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Curricular statement:
Develops different dimensions of knowledge process skills, interest, attitude,
appreciation, and creativity on integrated farming through lecture method,
demonstration, group discussion and evaluation by questioning, group
discussion, reporting and presenting.

Content analysis:
1. Terms:
Integrated farming, slurry
2. Facts:
More than one type of cultivation is done in integrated farming.
Agriculture and cattle rearing is a common integrated method.
Ducks and fish can be grown integrated.
Organic wastes can be utilized to make biogas.
The slurry formed after biogas can be used as a fertilizer.
Integrated farming is more profitable.
When compared with others integrated farming is less expensive.
Name of the teacher: Anuja B Das Name of the school: Govt.H S S Vallikeezhu
Name of the subject: Biology STD & Div.: VII A
Name of the unit: Reaping gold from the soil Strength: 50/52
Name of the topic: Integrated farming Date: 11/7/2014
Duration: 40-45 minutes
Stage: 14

3. Minor concepts:
Integrated farming helps to integrate more than one methods of
Integrated farming is less expensive and more profitable.
Cattle rearing and agriculture, ducks and fish culturing are some
commonly found integrated farming methods.
4. Major concepts:
Integrated farming is profitable in all respects.

Learning outcomes:
To enable the pupils,
To acquire factual knowledge about integrated farming through
a. Recalling the above mentioned terms and facts.
b. Recognizing different agricultural methods.
c. Comparing crop cultivation and animal rearing.
To acquire conceptual knowledge about integrated farming through
a. Interpreting the pictures of integrated farming.
b. Inferring the process of integrated farming.
c. Explaining the method of integrated farming.
To acquire metacognitive knowledge about integrated farming through
a. Producing posters on emphasising the importance of integrated farming.
b. Combining the merits of traditional farming and integrated farming.
c. Monitoring the profits and merits of integrated farming.
To develop the process skills like
a. Observing the environment to collect methods of integrated farming.
b. Communicating how can we do integrated farming.
c. Predicting the outcomes of integrated farming.
The child develops interest to do integrated farming.
The child appreciates the role of integrated farming which makes the
agriculture sector a profitable one.
The child develops a scientific attitude towards the agriculture.
The child develops creativity on doing vegetable garden and ornamental plants
garden together.

There are different types of farms are present.
Cattle rearing, paddy fields, duck cultivation, fish ponds are examples.

Pictures of integrated farming (ICT material)
Biology text book of VII
standard by SCERT.

Classroom interaction procedure Expected pupil response
(students and teacher were in a big farm)
Today we are going to study in a different
way about a different topic.
What are you seeing here ?

Dont you saw these types of farms earlier?
Dont you see any peculiarity here?

Ok, thats good; do you know the name of
this method?

It is called INTEGRATED FARMING today we
are going to study about it.

Teacher asking the students to observe
the farm carefully and collect data
regarding the multiple crops cultivating in
the farm and about the animal rearing.

Teacher giving instructions to students at

Miss why we are here ?

What is that Miss ?
Lots of variety crops and animal rearing
and fish rearing.
Yes, multiple crops cultivation and
animal rearing can be seen together and
both are interdependent.

No Miss

Students made their own simple groups
and observing the farm carefully to
collect data about the farm.

Cattles, rabbits, goats, hens, pigs, ducks,
fishes, birds, are there in the farm. Also
paddy, vegetables like tomato, ladys
finger, green gram, brinjal, chilly,
cabbage, carrot, cucumber, bitter nut,
and tapioca, plantain, different types of

Teacher asking the students to collect data
regarding how the different types of
agriculture in the farm interdependent each

trees were there in the farm.

Cattle rearing and paddy cultivation are
interdependent each other, the cow
dung is a fertilizer for paddy cultivation
and the straw obtained from paddy
cultivation is used as cattle feed.

The duck coop is placed above the fish
pond because the food that is left over
by the duck will be available to the
fishes, also the droppings of duck will
promote the growth of the aquatic
plants, and the aquatic plants in turn
are food for fishes. At the same time
small insects, algae become the food for

The organic wastes from the farm and
from the farmers home are kept in a
tank and biogas formed from these
organic wastes is used for cooking
purpose. The remaining slurry is used as
a good fertilizer for vegetables, other
plants and trees.

The space of the farm is maximum
utilized by the farmer in right way,
moreover in an environment friendly

Teacher asking the students to share the
information with others.

Teacher asking the students to share their
views on this direct experience of learning.
manner. Almost every production is
dependent with others this helps in
reducing the investment and increasing
the profit.
Totally every aspect of the farm is really
attractive and it gives a relaxation to
our minds.

Students sharing the information with
other students.

They are sharing their experience that
these type of direct learning increases
their interest to learn, helps to keep the
learned material in their permanent


1. What is integrated farming?
2. What are the benefits or advantages of integrated farming?
3. The duck coop is found over the fish pond, why?
4. How the organic wastes are utilized in the farm?
5. What are the most attractive things that you observed the

Teacher asking the students to list down which are the main
cultivation and animals that they rear if each of them has an
integrated farm.


Teacher asking the students to draw the picture of an
integrated farm that they wish to they have.

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