Ulangan Harian 1 Kelas Xii Ipa 2012-2013 Without Answer

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Sat. Pendidikan : SMA
Kelas / Program : XII / IPA
1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacala soal dengan !eli!i sebelum Anda bekerja
". Kerjakanla soal anda pada lembar jawaban
#. $unakan wak!u dengan e%ek!i% dan e&sien
'. Periksala pekerjaan anda sebelum diserakan kepada Pengawas

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat !
1. !ni : It"# rain.
$ather : . . . . .
!ni : %e#& 'ertainly will.
a. %!("d better wear y!(r '!at
b. %!("d better get wet .
'. )et"# g! *!r walk.
d. +hy d!n"t y!( g! n!w ,
e. H!w ab!(t a '!ld drink ,
-. Randy : +hat were y!( d!ing la#t night , I had 'alled y!( .any ti.e#.
!n! : I". #!rry& I . . . . /ery tight la#t night.
a. Sleep
b. +a# #lept
'. +a# #leeping
d. Sleeping
e. Ha# been #leeping
0. 1ina : I d!n"t #ee y!(r br!ther. +here i# he ,
)ina : He i# at H!ngk!ng.
1ina : Really, H!w l!ng ha# he been there ,
)ina : . . . . .
a. %e#terday .
b. Sin'e tw! .!nth ag!.
'. )a#t year .
d. Ne2t year.
e. By the end !* thi# year.
3. Sil/y : 4..y& are y!( alright ,
4..y : N!& I". n!t. I"/e g!t a heada'he.
Sil/y : . . . . . .
4..y : %!( are right. )et"# g!.
a. H!w p!!r y!( are.
b. )et"# g! t! the dr(g #t!re.
'. %!( #h!(ld take a .edi'ine. )et"# g! t! the #i'kbay.
d. It"# !k
e. )et .e take y!( t! a h!#pital.
e2t 1 $!r N!. 567
w! *riend# were tra/elling !n the #a.e r!ad t!gether when they 'a.e *a'e t! *a'e with a
bear. 8ne& in great *ear& and with!(t a th!(ght !* hi# '!.pani!n& 'li.bed int! a tree and hid. he
!ther& #eeing that #ingle6handed he wa# n! .at'h *!r the bear& threw hi.#el* !n the gr!(nd and
*eigned death& *!r he had heard that a bear will n!t t!('h a dead b!dy.
he bear appr!a'hed hi.& #ni**ing at hi# n!#e and ear#& b(t the .an& with great '!(rage&
held hi# breath and kept #till& and at leaning the bear& #(pp!#ing hi. t! be dead& walked #l!wly
+hen the bear wa# well !(t !* #ight the *ir#t tra/eller 'a.e d!wn *r!. hi# tree and a#ked
what it wa# that the bear had #aid t! hi.. 9$!r:& #aid he& 9I !b#er/ed that he p(t hi# .!(th /ery
'l!#e t! y!(r ear. He replied the !ther 9 it wa# n!t great #e'ret: 9+hy.: He !nly ad/i#ed .e n!t
t! keep '!.pany with th!#e wh! when they get int! di**i'(lty& lea/e their *riend# in the l(r'h.:
5. he te2t .ainly tell# ab!(t;..
a. the tra/eler# and the bear
b. the bear prayed !n the .an
'. h!w the tra/eler# a/!ided the bear
d. tw! *riend# betrayed ea'h !ther
e. the bear"# ad/i'e
<. he .ain idea !* paragraph 1i#;.
a. tw! *riend# 'a.e *a'e t! *a'e with a bear
b. 'li.bing a tree wa# a way t! a/!id the bear
'. the .an le*t hi# '!.pani!n
d. the way h!w t! a/!id the bear
e. the a'ti!n !* the bear t! the tw! tra/eler#
=. +hat type !* writing d!e# thi# pa##age bel!ng t!,
a. 42planati!n
b. Narrati!n
'. Arg(.entati!n
d. 1e#'ripti!n
e. 1i#'(##i!n
>. All !* the#e #tate.ent# are R?4 e2'ept ;.
