04 People v. Echegaray (1997)

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Republic of the Philippines


G.R. No. 117472 February 7, 1997
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
LEO ECHEGARA y PILO, accused-appellant.

On June 2, !""#, $e %ende%ed ou% decision in the instant case affi%&in' the
conviction of the accused-appellant fo% the c%i&e of %apin' his ten-(ea% old dau'hte%.
)he c%i&e havin' been co&&itted so&eti&e in Ap%il, !""*, du%in' $hich ti&e Republic
Act +R.A, No. -#", co&&onl( .no$n as the /eath Penalt( 0a$, $as al%ead( in effect,
accused-appellant $as inevitabl( &eted out the sup%e&e penalt( of death.
On Jul( ", !""#, the accused-appellant ti&el( filed a Motion fo% Reconside%ation $hich
focused on the siniste% &otive of the victi&1s '%and&othe% that p%ecipitated the filin' of
the alle'ed false accusation of %ape a'ainst the accused. 2e find no substantial
a%'u&ents on the said &otion that can distu%b ou% ve%dict.
On Au'ust #, !""#, accused-appellant discha%'ed the defense counsel, Att(. Julian R.
3itu', and %etained the se%vices of the Anti-/eath Penalt( )as. 4o%ce of the 4%ee 0e'al
Assistance 5%oup of the Philippines +40A5,.
On Au'ust 26, !""#, $e %eceived the 7upple&ental Motion fo% Reconside%ation
p%epa%ed b( the 40A5 on behalf of accused-appellant. )he &otion %aises the follo$in'
'%ounds fo% the %eve%sal of the death sentence8
9!: Accused-appellant should not have been p%osecuted since the pa%don b( the
offended pa%t( and he% &othe% befo%e the filin' of the co&plaint acted as a ba% to his
c%i&inal p%osecution.
92: )he lac. of a definite alle'ation of the date of the co&&ission of the offense in the
Co&plaint and th%ou'hout t%ial p%evented the accused-appellant f%o& p%epa%in' an
ade;uate defense.
96: )he 'uilt of the accused $as not p%oved be(ond a %easonable doubt.
9*: )he <ono%able Cou%t e%%ed in findin' that the accused-appellant $as the fathe% o%
stepfathe% of the co&plainant and in affi%&in' the sentence of death a'ainst hi& on
this basis.
9: )he t%ial cou%t denied the accused-appellant of due p%ocess and &anifested bias in
the conduct of the t%ial.
9#: )he accused-appellant $as denied his constitutional %i'ht to effective assistance of
counsel and to due p%ocess, due to the inco&petence of counsel.
9-: R.A. 9No.: -#", %ei&posin' the death penalt( is unconstitutional per se8
a. 4o% c%i&es $he%e no death %esults f%o& the offense, the death penalt( is a seve%e
and e=cessive penalt( in violation of A%ticle >>>, 7ec. !"+!, of the !"?- Constitution.
b. )he death penalt( is c%uel and unusual punish&ent in violation of A%ticle >>>, 7ec. !!
of the !"?- Constitution.
>n su&, the 7upple&ental Motion fo% Reconside%ation %aises th%ee +6, &ain issues8 +!,
&i=ed factual and le'al &atte%s %elatin' to the t%ial p%oceedin's and findin's@ +2,
alle'ed inco&petence of accused-appellant1s fo%&e% counsel@ and +6, pu%el( le'al
;uestion of the constitutionalit( of R.A. No. -#".
>t is a %udi&enta%( p%inciple of la$ that &atte%s neithe% alle'ed in the pleadin's no%
%aised du%in' the p%oceedin's belo$ cannot be ventilated fo% the fi%st ti&e on appeal
befo%e the 7up%e&e Cou%t. Mo%eove%, as $e have stated in ou% Resolution in Manila
Bay Club Corporation v. Court of Appeals8
>f $ell-%eco'niAed Bu%isp%udence p%ecludes %aisin' an issue onl( fo% the fi%st ti&e on
appeal p%ope%, $ith &o%e %eason should such issue be disallo$ed o% dis%e'a%ded $hen
initiall( %aised onl( in a &otion fo% %econside%ation of the decision of the appellate cou%t.
>t is to be %e&e&be%ed that du%in' the p%oceedin's of the %ape case a'ainst the
accused-appellant befo%e the sala of then p%esidin' Bud'e Ma=i&iano C. Asuncion, the
defense atte&pted to p%ove that8
a, the %ape case $as &otivated b( '%eed, hence, a &e%e concoction of the alle'ed
victi&1s &ate%nal '%and&othe%@
b, the accused is not the %eal fathe% of the co&plainant@
c, the siAe of the penis of the accused cannot have possibl( penet%ated the alle'ed
victi&1s p%ivate pa%t@ and
d, the accused $as in Pa%aCa;ue du%in' the ti&e of the alle'ed %ape.
>n his B%ief befo%e us $hen the %ape case $as elevated fo% auto&atic %evie$, the
accused-appellant %eite%ated as '%ounds fo% e=culpation8
a, the ill-&otive of the victi&1s &ate%nal '%and&othe% in p%o&ptin' he% '%andchild to file
the %ape case@
b, the defense of denial %elative to the siAe of his penis $hich could not have caused
the healed h(&enal lace%ations of the victi&@ and
c, the defense of alibi.
)hus, a second ha%d loo. at the issues %aised b( the ne$ counsel of the accused-
appellant %eveals that in thei% &essianic appeal fo% a %eve%sal of ou% Bud'&ent of
conviction, $e a%e as.ed to conside% fo% the fi%st ti&e, b( $a( of a 7upple&ental
Motion fo% Reconside%ation, the follo$in' &atte%s8
a, the affidavit of desistance $%itten b( the victi& $hich acted as a ba% to the c%i&inal
p%osecution fo% %ape a'ainst the accused-appellant@
b, the va'ueness att%ibuted to the date of the co&&ission of the offense in the
Co&plaint $hich dep%ived the accused-appellant f%o& ade;uatel( defendin' hi&self@
c, the failu%e of this Cou%t to clea%l( establish the ;ualif(in' ci%cu&stance that placed
the accused-appellant $ithin the cove%a'e of the /eath Penalt( 0a$@
d, the denial of due p%ocess and the &anifest bias e=hibited b( the t%ial cou%t du%in'
the t%ial of the %ape case.
Appa%entl(, afte% a ca%eful sc%utin( of the fo%e'oin' points fo% %econside%ation, the onl(
le'iti&ate issue that $e can tac.le %elates to the Affidavit of /esistance $hich touches
on the lac. of Bu%isdiction of the t%ial cou%t to have p%oceeded $ith the p%osecution of
the accused-appellant conside%in' that the issue of Bu%isdiction ove% the subBect &atte%
&a( be %aised at an( ti&e, even du%in' appeal.
>t &ust be st%essed that du%in' the t%ial p%oceedin's of the %ape case a'ainst the
accused-appellant, it appea%ed that despite the ad&ission &ade b( the victi& he%self
in open cou%t that she had si'ned an Affidavit of /esistance, she, neve%theless,
Dst%on'l( pointed out that she is not $ithd%a$in' the cha%'e a'ainst the accused
because the latte% &i'ht do the sa&e se=ual assaults to othe% $o&en.D
)hus, this is
one occasion $he%e an affidavit of desistance &ust be %e'a%ded $ith disfavo%
inas&uch as the victi&, in he% tende% a'e, &anifested in cou%t that she $as pu%suin'
the %ape cha%'es a'ainst the accused-appellant.
2e have e=plained in the case of People v. Gerry Ballabare,
As pointed out in People v. Lim +2* !"E 7CRA -E# 9!""E:, $hich is also cited b( the
accused-appellant, an affidavit of desistance is &e%el( an additional '%ound to butt%ess
the accused1s defenses, not the sole conside%ation that can %esult in ac;uittal. )he%e
&ust be othe% ci%cu&stances $hich, $hen coupled $ith the %et%action o% desistance,
c%eate doubts as to the t%uth of the testi&on( 'iven b( the $itnesses at the t%ial and
accepted b( the Bud'e.
>n the case at ba%, all that the accused-appellant offe%ed as defenses &ainl( consisted
of denial and alibi $hich cannot out$ei'h the positive identification and convincin'
testi&onies 'iven b( the p%osecution. <ence, the affidavit of desistance, $hich the
victi& he%self intended to dis%e'a%d as ea%lie% discussed, &ust have no bea%in' on the
c%i&inal p%osecution a'ainst the accused-appellant, pa%ticula%l( on the t%ial cou%t1s
Bu%isdiction ove% the case.
)he settled %ule is that the client is bound b( the ne'li'ence o% &ista.es of his counsel.
One of the %eco'niAed e=ceptions to this %ule is '%oss inco&petenc( in a $a( that the
defendant is hi'hl( p%eBudiced and p%evented, in effect, f%o& havin' his da( in cou%t to
defend hi&self.
>n the instant case, $e believe that the fo%&e% counsel of the accused-appellant to
$ho& the 40A5 la$(e%s no$ i&pute inco&petenc( had a&pl( e=e%cised the %e;ui%ed
o%dina%( dili'ence o% that %easonable dec%ee of ca%e and s.ill e=pected of hi& %elative
to his client1s defense. As the %ape case $as bein' t%ied on the &e%its, Att(. 3itu', f%o&
the ti&e he $as assi'ned to handle the case, dutifull( attended the hea%in's the%eof.
Mo%eove%, he had seasonabl( sub&itted the Accused-Appellant1s B%ief and the Motion
fo% Reconside%ation of ou% June 2, !""# /ecision $ith e=tensive discussion in suppo%t
of his line of defense. )he%e is no indication of '%oss inco&petenc( that could have
%esulted f%o& a failu%e to p%esent an( a%'u&ent o% an( $itness to defend his client.
Neithe% has he acted haphaAa%dl( in the p%epa%ation of his case a'ainst the
p%osecution evidence. )he &ain %eason fo% his failu%e to e=culpate his client, the
accused-appellant, is the ove%$hel&in' evidence of the p%osecution. )he alle'ed
e%%o%s co&&itted b( the p%evious counsel as enu&e%ated b( the ne$ counsel could not
have ove%tu%ned the Bud'&ent of conviction a'ainst the accused-appellant.
Althou'h its o%i'ins see& lost in obscu%it(, the i&position of death as punish&ent fo%
violation of la$ o% custo&, %eli'ious o% secula%, is an ancient p%actice. 2e do .no$ that
ou% fo%efathe%s .illed to aven'e the&selves and hei% a.in and that initiall(, the c%i&inal
la$ $as used to co&pensate fo% a $%on' done to a p%ivate pa%t( o% his fa&il(, not to
punish in the na&e of the state.
)he da$nin' of civiliAation b%ou'ht $ith it both the inc%easin' sensitiAation th%ou'hout
the late% 'ene%ations a'ainst past ba%ba%it( and the institutionaliAation of state po$e%
unde% the %ule of la$. )oda( eve%( &an o% $o&an is both an individual pe%son $ith
inhe%ent hu&an %i'hts %eco'niAed and p%otected b( the state and a citiAen $ith the dut(
to se%ve the co&&on $eal and defend and p%ese%ve societ(.
One of the indispensable po$e%s of the state is the po$e% to secu%e societ( a'ainst
th%eatened and actual evil. Pu%suant to this, the le'islative a%& of 'ove%n&ent enacts
c%i&inal la$s that define and punish ille'al acts that &a( be co&&itted b( its o$n
subBects, the e=ecutive a'encies enfo%ce these la$s, and the Budicia%( t%ies and
sentences the c%i&inals in acco%dance $ith these la$s.
Althou'h penolo'ists, th%ou'hout histo%(, have not stopped debatin' on the causes of
c%i&inal behavio% and the pu%poses of c%i&inal punish&ent, ou% c%i&inal la$s have
been pe%ceived as %elativel( stable and functional since the enfo%ce&ent of the
Revised Penal Code on Janua%( !, !"62, this not$ithstandin' occasional opposition to
the death penalt( p%ovisions the%ein. )he Revised Penal Code, as it $as o%i'inall(
p%o&ul'ated, p%ovided fo% the death penalt( in specified c%i&es unde% specific
ci%cu&stances. As ea%l( as !??#, thou'h, capital punish&ent had ente%ed ou% le'al
s(ste& th%ou'h the old Penal Code, $hich $as a &odified ve%sion of the 7panish
Penal Code of !?-E.
)he opposition to the death penalt( unifo%&l( too. the fo%& of a constitutional ;uestion
of $hethe% o% not the death penalt( is a c%uel, unBust, e=cessive o% unusual punish&ent
in violation of the constitutional p%osc%iption a'ainst c%uel and unusual punish&ents.
2e unchan'in'l( ans$e%ed this ;uestion in the ne'ative in the cases of Harden v.
Director of Prison,
People v. Limaco,
People v. Camano,
People v. Puda
People v. Marcos.
