Researchers Inc.: Test For Freelance Academic Writers (Computer Sciences & Information Technology)

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Researchers Inc.

Test for Freelance Academic Writers

[Computer Sciences & Information Technology]

Eid Muhammad
+92 334 5183687
July 26, 2014
Part Time Job


This document is a respond to a research question (Throughout the world there has been an
increase in discussions regarding Censorship of the Internet, explain how Censorship can work
in some instances but in others it can be a detriment to society).
Censorship of Internet has been under a hot discussion for the past many years. In some cases it
has been useful to control and manipulate traffic over the Internet. But there are millions of
Internet lovers who wish to improve the present condition of the Internet so that the world may
succeed day by day.
Some people believe that internet-censor deters people to develop and limit resources to the
public. Hence, millions of people, especially minorities from third world countries are opposing
this policy of Internet.


Table of Contents

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Nowadays an average person can have access to Internet and vast amount of data. The people
such as students, researchers, social and political workers, and children around the world do
share their opinion on different platforms. In fact, I name this freedom of speech and great source
of learning which has turned this world into a global village. But some countries have started
monitoring the work of Internet users, filtering data and information, banned some important
sites, or trace the route of data fetched. Such kind of controlling and manipulating the traffic
over the Internet is termed as Censorship of Internet by the Government officials. For instance,
Pakistan has banned and filtering data over so that the
inappropriate uploading and sharing of images would be controlled. Similarly, Iran, China,
Tunisia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Burma, and North Korea are the top 10 internet-censored
countries (, 2014). In addition, the 2012 fight to stop SOPA (Stop Online Privacy
Act) or PIPA (Protect IP Act) Web-censorship bills was just the beginning and is still a sign of
hopelessness to Internet lovers (Josh and Sassaman, 2014).
Internet consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government network of
networks with unique IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. As users browse and get advantages of
information over these networks there are also some issues pointed out by authorities to be
harmful to people that they will not succeed or live in harmony. The following discussion will be
focused on how censorship of Internet that work in some instances and how it can be detriment
to the society.
How Internet Censorship Works
How easy it is to Censor Internet
We are benefited Internet due to programmers and network engineers. To censor networks there
is a need of huge number of network administrators, engineers, and in some cases network
programmers, however, there is a great shortage of such employees around the world in who can
control traffic over the Internet. There are some countries and organizations that have tried
filtering data by using well-know tools or software but this is easy in small organizations. As far
as the global Internet is concerned we need a great effort, time and budget in order to control
what we want.

Why Internet Censorship?
Sometimes, there are dangerous gangs, criminals or terrorists sitting behind the network who can
access and misuse the important intangible information or harm the system. Therefore,
governments and organizations need to protect their assets from such kinds of acts.
There are many reasons that websites get censored. For example, politicians need to hold
prominent power and do not want their opponents get any weak point in their ruling. In this case
the government officials give no access to the third parities that can harm them. Sometimes the
government and people want to protect their religion and belief from the external world.
Inappropriate propaganda or hate speech and the protection of children from pornographic
images and videos over the Internet are other reasons of Internet censorship. Some webpages that
belong to some terrorist or extremist groups are blocked and are not accessible to the public for
security reasons.
Protection of Personal Identities
Some people really hesitate to upload personal pictures and videos or share their feelings over
the Internet. Social medias such as Facebook and Twitter has been a threat to the people. People
can also use search engines to search and upload personal information over the internet.
According Google authorities more than 70,000 people have already asked Google to
delete links about them under Europes right to be forgotten ruling, with some of the
world biggest news sites the first to be hit (Google hit by 70,000 right to be forgotten
Disadvantages of Internet Censorship
The Internet has turned this world into a global village. People from different corners of the
world have come to know each others norms and values. The have up-to-date information about
each other. Censoring the Internet deters people in many ways.
Freedom of Speech
According to constitution of most countries people have the right to talk and demand for what he
wants to share and or demand publically. They can demand for their right using social media so
that other authorities will hear them. Hence, this will enable individuals and as well as groups to
freely talk over Internet. In this way, Internet-censors violets the rights of the people.

Limiting Educational Resources
Educational organizations especially universities, colleges and schools need open-source data
and information for their research and study in the related field. Hence, if universities limit
reports and thesis then there will be great difficult or it deters students to succeed every day in
every way.
Widening Social Gabs
There are multi cultural environment over the Internet. It does not matter what gender, color, or
background the user has. Due to Internet we have brought the children from every corner of the
world on single platform to play games and pass their free times with usable activities. If Internet
censorship, then there will be borders over the Internet as we have borders between countries. In
this way people can understand each others tradition and culture and as a result they can narrow
gabs between each other because communication is the only source of understanding each other.
Time, Cost and Effort
Time, cost and effort are needed to have access to some maps, addresses, and information if the
routes are blocked for you over the Internet. Intra offices of government and non-government
need to have access to the data in order to limit time and cost for specific task.
It is very difficult for entrepreneurs to go global for business purposes if firewall or other
censorship system has been implemented. They need a lot of effort for importing and exporting
goods over countries. They need to update and display information for customers all over the
countries and the customers can have access to the information on a global scale.
In the light of above facts, Internet-censor deters people and societies to develop and improve
their professional and academic life. However, there are also some other issues and privacy
where people are compelled to protect their privacies and information from criminals and third


References, (2014). Top 10 Internet-censored countries. [online] Available at:
censors/5222385/ [Accessed 26 Jul. 2014]., (2014). Google hit by 70,000 'right to be forgotten' requests. [online]
Available at:
forgotten-requests [Accessed 26 Jul. 2014].

Josh, J. and Sassaman, H. (2014). Remember When We Toppled SOPA/PIPA in Just 24
Hours? How the People Can Still Win on Net Neutrality. YES! Magazine. [online]
Available at:
free-the-net [Accessed 26 Jul. 2014].

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