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The Meaning of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland, a pine-cone shaped gland of the endocrine system, is a highly
essential part of the brain necessary to our survival. It is often associated with the third
eye or the Ajna chakra, when activated, leads one to higher realms of consciousness.
The third eye gives us perception of the universe around us through the five senses.
Through our five senses we have self awareness and intelligence: sentience.
As a chakra, the third eye, the pineal gland represents the point at which the body
receives energy from the universe that keeps our lives sustained; the main access point
between the astral body and the physical body. Its function in the brain is essential to
our very consciousness. Without awareness of the universe, you have no point of
reference at which you have self awareness. Without self awareness, you have neither
consciousness nor logical thought.
We use our perception, our consciousness and our senses to gain awareness of energy in
our world via information around us. Without the pineal gland there would be no
senses, meaning we would have no way to locate food, mates, safety, warmth, and the
many necessities of every day life in both man kind and the animal kingdom.

The pineal gland contains pigment similar to that found in the eyes and is connected to
the optic thalami, hence it controls the action of light upon our body.The pineal gland is
located beneath the cerebral cortex where the two thalamic hemispheres of the brain
join, where the brain regulates consciousness, interprets the bodys motory and sensory
functions, and produces melatonin. A serotonin derivative, that controls our sleep cycle.
Melatonin is not only necessary for proper sleep, but it also regulates the onset of
puberty and fight against harmful and free radicals. Almost at the center of the brain, its
location can also be understood as the third eye, the center of the brow. Focusing on the
third eye stimulates not only the pineal gland but the thalamus and the cerebral cortex as
In children, the pineal gland secretes more melatonin than in adults, which is said to
inhibit sexual development. After puberty, the pineal gland shrinks and releases less
The pineal gland is only the size of a single grain of rice but it has been claimed to
produce dimethyltryptamine, DMT, the most powerful psychedelic, and possibly most
powerful psychoactive, substance known to man. However it calcifies, and produces
less as the body ages. The gland calcifies when it encounters fluoride. These
calcifications are known as corpora arenacea, or brain sand. This brain sand is
composed of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate and
ammonium phosphate.
Some say the reason our water is fluoridated is to intentionally calcify the pineal gland,
decreasing our intelligence, resulting in a more submissive society. More willing to
follow its leaders. Something to ponder on though is that water fluoridation has been
around since the 40s, for various reasons. This means that over time our civilization is
using less and less of our pineal glands, and producing less DMT.
While knowledge of the Pineal Gland has been available for thousands of years, a lot of
ancient religious symbolism going back to the Sumerians, Egyptians, Vatican and more
have pineal gland symbols incorporated in them.

According to some scientists DMT is constantly being produced in the brain in trace
amounts. When DMT is used as a psychedelic, the user experiences a very intense
feeling of unity and oneness, perhaps this oneness is the end-all-be-all oneness of
conscious itself? DMT production and consciousness in the brain, is necessary for us to
further understand and survive in the world around us.
Understanding the world around us through facts allows us to increase the efficiency of
our perception, and our total being. Knowledge of positive fact is beneficial to the
perception. With knowledge we have awareness of what our perception represents, this
is why DMT is massively released during near-death experiences. The reason of this, is
the awareness of the imminence of death. The brain becomes aware that it is going to
die and releases DMT at the last minute to stretch out the time it has left, by peaking
your perception, so it can perform the last minute functions it needs to complete, and
you can learn the things you need to know before death.
People often understand these experiences as flashbacks, entering the afterlife,
becoming one with great peace or a light and the ultimate oneness of the universe.
Perhaps death itself is what the DMT in our pineal glands is trying to teach us that a
totality of being is total peace and oneness.
DMT found in the Pineal Gland of a Live Rat
Ancient Brain Mapping
Decalcify my Pineal Gland
NEW: DMT Found in the Pineal Gland of Live Rats
Were excited to announce the acceptance for publication of a paper documenting the
presence of DMT in the pineal glands of live rodents. The paper will appear in the
journal Biomedical Chromatography and describes experiments that took place in Dr.
Jimo Borjigins laboratory at the University of Michigan, where samples were collected.
These samples were analyzed in Dr. Steven Barkers laboratory at Louisiana State
University, using methods that funding from the Cottonwood Research Foundation
helped develop.
The pineal gland has been an object of great interest regarding consciousness for
thousands of years, and a pineal source of DMT would help support a role for this
enigmatic gland in unusual states of consciousness. Research at the University of
Wisconsin has recently demonstrated the presence of the DMT-synthesizing enzyme as
well as activity of the gene responsible for the enzyme in pineal (and retina). Our new
data now establish that the enzyme actively produces DMT in the pineal.
The next step is to determine the presence of DMT in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the
fluid that bathes the brain and pineal. CSF is a possible route for pineal-synthesized
DMT to effect changes in brain function. Successfully establishing DMTs presence in
this gland adds another link in the chain between the pineal and consciousness and
opens new avenues for research.
We thank those who have already donated to our advancement of the research in this
field. We hope the recent developments will encourage you to donate to Cottonwood
again, or for the first time, in order to continue this fascinating and intriguing line of
research. When donating, please make sure you select Pineal Project as the specific