>n Harden, $e %uled8
)he penalt( co&plained of is neithe% c%uel, unBust no% e=cessive. >n Ex-parte Fe&&le%,
!6# G.7., *6#, the Gnited 7tates 7up%e&e Cou%t said that 1punish&ents a%e c%uel $hen
the( involve to%tu%e o% a lin'e%in' death, but the punish&ent of death is not c%uel, $ithin
the &eanin' of that $o%d as used in the constitution. >t i&plies the%e so&ethin'
inhu&an and ba%ba%ous, so&ethin' &o%e than the &e%e e=tin'uish&ent of life.
Conse;uentl(, $e have ti&e and a'ain e&phasiAed that ou% cou%ts a%e not the fo% a fo%
a p%ot%acted debate on the &o%alit( o% p%op%iet( of the death sentence $he%e the la$
itself p%ovides the%efo% in specific and $ell-defined c%i&inal acts. )hus $e had %uled in
the !"! case of Limaco that8
. . . the%e a%e ;uite a nu&be% of people $ho honestl( believe that the sup%e&e penalt(
is eithe% &o%all( $%on' o% un$ise o% ineffective. <o$eve%, as lon' as that penalt(
%e&ains in the statute boo.s, and as lon' as ou% c%i&inal la$ p%ovides fo% its i&position
in ce%tain cases, it is the dut( of Budicial office%s to %espect and appl( the la$ %e'a%dless
of thei% p%ivate opinions.
and this $e have %eite%ated in the !"" case of People v. eneracion.
Gnde% the Revised Penal Code, death is the penalt( fo% the c%i&es of t%eason,
co%%espondence $ith the ene&( du%in' ti&es of $a%, ;ualified pi%ac(, pa%%icide, &u%de%,
infanticide, .idnappin', %ape $ith ho&icide o% $ith the use of deadl( $eapon o% b( t$o
o% &o%e pe%sons %esultin' in insanit(, %obbe%( $ith ho&icide, and a%son %esultin' in
death. )he list of capital offenses len'thened as the le'islatu%e %esponded to the
e&e%'encies of the ti&es. >n !"*!, Co&&on$ealth Act +C.A., No. #!# added
espiona'e to the list. >n the !"Es, at the hei'ht of the <u. %ebellion, the 'ove%n&ent
enacted Republic Act +R.A., No. !-EE, othe%$ise .no$n as the Anti-7ubve%sion 0a$,
$hich ca%%ied the death penalt( fo% leade%s of the %ebellion. 4%o& !"-! to !"-2, &o%e
capital offenses $e%e c%eated b( &o%e la$s, a&on' the&, the Anti-<iBac.in' 0a$, the
/an'e%ous /%u's Act, and the Anti-Ca%nappin' 0a$. /u%in' &a%tial la$, P%esidential
/ec%ee +P./., No. !?## $as enacted penaliAin' $ith death, a&on' othe%s, c%i&es
involvin' ho&icide co&&itted $ith an unlicensed fi%ea%&.
>n the afte%&ath of the !"?# %evolution that dis&antled the Ma%cos %e'i&e and led to
the nullification of the !"-6 Constitution, a Constitutional Co&&ission $as convened
follo$in' appoint&ents the%eto b( Co%aAon A;uino $ho $as catapulted to po$e% b( the
)as.ed $ith fo%&ulatin' a cha%te% that echoes the ne$ found f%eedo& of a %eBuvenated
people, the Constitutional Co&&issione%s '%ouped the&selves into $o%.in'
co&&ittees a&on' $hich is the Bill of Ri'hts Co&&ittee $ith Jose B. 0au%el, J%. as
Chai%&an and 4athe% Joa;uin 5. Be%nas, 7.J., as 3ice-Chai%&an.
On Jul( !-, !"?#, 4athe% Be%nas p%esented the co&&ittee d%aft of the p%oposed bill of
%i'hts to the %est of the co&&ission. 2hat is no$ A%ticle >>>, 7ection !" +!, of the !"?-
Constitution $as fi%st deno&inated as 7ection 22 and $as o%i'inall( $o%ded as follo$s8
E=cessive fines shall not be i&posed no% c%uel, de'%adin' o% inhu&an punish&ent o%
the death penalt( inflicted. /eath penalt( al%ead( i&posed shall be co&&uted to
reclusion perpetua.
4athe% Be%nas e=plained that the fo%e'oin' p%ovision $as the %esult of a consensus
a&on' the &e&be%s of the Bill of Ri'hts Co&&ittee that the death penalt( should be
abolished. <avin' a'%eed to abolish the death penalt(, the( p%oceeded to delibe%ate on
ho$ the abolition $as to be done--$hethe% the abolition should be done b( the
Constitution o% b( the le'islatu%e-and the &aBo%it( voted fo% a constitutional abolition of
the death penalt(. 4athe% Be%nas e=plained8
. . . 9):he%e $as a division in the Co&&ittee not on $hethe% the death penalt( should
be abolished o% not, but %athe% on $hethe% the abolition should be done b( the
Constitution H in $hich case it cannot be %esto%ed b( the le'islatu%e H o% left to the
le'islatu%e. )he &aBo%it( voted fo% the constitutional abolition of the death penalt(. And
the %eason is that capital punish&ent is inhu&an fo% the convict and his fa&il( $ho a%e
t%au&atiAed b( the $aitin', even if it is neve% ca%%ied out. )he%e is no evidence that the
death penalt( dete%%ed deadl( c%i&inals, hence, life should not be dest%o(ed Bust in the
hope that othe% lives &i'ht be saved. Assu&in' &aste%( ove% the life of anothe% &an is
Bust too p%esu&ptuous fo% an( &an. )he fact that the death penalt( as an institution
has been the%e f%o& ti&e i&&e&o%ial should not dete% us f%o& %evie$in' it. <u&an life
is &o%e valuable than an institution intended p%ecisel( to se%ve hu&an life. 7o,
basicall(, this is the su&&a%( of the %easons $hich $e%e p%esented in suppo%t of the
constitutional abolition of the death penalt(.
)he o%i'inal $o%din' of A%ticle >>>, 7ection !" +!,, ho$eve%, did not su%vive the debate
that it insti'ated. Co&&issione% Napoleon 5. Ra&a fi%st pointed out that Dneve% in ou%
histo%( has the%e been a hi'he% incidence of c%i&eD and that Dc%i&inalit( $as at its
Aenith du%in' the last decadeD.
Glti&atel(, the dissent defined itself to an
un$illin'ness to absolutel( e=cise the death penalt( f%o& ou% le'al s(ste& and leave
societ( helpless in the face of a futu%e upsu%'e of c%i&es o% othe% si&ila% e&e%'encies.
As Co&&issione% Rustico 4. de los Re(es, J%. su''ested, Dalthou'h $e abolish the
death penalt( in the Constitution, $e should affo%d so&e a&ount of fle=ibilit( to futu%e
and his conce%n $as a&plified b( the inte%pellato%( %e&a%.s of
Co&&issione% 0u'u& 0. Co&&issione% and no$ Associate Justice 4lo%enA Re'alado,
Co&&issione% C%ispino M. de Cast%o, Co&&issione% A&b%osio B. Padilla,
Co&&issione% Ch%istian Monsod, Co&&issione% 4%ancisco A. Rod%i'o, and
Co&&issione% Rica%do Ro&ulo. Co&&issione% Padilla put it succinctl( in the follo$in'
e=chan'e $ith Co&&issione% )eodo%o C. Bacani8
B>7<OP BACAN>. . . . At p%esent, the( e=plicitl( &a.e it clea% that the chu%ch has
neve% conde&ned the %i'ht of the state to inflict capital punish&ent.
MR. PA/>00A. . . . 7o it is '%anted that the state is not dep%ived of the %i'ht even f%o& a
&o%al standpoint of i&posin' o% p%esc%ibin' capital punish&ent.
B>7<OP BACAN>. Ies. 2hat > a& sa(in' is that f%o& the Catholic point of vie$, that
%i'ht of the state is not fo%bidden.
MR. PA/>00A. >n fact . . . $e have to accept that the state has the dele'ated autho%it(
f%o& the C%eato% to i&pose the death penalt( unde% ce%tain ci%cu&stances.
B>7<OP BACAN>. )he state has the dele'ation f%o& 5od fo% it to do $hat is needed
fo% the sa.e of the co&&on 'ood but the issue at sta.e is $hethe% o% not unde% the
p%esent ci%cu&stances that $ill be fo% the co&&on 'ood.
MR. PA/>00A. But the dele'ated po$e% of the state cannot be denied.
B>7<OP BACAN>. Ies, the state can be dele'ated b( 5od at a pa%ticula% sta'e in
histo%(, but it is not clea% $hethe% o% not that dele'ation is fo%eve% unde% all
MR. PA/>00A. 7o this &atte% should be left to the le'islatu%e to dete%&ine, unde%
ce%tain specified conditions o% ci%cu&stances, $hethe% the %etention of the death
penalt( o% its abolition $ould be fo% the co&&on 'ood. > do not believe this
Co&&ission can a p%io%i, and as $as %e&a%.ed $ithin a fe$ da(s o% even a &onth,
dete%&ine a positive p%ovision in the Constitution that $ould p%ohibit even the
le'islatu%e to p%esc%ibe the death penalt( fo% the &ost heinous c%i&es, the &ost
'%ievous offenses attended b( &an( ;ualif(in' and a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances.
2hat follo$ed, thus, $e%e p%oposed a&end&ents to the belea'ue%ed p%ovision. )he
&ove to add the ph%ase, Dunless fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es, the
national asse&bl( p%ovides fo% the death penalt(,D ca&e f%o& Co&&issione%s Monsod,
Jose E. 7ua%eA and de los Re(es. Co&&issione% Rod%i'o, ho$eve%, e=p%essed
%ese%vations even as %e'a%ds the p%oposed a&end&ent. <e said8
. . . 9):he issue he%e is $hethe% o% not $e should p%ovide this &atte% in the Constitution
o% leave it to the disc%etion of ou% le'islatu%e. A%'u&ents p%o and con have been
'iven. . . . But &( stand is, $e should leave this to the disc%etion of the le'islatu%e.
)he p%oposed a&end&ent is halfhea%ted. >t is a$.$a%d because $e $ill, in effect
%epeal b( ou% Constitution a piece of le'islation and afte% %epealin' this piece of
le'islation tell the le'islatu%e that $e have %epealed the la$ and that the le'islatu%e can
'o ahead and enact it a'ain. > thin. this is not $o%th( of a constitutional bod( li.e ou%s.
>f $e $ill leave the &atte% of the death Penalt( to the le'islatu%e, let us leave it
co&pletel( to the disc%etion of the le'islatu%e, but let us not have this half-ba.ed
p%ovision. 2e have &an( p%ovisions in the Revised Penal Code i&posin' the death
penalt(. 2e $ill no$ %evo.e o% %epeal these pieces of le'islation b( &eans of the
Constitution, but at the sa&e ti&e sa( that it is up to the le'islatu%e to i&pose this
. . . )he te&pe% and condition of the ti&es chan'e . . . and so $e, > thin. $e should
leave this &atte% to the le'islatu%e to enact statutes dependin' on the chan'in' needs
of the ti&es. 0et us ent%ust this co&pletel( to the le'islatu%e co&posed of
%ep%esentatives elected b( the people.
> do not sa( that $e a%e not co&petent. But $e have to ad&it the fact that $e a%e not
elected b( the people and if $e a%e 'oin' to ent%ust this to the le'islatu%e, let us not be
half-ba.ed no% halfhea%ted about it. 0et us ent%ust it to the le'islatu%e !EE pe%cent.
Nonetheless, the p%oposed a&end&ent $as app%oved $ith t$ent(-th%ee +26,
co&&issione%s votin' in favo% of the a&end&ent and t$elve +!2, votin' a'ainst it,
follo$ed b( &o%e %evisions, hence the p%esent $o%din' of A%ticle >>>, 7ection !"+!, of
the !"?- Constitution in the follo$in' teno%8
E=cessive fines shall not be i&posed no% c%uel, de'%adin' o% inhu&an punish&ent
inflicted. Neithe% shall death penalt( be i&posed, unless, fo% co&pellin' %easons
involvin' heinous c%i&es, the Con'%ess he%eafte% p%ovides fo% it. An( death penalt(
al%ead( i&posed shall be %educed to reclusion perpetua.
)he i&plications of the fo%e'oin' p%ovision on the effectivit( of the death penalt(
p%ovisions in the Revised Penal Code and ce%tain special c%i&inal la$s and the state of
the scale of penalties the%eunde%, $e%e t%e&endous.
)he i&&ediate p%oble& pe%tained to the applicable penalt( fo% $hat used to be capital
c%i&es. >n People v. Gavarra,
$e stated that Din vie$ of the abolition of the death
penalt( unde% 7ection !", A%ticle >>> of the !"?- Constitution, the penalt( that &a( be
i&posed fo% &u%de% is %eclusion te&po%al in its &a=i&u& pe%iod to reclusion perpetuaD
the%eb( eli&inatin' death as the o%i'inal &a=i&u& pe%iod. )he constitutional
abolition of the death penalt(, it see&ed, li&ited the penalt( fo% &u%de% to onl( the
%e&ainin' pe%iods, to $it, the &ini&u& and the &ediu&, $hich $e then, in People v.
