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Batman, The Villain 11/17/2011

Pyro Pixie:
You are Batman. These are the secret identities of your villains:

1. The mole: Courtney Hall
2. Cat Woman: Johnny McCarter
3. Penguin: Kimberly Ellen Shepherd
4. Riddler: Brandon McPhetridge
5. Two-face: Kevin Cole
6. The Joker:Leah Nicholson
7. Poison Ivy: Justin Jacobs
Like Share about an hour ago near Corryton, TN

Jennifer Lynn Slusher likes this.
101 of 104

Gregory Everette Huffman: 1. The mole: Courtney Hall
2. Cat Woman: Johnny McCarter
3. Penguin: Kimberly Ellen Shepherd
4. Riddler: Brandon McPhetridge
5. Two-face: Kevin Cole
6. The Joker:Leah Nicholson
7. Poison Ivy: Justin Jacobs
8. Robin: Gregory Everette Huffman
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: dude, ROBIN IS NOT A VILLAIN!!!!!! did you not read it correctly??
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: he had a heel turn
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: um, okay........
about an hour ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: 1. The mole: Courtney Hall
2. Cat Woman: Johnny McCarter
3. Penguin: Kimberly Ellen Shepherd
4. Riddler: Brandon McPhetridge
5. Two-face: Kevin Cole
6. The Joker:Leah Nicholson
7. Poison Ivy: Justin Jacobs
8. Robin: Gregory Everette Huffman

9. Alfred: Ryan Werra
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: why do u keep added stuff to it whom are NOT Villains and adding people to
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: I thought I was contributing, but I can see when I help
people, they don't appreciate it... they are okay, with their poor little incomplete minimal
lists, and will not except support... despite my valiant (dare I say heroic) attempt to add
some creativity and intrigue and depth
about an hour ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: accept*
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: LOL, um, Its a Villain list. If you were to add Villains, It wouldnt be bad but
your adding people whom arn't even CLOSE to being a Villain. Its not adding
"creativity" to anything. It's just maing the list look fucking stupid.
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: You just don't get it do you? Do you think Robin wants to be
nice to Batman? Batman is a total dick, and sometimes he rapes robin. Dare I say, no
robin is not the villain, batman is... And Alfred has been a spy since the beginning.
about an hour ago Like

Drake Noble: That does not make them villains lol. plus, robin is a little bitch anyways. I
can see where batman would be a dick to him.
about an hour ago Like 2

Pyro Pixie: I dont think anyone likes Robin.
about an hour ago Like

Jennifer Lynn Slusher: Robins problem is he always wanted to BE Batman. So when Bats
didn't retire he became Nightwing. There is only one Batman
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: Okay, if you don't like that list, then how about this one:

1. The mole: Courtney Hall
2. Cat Woman: Johnny McCarter
3. Penguin: Kimberly Ellen Shepherd
4. Riddler: Brandon McPhetridge
5. Two-face: Kevin Cole
6. The Joker:Leah Nicholson
7. Poison Ivy: Justin Jacobs

8. Batman: No one, because no one wants to pretend to be that insensitive jerk-wad
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Thats why Batman was a dick to him. Seems like someone didnt watch
Batman good enough
about an hour ago Like 1

Pyro Pixie: wow dude, really? please go away. this is getting annoying.
about an hour ago Like 1

Drake Noble: it really is
about an hour ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: No, you know what is annoying though? You supporting that
domestic abuser, Batman. I can't stand idly by while you support domestic homosexual
abuse. Why should anyone?
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: LMAO!!! Batman takes things into his OWN hands because the Police &
people around him can not do the things he does. I can bet that NO Police in Gotham is a
Black Belt nor had the training Bruce did. Other than getting revenge for his parents,
about an hour ago Like 2

Drake Noble: he is retarded and has no idea what he is talking about.
about an hour ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Batman is a criminal, it is illegal what he is doing. Bu what
does he care about the law? He rather attack people he considers "villians" without due
process of law, and beat his homosexual boyfriend, than show true justice. And what is
he a black belt in? I bet he can't take Royce Gracie in a UFC fight.
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: OMG, dude, you truly are fucking retarded. please go away before you make
me stupid by reading the pathetic shit you are posting. You obviously know nothing
about Batman.
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: Really, I know that he isn't a real black belt. What is his
lineage? If you know so much about Batman, what is his lineage? I know he fights in the
Keysi Fighting Method, but that's a bullshido martial art. No one uses that in the UFC,
therefore it sucks.
about an hour ago Like