I am sure that Scholars, Archaeologists and Researchers into this field of Egyptian Studies will find this information challenging
to their current beliefs, yet in the search for truth we must continue to look beyond what we already know and seek new

This body of work is centered around decoding the true meaning of the Egyptian Hypocephalus disks that were placed under the
head of the deceased, and the origin of the Atef Crown. I have heard many theories and speculations as to the purpose of the
Hypocephalus disks, including the claim that they somehow "lit a fire" inside the head, or that they were for keeping the head

The Joseph Smith translation by Michael D. Rhodes states: "A hypocephalus is a small disk-shaped object made of papyrus,
stuccoed linen, bronze, gold, wood, or clay, which the Egyptians placed under the head of their dead. They believed it would
magically cause the head and body to be enveloped in flames or radiance, thus making the deceased divine.

The hypocephalus itself symbolized the eye of Re or Horus, i.e., the sun, and the scenes portrayed on it relate to the Egyptian
concept of the resurrection and life after death. To the Egyptians the daily rising and setting of the sun was a vivid symbol of the
resurrection. The hypocephalus itself represented all that the sun encircles, i.e. the whole world. The upper portion represented
the world of men and the day sky, and the lower portion (the part with the cow) the nether world and the night sky. "

I believe however that this is mostly symbolism and allegory, and that there was a much deeper meaning behind them which I will
explore here.

In 2003 I was introduced to a lady who had been researching into Egyptian Mythology for about thirty years, and one day she
showed me a picture of one of these disks, which she had overlaid with a cross section of the human brain, printed onto clear
acetate sheet. Her claim was that these disks were a "map" of the human brain, and depicted the passage of the soul through the

Ever since that time I have wondered about her claims, so I dedicated myself to continue that research, looking for hard evidence
that would support her theory. What I discovered since that time not only proves that she was correct, but the journey led me to
uncover much more than I had ever anticipated.

Let me begin by introducing you to the Hypocephalus Disk if you are not already familiar with them.


You will notice that the Disk is split into two main sections. The lower section (upside down) represents the Cerebellum or lower
part of the human brain, and the upper section is a diagram of the upper section of the human brain in Ventral view.

Hypocephalus of Tasheritkhons
In the centre of the Hypocephalus Disk you will notice a prominent "X" which I believe marks the junction of the Optic Nerve,
known as the Optic Chiasma. Directly above it on the disk there are four sheep's heads, which correlate with the Mammalian
Body of the brain in that same location, seen here as the round bulbs.

Optic Nerve and Mammalian Body (Note the four vertical curved lines above the bulbs)
A key section of the Hypocephalus Disk is the inclusion of a drawing of what is known as the Atef Crown. Essentially, the Atef
Crown design features a central "bottle" shaped object with a lid and vertical lines on it. It is flanked on either side by what most
egyptologists and researchers call "feathers". I believe that the bottle is in fact the part of the brain known as the Gyrus
Rectus, and the "feathers are the Olfactory Tracts. Note the four vertical curved lines on the "bottle".

Hypocephalus Disk and a Temple relief carving of an Atef Crown

Human Brain - Ventral View

Inside the "bottle", there appears to be a circle or what some suggest to be a solar disk. In fact, the circle is actually a drawing of
the Pituitary Gland. Note that in the Wall Relief Carving above, the circle is coloured in red. I was fortunate to find a medical
model of the brain, showing an enlarged Pituitary Gland, which is featured in red also.

Pituitary Gland
Underneath the "bottle" there are usually featured either horns or ears, depending on the source, with two snakes coiling up on
either side. (See below) The "horns" are literal representations of the Cranial Nerves.

Cranial Nerve and Atef "Horn" with snake

Left: Close up of the Brain and Olfactory Tract. Right: Monkey figure on the Hypocephalus
Is it possible that the monkey figures that sit on either side on the Hypocephalus Disk, are just a representation, or
personification? The creases in the brain next to the Olfactory tract appear to be very close in this comparison, especially the
unusual raised arms and stick-figure hands, as well as the shape of the head and body.

The Atef Crown is therefore a stylized representation of the Hypothalamus area of the human brain in ventral view. But why were
the Egyptians so interested in the workings of the Human Brain?

What we do know is that they were obsessed with the afterlife and the journey through the underworld, so I would propose that
they had either discovered, or been instructed by Extraterrestrial visitors (the Ancient Gods) on Advanced Brain surgery and also
how to awaken the Third Eye for spiritual enlightenment.

