Amenirdis I

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Amenirdis I

Amenirdis was a daughter of King Kashta and Queen Pebatjma. She would have been the sister of Shabaka and
likely the sister of Piye, Queen Khensa, Queen Peksater and princess eferukakashta. !"odson#$ilton, Pg %&'(
Hieroglyphics spelling out the names of Amenirdis Khaneferumut.
(Created by Jean Rijlant. (
$er titles include those of King)s daughter !sat#nsw(, *od)s Adoratri+ !dwat#netjer(, *od)s $and !djeret#netjer(,
*od)s ,ife of Amun !hemet netjer#en#amun(.
Amenirdis was installed in -hebes as the heiress to Shepenwepet . by either Kashta !her father( or Piye. As
heiress she would have been given the title of Adorer of the *od !dwat#netjer(. .t is not known when
Shepenwepet . died and Amenirdis became *od)s ,ife, but it may have been during the reign of Shaba/a.

Small situla bearing the names
of Amenirdis and her father
Kashta. (British Museum)
Grey gneiss bowl with the name of Amenirdis . !ritish
"useum #A $%&'
Amenirdis later adopted her niece Shepenwepet .., daughter of Piye as her successor. Amenirdis died during the
reign of -ahar/a. She was succeeded by Shepenwepet .. !1orkot(

Amenirdis before Amun( )n the right* line drawing of Amenirdis.
(+hoto by Alain Guilleu, - for more detail and more pictures see* temple of Amenirdis.
Monuments, Statues, etc
Temple of Osiris Heqadjet (Karnak)
Amenirdis "utneferu is gi/en life by Amun and "ut
mage from 0i1imedia Commons
Shebit/o !Shabata/a( and Amenirdis add a small court and a pylon to this temple. Amenirdis as shown with
Shebit/o making offerings to Amun.
Wadi Hamamat: .nscriptions dated to year 2% of Shaba/o can be found and some also mention Amenirdis.

(5A67788 !ritish
Amenirdis at the Aswan
Statue of Amenirdis from Karnak, now in
the 9airo 1useum !91 9*:7:(
-he 0ritish 1useum statue is made of granite and Amenirdis is depicted with the vulture headdress, a modius
and the double plumes combined with the horned sundisk.

At the Aswan 1useum a statue of Amenirdis . shows the *od;s ,ife with a modius, double plumes and horned
sundisk as well. -he face of the statue is sadly damaged. -his image is courtesy of Alain *uilleu+. 1ore
detailed and full length images appear on his website !link(
-he statue of Amenirdis from Karnak, now in the 9airo 1useum !91 9*:7:( depicts Amenirdis wearing a
tripartite wig, with a vulture headdress and two uraei flanking a vulture on her brow. -he double uraei
!sometimes crowned( reappear in the iconography of royal women during the %:th dynasty. ! <illes=, pp 26%#
She wears a fairly simple sheet dress and carries a fly whisk in her left hand. 3"odson#$ilton, pg %&:4 See
also> Alain *uilleu+ # page for wonderful full length image.
Shabti of Amenirdis. -he te+t is part of 9hapter 7 of the 0ook of the "ead
!<iverpool 1useum 72.%?%.277(
2unerary Chapel in "edinet Habu
Amenirdis was buried in the funerary 9hapel in 1edinet $abu
@rom this time period we have>
Harwa3 Chief 4teward of Amenirdis (!" #A 56777.
8he name of Amenirdis appears between the two goddesses.
TT37 - Harwa, 9hief Steward of the *od;s ,ife Amenirdis .. Saite Period. !%:
dyn( Parents> Pedemut !Scribe(
and 5staweret.
TT 404 Akhamenrau !5h(.t.-Jmn-r.w(, 9hief steward of the "ivine Adoratri+, "ynasty %: -emp. Amenardis .
and Shepenwepet ...
Son of Pekiry !Prophet of Amun( and 1ereskhons. Akhamenrau succeeded $arwa !--&A( in the function of
*reat Stewart of the "ivine Adoratrice of Amun#Ba.
+eshuper3 4cribe. 8he name of Amenirdis is inscribed on his right shoulder.
!ritish "useum #A '7'$ (image used with general !" permission.
Peshuper, Scribe of the "ivine Adoratrice Amenirdis
0etsy 0ryan, +roperty and the God9s 0i/es of Amun, Cohns $opkins Dniversity
"odson and $ilton> 8he Complete Royal 2amilies of Ancient #gypt, <ondon %??6
5bba Kerrn <illes=, 8wo 0ooden :r;i, -he Cournal of 5gyptian Archaeology, Eol. 72 !28A:(, pp. 2&A#
Porter and 1oss, 8opographical !ibliograpy of Ancient #gyptian Hieroglyphic 8e,ts3 Reliefs and
+aintings* 8he 8heban <ecropolis3 +art )ne* +ri/ate 8ombs. Second 5dition. *riffith .nstitute. F+ford.

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