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Best BSer on BNet 2/15/2009

Im not exactly sure how it all started, but lets start at around 2001, staying at my fathers who
has been living in New Mexico since around 2000; I visit him in summer when school is out. I had been a
huge fan of the RTS genre, been playing them since Warcraft and Command & Conquer were demos.
Suppose I got bored one night and decided to start a clan of Team Killers (or Back Stabbers as I prefer)
by the name of Small Penis Association (ironically while in our clan channel we met another SPA, Super
Pure Azns, no shit). Now it never got that big, nor was I good at Bsing back then didnt even really like
Star Crafts backstab opportunities.
Along comes Warcraft III in 2002, and I enjoy the Bsing a lot more, because you cant auto-
attack allies, you have to micro-manage. I think I encountered clan Bser when the expansion pack, The
Frozen Throne, was released in 2003. I, using account name OsamaBinLaden, frequently helped a clan
shaman by the name of ricethebackstab ruin 4 vs 4 RT games. I came up with an innovative stab tactic,
BS-Computer, in which I would act like a computer and have my peons malfunction while mining,
building, etc. It was the first popular replay I had, and I posted it on gamefaqs, and sent it to rice. At the
time Clan Bser was full at 100 members, same for its sister clan stab, so I was trying to urge rice to
release a member and recruit me since I was an active and innovative stabber.
It must have been around 2004 when I was finally recruited, and it may have even been the
same day when an /emote appeared in the clan chan asking everyone to leave the clan because it was
going to be disbanded by Blizzard. Dont think anyone took it seriously, didnt even look legit, but I was
on my week probationary period and couldnt leave anyway, which is probably why I was one of the only
survivors. Not long after clan BSer was extirpated and most everyone was banned. Since all accounts
were shut down, everyone lost contact with one another.
A few survivors got together and formed BATS (stab backwards). When this imitation was
created it was destroyed by Blizzard within days, and I was finally banned, or rather just my Osama
account. The solo stab era of dratsab was about to begin. I went through a few gimmicks before
landing on IRapeDeadBodies, and my first popular strategy was invented: NOTLD. Yes, Night of the
Living Dead, a strategy that worked with or without TKing; I wont go into the details, but it involved a
lot of ghouls. It was the first strategy I used to kill all my allies for the first time. I was referenced a few
times on GFaqs by a few people, which I thought was cool.
Im guessing around the end of 2004, after just having a good BS, I came back to channel BSer
(not to be confused with a clan channel) and I find a guy there by the name of IDONTTOWERRUSH I
remember him being level 25, not that that is relevant. Somehow we get in a fight about who was the
superior stabber. I laughed at the thought of him being any competition to the great Sab, he just didnt
know. He says he was in clan BSer, I think I said it first, he asks, what was your account? I tell him and
he responds, dude, its me, rice! Hell yeah! We had both been looking for each other apparently. We
got some stabbers together, some of which I still talk to today, and create Rapers of Dead Things, hoping
Blizzard wont know its a stab clan. No such luck, the clan and our accounts are destroyed. Tim Taylor
catches some cool screens of a Blizz rep named Micah banning our clan and saying BSers arent
popular. The text looked a lot more legit this time, having a unique blue coloring.
We decided clan BSer should be underground, so I had a friend by the name of Bobby let us use
his site. He and Tim Taylor didnt get along too well unfortunately, so I eventually created my own
forums, but not until November 2005. Back to Bobbeh, back then Mugaro was a moderator; ieatpaint,
me, and rice became Stabber Triad, and Tim started the collages that are now popular. Still late 2004,
maybe early 2005 all this goes on, as well as two important events in dratsabs legacy.
Politically Correct, Clan PoCo, originally I hated the name and didnt even wanna join, but rice
said it was satirical and wouldnt be a stab clan, we should be safe. I joined, finally using the name I
should have used all along, dratsab. The clan had very well known members, very well ranked, and I
went from shaman, and from there leader. I dont recall right off why rice handed it over tp ,e, but I was
happy to lead. The clan became infamous, for reasons I cant even recall. I still have people ask about
PoCo, hey remember me from PoCo? or hey werent you leader of PoCo? etc.
Back to pure BSing though, I became famous for taking other BSers ideas and making them
better. One example was Tims collages, but the steal most people remember me for is Santa Panda.
Now, the original was done by rice, he would get a panda and type ho ho ho merry Christmas and
drop off items at bases. I took the idea and added a tree of life as a Christmas tree as well as a few other
doo-dads. However, what I believe people really enjoyed about my reps was my wit. It didnt have to
always be action packed, because I got hilarious dialog going. One example of a BS of this nature was
my Story Teller account. One time I was faced up in a 1v1 match against a good opponent, and there
were observers. I gave my units names, and I worked out a story while being attacked. After the game,
to my surprise, the people watching us messaged me saying I was hilarious and they loved it. This is why
BSing isnt about ruining peoples days, just the opposite. Its about creating a unique
experience; its about making a show. Think outside the box, dont worry about the score.
dratsab was eventually banned for map hacking, which was my fault, yet I gave the account to
mugaro and he got the blame think he had to buy a new CD-key. It had about 3,000 losses and
bloodmage icon. Shortly before this time I had become a legend, almost like an internet celebrity, my
15 minutes of fame. I would get whispers from fans during my games. I went on gamefaqs once and
half the topics on the front page were about me or backstabbing, before me BSing was considered
unethical here and everywhere else. I remember one person remarking on gamefaqs, a guy I remember
from the NotLD days saying Wow, I cant believe how popular dratsab has become.
By 2006 it died down quite a bit and I moved to Tennessee where I had no net. I came back in
2007 and did a few BSes, but got banned somehow, but by then it didnt bother me. Well, thats the
story of how I became the best backstabber on Sure its nerdy, but god damn it was fun. I
miss those days but Star Craft II is coming out soon hmm.
-Greg dratsab Huffman

NOTE (from rice): A few things you got wrong, I was not in PoCo i think you are thinking of mugaro.
Also this "raper of dead things" clan I have no idea what you are talking about, IDONTTOWERRUSH was
never banned.
(my) RESPONSE: It is possible I confused Mugaro with Rice, as both of them had a significant impact on
the history of dratsab, though I could have sworn Rice was leader of PoCo. The names we all changed to
raper names (e.g. IrapeDeadRice) so that would explain no names being banned, but if he doesnt recall
the clan, then I doubt he was in it after all.

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