Here in the lower (upside down) section of the disk, we can see a Serpent offering the Eye of Horus (All-Seeing Eye) to the
Pharaoh. The Serpent has an erection, indicating that it represents sexual energy, as is taught in the Kundalini and Tantric rituals.
It also represents the passage of this energy up the spine and through the reptilian part of the Brain, until it reaches the
Hypothalamus (The Mind's Eye - as explained in my other research paper here). From there it is speculated that the energy is
directed to the Pineal Gland. It is interesting that there are so many references to the worship on the Pine Cone or Pineal Gland,
from the Sumerian Annunaki to the Vatican.

A new perspective on the translation by Micheal D. Rhodes on the Hypocephalus.

Rhodes states: "A seated deity with two (or in most hypocephali, four) ram's heads." - This is important, as there are only two
bulbs that make up the Mammilary Body in the area of the brain where those heads are located, however he also says:

"When thus depicted with four heads, this god united within himself the attributes of the gods Re (the sun), Shu (light), Geb (the
earth), and Osiris (god of the next world and the resurrection), and represented the primeval creative force."

This seems to suggest a doubling effect, or the altered/enlightened state of the person after this profound experience.

"This seated figure represents god as the creator, either Amen-Ra or Khnum." - I would be inclined to suggest that the seated
figure in fact represents the initiate, who is about to experience enlightenment, and the subsequent transformation which we can
see taking place as he morphs into a "God."

"There are also two serpents, one on either side of the seated deity. The god is sitting at the center of the hypocephalus, which
represents the world." - I believe the Serpent represents sexual energy, otherwise why else would it be shown with an erection,
offering the Eye of Horus, the opening of the All-Seeing Eye (Enlightenment) to the Pharaoh, who also has an erection?

The source text for the concept of Kundalini is the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" written by Swami Svatmarama, somewhere between
the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. It is derived from the Sanskrit word"Kundal", meaning either "coiled up" or "coiling like a
snake." The Kundalini nourishes the tree of life within us, and is coiled up like a serpent and therefore it has been called, "The
Serpent Power".

In the tale of Adam and Eve, it was also the Serpent that tempted them to "eat" from the Tree of Life. "For God doth know that in
the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Then God is said to have placed Cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to
guard the way to the tree of life, "lest he put out his hand.. and eat, and live forever."

I am wondering if this might be a reference to a medical procedure, and that the burning swords might be the equivalent of a
heated scalpel.

Could the blocking of the way to the Tree of Life, actually be a physical barrier imposed through an operation? Could the
entrance to the Garden of Eden perhaps represent Eve's vagina, and the man's entry into it, thus enabling them to generate this
sexual energy?

The Tree of Life of the later Kabbalists is taken from Athanasius Kircher's 'Oedipus Aegyptiacus' (1653). "The spinal cord was
symbolized by a snake, and the serpent coiled upon the foreheads of the Egyptian initiates represented the Divine Fire which had
crawled serpent-like up the Tree of Life".

This obviously means that the Tree of Life in the Bible refers to the Kaballah, and the serpent bringing the "divine fire" is the
sexual energy, concentrated and chanelled toward the brain, and ultimately Pineal Gland.

Until now, I have not been able to explain why the Egyptians, particularly Thoth and Akhenaten, but more famously Tut-Ankh-
Amen, wore such a bizarre headdress with all those lines and a snake on the forehead.

It is the Cerebellum that features the same strange lines as the headpiece, with the brain stem centrally curling out from it
(strangely this section of the brain stem is also called the "Pyramid").

The Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet, one of the earliest of Egyptian deities, who often was depicted as a cobra.

I would propose that Tut-Ankh-Amen, did not fully understand what he was wearing, otherwise he would only have a snake, and
not a snake and buzzard on his forehead. More correctly, there should only be ONE central figure protruding from the forehead, if
the headdress is indeed the Cerebellum and the Brain Stem is the "snake" or serpent.

The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of
the heart muscle rhythm induces mechanical Hz frequencies in the brain, that in turn create a stimulus equivalent of a current
loop. The nerve endings in that loop correspond to the route through which the Kundalini "rises".

This current polarizes the brain part through which it flows in a homogenous way, effectively releasing tremendous amounts of
stress from the body. The body then becomes an effective antenna for the 7.5 Hz frequency, which is one of the resonant
frequencies of the ionosphere. In layman's terms, you then pick up information from the air.

I would suggest therefore that the increase in the Schumann Resonance of the planet, originally measured at 7.5 Hz and obviously
in tune with the frequency of the body, has been increasing in sync with our state of mass conscious awareness and apparent
speeding up of time (which is only our perception of time).

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