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Halpin 8/20/14-8/22/14

7 Syllabus review, getting to know you
activity, digital organization,
classroom procedures, rules, and
Intro to 7
grade: themes, vocab,
spelling, penmanship, note
taking lecture
Structure of American English,
literature genres, literary
movements and time periods ,
RILYMI lecture
8 Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Intro to 8
grade: themes of the
year discussion and mini research
session , RILYMI lecture
Homework: find one piece of
information about our themes
that is interesting. Can be a book
excerpt, an article, a video, or a
Themes of the year discussion and
research session continued: each
student shares their information
that they found and then they tell
the other students what they found
that was of value to them in that
piece. Discussion follows as they
build off of each other
11 Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Intro to 11
grade: themes,
researching efficiently and
effectively, RILYMI lecture and
Homework: find one piece of
information about our themes
that is interesting. Can be a book
excerpt, an article, a video, or a
Discussion of themes follows from
presentation of information
12 Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Intro to 12
: themes of the year
discussion and mini research
session, RILYMI lecture and
expectations. Homework: find
one piece of information about
our themes that is interesting.
Can be a book excerpt, an
article, a video, or a slideshow
Discussion of themes follows from
presentation of information
DC Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Homework: read chapters 1 and 2 for
Friday and bring 5 questions or
provoking pieces of information per
chapter to discuss with the class
Student choice of participating in
grade or study hall for DC
work and readings
Discussion of chapters read.
Socratic method of discourse.
Questions on chapters 1 and 2 to
10 Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Intro to 10
: themes of the year
discussion and mini research
session, RILYMI lecture and
Homework: find one piece of
information about our themes
that is interesting. Can be a book
excerpt, an article, a video, or a
Discussion of themes follows from
presentation of information
9 Syllabus review, digital organization,
classroom procedures, getting to
know you activity
Intro to 9
: themes of the year
discussion and mini research
session, RILYMI lecture and
Homework: find one piece of
Discussion of information follows
from presentation of information
Halpin 8/20/14-8/22/14
information about our themes
that is interesting. Can be a book
excerpt, an article, a video, or a

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