Communal Harmony in India

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Short Paragraph on Importance of Communal

Harmony in India
India has set an important example of communal harmony to this world. India is
the only country of the world where people of all religion and beliefs have been
living peacefully for a long time. It is important to note that even during the reign
of British, there was no tension among the various religious people.
India, a multi-religious, multilingual and multi-racial country, has always enjoyed
the essential unity of culture amidst diversities that kept her people united. fter
independence, narrow religious, regional and communal feelings attracted the
country. !he apparently mindless communal tensions and bloody riots that take
place occasionally create a sense of mistrust among the two principal religious
communities involved in clashes. !he country pays a heavy price for such
disturbances through loss of life and property.
India is a vast country where people of di"erent religions and communities live
side by side. India was divided into two countries in #$%&, but our national
leaders were very particular about this and took great care to establish a secular
'nfortunately, this traditionally peace-loving country is sometimes plagued by
communal problems. It all happens as some fanatical (ealots indulge in torturing
the people of other religion. !he alarming rise of fundamentalism is a great
concern to the nation. lmost all the )tates of our country su"er owing to
religious intolerance. Inter-communal relationship su"ers a breach in this vitiated
atmosphere. *ur unity, integrity and solidarity is now at stake. It hampers the
growth of the nation at every step. If the nation wishes to make sound progress
in the socio-economic, political and scienti+c spheres, communal harmony has to
be ensured as a permanent feature of life. ,vil forces trying to destroy this should
be crushed at any cost. It is also our duty spread the message of importance of
communal harmony.

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