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St Henrys

Marist College
The Art Department has established itself as a strong
opportunity for self-expression where lateral thinking
is encouraged and the resulting graphic and three
dimensional outcomes are challenging and of a high
aesthetic standard.
In the cultural arena, students are encouraged
to participate in the Schools Debating Society,
Choir, Chess Club, Wildlife Society and the Co-
Workers Outreach Group as well as other clubs
and societies.
Chess has seen remarkable growth and the teams
entered in competitions have achieved top
honours on a regular basis. Some of our leading
players have won at National level and the future
Grand Masters regularly sweep the board in inter-
school competition.
For those with an interest in Astronomy, the School
houses the Observatory of the Galileo Astronomical
Society with its 12 Newtonian telescope and are
welcome to join the Durban Astronomy Society in their
monthly meetings and star-gazing.
Oratory has been an area where College has excelled.
Students participate in courses run by Toastmasters
International. They engage in debates with opposing
teams from other city schools and have mastered the
art of discussion in Forum.
The St Henrys Music School was established several years ago and offers tuition for a number
of instruments. The students are entered for international music exams and regularly achieve
Musically, a tradition established many years ago continues with the College choirs where
both Preparatory and High school pupils are coached for performance in a number of
public functions during the year. Particularly, the choirs sing at the large masses which are
an integral part of the calendar at the College. On the basis of sound training and a love for
music, each year sees pupils being selected for the prestigious KwaZulu Natal Youth Choir.
The world of theatre has confrmed its vital place at St Henrys with the establishing
of the Speech and Drama Department. Both the High School and the Preparatory
School have ventured into full-scale classical and contemporary drama
productions, both straight plays and musicals.
The students are encouraged in their own thespian skills in the various variety
productions and the annual one act play festival, writing and directing what is
offered to the audiences. With the rich ethnic diversity at St Henrys, Zulu and
Eastern cultural evenings are part of the Colleges cultural pursuits.
Outreach is vital aspect of life at St Henrys .
Awareness of the needs of others is at the heart
of Marist education and many opportunities are
provided to contribute to efforts to alleviate the
plight of those in dire circumstances. Apart from
regular contributions to various charitable bodies,
the Outreach groups of students and staff adopt
institutions where relationships with those in the
institutions are carefully and lovingly nurtured. The
Marist practice of Presence explicit in our Ethos
has practical outworking as the members of the St
Henrys Family come alongside others, empathizing
and encouraging as they help with homework and
coaching sport.
The desire to serve others has found a strong
expression in the involvement of College Grade 11
students in the Durban Youth Council. For several
years, St Henrys pupils participated in Council
activities with Marists flling the top positions of
Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
With the very signifcant growth in sporting activity at St
Henrys, there is a vital need for competent provision of initial
care for injury on the sports feld. Intensive expert training is
given on a regular basis over three days and students are
able to progress to Level 3.
Ballroom dancing has a dedicated group of learners being
coached in the intricacies of the footwork of Ballroom and
Latin and Ballet is offered to the smaller members of the
Marist family.
Tel: 031 261 7369 (Administration)
Fax: 031 262 2125 (General Administration)
10 Mazisi Kunene (South Ridge) Road, Glenwood, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
PO Box 30480, Mayville, 4058
St Henrys
Marist College

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