Drake Noble: hahahahahahahaha! UFC has nothing to do with Batman. Batman is
fictional you dumbass mother fucker. He takes the law into his hands because he can get

there faster. If he was a Villain the city of Gotham or cops wouldnt praise him for helping
them. plus, he doesnt kill them, he helps gothams people and the true bad guys are always
there DEATH FREE when the cops show up & they take them to jail.
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: THANK YOU, DRAKE!!!
about an hour ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: Dude, you really think the COPS OF GOTHAM are not
corrupt? The cops of New York are fucking corrupt, and yet you think an insane town,
like Gotham, doesn't have corrupt cops? Are you fucking high? Besides, what Batman is
doing, is ILLEGAL. So if the cops support him, it's WRONG! Do you not understand
moral philosophy and philosophy of law? And Pyro, answer my question... I bet
Anderson Silva of Georges St Pierre could be Batman too, but they don't... wanna know
about an hour ago Like

Kevin Cole: Dude, you need to go back to your bunk bed and take a nap.
about an hour ago Like

Pyro Pixie: LOL, Its Batman. Not real life. Its a fictional story. So, go on whatever helps
you sleep at night. I like Batman. He is one of my FAVORITE characters in DC. I know
more about Batman than you ever will & I know what he truly does because I actually
WATCH Batman. So please escort yourself away from my post because you were never
even tagged in it in the first place.
about an hour ago Like 2

Gregory Everette Huffman: If you are a Batman expert, then answer these questions:

1) What is his lineage?
2) Why is it okay to beat homosexuals, and vote republican?
3) Why do you support corrupt police?
4) Why do you hate common sense and logic?
about an hour ago Like

Kevin Cole: The real question is, why are you such a psychopath? You are making a big
deal out of a stupid ass facebook status game.
59 minutes ago Like 2

Gregory Everette Huffman: Ohh, okay, so beating up homosexuals is a facebook game
now? And you are okay with that?
58 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Were you thrown at a wall when you were born?? None of this has
ANYTHING to do with Batman you dumbass. Please go the fuck away because you are
truly making my IQ drop just reading your retarded post.

58 minutes ago Like

Tina Cupp: robin is batmans bitch everyone knows that.lmao...
57 minutes ago Like 2

Gregory Everette Huffman: Ohh, that's right, I forgot you guys are from Maynardville,
TN, THE SOUTH... which is inbred, and hates everything except Jesus and eating fried
food that kills your heart
57 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: you are truly a dumbass. TRULY!!
57 minutes ago Like 3

Gregory Everette Huffman: At least I have knowledge of morality, and I don't claim to be
an expert at something, when I'm not. I never claimed to be a batman expert, but I know
more about him than you do. You don't even know what his Martial Art discipline is
56 minutes ago Like

Thomas Walker: You're further south than us pal. Or didn't you learn that in Geography?
55 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: THomas, let me guess, you are an expert in geography now
aren't you? And, hey, I guess Africa is further south than you guys too... so I guess they
are all rednecks too right! LOGIC!
54 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: lol ONE!! I dont believe in YOUR god. 2, fried foods hurt my stomach. 3. I
have a husband whom is NOT my family. I am not redneck. Far from it actually. I might
be from the "South" but I sure as fuck know more about Batman than you obviously ever
will. Batman is fictional. ITS A FUCKING STORY!!!!
54 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: 1) He's not my good, he's your good... or your god is Batman,
because you worship bad domestic partners. 2) They hurt everyone's stomach 3)
unproven 4) you claim to know a lot about batman, but are not willing to back it up with
evidence or even logic
52 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: No way it's real FUCKING LIFE!!!!! He saved me once I swear!!
Bwahahahaha. If you don't know about batmans martial arts you don't know shit!!!! What
the hell is wrong with you Amy?
51 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: I'm from the "South" Kevin, thats why.
50 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Kevin Cole, I thought we could keep this serious, and discuss
this like gentleman. But like a true southerner, you show you are incapable of a real
50 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Dude, I truly wish I was Batman because I would come to where ever you
live & personally shut you the fuck up.
49 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: Yeah, I bet you do wish you were batman, so you could beat
innocent people up, you sociopathic wench
49 minutes ago Like

