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Assignment #

CDA 439- DAAE TTH 10:30-12:00pm

Po, Patricia Anne P. August 19, 2014
Prof. Ventura

1. Discuss the elements of an effective print advertising.

A. Headline- The ad title offers a short, snappy preview of what the reader will
find in the copy. Your headline explains to the reader the key benefit or offer
you are providing. In general, headlines are the largest part of the
advertisement. A good headline keeps a potential customer reading; a weak
headline and the customer turn the page.
B. Copy- The copy or text must communicate in clear, concise and focused
language. Start with a headline that grabs the reader's attention, sparks
interest in your product and conveys your message succinctly. Potential
customers have only seconds to read your billboard. Even in brochures or
catalogs, keep body copy brief and on point. Include the company signature --
- your identifying slogan and/or logo. Use fonts (typefaces) that complement
your message and are easy to read.
C. Illustration- A print ad includes one or two striking pictures that illustrate your
offer. If you are offering a free product, your ad should include an attractive
photo of the product. If you are highlighting a hot new product or sale, your
image should be of that hot new product. If possible, run your images in color
to draw in readers.

D. Logo - Photography, illustration and logo symbols like Nike's swoosh raise
interest in any ad. Integrate these graphic elements with your headline and
copy for maximum effect. A study by Texas State University showed that
more attention goes to pictures than words and human models get the most
attention in magazine ads. This indicates the value of using models that
match or appeal to your target audience to forge an immediate connection
between your product/service and your potential customer. Inconsistency
between your headline and your illustration will confuse the viewer and
reduce the ad's impact.

E. Slogan- that tells potential customers the benefits they can expect when
choosing your product or service, or establishes your company brand. Most
slogans are catchy, declarative phrases that use devices such as metaphors,
alliteration or rhymes with simple, vibrant language.

2. Art of creating print Ads

A. Thumbnail - Thumbnail is a term used by graphic designers and
photographers for a small image representation of a larger image, usually
intended to make it easier and faster to look at or manage a group of larger

B. Rough layout- The main purpose of a rough layout is for internal and external
review. A designer might produce a sketch to show an animation artist, while
a copywriter might draw in the approximate amount of space to give the
graphic artist an idea of information design. Rough layouts are also used for
client review. By presenting the basic idea of the advertisement, you can get
initial feedback and identify places that need changes or refinement.

C. Dummy- Full size 'model' or replica of a good, machine, publication, etc., built
to the exact dimensions of the intended item. A dummy serves as a physical
example of the size, shape, layout, outlook, and other elements of the actual
thing to be produced.

D. Comprehensive -This is the final layout stage, showing the ad exactly as it will
be printed. Comprehensive layouts show accurate placements of the
headline, art and copy. Full copy is included at this point. "Comps," as they
are often called, are reviewed by all involved at the ad agency and then taken
to the client for approval. Final changes must be requested at this point and, if
changes are made, revised comps make the rounds again for final client

E. Mechanical- Camera-ready, final layout of all elements of a work to be
reproduced through a commercial printing process. It is a paste-up of the
typeset text and images on a sheet of paperboard, usually with a clear sheet
(called overlay) used as the top cover on which directions for the print shop
(printery) may be written. It is used where a computer generated artwork is
not available. Also called mechanical art or paste-up.


3. How does the color affect the overall effectiveness of print advertising?

Color can be used to represent emotions in your advertising that would otherwise be
missing. The right color scheme can help to improve the chances that your ad will catch
the consumer's attention. Highlighting text or images in a particular color can emphasize
a message and draw the reader's attention to key points. Using colors to help structure
an ad will draw more attention to it and give it a unique look.
4. 10 print advertisements

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