People v. Atencio
and People v. #ntino
divided into th%ee ne$
pe%iods, to $it, the lo$e% half of reclusion temporal &a=i&u& as the &ini&u&@ the
uppe% half of %eclusion te&po%al &a=i&u& as the &ediu&@ and reclusion perpetua as
the &a=i&u&, in .eepin' $ith the th%ee-'%ade sche&e unde% the Revised Penal Code.
>n People v. Muno$,
ho$eve%, $e %econside%ed these afo%ecited cases and afte%
e=tended discussion, $e concluded that the doct%ine announced the%ein did not %eflect
the intention of the f%a&e%s. )he c%u= of the issue $as $hethe% o% not A%ticle >>>, 7ection
!" +!, absolutel( abolished the death penalt(, fo% if it did, then, the afo%e&entioned
ne$ th%ee-'%ade penalt( should %eplace the old one $he%e the death penalt(
constituted the &a=i&u& pe%iod. But if no total abolition can be %ead f%o& said
constitutional p%ovision and the death penalt( is onl( suspended, it cannot as (et be
ne'ated b( the institution of a ne$ th%ee-'%ade penalt( p%e&ised on the total
ine=istence of the death penalt( in ou% statute boo.s. 2e thus %uled in Muno$8
)he advocates of the Masan'.a( %ulin' a%'ue that the Constitution abolished the death
penalt( and the%eb( li&ited the penalt( fo% &u%de% to the %e&ainin' pe%iods, to $it, the
&ini&u& and the &ediu&. )hese should no$ be divided into th%ee ne$ pe%iods in
.eepin' $ith the th%ee-'%ade sche&e intended b( the le'islatu%e. )hose $ho disa'%ee
feel that A%ticle >>>, 7ection !" +!, &e%el( p%ohibits the i&position of the death penalt(
and has not, b( %educin' it to reclusion perpetua, also co%%espondin'l( %educed the
%e&ainin' penalties. )hese should be &aintained intact.
A %eadin' of 7ection !" +!, of A%ticle >>> $ill %eadil( sho$ that the%e is %eall( nothin'
the%ein $hich e=p%essl( decla%es the abolition of the death penalt(. )he p%ovision
&e%el( sa(s that the death penalt( shall not be i&posed unless fo% co&pellin' %easons
involvin' heinous c%i&es the Con'%ess he%eafte% p%ovides fo% it and, if al%ead(
i&posed, shall be %educed to reclusion perpetua. )he lan'ua'e, $hile %athe% a$.$a%d,
is still plain enou'h.
Nothin' is &o%e definin' of the t%ue content of A%ticle >>>, 7ection !" +!, of the !"?-
Constitution than the fo%& in $hich the le'islatu%e too. the initiative in %e-i&posin' the
death penalt(.
)he 7enate neve% doubted its po$e% as vested in it b( the constitution, to enact
le'islation %e-i&posin' the death penalt( fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous
c%i&es. Pu%suant to this constitutional &andate, the 7enate p%oceeded to a t$o-step
p%ocess consistin' of8 fi%st, the decision, as a &atte% of polic(, to %e-i&pose the death
penalt( o% not@ and second, the vote to pass on the thi%d %eadin' the bill %e-i&posin'
the death penalt( fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es.
On 4eb%ua%( !, !""6, afte% a fie%ce and fie%( e=chan'e of a%'u&ents fo% and a'ainst
capital punish&ent, the Me&be%s of the 7enate voted on the polic( issue of death
penalt(. )he vote $as e=plained, thus8
7G7PEN7>ON O4 )<E RG0E7
Gpon &otion of 7enato% Ro&ulo, the%e bein' no obBection, the Bod( suspended the
Rules of the 7enate.
)he%eafte%, upon &otion of 7enato% Ro&ulo, the%e bein' no obBection, the Chai%
di%ected that a no&inal votin' be conducted on the polic( issue of death penalt(.
As.ed b( 7enato% )olentino on ho$ the Me&be%s of the 7enate $ould vote on this
polic( ;uestion, 7enato% Ro&ulo stated that a vote of Ies $ould &ean a vote in favo%
of death as a penalt( to be %einco%po%ated in the scale of penalties as p%ovided in the
Revised Penal Code, and a vote of No $ould be a vote a'ainst the %einco%po%ation of
death penalt( in the scale of penalties in the Revised Penal Code.
=== === ===
)he Chai% e=plained that it $as a'%eed upon that the Bod( $ould fi%st decide the
;uestion $hethe% o% not death penalt( should be %ei&posed, and the%eafte%, a seven-
&an co&&ittee $ould be fo%&ed to d%aft the co&p%o&ise bill in acco%dance $ith the
%esult of the votin'. >f the Bod( decides in favo% of the death penalt(, the Chai% said that
the co&&ittee $ould specif( the c%i&es on $hich death penalt( $ould be i&posed. >t
affi%&ed that a vote of Ies in the no&inal votin' $ould &ean a vote in favo% of death
penalt( on at least one c%i&e, and that ce%tain %efine&ents on ho$ the penalt( $ould
be i&posed $ould be left to the disc%etion of the seven-&an co&&ittee.
=== === ===
>n %epl( to 7enato% )anada1s ;ue%(, the Chai% affi%&ed that even if a senato% $ould vote
D(esD on the basic polic( issue, he could still vote DnoD on the i&position of the death
penalt( on a pa%ticula% c%i&e.
7enato% )olentino obse%ved that the Bod( $ould be votin' on the basic polic( issue of
$hethe% o% not the death penalt( $ould be included in the scale of penalties found in
A%ticle 2- of the Revised Penal Code. so that if it is voted do$n, the Bod( $ould
discontinue discussin' 7enate Bill No. ?"! pu%suant to the Rules, but if app%oved, a
special co&&ittee, as a'%eed upon in the caucus, is 'oin' to be appointed and
$hateve% cou%se it $ill ta.e $ill depend upon the &andate 'iven to it b( the Bod( late%
)he Chai% affi%&ed 7enato% )olentino1s obse%vations.
7enato% Roco stated that the Bod( $ould vote $hethe% o% not death as a penalt( $ill
be %einco%po%ated in the scale of penalties p%ovided b( the Revised Penal Code.
<o$eve%, he pointed out that if the Bod( decides in favo% of death penalt(, the Bod(
$ould still have to add%ess t$o issues8 !, >s the c%i&e fo% $hich the death penalt( is
supposed to be i&posed heinous pu%suant to the constitutional &andateL 2, And, if so,
is the%e a co&pellin' %eason to i&pose the death penalt( fo% itL )he death penalt(, he
st%essed, cannot be i&posed si&pl( because the c%i&e is heinous.
2ith seventeen +!-, affi%&ative votes and seven +-, ne'ative votes and no abstention,
the Chai% decla%ed that the 7enate has voted to %e-inco%po%ate death as a penalt( in
the scale of penalties as p%ovided in the Revised Penal Code. A nine-pe%son
co&&ittee $as subse;uentl( c%eated to d%aft the co&p%o&ise bill pu%suant to said
vote. )he &andate of the co&&ittee $as to %etain the death penalt(, $hile the &ain
debate in the co&&ittee $ould be the dete%&ination of the c%i&es to be conside%ed
On Ma%ch !-, !""6, 7enato% A%tu%o )olentino, Chai%&an of the 7pecial Co&&ittee on
the /eath Penalt(, delive%ed his 7ponso%ship 7peech. <e be'an $ith an e=planation
as to $h( the 7enate Bill No. ?"! %e-i&poses the death penalt( b( a&endin' the
Revised Penal Code and othe% special penal la$s and includes p%ovisions that do not
define o% punish c%i&es but se%ve pu%poses allied to the %e-i&position of the death
penalt(. 7enato% )olentino stated8
. . . 92:hen the 7enate app%oved the polic( of %ei&posin' the death penalt( on heinous
c%i&es and dele'ated to the 7pecial Co&&ittee the $o%. of d%aftin' a bill, a
co&p%o&ise bill that $ould be the subBect fo% futu%e delibe%ations of this Bod(, the
Co&&ittee had to conside% that the death penalt( $as i&posed o%i'inall( in the
Revised Penal Code.
7o, $hen the Constitution $as app%oved in o%de% to do a$a( $ith the death penalt(,
unless Con'%ess should, fo% co&pellin' %easons %ei&pose that penalt( on heinous
c%i&es, it $as obvious that it $as the Revised Penal Code that $as affected b( that
p%ovision of the Constitution. )he death penalt(, as p%ovided in the Revised Penal
Code, $ould be conside%ed as havin' been %epealed-all p%ovisions on the death
penalt( $ould be conside%ed as havin' been %epealed b( the Constitution, until
Con'%ess should, fo% co&pellin' %easons, %ei&pose such penalt( on heinous c%i&es.
)he%efo%e, it $as not onl( one a%ticle but &an( a%ticles of the Revised Penal Code that
$e%e actuall( affected b( the Constitution.
And it is in conside%ation of this conse;uence of the constitutional p%ovision that ou%
7pecial Co&&ittee had to conside% the Revised Penal Code itself in &a.in' this
co&p%o&ise bill o% te=t of the bill. )hat is $h(, in the p%oposed d%aft no$ unde%
conside%ation $hich $e a%e sponso%in', the specific p%ovisions of the Revised Penal
Code a%e actuall( eithe% %eenacted o% a&ended o% both. Because b( the effect of the
Constitution, so&e p%ovisions $e%e totall( %epealed, and the( had to be %eenacted so
that the p%ovisions could be %etained. And so&e of the& had to be a&ended because
the Co&&ittee thou'ht that a&end&ents $e%e p%ope%.
>n %esponse to a ;ue%( b( 7enato% 5lo%ia Macapa'al-A%%o(o as to $hethe% o% not it
$ould have been bette% if the 7enate $e%e to enact a special la$ $hich &e%el( defined
and i&posed the death penalt( fo% heinous c%i&es, 7enato% )olentino e=plicated, thus8
. . . 9):hat &a( be a $a( p%esentin' the bill. But $e &ust bea% in &ind that the death
penalt( is i&posed in the Revised Penal Code. )he%efo%e, $hen the Constitution
abolished the death penalt(, it actuall( $as a&endin' the Revised Penal Code to such
an e=tent that the Constitution p%ovides that $he%e the death penalt( has al%ead( been
i&posed but not (et ca%%ied out, then the penalt( shall be reclusion perpetua, that is
the penalt( in the Revised Penal Code. 7o $e thou'ht that it $ould be best to Bust
a&end the p%ovisions of the Revised Penal Code, %esto%in' the death penalt( fo% so&e
c%i&es that &a( be conside%ed as heinous. )hat is $h( the bill is in this fo%& a&endin'
the p%ovisions of the Revised Penal Code.
Of cou%se, if so&e people $ant to p%esent a special bill . . . the $hole t%ouble is, $hen
a special bill is p%esented and $e $ant to punish in the special bill the case of &u%de%,
fo% instance, $e $ill have to %ep%oduce the p%ovisions of the Revised Penal Code on
&u%de% in o%de% to define the c%i&e fo% $hich the death penalt( shall be i&posed. O% if
$e $ant to i&pose the death penalt( in the case of .idnappin' $hich is punished in the
Revised Penal Code, $e $ill do the sa&e H &e%el( %ep%oduce. 2h( $ill $e do thatL
7o $e Bust follo$ed the si&ple% &ethod of .eepin' the definition of the c%i&e as the
sa&e and &e%el( addin' so&e a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances and %ei&posin' the death
penalt( in these offenses o%i'inall( punished in the Revised Penal Code.
4%o& Ma%ch !-, !""6, $hen the death penalt( bill $as p%esented fo% discussion until
Au'ust !#, !""6, the Me&be%s of the 7enate debated on its p%ovisions.
)he stiffest opposition the%eto $as banne%ed b( 7enato% 0ina $ho .ept p%oddin' the
sponso%s of the bill to state the co&pellin' %eason fo% each and eve%( c%i&e fo% $hich
the sup%e&e penalt( of death $as sou'ht. Ke%oin' in on the state&ent in the p%ea&ble
of the death penalt( bill that the sa&e is $a%%anted in the face of Dthe ala%&in' upsu%'e
of 9heinous: c%i&esD, 7enato% 0ina de&anded fo% solid statistics sho$in' that in the
case of each and eve%( c%i&e in the death penalt( bill, the%e $as a si'nificantl( hi'he%
incidence of each c%i&e afte% the suspension of the death penalt( on 4eb%ua%( 2, !"?-
$hen the !"?- Constitution $as %atified b( the &aBo%it( of the 4ilipino people, than
befo%e such %atification.
>nas&uch as the %e-i&positionists could not satisf( the
abolitionists $ith sufficient statistical data fo% the latte% to accept the ala%&in' upsu%'e
of heinous c%i&es as a co&pellin' %eason Bustif(in' the %e-i&position of the death
penalt(, 7enato% 0ina concluded that the%e $e%e, in fact, no co&pellin' %easons
the%efo%. >n the alte%native, 7enato% 0ina a%'ued that the co&pellin' %eason %e;ui%ed b(
the constitution $as that Dthe 7tate has done eve%(thin' in its co&&and so that it can
be Bustified to use an inhu&an punish&ent called death penalt(D.