a. the tw! .en were *riend#
b. the *ir#t .en wa# n!t l!yal t! hi# *riend
'. the #e'!nd .an wa# an en'!(rage .an
d. a real *riend will ne/er lea/e hi# *riend# e/en in di**i'(lt ti.e
e. the bear ad/i#ed the #e'!nd .an t! g! anywhere with hi# *riend
7. He !nly ad/i#ed .e ;;.& lea/e their *riend# in the l(r'h @paragraph 0 line 5A
he (nderlined w!rd .ean#;;..
a. in '!n*(#e
b. at ea#e
'. in tr!(ble
d. in trapped
e. in (n'!n#'i!(#
e2t - $!r N!. 1B613
H4 )I8N AN1 H4 M8?S4
Mr. )i!n wa# lying a#leep when he wa# #(ddenly awaked by a .!(#e r(nning !/er hi# *a'e.
he little .!(#e wa# being 'ha#ed by a wild 'at. 9H!w dare y!(!: he r!ared& and rai#ed hi# paw
t! kill the .!(#e. 9Plea#e& Sir&: begged Mi## M!(#e& 9let .e g!& and !ne day I .ay d!
#!.ething *!r y!( in ret(rn. 9%!( help .e! Ha...ha... &: la(ghed Mr. )i!n& b(t he let her g!.
8ne day& Mr. )i!n wa# 'a(ght in a net #pread by h(nter#. 9I 'an"t get !(t!: he r!ared angrily.
9B(t I 'an help y!(&: #aid a tiny /!i'e. hen Mi## M!(#e nibbled and gnawed her r!pe# (ntil the
li!n wa# *ree. 9here:& #he #aid pr!(dly& 9i* y!( had n!t let .e g!& I w!(ld n!t ha/e *!(nd a way
t! help y!(.: 9%e#& y!( #h!(ld thank her& Mr. )i!n. She ha# #a/ed y!(r li*e:" #aid a .!nkey wh!
wa# #itting !n a bran'h !* a tree.
1B. +h! wa# 'a(ght in a net,
a. a 'at
b. a li!n
'. a .!(#e
d. a h(nter
e. a .!nkey
11. A''!rding t! the te2t& whi'h !* the *!ll!wing i# R?4,
a. Mr. )i!n wa# n!t lying a#leep
b. he M!(#e 'ann!t help Mr. )i!n
'. Mi## M!(#e wa# awaked by Mr. )i!n
d. Mi## M!(#e wa# 'a(ght in a net #pread by h(nter#
e. Mr. )i!n wa# awaked be'a(#e a .!(#e r(nning !/er hi# *a'e
1-. +hy did the .!(#e r(n !/er the )i!n"# *a'e,
a. #he wa# 'ha#ed by a wild 'at
b. #he wa# n!t a*raid !* the li!n
'. #he wanted t! wake (p the li!n
d. #he h!ped the li!n w!(ld help her
e. #he e2pe'ted the li!n w!(ld kill the 'at
10. he .ain idea !* paragraph tw! i# ....
a. a .!nkey helped Mr )i!n
b. Mr )i!n 'a(ght Mi## M!(#e
'. Mi## M!(#e helped relea#e Mr. )i!n
d. Mr. )i!n wa# trapped by the h(nter#
e. he h(nter# were 'a(ght in a net
*. 1ina :I "ll '!.e t! y!( at eight t!night.
13. Ina : It i# n!t ne'e##ary& I CCCCC at that ti.e.
a. a. g!ing t! g! !(t
b. will g! !(t
'. a. g!ing !(t
d. will be g!ing t! g! !(t
e. ha/e been g!ing !(t
15. he !rganiDati!n wa# *!r.ed in 177= a*ter #e/eral y!(ng pr!**e#i!nal# and #t(dent#
!rganiDed a ja.b!ree *!r #treet 'hildren. he (nderlined w!rd 'an be repla'ed by;;..
a. wa# *!(nd d. dire'ted
b. wa# #et (p e. were #et (p
'. in/ented
e2t. 0 $!r N!. 1<6--
8n'e (p!n a ti.e there were tw! #i#ter#. 8ne !* the. wa# ri'h b(t had n! 'hildren& while
the !ther wa# a p!!r wid!w wh! had *i/e 'hildren.
8ne day& the p!!r wid!w n! l!nger had en!(gh *!!d t! #a*i#ty her #el* and her 'hildren.In
her need& there*!re& #he went t! her #aid&:My 'hildren and I are #(**ering the greate#t h(nger.
