
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+4am
die i! hell hater
Report 2:+4am
>a! you die i! hell( 5here do you "o i& you die(
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+4am
2 "o #here the &u$' i #a!t
Report 2:+6am
2 li'e your determi!atio!- #here %hall #e "o(
[EmoLove Siteodeli!"]
Report 2:+9am
u "o to hell #her u "et toruterd *y mi$heal ,a$'%o!
Report 2:49am
2 a$tually li'e hi% mu%i$ tha!' you very mu$h- *e%ide% i$hael Ga$'%o! i% i! heave!-
alo!" #ith the re%t o& the prie%t%
The!- %he po%ted thi% o! her #all:
EmoLove Siteodeli!"
[li!' to my a$$ou!t i% here] *lo$' thi% hater a!d thi% "ro#! ma! &rea' #ho i% i! love #ith
elmo a!d them000it% &rea'y a!d he i% a lo%er #ho i% tryi!" to *ri!" do#! my %ite help me
out report him plH :C
@yla! Lo#de!: @o!/t do it- it/% a trap0
EmoLove Siteodeli!": !o it% !ot a trap
EmoLove Siteodeli!": a!d #ho the &u$' r u a!other little hater(
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: ElmoLove000 more li'e EL:.8TE
EmoLove Siteodeli!": it% emolove !ot &u$'i!" elmolove you &u$'i!" &rea'
Sea! Ro*ert%: .ey #t& do you have a"ai!%t Elmo( >hri%t0
@yla! Lo#de!: >o!%ideri!" our mutual &rie!d%- rethi!' your la%t %tateme!t0
@rSata! )e$ro: dude %top a%'i!" people to report people &or !o rea%o!
EmoLove Siteodeli!": 2 have a rea%o! he i% treate!i!" to *ri!" do#! my %ite &or me !ot
li'i!" hi% &u$'i!" o*%e%%io! #ith &u$'i!" elmo
@rSata! )e$ro: it% a!!oyi!" do you '!o# i& you report people $o!%tatly #ithout a rea%o!
that i% proo& your pa"e "et% deleted
EmoLove Siteodeli!": a$tually 2 al#ay% have a rea%o! #he! 2 report people i& ur
a!other hater i %u""e%t you &u$' o&& !o#
Sea! Ro*ert%: ElmoLove Siteodeli!" i% %r% *%!%%0 2& you $all her a!ythi!" that
i!%i!uate% love &or a *ei!" other tha! elmo%- you are 2)TER;ER2)< 52T. .ER
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: Let/% all report Elmo.8TE- &or hati!" elmo- #ho% #ith me(
EmoLove Siteodeli!": 2m E: Love odel Site E: ):T EL: ;u$'i!" retard%
&u$' o&&
@rSata! )e$ro: lmao it% %itemodeli!" ro&l it% !ot a *u%i!e%%
@rSata! )e$ro: R:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;L
EmoLove Siteodeli!": &u$' o&& the! die i! hell do!t pi%% o&& the dru!' $hi$'
Sea! Ro*ert%: : ):0 @R=)? G=D2E0 S.EEEEEEEEEY2T
Sea! Ro*ert%: 2/m reporti!" you &or u!dera"e dri!'i!" you %lut0
@rSata! )e$ro: dude there are alot o& people #ho $omplai! a*out you a!d !o# i %ee #hy
*e$au%e you are a!!oyi!"- #he! your pa"e "et% deleted *e$au%e you are reporti!" people
&or !o rea%o! the! everyo!e #ill lau"h at you
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: Elmo modeli!"000 let/% all put up pi$ture% o& Elmo i! po%e%
@rSata! )e$ro: T.8TS 5.Y T.EY 8@E 8 ;=>?2)< BL:>? B=TT:)
@rSata! )e$ro: a!d R:;L <RE<:RY 2 L2?E Y:=R AR:;2LE A2>T=RE
R:;;;;;L (
EmoLove Siteodeli!": :'ay you '!o# #hat either %hut the &u$' up a!d &u$' o&& 2 am a
%eriou% %ite #ho doe% !ot tolerate &u$'i!" troll% a!d that i% all you &rea'% are !o# &u$' o&&
leave my %ite alo!e a!d either $ome to $a!da a!d &a$e me or die i! hell
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: Tha!' you @o$tor0
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: 2& thi% %ite hate% troll%- the! #hy doe% it tolerate you( You
loo' li'e you live u!der a *rid"e0
EmoLove Siteodeli!": really i live i! $a!ada %o do u hate $a!adia!% the!(
@rSata! )e$ro: your #el$ome% ro&l
Bre!daa E%pie,o: 5o# haha ho# *out #e &or"et all thi% a!d *e &rie!d%:C %o #hat i& he
love% elmo that% him i& u do!t li'e him the! do!t li'e him *ut do!t report him lol ,u%t
i"!ore him a!d or *lo$' him let% all a$t our a"e% a!d !ot li'e lil 'iddo%:C '(
@rSata! )e$ro: id add u *ut i have add *lo$' J@
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: thi% ma'e% me %ad KL
EmoLove Siteodeli!": he i% tryi!" to *ri!" do#! my %ite 2 prote$t my %ite &rom &rea'%
#ho &lip $uH 2 do!t ta'e them i!to my &amily
@rSata! )e$ro: a!d im !ot trolli!" im ,u%t %ayi!" u %hould *lo$' him a!d !ot *it$h o!