)he p%oble&,
7enato% 0ina e&phasiAed, $as that even the %e-i&positionists ad&it that the%e $e%e
still nu&e%ous %efo%&s in the c%i&inal Bustice s(ste& that &a( and &ust be put in place,
and so clea%l(, the %ecou%se to the enact&ent of a death penalt( bill $as not in the
natu%e of a last %eso%t, hence, unconstitutional in the absence of co&pellin' %easons.
As an initial %eaction to 7enato% 0ina1s contentions, 7enato% )olentino e=plained that
the state&ent in the p%ea&ble is a 'ene%al one and %efe%s to all the c%i&es cove%ed b(
the bill and not to specific c%i&es. <e added that one c%i&e &a( not have the sa&e
de'%ee of inc%ease in incidence as the othe% c%i&es and that the public de&and to
i&pose the death penalt( is enou'h co&pellin' %eason.
E;uall( fit to the tas. $as 7enato% 2i'be%to )anada to $ho& the battle lines $e%e
clea%l( d%a$n. <e put to issue t$o thin's8 fi%st, the definition of Dheinous c%i&esD as
p%ovided fo% in the death penalt( bill@ and second, the state&ent of co&pellin' %easons
fo% each and eve%( capital c%i&e. <is inte%pellation of 7enato% )olentino clea%l( sho$ed
his obBections to the bill8
7enato% )anada. . . . But $hat $ould &a.e c%i&es heinous, M%. P%esidentL A%e c%i&es
heinous b( thei% natu%e o% ele&ents as the( a%e desc%ibed in the bill o% a%e c%i&es
heinous because the( a%e punished b( death, as b%ibe%( and &alve%sation a%e
p%oposed to be punished in the billL
7enato% )olentino. )he( a%e heinous b( thei% natu%e, M%. P%esident, but that is not
supposed to be the e=clusive c%ite%ion. )he natu%e of the offense is the &ost i&po%tant
ele&ent in conside%in' it heinous but at the sa&e ti&e, $e should conside% the %elation
of the offense to societ( in o%de% to have a co&plete idea of the heinous natu%e of
these offenses.
>n the case of &alve%sation o% b%ibe%(, fo% instance, these offenses b( the&selves
connected $ith the effect upon societ( and the 'ove%n&ent have &ade the& fall unde%
the classification of heinous c%i&es. )he co&pellin' %eason fo% i&posin' the death
penalt( is $hen the offenses of &alve%sation and b%ibe%( beco&es so '%ave and so
se%ious as indicated in the substitute bill itself, then the%e is a co&pellin' %eason fo% the
death penalt(.
7enato% )anada. 2ith %espect to the co&pellin' %easons. M%. P%esident, does the
5entle&an believe that these co&pellin' %easons, $hich $ould call fo% the %ei&position
of the death penalt(, should be sepa%atel(, distinctl( and clea%l( stated fo% each c%i&e
so that it $ill be ve%( clea% to one and all that not onl( a%e these c%i&es heinous but
also one can see the co&pellin' %easons fo% the %ei&position of the death penalt(
7enato% )olentino. M%. P%esident that &atte% $as actuall( conside%ed b( the
Co&&ittee. But the decision of the Co&&ittee $as to avoid statin' the co&pellin'
%eason fo% each and eve%( offense that is included in the substitute &easu%e. )hat is
$h( in the p%ea&ble, 'ene%al state&ents $e%e &ade to sho$ these co&pellin'
%easons. And that $e believe, included in the bill, $hen conve%ted into la$, $ould be
sufficient notice as to $hat $e%e conside%ed co&pellin' %easons b( the Con'%ess, in
p%ovidin' the death penalt( fo% these diffe%ent offenses.
>f a &atte% li.e this is ;uestioned befo%e the 7up%e&e Cou%t, > $ould suppose that $ith
the p%ea&ble al%ead( in 'ene%al te%&s, the 7up%e&e Cou%t $ould feel that it $as the
sense of Con'%ess that this p%ea&ble $ould be applicable to each and eve%( offense
desc%ibed o% punishable in the &easu%e.
7o $e felt that it $as not necessa%( to %epeat these co&pellin' %easons fo% each and
eve%( offense.
7enato% )anada. M%. P%esident, > a& thin.in' about the constitutional li&itations upon
the po$e% of Con'%ess to enact c%i&inal le'islation, especiall( the p%ovisions on the Bill
of Ri'hts, pa%ticula%l( the one $hich sa(s that no pe%son shall be held to ans$e% fo% a
c%i&inal offense $ithout due p%ocess of la$.
Can $e not sa( that unde% this p%ovision, it is %e;ui%ed that the co&pellin' %easons be
so stated in the bill so that the bill, $hen it beco&es a la$, $ill clea%l( define the acts
and the o&issions punished as c%i&esL
7enato% )olentino. M%. P%esident > believe that in itself, as substantive la$, this is
sufficient. )he ;uestion of $hethe% the%e is due p%ocess $ill &o%e o% less be a &atte% of
p%ocedu%e in the co&pliance $ith the %e;ui%e&ents of the Constitution $ith %espect to
due p%ocess itself $hich is a sepa%ate &atte% f%o& the substantive la$ as to the
definition and penalt( fo% c%i&es.
7enato% )anada. Gnde% the Constitution, M%. P%esident, it appea%s that the %ei&position
of the death penalt( is subBect to th%ee conditions and these a%e8
!. Con'%ess should so p%ovide such %ei&position of the death penalt(@
2. )he%e a%e co&pellin' %easons@ and
6. )hese involve heinous c%i&es.
Gnde% these p%ovision of the Constitution, pa%a'%aph !, 7ection !6, does the
distin'uished 5entle&an not feel that Con'%ess is bound to state clea%l( the
co&pellin' %easons fo% the %ei&position of the death penalt( fo% each c%i&e, as $ell as
the ele&ents that &a.e each of the c%i&es heinous included in the billL
7enato% )olentino. M%. P%esident, that is a &atte% of opinion al%ead(. > believe that
$hethe% $e state the co&pellin' %easons o% not, $hethe% $e state $h( a ce%tain
offense is heinous, is not ve%( i&po%tant. >f the ;uestion is %aised in the 7up%e&e cou%t,
it is not $hat $e sa( in the bill that $ill be cont%ollin' but $hat the 7up%e&e Cou%t $ill
fell as a sufficient co&pellin' %eason o% as to the heinous natu%e $hethe% the c%i&e is
heinous o% not. )he accused can ce%tainl( %aise the &atte% of constitutionalit( but it $ill
not 'o into the &atte% of due p%ocess. >t $ill 'o into the ve%( po$e% of Con'%ess to
enact a bill i&posin' the death penalt(. 7o that $ould be enti%el( sepa%ate f%o& the
&atte% of due p%ocess.
7enato% 4%ancisco )atad, on his pa%t, pointed out that the death penalt( bill violated ou%
inte%national co&&it&ent in suppo%t of the $o%ld$ide abolition of capital punish&ent,
the Philippines bein' a si'nato%( to the >nte%national Covenant on Civil and Political
Ri'hts and its 7econd Optional P%otocol. 7enato% E%nesto <e%%e%a cla%ified, ho$eve%,
that in the Gnited Nations, subBect &atte%s a%e sub&itted to the diffe%ent co&&ittees
$hich vote on the& fo% conside%ation in the plena%( session. <e st%essed that unless
app%oved in the plena%( session, a decla%ation $ould have no bindin' effect on
si'nato%( count%ies. >n this %espect, the Philippines cannot be dee&ed i%%evocabl(
bound b( said covenant and p%otocol conside%in' that these a'%ee&ents have %eached
onl( the co&&ittee level.
Afte% the p%ot%acted debate, the Me&be%s of the 7enate voted on 7enate Bill No. ?"!
on thi%d %eadin'. 2ith seventeen +!-, affi%&ative votes, fou% +*, ne'ative votes, and
one abstention, the death penalt( bill $as app%oved on thi%d %eadin' on Au'ust !#,
)he 7enate1s vote to pass 7enate Bill No. ?"! on thi%d %eadin' on Au'ust !#, !""6
$as a vindication of, the <ouse of Rep%esentatives. )he <ouse had, in the Ei'ht
Con'%ess, ea%lie% app%oved on thi%d %eadin' <ouse Bill No. 2" on the %esto%ation of
the death penalt( fo% ce%tain heinous c%i&es. )he <ouse $as in effect %ebuffed b( the
7enate $hen the 7enate .illed <ouse Bill No. 2" alon' $ith othe% bills co&in' f%o&
the <ouse. <ouse Bill No. 2" $as %esu%%ected du%in' the Ninth Con'%ess in the fo%&
of <ouse Bill No. #2 $hich $as int%oduced b( t$ent( one +2!, Me&be%s of the <ouse
of Rep%esentatives on Octobe% 2-, !""2. <ouse Bill No. #2 $as a &e%'e% of <ouse Bill
Nos. !2, !?-, *!!, -#*, E#, -?!, ", !#, !?#, 22E#, 626?, 6-# and 6#62
autho%ed b( va%ious Me&be%s of the 0o$e% <ouse.
>n his 7ponso%ship 7peech, Rep%esentative Manuel R. 7ancheA of RiAal abl( essa(ed
the constitutional vestin' in Con'%ess of the po$e% to %e-i&pose the death penalt( fo%
co&pellin' %easons invo.in' heinous c%i&es as $ell as the natu%e of this constitutional
p%e-%e;uisite to the e=e%cise of such po$e%.
DM%. 7pea.e%, in A%ticle >>>, 7ection !"+!, of Constitution %eads, a > ;uote8
Neithe% shall death penalt( be i&posed, unless, fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin'
heinous c%i&es, the Con'%ess shall the%eafte% p%ovide fo% it. . .
)he ph%ase Dunless, fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es, the Con'%ess
shall the%eafte% p%ovide fo% it $as int%oduced as an a&end&ent b( then Co&&.
Ch%istian Monsod.
)he i&po%t of this a&end&ent is un&ista.able. B( this a&end&ent, the death penalt(
$as not co&pletel( abolished b( the !"?- Constitution. Rathe%, it &e%el( suspended
the death penalt( and 'ave Con'%ess the disc%etion to %evie$ it at the p%opitious ti&e.
A%'uin' fo% the inclusion of said a&end&ent in the fine p%ovision, Co&&. Rica%do
Ro&ulo said, and > ;uote8
D)he people should have the final sa( on the subBect, because, at so&e futu%e ti&e,
the people &i'ht $ant to %esto%e death penalt( th%ou'h initiative and %efe%endu&.
Co&&issione% Monsod fu%the% a%'ued, and > ;uote8
2e cannot p%esu&e to have the $isdo& of the a'es. )he%efo%e, it is enti%el( possible in
the futu%e that ci%cu&stances &a( a%ise $hich $e should not p%eclude toda(.
=== === ===
> believe that 9the%e: a%e enou'h co&pellin' %easons that &e%it the %ei&position of the
capital punish&ent. )he violent &anne% and the viciousness in $hich c%i&es a%e no$
co&&itted $ith ala%&in' %e'ula%it(, sho$ ve%( clea%l( a patent dis%e'a%d of the la$ and
a &oc.e%( of public peace and o%de%.
>n the public 'alle%( section toda( a%e the %elatives of the vict i&s of heinous c%i&es H
the <ult&ans, the Ma'uans, the 3iAcondes, the Castanoses, and &an( &o%e, and the(
a%e all c%(in' fo% Bustice. 2e ou'ht to listen to the& because thei% lives, thei% hopes,
thei% d%ea&s, thei% futu%e have fallen asunde% b( the c%uel and vicious c%i&inalit( of a
fe$ $ho put thei% selfish inte%est above that of societ(.
<einous c%i&e is an act o% se%ies of acts $hich, b( the fla'%antl( violent &anne% in
$hich the sa&e $as co&&itted o% b( the %eason of its inhe%ent viciousness, sho$s a
patent dis%e'a%d and &oc.e%( of the la$, public peace and o%de%, o% public &o%als. >t is
an offense $hose essential and inhe%ent viciousness and at%ocit( a%e %epu'nant and
out%a'eous to a civiliAed societ( and hence, shoc. the &o%al self of a people.
Of late, $e a%e $itness to such .ind of ba%ba%ic c%i&es.
)he 3iAconde &assac%e that too. the lives of a &othe% and he% t$o lovel( dau'hte%s,
$ill stand in the people1s &e&o%( fo% &an( lon' (ea%s as the epito&e of viciousness
and at%ocit( that a%e %epu'nant to civiliAed societ(.
)he senseless &u%de% of Eldon Ma'uan, and up-and-co&in' (oun' business
e=ecutive, $as and still is an out%a'e that shoc.s the &o%al self of ou% people.
)he &ind-bo''lin' death of Mau%een <ult&ann, a co&el( !# (ea%-old hi'h school
student $ho d%ea&t of beco&in' a co&&e%cial &odel so&eda(, at the hands of a
c%aAed &an $as so %epulsive, so b%utal that it offends the sensibilities of Ch%istians and
non-Ch%istians ali.e.
