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Zeeshan Parwaiz Shaikh

B-95, Mubarak Housing Society, Hyderabad, Pakistan

Mobile # +92 345 2!!!
"o be #art o$ a c%allenging &ork en'iron(ent t%at enables (e to e'ol'e as a
#ro$essional and to (ake $ull use o$ (y abilities and skills and to stretc% (ysel$ to
ne& li(its)
E! SI""S
*'er + years o$ ric% e,#erience in t%e -eld o$ #$minis%ra%ion& Em'lo(ee
)ela%ions * C+s%omer Ser,ices an$ Sales -anagemen%.
.ble to understand syste(s $ro( #eo#le and (arket #ros#ecti'e)
.bility to #rioriti/e and (eet 'arious custo(er de(ands 0 e,#ectations)
.bility to (eet and i(#ro'e on o#erational ser'ice deli'ery le'els)
1,cellent &ritten and 'erbal co((unication and #resentation skills)
Telenor Pakis%an 0P,%1 "%$. -a( 2343 5
Se'% 2343
OSS E6ec+%i,e 5 Em'lo(ee * #$minis%ra%ion 7acili%ies
2urrently &orking as an 1,ecuti'e in Hu(an 2a#ital 3i'ision) 4ey res#onsibilities
7lee% -anagemen% 5 Pool cars #ick6dro# ser'ices, 7egistration6tokens o$
'e%icles, 8uel issuance and 3ri'ers training6roster)
Cash -anagemen% 5 9tility bills #ay(ents, #etty cas% (anage(ent)
8o+sekee'ing -anagemen% 5 :anitorial ser'ices, Pre(ises (aintenance)
7ron% 9esk -anagemen% 5 Booking o$ (eeting6board6con$erence roo(s,
(anaging #ostal (ails ;inco(ing6outgoing<)
Tra,el -anagemen% 5 .cco((odation = %otels6guest %ouses, "ra'el = air
E,en% -anagemen% 5 Booking o$ %alls6con$erence roo(s $or o>cial (eetings
and e'ents, 8urnis%ing e'ents)
S+''lies -anagemen% 5 ?roceries and stationary, Business cards, Medicines
$or 8irst .id kits, Printers toners)
)e'or%ing -anagemen% 5 Mont%ly actuals6accruals, Budget analysis, and
@n'oice certi-cations)
#$minis%ra%ion 7acili%ies
Managing 'arious H7 transactional acti'ities including #re#aring #ayroll in#ut
and #ro'ide t%e sa(e to t%e Payroll section)
Su#er'ising e(#loyee and custo(er co(#laints and ensure eAecti'e issue
escalation and ad(inister e(#loyee #enalties)
3irect t%e ad(inistrati'e $unctions t%roug% a su##ort tea() @n #articular,
res#onsible $or 8leet 0 2as% Manage(ent and ot%er related $unctions)
Beekly re#orting and #resentation to senior (anage(ent on o#erational
acti'ities o$ t%e ser'ice center)
Telenor Pakis%an 0P,%1 "%$. Jan 233: 5
#'r 2343
E6ec+%i,e 5 Sales * C+s%omer Ser,ice )e'resen%a%i,e
Borked as an *>cer in t%e Sales 0 Ser'ice 2entre) 4ey res#onsibilities include5
@n'ol'ed in $or(ulating regionCs sales #olicies and #rocedures)
@n'ol'ed in #re#aring t%e @ncenti'e Progra(s $or sales tea( &%ic% interlocked
&it% t%e strategy to (eet sales target)
"o lead tea( as a backu# Su#er'isor 0 (onitor 2usto(er Ser'ice being oAered
to t%e custo(ers)
1nsuring sales 0 ser'ice targets o$ Sales 0 2usto(er 2entre are ac%ie'ed &%ile
(aintaining o#ti(u( le'el o$ ser'ices)
7es#onsible $or %andling all issues concerning MDP ;Mobile Det&ork Portability<,
Pre#aid 0 Post#aid and assist custo(ers in con-guring t%eir (obile sets &it%
Blackberry, 13?16?P7S and MMS e>ciently)
.ssisting Eunior associates and ensuring eAecti'e co(#letion o$ t%eir tasks)
.lso in'ol'ed in 'arious @" and o>ce net&orking issues and #ro'iding su##ort
on ad %oc basis)
Fiaising &it% and de'elo#ing good &orking relations%i# &it% t%e custo(ers)
S%are daily acti'ities and day end closing re#orts &it% t%e Manage(ent)
-+slim Commercial Bank J+ne 2333 5 J+l(
Borked as an @nternee $or Si, &eeks) 4ey res#onsibilities include5
@n'ol'ed in 7e(ittance o#erations and %andling 33 ;3e(and 3ra$t< and P* ;Pay
@n'ol'ed in @" o#erations and ot%er related net&orking tasks)
-as%er o< Commerce 0-.Com1& 9ni'ersity o$ Sind%, Pakistan)
Bachelor o< Com'+%er Science 0BCS 5 8ons1& @S7. 9ni'ersity, Hyderabad,
Bachelor o< Commerce 0B.Com1& 9ni'ersity o$ Sind%, Pakistan)
8igher Secon$ar( School Cer%i=ca%e& ?o't) 2ollege 4ali(ori, Hyderabad,
Cer%i=ca%e o< Prize> Secured !
Position in @S7. 2G!2 2o(#uter Science
S#ectacle ;Dational So$t&are 2o(#etition< organi/ed by @S7. 9ni'ersity)
2onduct training sessions $or ne&ly a##ointed Eunior associates on 1(#loyee
7elation, Sales 0 .d(inistration $unctions)
7eci#ient o$ @S7. 9ni'ersity .cade(ic Sc%olars%i#)
7e#resented @S7. 9ni'ersity at t%e @nternational So$t&are 2o(#etition %eld at
.ga 4%an 9ni'ersity)
1lected President o$ 9ni'ersityCs Student .ssociation at @S7. 9ni'ersity)
.ttend 'arious entre#reneurial &orks%o#s and organi/ed e'ents)

.ttend 'arious @" related training courses6&orks%o#s in addition to %ands on
kno&ledge and a##lication o$ t%e $ollo&ing5
2o((and on SIEBE" = "elenor Pakistan o#erating so$t&are)
2o((and on STS ;8inancial Syste(<
Det&ork @nstallations, 2on-gurations, Maintenance and "roubles%ooting)
E6cellen% MS 1,cel, MS Po&erPoint and MS Bord skills)
T)#I/I/? CO;)SES
Basic *rientation to co(#anyCs Sales 0 1(#loyee Ser'ice (yt%ology conducted
by "elenor Pakistan)
Presentation skills $or Managers organi/ed by "elenor Pakistan)
Presentation 0 2o((unication skills organi/ed by "elenor Pakistan)
3ri'e $or Fi$e = "raining $or 7oad sa$ety organi/ed by Motor&ay Police)
Partici#ation 2erti-cate = *SS Halue Beek)
2usto(erI 2usto(erI *rgani/ed by Da'itus, Pakistan)
"i(e Manage(ent skills organi/ed by "elenor Pakistan)
PE)SO/#" I/7O)-#TIO/
8at%erCs Da(e Par&ai/ .li S%aik%
3ate o$ Birt% 8ebruary 2+
, !93
Marital Status Married

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