%tatu%e% tryi!" to "et peoplemto report him a!d put everyo!e i! da!"er o& "etti!" their
pro&ile% deleted over a poi!tle%% report
@rSata! )e$ro: he %eem% !i$e to me- it% !ot li'e he% yelli!" at you or a!ythi!"
Bre!daa E%pie,o: 5ell do!t tal' to him *lo$' him hu! %imple a% that!
EmoLove Siteodeli!": oh he i% o! $hat
Sea! Ro*ert%: 2/m !ot trolli!"0 You %hould 'ill your%el&0 Save your%el& the %tre%%0
Emmaa Lovar"h a%o!: dude% #hy !ot all o& you $hill a!d %top %tre%%i!000 #ho $are% i&
it% !ot a *ui%!e%% %heLhe #a!ted to $reate a %ite modeli!"00 #hat% the poi!t i! tryi!" to put
her do#! #he! %he/% ma'i!" people &eel li'ed a!d #a!ted((
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: 2/m !ot tryi!" to *ri!" do#! your %ite- 2/m ,u%t tryi!" to
improve it0 2 .8DE RE@ ;=R 8)@ 2 L2?E T2>?L2)< ?2@S! doop doop doop 2
EmoLove Siteodeli!": &ru$'i!" &rea' pedophile
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: M#hat% the poi!t i! tryi!" to put her do#! #he! %he/% ma'i!"
people &eel li'ed a!d #a!ted((M
You are %o true- %he really *ri"hte!% my day #ith her optimi%ti$ attitude o! li&e a!d elmo
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: a!d #ord% li'e the a*ove
EmoLove Siteodeli!": 2 E: ):T ;=>?2)< EL: 8LL =R TRY2)< T: @: 2S
8?E E :RE 8@ B:Y 2 RE8@Y T: ;2)@ 5.ERE = L2DE 8)@ ?2LL =
S: ST;= L2?E 2 S82@ 8LRE8@Y
@yla! Lo#de!: //;a$e me or die i! hell//0
Ge%%e Slau"hter a!yo!e(
2 pre&er the latter- !o*ody li'e% to have to pour *lea$h i!to their eye %o$'et%0
@rSata! )e$ro: L888888888888888888888888:
EmoLove Siteodeli!": im hotter tha! u $ould ever *e *oy %o i% my &ia!$e
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: You #a!t to &i!d me a!d 'ill me( 8!d you thi!' &a$e*oo'
#ill *lo$' me( You have *ee! reported000 a!d 2/m al%o reNue%ti!" you *e %e!t to a! Elmo
tolera!$e $la%%
@rSata! )e$ro: dude all i did #a% try to tell her that reporti!" people #ithout a real threat
li'e ra$i%m or %e3ual pi$ture% that &a$e*oo' #o!t ta'e the report %eriou%ly a!d &a$e*oo'
doe% delete people &or ma'i!" too ma!y report%
EmoLove Siteodeli!": #0e ur hated *y my dad% e3 "a!" "ood lu$'
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: Your dad ha% a! a!ti7elmo allia!$e(
EmoLove Siteodeli!": %ure thi!' o& it a% that ever heard o& .ell% 8!"el%(
@yla! Lo#de!: @o you happe! to *e %itti!" i! &ro!t o& the &irepla$e #ith your //&ia!$e//(
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: 8$tually- they are $alled @emo!%- hell doe%!/t have a!"el%000
did you &ail *i*le %$hool( That/% o'ay- 2/m a! 3pert
EmoLove Siteodeli!": im %itti!" *y him playi!" *la$' op%
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: M2/m playi!" #ith hi% *la$' $o$'M
EmoLove Siteodeli!": 5o# ;a"
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: .o# dare you- 2 hate 5orld o& 5ar$ra&t
EmoLove Siteodeli!": your do!e &or im %i$' o& u a!d ur &a""i%h tal' u &u$'i!" rape%t
die i! &u$'i!" hell that% #here ur "u!!a "o E= &u$'i!" &rea'
<re"ory Everette .u&&ma!: 2& 2 "o to hell- the! 2 #ill *e hotter tha! you- !o# #ho #i!%
EmoLove Siteodeli!": 2 %till #ill %i!$e im hotter tha! hell &rea' :C
@yla! Lo#de!: E3$u%e me- EmoSlut SiteSNua*li!"0
Ever heard o& the >o&&i! >heater%- <yp%y Go'er%(
2! other #ord% Y:= L:SE T.E <8)< @R:AA2)/ <8E0
Sea! Ro*ert%: ;=>? = 5E/RE 2) 8 >RE5 >8LLE@ @J @8555<0 5E 52)
@yla! Lo#de!: Da!ity i% a %i! i! my *oo'%0
:;; T: SL=T S>.::L Y:= <:0
8l%o- thi% !e3t po%t:
EmoLove Siteodeli!"
yeah they *oea%ti!" a*out the "a!"% they are i!000!othi!" *ut #a!!a*e "a!"%ter% a!d
&u$'i!" haterH 2& i #a!ted them dead they #ould *e ri"ht thi% %e$o!d *ut 2m !ot a% mea!
a% they thi!' yeah 2 *it$h a!d $all them !ame% *ut &u$'i!" 42 yeear old me! %hould !ot
*e i! love #ith elmo a!d ti$'li!" little $hidler! &or &u$' %a'e%

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