)he cold-blooded double &u%de% of Cochise Be%nabe and Beebo& Castanos, the
lovel( and p%o&isin' couple f%o& the Gnive%sit( of the Philippines, is ete%nall( lod'ed
in the %ecesses of ou% &inds and still &a.es ou% sto&ach tu%n in utte% dis'ust.
=== === ===
)he se%iousness of the situation is such that if no %adical action is ta.en b( this bod( in
%esto%in' death penalt( as a positive %esponse to the ove%$hel&in' cla&o% of the
people, then, as P%ofesso% Esteban Bautista of the Philippine 0a$ Cente% said and >
D2hen people be'in to believe that o%'aniAed societ( is un$illin' o% unable to i&pose
upon c%i&inal offende%s the punish&ent the( dese%ve, the%e a%e so$n the seeds of
ana%ch( H of self-help, of vi'ilante Bustice and l(nch la$. )he people $ill ta.e the la$
upon thei% hands and e=act ven'eance in the natu%e of pe%sonal vendetta.D
>t is fo% this %eason, M%. 7pea.e%, that > stand he%e and suppo%t <ouse Bill No. #2.
As dul( elected Rep%esentatives of ou% people, collectivel(, $e ou'ht to listen to ou%
constitutents and heed thei% plea H a plea fo% life, libe%t( and pu%suit of thei% happiness
unde% a %e'i&e of Bustice and de&oc%ac(, and $ithout th%eat that thei% loves ones $ill
be .idnapped, %aped o% butche%ed.
But if such a &isfo%tune befalls the&, the%e is the la$ the( could %el( on fo% Bustice. A
la$ that $ill e=act %et%ibution fo% the victi&s. A la$ that $ill dete% futu%e ani&alistic
behavio% of the c%i&inal $ho ta.e thei% selfish inte%est ove% and above that of societ(. A
la$ that $ill deal a deathblo$ upon all heinous c%i&es.
M%. 7pea.e%, &( distin'uished collea'ues, fo% the p%ese%vation of all that $e hold dea%
and sac%ed, let us %eto%e the death penalt(.
A studious co&pa%ison of the le'islative p%oceedin's in the 7enate and in the <ouse of
Rep%esentatives %eveals that, $hile both Cha&be%s $e%e not $antin' of opposito%s to
the death penalt(, the 0o$e% <ouse see&ed less ;ua%%elso&e about the fo%& of the
death penalt( bill as a special la$ specif(in' ce%tain heinous c%i&es $ithout %e'a%d to
the p%ovisions of the Revised penal Code and &o%e unified in the pe%ception of $hat
c%i&es a%e heinous and that the fact of thei% ve%( heinousness involves the co&pulsion
and the i&pe%ative to supp%ess, if not co&pletel( e%adicate, thei% occu%%ence. Be it the
fo%e'oin' 'ene%al state&ent of Rep%esentative 7ancheA o% the follo$in' details of the
natu%e of the heinous c%i&es enu&e%ated in <ouse Bill No. #2 b( Rep%esentative
Mi'uel 0. Ro&e%o of Ne'%os O%iental, the%e $as clea%l(, a&on' the hund%ed o% so %e-
i&positionists in the 0o$e% <ouse, no doubt as to thei% cause8
M( f%iends, this bill p%ovides fo% the i&position of the death penalt( not onl( fo% the
i&po%tation, &anufactu%e and sale of dan'e%ous d%u's, but also fa% othe% heinous
c%i&es such as %eason@ pa%%icide@ &u%de%@ .idnappin'@ %obbe%(@ %ape as defined b( the
Revised Penal Code $ith o% $ithout additionall( defined ci%cu&stances@ plunde%, as
defined in R.A. -E?E@ pi%ac(, as defined unde% 7ection 2 of P/ 628 ca%nappin', as
defined in 7ection 2 of RA #6", $hen the o$ne%, d%ive% o% occupant is .illed@ hiBac.in'
as defined in . . . RA #26@ and a%son %esultin' in the death of an( occupants.
All these c%i&es have a co&&on deno&inato% $hich ;ualifies the& to the level of
heinous c%i&es. A heinous c%i&e is one $hich b( %eason of its inhe%ent o% &anifest
$ic.edness, viciousness, at%ocit( o% pe%ve%sit(, is %epu'nant and out%a'eous to the
co&&on standa%ds of decenc( and &o%alit( in a Bust and civiliAed societ(.
4o% instance, the c%i&e of t%eason is defined as a b%each of alle'iance to a
'ove%n&ent, co&&itted b( a pe%son $ho o$es alle'iance to it +G.7. v. Abad > Phil.
*6-,. B( the Dalle'ianceD is &eant the obli'ation of fidelit( and obedience $hich
individuals o$e to the 'ove%n&ent unde% $hich the( live o% to thei% sove%ei'n in %etu%n
fo% the p%otection $hich the( %eceive +2 A%& Ju% -"-,.
>n .idnappin', the thou'h alone of one1s loved one bein' held a'ainst his o% he% o$n
$ill in so&e unidentified === house b( a '%oup of scound%els $ho a%e st%an'e%s is
enou'h te%%if( and send shive%s of fea% th%ou'h the spine of an( pe%son, even
scound%els the&selves.
>n %obbe%( acco&panied b( %ape, intentional &utilation o% a%son, $hat is bein'
punished b( death is the fact that the pe%pet%ato%, at the ti&e of the co&&ission of the
c%i&e, thin.s nothin' of the othe% c%i&e he co&&its and sees it &e%el( as a fo%& of
self-a&use&ent. 2hen a ho&icide is co&&itted b( %eason of the %obbe%(, the culp%its
a%e pe%ceived as $illin' to ta.e hu&an life in e=chan'e fo% &one( o% othe% pe%sonal
>n the c%i&e of %ape, not onl( do $e spea. of the pain and a'on( of the pa%ents ove%
the pe%sonal shoc. and suffe%in' of thei% child but the sti'&a of the t%au&atic and
de'%adin' incident $hich has shatte%ed the victi&1s life and pe%&anentl( dest%o(ed he%
%eputation, not to &ention the o%deal of havin' to unde%'o the sha&eful e=pe%ience of
police inte%%o'ation and cou%t hea%in's.
Pi%ac(, $hich is &e%el( a hi'he% fo%& of %obbe%(, is punished fo% the unive%sal hostilit(
of the pe%pet%ato%s a'ainst thei% victi&s $ho a%e passen'e%s and co&ple&ent of the
vessel, and because of the fact that, in the hi'h seas, no one &a( be e=pected to be
able to co&e to the %escue of the helpless victi&s. 4o% the sa&e %eason, M%. 7pea.e%,
the c%i&e of ai% pi%ac( is punished due to the evil &otive of the hiBac.e%s in &a.in'
un%easonable de&ands upon the sove%ei'nt( of an enti%e nation o% nations, coupled
$ith the attendant ci%cu&stance of subBectin' the passen'e%s to te%%o%is&.
)he debate on <ouse Bill No. #2 lasted f%o& Octobe% 2-, !""2 to 4eb%ua%( !!, !""6.
On 4eb%ua%( !!, !""6, the Me&be%s of the <ouse of Rep%esentatives ove%$hel&in'l(
app%oved the death penalt( bill on second %eadin'.
On 4eb%ua%( 26, !""6, afte% e=plainin' thei% votes, the Me&be%s of the <ouse of
Rep%esentatives cast thei% vote on <ouse Bill No. #2 $hen it $as up fo% conside%ation
on thi%d %eadin'.
)he %esults $e%e !26 votes in favo%, 2# votes a'ainst, and 2
Afte% the app%oval on thi%d %eadin' of <ouse Bill No. #2 on 4eb%ua%( 26, !""6 and of
7enate Bill No. ?"! on Au'ust !#, !""6, the Bica&e%al Confe%ence Co&&ittee
convened to inco%po%ate and consolidate the&.
On /ece&be% 6!, !""6, Republic Act +R.A., No. -#", entitled, DAn Act to >&pose the
/eath Penalt( on Ce%tain <einous C%i&es, A&endin' fo% that Pu%pose the Revised
Penal Code, as A&ended, Othe% 7pecial Penal 0a$s, and fo% Othe% Pu%poses,D too.
Bet$een /ece&be% 6!, !""6, $hen R.A No. -#" too. effect, and the p%esent ti&e,
c%i&inal offende%s have been p%osecuted unde% said la$, and one of the&, he%ein
accused-appellant has been, pu%suant to said la$, &eted out the sup%e&e penalt( of
death fo% %apin' his ten-(ea% old dau'hte%. Gpon his conviction his case $as elevated
to us on auto&atic %evie$. On June 2, !""#, $e affi%&ed his conviction and the death
No$, accused-appellant co&es to us in the heels of this cou%t1s affi%&ation of his death
sentence and %aises fo% the fi%st ti&e the issue of the constitutionalit( of R.A. -#". <is
thesis is t$o-fold8 +!, that the death penalt( la$ is unconstitutional per se fo% havin'
been enacted in the absence of co&pellin' %easons the%efo%@ and +2, that the death
penalt( fo% %ape is a c%uel, e=cessive and inhu&an punish&ent in violation of the
constitutional p%osc%iption a'ainst punish&ent of such natu%e.
2e %eBect accused-appellant1s p%oposition.
)h%ee Bustices inte%posed thei% dissent he%eto, a'%eein' $ith accused-appellant1s vie$
that Con'%ess enacted R.A No. -#" $ithout co&pl(in' $ith the t$in %e;ui%e&ents of
co&pellin' %easons and heinous c%i&es.
At this Bunctu%e, the detailed events leadin' to the enact&ent of R.A. No. -#" as
unfu%led in the be'innin' of this dis;uisition, necessa%il( p%ovide the conte=t fo% the
follo$in' anal(sis.
A%ticle >>>, 7ection !" +!, of the !"?- Constitution plainl( vests in Con'%ess the po$e%
to %e-i&pose the death penalt( Dfo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&esD. )his
po$e% is not subsu&ed in the plena%( le'islative po$e% of Con'%ess, fo% it is subBect to
a clea% sho$in' of Dco&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es.D
)he constitutional e=e%cise of this li&ited po$e% to %e-i&pose the death penalt( entails
+!, that Con'%ess define o% desc%ibe $hat is &eant b( heinous c%i&es@ +2, that
Con'%ess specif( and penaliAe b( death, onl( c%i&es that ;ualif( as heinous in
acco%dance $ith the definition o% desc%iption set in the death penalt( bill andMo%
desi'nate c%i&es punishable b( reclusion perpetua to death in $hich latte% case, death
can onl( be i&posed upon the attendance of ci%cu&stances dul( p%oven in cou%t that
cha%acte%iAe the c%i&e to be heinous in acco%dance $ith the definition o% desc%iption
set in the death penalt( bill@ and +6, that Con'%ess, in enactin' this death penalt( bill be
sin'ula%l( &otivated b( Dco&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es.D
>n the second $he%eas clause of the p%ea&ble of R.A. No. -#", $e find the definition
o% desc%iption of heinous c%i&es. 7aid clause p%ovides that8
. . . the c%i&es punishable b( death unde% this Act a%e heinous fo% bein' '%ievous,
odious and hateful offenses and $hich, b( %eason of thei% inhe%ent o% &anifest
$ic.edness, viciousness, at%ocit( and pe%ve%sit( a%e %epu'nant and out%a'eous to the
co&&on standa%ds and no%&s of decenc( and &o%alit( in a Bust civiliAed and o%de%ed
Justice 7antia'o Fapunan, in his dissentin' opinion in People v. Alicando,
t%aced the
et(&olo'ical %oot of the $o%d DheinousD to the Ea%l( 7pa%tans1 $o%d, DhaineusD,
&eanin' hateful and abo&inable, $hich in tu%n, $as f%o& the 5%ee. p%efi= DhatonD,
denotin' acts so hatefull( o% shoc.in'l( evil.
2e find the fo%e'oin' definition o% desc%iption to be a sufficient c%ite%ion of $hat is to be
conside%ed a heinous c%i&e. )his c%ite%ion is delibe%atel( undetailed as to the
ci%cu&stances of the victi&, the accused, place, ti&e, the &anne% of co&&ission of
c%i&e, its p%o=i&ate conse;uences and effects on the victi& as $ell as on societ(, to
affo%d the sentencin' autho%it( sufficient lee$a( to e=e%cise his disc%etion in i&posin'
the app%op%iate penalt( in cases $he%e R.A. No -#" i&poses not a &andato%( penalt(
of death but the &o%e fle=ible penalt( of reclusion perpetua to death.
/u%in' the debates on the p%oposed death penalt( bill, 7enato%s 0ina and )aCada
'%illed the sponso%s of the bill as %e'a%ds $hat the( pe%ceived as a &e%e enu&e%ation
of capital c%i&es $ithout a specification of the ele&ents that &a.e the& heinous. )he(
$e%e oblivious to the fact that the%e $e%e t$o t(pes of c%i&es in the death penalt( bill8
fi%st, the%e $e%e c%i&es penaliAed b( reclusion perpetua to death@ and second, the%e
$e%e c%i&es penaliAed b( &andato%( capital punish&ent upon the attendance of
ce%tain specified ;ualif(in' ci%cu&stances.