Alexis Paige Lundy: 3) actually is proven.
48 minutes ago Like 1

Kevin Cole Hell: no I ain't no real gentleman. What the fuck is that? All of us hillbillies
are immoral pieces of trash that fuck our sisters and aint got no edumacation. So how do
you expect me to speak my mind without being a douche?? You stereotypical piece of
47 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: And why do you guys keep changing the subject? First you
say you are batman experts, and then you start talking about geography... stick to one
subject please. And I think we could do without the ad hominem attacks and sardonic
sense of humor, when discussing an issue as serious as domestic abuse and
46 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: For someone to be so strung up on doing the right thing, he sure does talk
enough shit about southern people.
46 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Talking down to southerners is like talking down to Nazis,
it's justified by their actions.
46 minutes ago Like

45 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Okay, then tell me this... if Batman is not real, how can you
claim to be an expert at it? I don't claim to be an expert at fake shit.
45 minutes ago Like


44 minutes ago Like

Tina Cupp: that guy is fucked in the head
44 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Welp, Kevin Cole admitted he's trying to troll me, so I can't
take him seriously from now on
44 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Ain't nothin from Texas but steers and queers. . . . You definitely don't look
like a steer boy.
43 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: I never claimed to be an expert at it. I said I know more about it than you
obviously ever will. Yes, Batman is fictional but in the story itself, I know a lot about it. I
honestly dont know how to explain that anymore clearer.
43 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Yeah, so what? I am gay... and that is why I have a problem
with this homophobe.
42 minutes ago Like

Thomas Walker: More like a troll to me Kevin.
41 minutes ago Like

CHICKS!!!! Everyone knows that Robin is tryin to take Batmans spot. Obviously you
41 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Holy shit, I am friends with plenty of gay people. But you are taking this to
whole different level than it needs to be. This is not a real world problem, GET OVER
40 minutes ago Like 1

Pyro Pixie: Obviously it is to him. Hell, UFC has now made it into the Batman world.
40 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Yea i guarantee the end of the next batman will include a UFC battle
between batman and bane.
39 minutes ago Like 2

38 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: See, Drew called me a "cock loving piece of crap" and yet

you claim to not be friends with homophobes. You, sirs and madams, are hypocrites
38 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: I never said I wasn't friends with a homophobe, get your facts straight.
37 minutes ago Like

Brandon McPhetridge:
Listen hear Gregory fuck-head, we are not inbred, we might be rednecks, but dude, your
from fucking Texas, redneck capitol of the world. Also, moral philosophy has nothing to
do with the law other than being the starting point. Most of are ...See More
37 minutes ago Like 4

Gregory Everette Huffman: George Bush wasn't even born in Texas, he just claims that to
get republican votes. The truth is, Texas is very liberal, but the media paints it as
republican and cowboys. However, I have been to Tennessee, and it is much worse... and
the average IQ is much lower... I can show you proof of this is you would like me to.
35 minutes ago Like

Brandon McPhetridge: What does average IQ have to do with anything? I just don't like
people bad-mouthing my friends or the place I was raise. I really don't give two shits if
you IQ is 180, because you're still a Texas asshole.
33 minutes ago Like

Lexi Daniels:
okay, here goes. Take it from someone who actually named her son after Bruce. Yes, my
sons name is Bruce Wayne Wynn. I would not have named my son after such a piece of
trash if he actually was. I am totally obsessed with Batman. He is my favorite character of
all time. He helps his city from rapist, murders & thieving low lifes. Yes, he does beat
them up but does not kill them. They are there, most of the time either knocked out or
tied up when the cops arrive. If it was not for Batman, most the people in Gotham would
be dead due to these low lifes . He helps the cops because they simply can no get there
fast enough. Now, you can take Batman into your own context of how you see him but in
this conversation, you are going to lose because everyone here seems to be a Batman
fanatic other than you. Batman's style of fight is illegal & deathly but the difference that
lies within that is he does not use his style of combat to kill people. Plus, UFC is boxing.
That context in itself is hurting harmless people because they are fighting to see who the
better fighter is. Now, you know I am correct on everything I have said & there should be
no more of your say BUT you will do what every person does when they think are wrong
& reply. So, you can go ahead & reply to this but its only making yourself look like a
complete dumbass.
33 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: And guys, we really need to stick to the subject of discussion.
I know you can't control yourselves, what with Fried Chicken grease coursing through
your veins, but really now... just because you are losing a debate, you shouldn't resort to
such underhanded tactics.