%!( are .y bel!/ed #i#ter and y!( are ri'h.Plea#e& gi/e .e a .!(th*(ll !* bread.:
he /ery ri'h #i#ter wa# t!! #tingy t! gi/e #!.e *!!d t! her #i#ter and #aid& 9 I .y#el* ha/e
n!thing in the h!(#e:& and #he dr!/e away her #i#ter with har#h w!rd#.
A*ter #!.eti.e& the h(#band !* the ri'h #i#ter 'a.e h!.e and wa# j(#t g!ing t! '(t hi.#el*
a pie'e !* bread. +hen he .ade the *ir#t '(t int! the l!a*& red bl!!d *l!!wed !(t.
+hen the .aid #aw that& #he wa# /ery terri*ed and t!ld hi. what hi# wi*e had d!ne t! the
p!!r wind!w. A*ter hearing the .aid"# #t!ry& the h(#band h(rried away t! help the p!!r wid!w
and her 'hildren. B(t& when he entered the wid!w"# r!!.& he h!(nd her praying. She had her tw!
y!(nge#t 'hildren in her ar.# and the three elde#t were lying dead. He !**ered her *!!d& b(t #he
re*(#ed it and an#wer&:+e n! l!nger ha/e a de#ire *!r earthly *!!d. G!d ha# already #ati#*ied the
h(nger !* the three !* (#& and He will li#ten t! !(r #(ppli'ati!n# likewi#e..:
A*ter #he (ttered the#e w!rd#& the tw! little !ne# drew their la#t breath. $i/e #e'!nd# later&
the p!!r wid!w #ank d!wn and died.
1<. +hat i# the #t!ry ab!(t,
A. 1ead 'hildren
B. A ri'h h(#band
E. he h(ngry G!d
1. w! p!!r wid!w#.
4. he p!!r wid!w and her ri'h #i#ter
1=. H!w .any 'hildren did the p!!r #i#ter ha/e,
A. 1
B. -
E. 0
1. 3
4. 5
1>. he ri'h #i#ter didn"t gi/e the *!!d t! he p!!r wid!w& be'a(#e.....
A. She had .any 'hildren
B. She had n! *!!d
E. She wa# (nwilingly t! gi/e the *!!d
1. Her h(#band didn"t like her t! did it
4. he p!!r i# /ery h(ngry
17. +hat i# the .ain idea !* the #e'!nd paragraph,
A. he p!!r wid!w n! l!nger had en!(gh *!!d t! #ati#*y her#el* n 'hildren.
B. he ri'h #i#ter wa# t!! #tingy t! gi/e #!.e *!!d t! the p!!r wid!w.
E. he p!!r wid!w had *i/e 'hildren.
1. he h(#band !* ri'h #i#ter '(t a pie'e !* bread.
4. he p!!r #i#ter killed her 'hildren.
-B. +hat i# the p(rp!#e !* te2t 1,
A. ! a.(#e !r t! entertain the reader#
B. ! e2plain #eF(en'e !* e/ent#
E. ! de#'ribe the p!!r wid!w
1. ! e2pre## #!rr!w
4. ! tell pa#t e/ent#
-1. A*ter #he (tered the#e w!rd# @the la#t paragraphA.
he (nderline w!rd .ean# . . .
A. !ld
B. Said
E. 42plain
1. Hear#
4. Eried
--. :My 'hildren and I are #(**ering the greate#t h(nger. %!( are .y bel!/ed #i#ter and y!( are
ri'h.Plea#e& gi/e me a .!(th*(ll !* bread.:
+hat d!e# the (nderlined w!rd re*er t! ;..
A. he .aid
B. he ri'h #i#ter
E. he p!!r 'hildren
1. he h(#band !* the ri'h #i#ter
4. he 'hildren !* the p!!r wid!w
-0. Ba'ky : what# wr!ng with y!(& 1i'k ,
1i'ky : I #prained .y ankle when I . . . . *!!tball.
a. Play
b. +a# playing
'. I# playing
d. +a# played
e. Playing.
-3. I'ha : G!!d .!rning&. . . . ,
Hir.an : I want t! b(y a #'h!!l bag. I# it a/ailable here ,
I'ha : %e#& here they are. %!( 'an 'h!!#e !ne y!( like be#t.
a. Here are y!(
b. Ean I help y!(
'. +hat i# it *!r
d. H!w d! y!( *eel
e. Ean y!( d! .e a *a/!r
-5. Ary : )et"# h(rry t! the #F(are t! hear pe!ple .aking #pee'he#.