Gnde% R.A. No. -#", the follo$in' c%i&es a%e penaliAed b( reclusion perpetua to
+!, )%eason +7ec. 2,@
+2, Jualified pi%ac( +7ec. 6,@
+6, Pa%%icide +7ec. ,@
+*, Mu%de% +7ec. #,@
+, >nfanticide +7ec. -,@
+#, Fidnappin' and se%ious ille'al detention if attended b( an( of the follo$in' fou%
ci%cu&stances8 +a, the victi& $as detained fo% &o%e than th%ee da(s@ +#, it $as
co&&itted si&ulatin' public autho%it(@ +c, se%ious ph(sical inBu%ies $e%e inflicted on the
victi& o% th%eats to .ill hi& $e%e &ade@ and +d, if the victi& is a &ino%, e=cept $hen the
accused is an( of the pa%ents, fe&ale o% a public office% +7ec. ?,@
+-, Robbe%( $ith ho&icide, %ape o% intentional &utilation +7ec. ",@
+?, /est%uctive a%son if $hat is bu%ned is +a, one o% &o%e buildin's o% edifice@ +b, a
buildin' $he%e people usuall( 'athe%@ +c, a t%ain, ship o% ai%plane fo% public use8 +d, a
buildin' o% facto%( in the se%vice of public utilities8 +e, a buildin' fo% the pu%pose of
concealin' o% dest%o(in' evidence of a c%i&e8 +f, an a%senal, fi%e$o%.s facto%(, o%
'ove%n&ent &useu&8 and +', a sto%ehouse o% facto%( of e=plosive &ate%ials located in
an inhabited place@ o% %e'a%dless of $hat is bu%ned if the a%son is pe%pet%ated b( t$o o%
&o%e pe%sons+7ec. !E,@
+", Rape attended b( an( of the follo$in' ci%cu&stances8 +a, the %ape is co&&itted
$ith a deadl( $eapon@ +b, the %ape is co&&itted b( t$o o% &o%e pe%sons8 and +c, the
%ape is atte&pted o% f%ust%ated and co&&itted $ith ho&icide +7ec. !!,@
+!E, Plunde% involvin' at least PE &illion+7ec. !2,@
+!!, >&po%tation of p%ohibited d%u's +7ec. !6,,
+!2, 7ale, ad&inist%ation delive%(, dist%ibution, and t%anspo%tation of p%ohibited d%u's
+!6, Maintenance of den, dive o% %eso%t fo% use%s of p%ohibited d%u's +id.,@
+!*, Manufactu%e of p%ohibited d%u's +id.,@
+!, Possession o% use of p%ohibited d%u's in ce%tain specified a&ounts +id.,
+!#, Cultivation of plants $hich a%e sou%ces of p%ohibited d%u's +id.,
+!-, >&po%tation of %e'ulated d%u's +7ec. !J,8
+!?, Manufactu%e of %e'ulated d%u's +id.,@
+!", 7ale, ad&inist%ation, dispensation, delive%(, t%anspo%tation, and dist%ibution of
%e'ulated d%u's +id.,8
+2E, Maintenance of den, dive, o% %eso%t fo% use%s of %e'ulated d%u's +7ec. !,,
+2!, Possession o% use of %e'ulated d%u's in specified a&ounts +7ec. !#,@
+22, Misapp%op%iation, &isapplication o% failu%e to account dan'e%ous d%u's
confiscated b( the a%%estin' office% +7ec. !-,@
+26, Plantin' evidence of dan'e%ous d%u's in pe%son o% i&&ediate vicinit( of anothe% to
i&plicate the latte% +7ec. !",@ and
+2*, Ca%nappin' $he%e the o$ne%, d%ive% o% occupant of the ca%napped &oto% vehicle is
.illed o% %aped +7ec. 2E,.
All the fo%e'oin' c%i&es a%e not capital c%i&es per se, the unifo%& penalt( fo% all of
the& bein' not &andato%( death but the fle=ible penalt( of reclusion perpetua to death.
>n othe% $o%ds, it is p%e&atu%e to de&and fo% a specification of the heinous ele&ents in
each of the fo%e'oin' c%i&es because the( a%e not an($a( &andato%il( penaliAed $ith
death. )he ele&ents that call fo% the i&position of the sup%e&e penalt( of death in
these c%i&es, $ould onl( be %elevant $hen the t%ial cou%t, 'iven the p%e%o'ative to
i&pose reclusion perpetua, instead actuall( i&poses the death penalt( because it has,
in app%eciatin' the evidence p%offe%ed befo%e it, found the attendance of ce%tain
ci%cu&stances in the &anne% b( $hich the c%i&e $as co&&itted, o% in the pe%son of
the accused on his o$n o% in %elation to the victi&, o% in an( othe% &atte% of
si'nificance to the co&&ission of the c%i&e o% its effects on the victi& o% on societ(,
$hich ci%cu&stances cha%acte%iAe the c%i&inal acts as '%ievous, odious, o% hateful, o%
inhe%entl( o% &anifestl( $ic.ed, vicious, at%ocious o% pe%ve%se as to be %epu'nant and
out%a'eous to the co&&on standa%ds and no%&s of decenc( and &o%alit( in a Bust,
civiliAed and o%de%ed societ(.
On the othe% hand. unde% R.A. No -#", the &andato%( penalt( of death is i&posed in
the follo$in' c%i&es8
+!, Jualified b%ibe%(
D>f an( public office% is ent%usted $ith la$ enfo%ce&ent and he %ef%ains f%o& a%%estin' o%
p%osecutin' an offende% $ho has co&&itted a co&e punishable b( reclusion perpetua
andMo% death in conside%ation of an( offe%, p%o&ise, 'ift o% p%esent, he shall suffe% the
penalt( fo% the offense $hich $as not p%osecuted
>f it is the public office% $ho as.s o% de&ands such 'ift o% p%esent, he shall suffe% the
penalt( of death. +7ec. *,
+2, Fidnappin' and se%ious ille'al detention fo% %anso& %esultin' in the death of the
victi& o% the victi& is %aped to%tu%ed o% subBected to dehu&aniAin' acts
D)he penalt( shall be death $he%e the .idnappin' o% detention $as co&&itted fo% the
pu%pose of %anso& f%o& the victi& o% an( othe% pe%son, even if none of the
ci%cu&stances above-&entioned $e%e p%esent in the co&&ission of the offense.
2hen the victi& is .illed o% dies as a conse;uence of the detention D is %aped, o% is
subBect to to%tu%e o% dehu&aniAin' acts, the &a=i&u& penalt( 9of death: shall be
i&posed. +7ec. ?,
+6, /est%uctive a%son %esultin' in death
D>f as a conse;uence of the co&&ission of an( of the acts penaliAed unde% this A%ticle,
death %esults, the &andato%( penalt( of death shall be i&posed.D +7ec. !E,
+*, Rape $ith the victi& beco&in' insane, %ape $ith ho&icide and ;ualified %ape
D2hen b( %eason o% on the occasion of the %ape, the victi& has beco&e insane, the
penalt( shall be death.
=== === ===
2hen b( %eason o% on the occasion of the %ape, a ho&icide is co&&itted, the penalt(
shall be death.
)he death penalt( shall also be >&posed if the c%i&e of %ape is co&&itted $ith an( of
the follo$in' attendant ci%cu&stances8
!. 2hen the victi& is unde% ei'hteen +!?, (ea%s of a'e and the offende% is pa%ent,
ascendant, step-pa%ent, 'ua%dian, %elative b( consan'uinit( o% affinit( $ithin the thi%d
civil de'%ee, o% the co&&on-la$ spouse of the pa%ent of the victi&.
2. $hen the victi& is unde% the custod( of the police o% &ilita%( autho%ities.
6. $hen the %ape is co&&itted in full ne$ of the husband, pa%ent, an( of the child%en o%
othe% %elatives $ithin the thi%d de'%ee of consan'uinit(.
*. $hen the victi& is a %eli'ious o% a child belo$ seven +-, (ea%s old.
. $hen the offende% that he is afflicted $ith Ac;ui%ed >&&une /eficienc( 7(nd%o&e
+A>/7, disease.
#. $hen co&&ittal b( an( &e&be% of the A%&ed 4o%ces of the Philippines o% the
Philippine National Police o% an( la$ enfo%ce&ent a'enc(.
-. $hen b( %eason o% on the occasion of the %ape, the victi& has suffe%ed pe%&anent
ph(sical &utilation. +7ec. !!,
+, 7ale, ad&inist%ation, delive%(, dist%ibution and t%anspo%tation of p%ohibited d%u's
$he%e the victi& is a &ino% o% the victi& dies
DNot$ithstandin', the p%ovision of 7ection 2E of this Act to the cont%a%(, if the victi& of
the offense is a &ino%, o% should a p%ohibited d%u' involved in an( offense unde% this
7ection be the p%o=i&ate cause of the death of victi& the%eof@ the &a=i&u& penalt( 9of
death: he%ein p%ovided shall be i&posed.D +7ec. !6,
+#, Maintenance of den, dive, o% %eso%t fo% use%s of p%ohibited d%u's $he%e the victi& is
a &ino% o% the victi& dies
DNot$ithstandin' the p%ovisions of 7ection 2E of this Act to the cont%a%(, the &a=i&u&
of the penalt( +of death, shall be i&posed in eve%( case $he%e a p%ohibited d%u' is
ad&iniste%ed, delive%ed o% sold to a &ino% $ho is allo$ed to use the sa&e in such
7hould a p%ohibited d%u' be the p%o=i&ate case of the death of a pe%son usin' the
sa&e in such den, dive o% %eso%t, the &a=i&u& penalt( he%ein p%ovided shall be
i&posed on the &aintaine% not$ithstandin' the p%ovisions of 7ection 2E of this Act to
the cont%a%(.D +7ec. !6,
+-, 7ale, ad&inist%ation, dispensation, delive%(, dist%ibution and t%anspo%tation of
%e'ulated d%u's $he%e the victi& is a &ino% o% the victi& dies
DNot$ithstandin' the p%ovisions of 7ection 2E of this Act to the cont%a%(, if the victi& of
the offense is a &ino%, o% should a %e'ulated d%u' involved in an( offense unde% this
7ection be the p%o=i&ate cause of the death of a victi& the%eof, the &a=i&u& penalt(
9of death: he%ein p%ovided shall be i&posed.D +7ec. !*,
+?, Maintenance of den, dive. o% %eso%t fo% use%s of %e'ulated d%u's $he%e the victi& is
a &ino% o% the victi& dies
1Not$ithstandin' the p%ovisions of 7ection 2E of this Act to the cont%a%(, the &a=i&u&
penalt( 9of death: he%ein p%ovided shall be i&posed in eve%( case $he%e a %e'ulated
d%u' is ad&iniste%ed, delive%ed o% sold to a &ino% $ho is allo$ed to use the sa&e in
such place.
7hould a %e'ulated d%u' be the p%o=i&ate cause of death of a pe%son usin' the sa&e
in such den, dive o% %eso%t, the &a=i&u& penalt( he%ein p%ovided shall be i&posed on
the &aintaine% not$ithstandin' the p%ovisions of 7ection 2E of this Act to the cont%a%(.D
+7ec. !,
+", /%u' offenses if convicted a%e 'ove%n&ent officials, e&plo(ees o% office%s includin'
&e&be%s of police a'encies and a%&ed fo%ces
D)he &a=i&u& penalties 9of death: p%ovided fo% in 7ection 6, * +!,, +! ,, #, -, ?. R, "
! !, !2 and !6 of A%ticle >> and 7ections !*, !*-A, !* + !,, !A +!,, !#, and !" of A%ticle
>>> 9of the /an'e%ous /%u's Act of !"-2: shall be i&posed, if those found 'uilt( of an(
of the sa&e offenses a%e 'ove%n&ent officials, e&plo(ees o% office%s includin'
&e&be%s of police a'encies and the a%&ed fo%ces. D +7ec. !",
+!E, Plantin' of dan'e%ous d%u's as evidence in d%u' offenses $ith the &andato%(
death penalt( if convicted a%e 'ove%n&ent officials, e&plo(ees o% office%s
DAn( such above 'ove%n&ent official, e&plo(ee o% office% $ho is %ound 'uilt( of
plantin' an( dan'e%ous d%u's punished in 7ection s 6, *, -, ?, " and !6 of A%ticle >> and
7ections !*, !*-A, !, and !# of A%ticle >>> +of the /an'e%ous /%u's Act of !"-2, in the
pe%son o% in the i&&ediate vicinit( of anothe% as evidence to i&plicate the latte%, shall
suffe% the sa&e penalt( as the%ein p%ovided.D +7ec. !",
+!!, >n all the c%i&es in RA. No. -#" in thei% ;ualified fo%&
D2hen in the co&&ission of the c%i&e, advanta'e $as ta.en b( the offends of his
public position, the penalt( to be i&posed shall be in its &a=i&u& 9of death: %e'a%dless
of &iti'atin' ci%cu&stances.