33 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Careful now people, his profile says he went to Harvard so he must be a
fucking genius!!!
30 minutes ago Like 1

Pyro Pixie: DAMN!!! Lexi takes one for the win. Way to go babe.
30 minutes ago Like

Brandon McPhetridge: Ok, so we're underhanded, even though you are the one bashing
us for living in a certain place and possibly having a low IQ. I say you sir are the
underhanded one for resorting to such tactics while discussing a FICITONAL character.
I'm done feeding this troll you guys. I'm out.
29 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman:
Lexi Daniels, aside from your ad hominem attacks of desperation at the end, I respect
what you have said, and I hold you in higher regards than your friends for having the
balls to use logic. While I don't like the fact that you respect someone who is a criminal,
atleast you try to bring a positive light to his good side, and maybe you know batman on
a more personal level than I. Also UFC is not boxing, it is a combination of all
disciplines, mostly wrestling (and some jiu jitsu). I respect you though Lexi, unlike your
unsophisticated friends, so I hope we can settle the beef between us
29 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Kevin Cole, all levity aside, I actually did go to Harvard, I
studied philosophy there. I don't rub it in your faces though, so I appreciate it if you didn't
rub your greasy chicken covered hands through my business and stick to the subject ok?
26 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Damn you are one hell of a keyboard warrior.MmmMMMmmMMm fried
chicken. Can I have it with some hotsauce please!?!?
25 minutes ago Like 2

Lexi Daniels: Guy, enough. You are the one bashing everyone here because you can not
accept the fact that you are wrong on everything you've said so you are using where we
live as a backup for you. Get a life.
24 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: "Pyro Pixie DAMN!!! Lexi takes one for the win. Way to go
babe.Pyro Pixie DAMN!!! Lexi takes one for the win. Way to go babe."

Pyro, while you are correct that Lexi is smarter than the rest of you guys, maybe you
shouldn't ride her tailcoats? Lexi actually used facts, and in my opinion, should be an
inspiration to the rest of you rustic cattlemen.
24 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Lexi, I thought we were done debating, you respect my
thoughts on batman, and you respect mine... end this now please?
23 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Well there it is folks, he knows he has been outdone by our resident Batman
expert so he wants to bow out now.
22 minutes ago Like 1

Gregory Everette Huffman: Now hold your hat right there cowboy. I said I gave some
credence to Lexi, because she had batman's child. However, you have no such personal
ties... I am still armed for battle.
21 minutes ago Like

Lexi Daniels: This will end when you stop being a low life, no good white trash talking
piece of shit to whom I do call my friends. You got that? Can you understand that or is
your Harvard Degree inflicting it? You want them to stop everything BUT you have to
come back with a rude comment to when they've ended it.
20 minutes ago Like 1

Kevin Cole: Gregory, what's a cowboy? I haz no edumacashin. . . only words I hear
round these parts is redneck and hillbilly.
19 minutes ago Like 2

Pyro Pixie: LMAO!!!!!^^^
19 minutes ago Like

Gregory Everette Huffman: Well, arguing with idiots means they drag you down to their
level and beat you with experience. Now that you guys have abandoned your Batman
defense, and have resorted to stupidity, I'm going to have to leave with my head high,
G'day mates.
18 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Hahaha finally! The batman idiot is gone!!! Although that was pretty
entertaining. I almost want him to come back.. . .
17 minutes ago Like

Lexi Daniels: LOL, you just know you have been out beat & can no longer come with
any comebacks.
16 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Please no, he made my IQ drop.
16 minutes ago Like 1

Kevin Cole: But I was learning new words!!!!!
15 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Our IQ can't handle all his edumacation, Kevin. We might actually
14 minutes ago Like

Lexi Daniels: He is a douche. He probably uses the Harvard excuse so he only looks
13 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: Well, can I delete this now so WE AS BATMAN FANATICS can have fun
with this one??
12 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Let Thomas catch up first. He was at lunch. Good times.
12 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: LMMFAO!! I was wondering why he was not in on this. He loves Batman.
11 minutes ago Like

Thomas Walker: The sad part is. This was the highlight of my day so far. :P
6 minutes ago Like

Kevin Cole: Haha same here.
6 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: I asked Trinity is Batman was a Villain. She said this " he flys & flys & beats
up the bad guys to protect the good guys."
4 minutes ago Like 1

Pyro Pixie: sounds not so Villain like to me
4 minutes ago Like 1

Lexi Daniels: She is a doll & I hope her & Bruce get married one day :)
3 minutes ago Like

Pyro Pixie: :) YAY, well my hubby has read all these so i'm deleting now so we can carry
out a GOOD Batman conversation.
2 minutes ago Like

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