)he &a=i&u& penalt( 9of death: shall be i&posed if the offense $as co&&itted b( an(
pe%son $ho belon's to an o%'aniAedMs(ndicated c%i&e '%oup.
An o%'aniAedMs(ndicated c%i&e '%oup &eans a '%oup of t$o o% &o%e pe%sons
collabo%atin', confede%atin' o% &utuall( helpin' one anothe% fo% pu%poses of 'ain in the
co&&ission of an( c%i&e.D +7ec. 26,
>t is specificall( a'ainst the fo%e'oin' capital c%i&es that the test of heinousness &ust
be s;ua%el( applied.
)he evil of a c%i&e &a( ta.e va%ious fo%&s. )he%e a%e c%i&es that a%e, b( thei% ve%(
natu%e, despicable, eithe% because life $as callousl( ta.en o% the victi& is t%eated li.e
an ani&al and utte%l( dehu&aniAed as to co&pletel( dis%upt the no%&al cou%se of his o%
he% '%o$th as a hu&an bein'. )he %i'ht of a pe%son is not onl( to live but to live a
;ualit( life, and this &eans that the %est of societ( is obli'ated to %espect his o% he%
individual pe%sonalit(, the inte'%it( and the sanctit( of his o% he% o$n ph(sical bod(, and
the value he o% she puts in his o% he% o$n spi%itual, ps(cholo'ical, &ate%ial and social
p%efe%ences and needs. 7een in this li'ht, the capital c%i&es of .idnappin' and se%ious
ille'al detention fo% %anso& %esultin' in the death of the victi& o% the victi& is %aped,
to%tu%ed, o% subBected to dehu&aniAin' acts@ dest%uctive a%son %esultin' in death@ and
d%u' offenses involvin' &ino%s o% %esultin' in the death of the victi& in the case of
othe% c%i&es@ as $ell as &u%de%, %ape, pa%%icide, infanticide, .idnappin' and se%ious
ille'al detention $he%e the victi& is detained fo% &o%e than th%ee da(s o% se%ious
ph(sical inBu%ies $e%e indicted on the victi& o% th%eats to .ill hi& $e%e &ade o% the
victi& is a &ino%, %obbe%( $ith ho&icide %ape o% intentional &utilation, dest%uctive
a%son, and ca%nappin' $he%e the o$ne%, d%ive% o% occupant of the ca%napped vehicle is
.illed o% %aped, $hich a%e penaliAed b( reclusion perpetua to death, a%e clea%l( heinous
b( thei% ve%( natu%e.
)he%e a%e c%i&es, ho$eve%, in $hich the abo&ination lies in the si'nificance and
i&plications of the subBect c%i&inal acts in the sche&e of the la%'e% socio-political and
econo&ic conte=t in $hich the state finds itself to be st%u''lin' to develop and p%ovide
fo% its poo% and unde%p%ivile'ed &asses. Reelin' f%o& decades of co%%upt t(%annical
%ule that ban.%upted the 'ove%n&ent and i&pove%ished the population, the Philippine
5ove%n&ent &ust &uste% the political $ill to dis&antle the cultu%e of co%%uption
dishonest(, '%eed and 7(ndicated c%i&inalit( that so deepl( ent%enched itself in the
st%uctu%es of societ( and the ps(che of the populace. )e%%ibl( lac.in' the &one( to
p%ovide even the &ost basic se%vices to its people, an( fo%& of &isapp%op%iation o%
&isapplication of 'ove%n&ent funds t%anslates to an actual th%eat to the ve%( e=istence
of 'ove%n&ent, and in tu%n, the ve%( su%vival of the people it 'ove%ns ove%. 3ie$ed in
this conte=t, no less heinous a%e the effects and %epe%cussions of c%i&es li.e ;ualified
b%ibe%(, dest%uctive a%son %esultin' in death, and d%u' offenses involvin' 'ove%n&ent
officials, e&plo(ees o% office%s, that thei% pe%pet%ato%s &ust not be allo$ed to cause
fu%the% dest%uction and da&a'e to societ(.
2e have no doubt, the%efo%e, that insofa% as the ele&ent of heinousness is conce%ned,
R.A. No. -#" has co%%ectl( identified c%i&es $a%%antin' the &andato%( penalt( of
death. As to the othe% c%i&es in R.A No -#" punished b( reclusion perpetua to death,
the( a%e ad&ittin'l( no less abo&inable than those &andato%il( penaliAed b( death.
)he p%ope% ti&e to dete%&ine thei% heinousness in conte&plation of la$, is $hen on
auto&atic %evie$, $e a%e called to pass on a death 7entence involvin' c%i&es
punishable b( reclusion perpetua to death unde% R.A. No. -#", $ith the t%ial cou%t
&etin' out the death sentence in e=e%cise of Budicial disc%etion. )his is not to sa(,
ho$eve%, that the a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances unde% the Revised Penal Code need be
additionall( alle'ed as establishin' the heinousness of the c%i&e fo% the t%ial Cou%t to
validl( i&pose the death penalt( in the c%i&es unde% R.A. No. -#" $hich a%e punished
$ith the fle=ible penalt( of reclusion perpetua to death.
>n the fi%st place, the !"?- Constitution did not a&end o% %epeal the p%ovisions of the
Revised Penal Code %elatin' to a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances 7econdl(, R.A. No. -#",
$hile it specifies ci%cu&stances that 'ene%all( ;ualif( a c%i&e p%ovided the%ein to be
punished b( the &a=i&u& penalt( of death, neithe% a&ends no% %epeals the
a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances unde% the Revised Penal Code. )hus, const%uin' R.A. No.
-#" in pari materia $ith the Revised Penal Code, death &a( be i&posed $hen +!,
a''%avatin' ci%cu&stances attend the co&&ission of the c%i&e as to &a.e ope%ative
the p%ovision of the Revised Penal Code %e'a%din' the i&position of the &a=i&u&
penalt(@ and +2, othe% ci%cu&stances attend the co&&ission of the c%i&e $hich
indubitabl( cha%acte%iAe the sa&e as heinous in conte&plation of R.A. No. -#" that
Bustif( the i&position of death, albeit the i&posable penalt( is reclusion perpetua to
death. 2ithout difficult(, $e unde%stand the %ationale fo% the 'uided disc%etion '%anted
in the t%ial cou%t to co'niAe ci%cu&stances that cha%acte%iAe the co&&ission of the
c%i&e as heinous. Ce%tainl( the%e is an infinit( of ci%cu&stances that &a( attend the
co&&ission of a c%i&e to the sa&e e=tent that the%e is no tellin' the evil that &an is
capable of. )he le'islatu%e cannot and need not fo%esee and insc%ibe in la$ each and
eve%( loathso&e act &an is capable of. >t is sufficient thus that R.A. No. -#" p%ovides
the test and (a%dstic. fo% the dete%&ination of the le'al situation $a%%antin' the
i&position of the sup%e&e penalt( of death. Needless to sa(, $e a%e not una$a%e of
the eve% e=istin' dan'e% of abuse of disc%etion on the pa%t of the t%ial cou%t in &etin'
out the death sentence. P%ecisel( to %educe to nil the possibilit( of e=ecutin' an
innocent &an o% one c%i&inal but not heinousl( c%i&inal, R.A. No. -#" is %eplete $ith
both p%ocedu%al and substantive safe'ua%ds that ensu%e onl( the co%%ect application of
the &andate of R.A. No. -#".
>n the cou%se of the con'%essional debates on the constitutional %e;ui%e&ent that the
death penalt( be %e-i&posed fo% co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es, $e note
that the &ain obBection to the death penalt( bill %evolved a%ound the pe%sistent de&and
of the abolitionists fo% a state&ent of the co&pellin' %eason in each and eve%( heinous
c%i&e and statistical p%oof that such co&pellin' %eason actuall( e=ists.
2e believe, ho$eve%, that the ele&ents of heinousness and co&pulsion a%e
insepa%able and a%e, in fact, inte%spe%sed $ith each othe%. Because the subBect c%i&es
a%e eithe% so %evoltin' and debasin' as to violate the &ost &ini&u& of the hu&an
standa%ds of decenc( o% its effects, %epe%cussions, i&plications and conse;uences so
dest%uctive, destabiliAin', debilitatin', o% a''%avatin' in the conte=t of ou% socio-
political and econo&ic a'enda as a developin' nation, these c%i&es &ust be
f%ust%ated, cu%tailed and alto'ethe% e%adicated. )he%e can be no its o% buts in the face
of evil, and $e cannot affo%d to $ait until $e %ub elbo$s $ith it befo%e '%aspin' it b( the
ea%s and th%ashin' it to its de&ission.
)he abolitionists in con'%ess insisted that all c%i&inal %efo%&s fi%st be pu%sued and
i&ple&ented befo%e the death penalt( be %e-i&posed in case such %efo%&s p%ove
unsuccessful )he( clai&ed that the onl( co&pellin' %eason conte&plated of b( the
constitution is that nothin' else but the death penalt( is left fo% the 'ove%n&ent to
%eso%t to that could chec. the chaos and the dest%uction that is bein' caused b(
unb%idled c%i&inalit(. )h%ee of ou% collea'ues, a%e of the opinion that the co&pellin'
%eason %e;ui%ed b( the constitution is that the%e occu%%ed a d%a&atic and si'nificant
chan'e in the socio-cultu%al &ilieu afte% the suspension of the death penalt( on
4eb%ua%( 2, !"?- such as an unp%ecedented %ise in the incidence of c%i&inalit(. 7uch
a%e, ho$eve%, inte%p%etations onl( of the ph%ase Dco&pellin'@ %easonsD but not of the
conBunctive ph%ase Dco&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&esD. )he i&position of
the %e;ui%e&ent that the%e be a %ise in the incidence of c%i&inalit( because of the
suspension of the death penalt(, &o%eove%, is an unfai% and &isplaced de&and, fo%
$hat it a&ounts to, in fact, is a %e;ui%e&ent that the death penalt( fi%st p%oves itself to
be a t%ul( dete%%ent facto% in c%i&inal behavio%. >f the%e $as a d%a&aticall( hi'he%
incidence of c%i&inalit( du%in' the ti&e that the death penalt( $as suspended, that
$ould have p%oven that the death penalt( $as indeed a dete%%ent du%in' the (ea%s
befo%e its suspension. 7uffice it to sa( that the constitution in the fi%st place did not
%e;ui%e that the death penalt( be fi%st p%oven to be a dete%%ent@ $hat it %e;ui%es is that
the%e be co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es.
A%ticle >>>, 7ection !"+!, of the !"?- Constitution si&pl( states that con'%ess, fo%
co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es, &a( %e-i&pose the death penalt(.
Nothin' in the said p%ovision i&poses a %e;ui%e&ent that fo% a death penalt( bill to be
valid, a positive &anifestation in the fo%& of a hi'he% incidence of c%i&e should fi%st be
pe%ceived and statisticall( p%oven follo$in' the suspension of the death penalt(.
Neithe% does the said p%ovision %e;ui%e that the death penalt( be %eso%ted to as a last
%ecou%se $hen all othe% c%i&inal %efo%&s have failed to abate c%i&inalit( in societ( >t is
i&&ate%ial and i%%elevant that R.A. No. -#" cites that the%e has been an Dala%&in'
upsu%'e of such c%i&esD, fo% the sa&e $as neve% intended b( said la$ to be the
(a%dstic. to dete%&ine the e=istence of co&pellin' %easons involvin' heinous c%i&es.
4ittin'l(, thus, $hat R.A. No. -#" states is that Dthe Con'%ess, in the inte%est of
Bustice, public o%de% and %ule of la$, and the need to %ationaliAe and ha%&oniAe the
penal sanctions fo% heinous c%i&es, finds co&pellin' %easons to i&pose the death
penalt( fo% said c%i&es.D
2e no$ p%oceed to ans$e% accused-appellant1s othe% '%ound fo% attac.in' the
constitutionalit( of R.A. No. -#", i.e., that the death penalt( i&posed in %ape is
violative of the constitutional p%osc%iption a'ainst c%uel, de'%adin' o% inhu&an
Accused-appellant fi%st clai&s that the death penalt( is per se a c%uel, de'%adin' o%
inhu&an punish&ent as %uled b( the %nited &tates '%.&.( &upreme Court in )urman v.
)o state, ho$eve%, that the G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t, in )urman, cate'o%icall(
%uled that the death penalt( is a c%uel, de'%adin' o% inhu&an punish&ent, is &isleadin'
and inaccu%ate.
)he issue in )urman $as not so &uch death penalt( itself but the a%bit%a%iness
pe%vadin' the p%ocedu%es b( $hich the death penalt( $as i&posed on the accused b(
the sentencin' Bu%(. )hus, the defense theo%( in )urman cente%ed not so &uch on the
natu%e of the death penalt( as a c%i&inal sanction but on the disc%i&ination a'ainst the
blac. accused $ho is &eted out the death penalt( b( a $hite Bu%( that is 'iven the
unconditional disc%etion to dete%&ine $hethe% o% not to i&pose the death penalt(. >n
fact, the lon' %oad of the A&e%ican abolitionist &ove&ent leadin' to the land&a%. case
of )urman $as t%e..ed b( A&e%ican civil %i'hts advocates Aealousl( fi'htin' a'ainst
%acial disc%i&ination. )hus, the G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t stated in )urman8
2e cannot sa( f%o& facts disclosed in these %eco%ds that these defendants $e%e
sentenced to death because the( $e%e blac.. Iet ou% tas. is not %est%icted to an effo%t
to divine $hat &otives i&pelled these death penalties. Rathe%, $e deal $ith a s(ste&
of la$ and of Bustice that leaves to the uncont%olled disc%etion of Bud'es o% Bu%ies the
dete%&ination $hethe% defendants co&&ittin' these c%i&es should die . . . .
=== === ===
>n a Nation co&&itted to e;ual p%otection of the la$s the%e is no pe%&issible caste1
aspect of la$ enfo%ce&ent. Iet $e .no$ that the disc%etion of Bud'es and Bu%ies in
i&posin' the death penalt( enables the penalt( to be selectivel( applied feedin'
p%eBudices a'ainst the accused if he is poo% and despised . . .
=== === ===
)hus, these disc%etiona%( statutes a%e unconstitutional in thei% ope%ation. )he( a%e
p%e'nant $ith disc%i&ination and disc%i&ination is an in'%edient not co&patible $ith the
idea of e;ual p%otection of the la$s that is i&plicit in the ban on c%uel and unusual
)urman, thus, did not outla$ the death penalt( because it $as c%uel and unusual per
se. 2hile the G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t nullified all disc%etiona%( death penalt( statutes in
)urman, it did so because the disc%etion $hich these statutes vested in the t%ial Bud'es
and sentencin' Bu%ies $as uncont%olled and $ithout an( pa%a&ete%s, 'uidelines, o%
standa%ds intended to lessen, if not alto'ethe% eli&inate, the inte%vention of pe%sonal
biases, p%eBudices and disc%i&inato%( acts on the pa%t of the t%ial Bud'es and
sentencin' Bu%ies.
Conse;uentl(, in the afte%&ath of )urman $hen &ost of the states %e-enacted thei%
death penalt( statutes no$ bea%in' the p%ocedu%al chec.s that $e%e %e;ui%ed b( the
G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t, said cou%t affi%&ed the constitutionalit( of the ne$ death penalt(
statutes in the cases of Gre!! v. Geor!ia,
*ure" v.
and Profitt v. )lorida
Ne=t, accused-appellant asseve%ates that the death penalt( is a c%uel, inhu&an o%
de'%adin' punish&ent fo% the c%i&e of %ape &ainl( because the latte%, unli.e &u%de%,
does not involve the ta.in' of life. >n suppo%t of his contention, accused-appellant
la%'el( %elies on the %ulin' of the G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t in Co"er v. Geor!ia.
>n Co"er, the G.7 7up%e&e Cou%t %uled as follo$s8
. . . >t is no$ settled that the death penalt( is not inva%iabl( c%uel and punish&ent $ithin
the &eanin' of Ei'ht A&end&ent@ it is not inhe%entl( unacceptable &ode of
punish&ent fo% c%i&e@ neithe% is it al$a(s disp%opo%tionate to the c%i&e fo% $hich it is
i&posed. >t is also established that i&posin' capital punish&ent at least fo% &u%de%, in
acco%dance $ith the p%ocedu%es p%ovided unde% the 5eo%'ia 7tatutes saves the
sentence f%o& the infi%&ities $hich led the Cou%t to invalidate the p%io% 5eo%'ia capital
punish&ent statute in )urman v. Geor!ia . . .
=== === ===
>n 5%e'' 9v. 5eo%'ia: . . . the Cou%t1s Bud'&ent $as that the death penalt( fo% delibe%ate
&u%de% $as neithe% the pu%poseless >&position of seve%e punish&ent no% a
punish&ent '%ossl( disp%opo%tionate to the c%i&e. But the Cou%t %ese%ved the ;uestion
of the constitutionalit( of the death penalt( $hen i&posed fo% othe% c%i&es. . . .
)hat ;uestion, $ith %espect to %ape of an adult $o&an, is no$ befo%e us.
=== === ===
. . . 9):he public Bud'&ent $ith %espect to %ape. as %eflected in the statutes p%ovidin' the
punish&ent fo% that c%i&e, has been d%a&aticall( diffe%ent. >n %evivin' death penalt(
la$s to satisf( 4u%&an1s &andate, none of the states that had not p%eviousl(
autho%iAed death fo% %ape chose to include %ape a&on' capital felonies. Of the !#
7tates in $hich %ape had been a capital offense, onl( th%ee p%ovided the death penalt(
fo% %ape of an adult $o&an in thei% %evised statutes-5eo%'ia, No%th Ca%olina and
0ouisiana. >n the latte% t$o 7tates, the death penalt( $as &andato%( fo% those found
'uilt(, and those la$s $e%e invalidated b( 2oodson and Robe%ts. 2hen 0ouisiana and
No%th Ca%olina %espondent to those decisions, a'ain %evised thei% capital punish&ent
la$s, the( %eenacted the death penalt( fo% &u%de% but not fo% %ape@ none of the seven
othe% le'islatu%es that to ou% .no$led'e have a&ended o% %eplaced thei% death penalt(
statutes since Jul( 2, !"-#, includin' fou% 7tates +in addition to 0ouisiana and No%th
Ca%olina, that had autho%iAed the death sentence fo% %ape p%io% to !"-2 and had
%eacted to 4u%&an $ith &andato%( statutes, included %ape a&on' the c%i&es fo% $hich
death $as an autho%iAed punish&ent.
=== === ===
>t should be noted that 4lo%ida. Mississippi, and )ennessee also autho%iAed the death
penalt( in so&e %ape cases, but onl( $he%e the victi& $as a child and the %apist an
adult. the )ennessee statute has since been invalidated because the death sentence
$as &andato%(. = = = )he upshot is that 5eo%'ia is the sole Bu%isdiction in the Gnited
7tates at the p%esent ti&e that autho%iAes a sentence of death $hen the %ape victi& is
an adult $o&an, and onl( t$o othe% Bu%isdictions p%ovide capital punish&ent $hen the
victi& is a child.
)he cu%%ent Bud'&ent $ith %espect to the death penalt( fo% %ape is not $holl(
unani&ous a&on' state le'islatu%es, but it obviousl( $ei'hs ve%( heavil( on the side of
%eBectin' capital punish&ent as a suitable penalt( fo% %apin' an adult $o&an.
. . . 9):he le'islative %eBection of capital punish&ent fo% %ape st%on'l( confi%&s ou% o$n
Bud'&ent, $hich is that death is indeed a disp%opo%tionate penalt( fo% the c%i&e of
%apin' an adult $o&an.
2e do not discount the se%iousness of %ape as a c%i&e. >t is hi'hl( %ep%ehensible, both
in a &o%al sense and in its al&ost total conte&pt fo% the pe%sonal inte'%it( and
autono&( of the fe&ale victi& and fo% the latte%1s p%ivile'e of choosin' those $ith
$ho& inti&ate %elationships a%e to be established. 7ho%t of ho&icide, it is the ulti&ate
violation of self. >t is also a violent c%i&e because it no%&all( involves fo%ce, o% the
th%eat of fo%ce o% inti&idation, to ove% co&e the $ill and the capacit( of the victi& to
%esist. Rape is ve%( often acco&panied b( ph(sical inBu%( to the fe&ale and can also
inflict &ental and ps(cholo'ical da&a'e. Because it unde%&ines the co&&unit(1s
sense of secu%it(. the%e is public inBu%( as $ell.
Rape is $ithout doubt dese%vin' of se%ious punish&ent@ but in te%&s of &o%al dep%avit(
and of the inBu%( to the pe%son and to the public. it does not co&pa%e $ith &u%de%,
$hich does involve the unBustified ta.in' of hu&an life. Althou'h it &a( be
acco&panied b( anothe% c%i&e, %ape b( definition does not include the death of o%
even the se%ious inBu%( to anothe% pe%son. )he &u%de%e% .ills@ the %apist, if no &o%e
than that does not. 0ife is ove% fo% the victi& of the &u%de%e%@ fo% the %ape victi&, life
&a( not be nea%l( so happ( as it $as, but it is not ove% and no%&all( is not be(ond
%epai%. 2e have the abidin' conviction that the death penalt(, $hich Dis uni;ue in its
seve%it( and i%%evocabilit(D . . . is an e=cessive penalt( fo% the %apist $ho, as such does
not ta.e hu&an life.
)he G.7. 7up%e&e Cou%t based its fo%e'oin' %ulin' on t$o '%ounds8 fi%st, that the
public has &anifested its %eBection of the death penalt( an a p%ope% punish&ent fo% the
c%i&e of %ape th%ou'h the $illful o&ission b( the state le'islatu%es to include %ape in
thei% in the afte%&ath of )urman@ and second, that %ape, $hile concededl( a dasta%dl(
conte&ptuous violation of a $o&an1s spi%itual inte'%it(, ph(sical p%ivac(, and
ps(cholo'ical balance, does not involve the ta.in' of life.
Anent the fi%st '%ound, $e fail to see ho$ this could have an( bea%in' on the Philippine
e=pe%ience and in the conte=t of ou% o$n cultu%e.
Anent the second '%ound, $e disa'%ee $ith the cou%t1s p%edicate that the 'au'e of
$hethe% o% not a c%i&e $a%%ants the death penalt( o% not, is the attendance of the
ci%cu&stance of death on the pa%t of the victi&. 7uch a p%e&ise is in fact an ennoblin'
of the biblical notion of %et%ibutive Bustice of Dan e(e fo% an e(e, a tooth fo% a toothD. 2e
have al%ead( de&onst%ated ea%lie% in ou% discussion of heinous c%i&es that the
fo%feitu%e of life si&pl( because life $as ta.en, neve% $as a definin' essence of the
death penalt( in the conte=t of ou% le'al histo%( and cultu%al e=pe%ience@ %athe%, the
death penalt( is i&posed in heinous c%i&es because the pe%pet%ato%s the%eof have
co&&itted unfo%'ivabl( e=ec%able acts that have so deepl( dehu&aniAed a pe%son o%
c%i&inal acts $ith seve%el( dest%uctive effects on the national effo%ts to lift the &asses
f%o& abBect pove%t( th%ou'h o%'aniAed 'ove%n&ental st%ate'ies based on a disciplined
and honest citiAen%(, and because the( have so caused i%%epa%able and substantial
inBu%( to both thei% victi& and the societ( and a %epetition of thei% acts $ould pose
actual th%eat to the safet( of individuals and the su%vival of 'ove%n&ent, the( &ust be
pe%&anentl( p%evented f%o& doin' so. At an( %ate, this cou%t has no doubts as to the
innate heinousness of the c%i&e of %ape, as $e have held in the case of People v.
Rape is the fo%cible violation of the se=ual inti&ac( of anothe%
pe%son. >t does inBu%( to Bustice and cha%it(. Rape deepl( $ounds the
%espect, 4%eedo&, and ph(sical and &o%al inte'%it( to $hich eve%(
pe%son has a %i'ht. >t causes '%ave da&a'e that can &a%. the victi&
fo% life. >t is al$a(s an int%insicall( evil act . . . an out%a'e upon
decenc( and di'nit( that hu%ts not onl( the victi& but the societ(
2e a%e not una$a%e that fo% all the le'al postu%in's $e have so essa(ed he%e, at the
hea%t of the issue of capital punish&ent is the $istful, senti&ental life-and-death
;uestion to $hich all of us, $ithout thin.in', $ould ans$e%, Dlife, of cou%se, ove% deathD.
But dealin' $ith the funda&ental ;uestion of death p%ovides a conte=t fo% st%u''lin'
$ith even &o%e basic ;uestions, fo% to '%apple $ith the &eanin' of death is, in an
indi%ect $a( to as. the &eanin' of life. Othe%$ise put, to as. $hat the %i'hts a%e of the
d(in' is to as. $hat the %i'hts a%e of the livin'.
Capital punish&ent ou'ht not to be abolished solel( because it is
substantiall( %epulsive, if infinitel( less %epulsive than the acts $hich
invo.e it. Iet the &ountin' Aeal fo% its abolition see&s to a%ise f%o& a
senti&entaliAed h(pe%fastidiousness that see.s to e=pun'e f%o& the
societ( all that appea%s ha%sh and supp%essive. >f $e a%e to p%ese%ve
the hu&ane societ( $e $ill have to %etain sufficient st%en'th of
cha%acte% and $ill to do the unpleasant in o%de% that t%an;uilit( and
civilit( &a( %ule co&p%ehensivel(. >t see&s ve%( li.el( that capital
punish&ent is a . . . necessa%(, if li&ited facto% in that &aintenance
of social t%an;uilit( and ou'ht to be %etained on this '%ound. )o do
othe%$ise is to indul'e in the lu=u%( of pe%&ittin' a sense of false
delicac( to %ei'n ove% the necessit( of social su%vival.
2<ERE4ORE, in vie$ of all the fo%e'oin', the Motion fo% Reconside%ation and
7upple&ental Motion fo% Reconside%ation a%e he%eb( /EN>E/
fo% 0ACF O4 MER>).

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