R(dy : It"# t!! late. By the ti.e y!( get there they . . . . their #pee'he#.
a. +ill *ini#h
b. $ini#h
'. Ha/e *ini#hed
d. Are *ini#hing
e. +ill ha/e *ini#hed
-<. !ny : I* the dri/er in *r!nt hadn"t #t!pped #! #(ddenly& I w!(ld ha/e been able t! a/!id the
Albert : +ell& it"# !/er. )et .e take y!( t! the h!#pital. %!( are #eri!(#ly h(rt.
$r!. the (nderline e2pre##i!n we kn!w that !ny . . . .
a. E!(ld n!t a/!id the a''ident
b. +a# able t! #t!p hi# 'ar !n ti.e
'. E!(ld p(#h hi# brake pedal !n ti.e
d. +a# hit by the 'ar in *r!nt !* hi.
e. 1id n!t hit the 'ar in *r!nt !* hi.
-=. Bank n!r.ally h!ld '(#t!.er# .!ney in tw! di#tin't *!r.# : '(rrent a''!(nt and dep!#it
he (nderline w!rd i# #i.ilar t! . . . .
a. 1i**erent
b. I.p!rtant
'. Si.ilar
d. Separated
e. 4F(al
->. All in#e'ti'ide# #h!(ld be '!n#idered p!i#!n!(# and #h!(ld be #t!red well& *ar *r!. 'hildren.
he (nderlined w!rd .ean# . . . .
a. )!'ated
b. Eanned
'. ?#ed
d. Gept
e. P(t
-7. hailand& whi'h wa# already w!n three g!ld .edal# at the Athen# 8ly.pi'#& will bid t! h!#t
the ga.e# in -B1<& .edia rep!rt# . . . . !n S(nday.
a. Said
b. Elai.ed
'. P(rp!#ed
d. 1e.anded
e. H(#ti*ied
0B. E(ri!#ity i# a 'hara'teri#ti' #h!wn by .any !ther ani.al#& b(t !rganiDing and . . . .
kn!wledge i# a kill de.!n#trated by h(.an al!ne.
a. 1i#'!/ering
b. 1!ing
'. Making
d. Re'!rding
e. +riting

e2t 3. $!r N!. 01600
The Miser and His purse
here wa# !n'e li/ed a .i#er in 1(rgap(r. 8ne day he want #h!pping. He had a th!(#and
r(pee# in hi# p(r#e. A# he wa# #tepping int! a #h!p& he *elt *!r the p(r#e in hi# p!'ket. He '!(ld
n!t *ind it. 9 it .(#t ha/e dr!pped when I t!!k !(t .y handker'hie*&: he th!(ght. He h(rried
ba'k al!ng the #treet& l!!king *!r the p(r#e. He '!(ld n!t *ind it. He wa# in great di#tre##.
he .i#er r(#hed t! the t!wn 'rier and #!(ght hi# help. 9 y!( .(#t !**er a reward t! the
per#!n wh! *ind# the p(r#e&: #aid the t!wn 'rier&: !r el#e y!( w!n"t get y!(r p(r#e ba'k.: he
.i#er !**ered a reward !* *i*ty r(pee#. he 'rier .ade the ann!(n'e.ent.
he ne2t day& a *ar.er 'a.e t! the .i#er.: I *!(nd thi# p(r#e near the la.p6p!#t !/er
there&: #aid the *ar.er.: 1!e# it bel!ng t! y!(,:
9ye#&: #aid the .i#er& and he '!(nted the .!ney in the p(r#e. 9thank y!( /ery .('h *!r
ret(rning .y p(r#e&: he added. B(t he did n!t gi/e the *ar.er hi# reward.
9 .ay I ha/e .y reward,: a#ked the *ar.er.
9 there wa# a #(. !* !ne th!(#and and *i*ty r(pee# in .y p(r#e.: Replied the .i#er.:
N!w I *ind !nly !ne th!(#and r(pee#. %!( ha/e already taken y!(r reward.:
9B(t I ha/en"t taken any .!ney *r!. the p(r#e&: #aid the *ar.er.
9%!( are lying&: #h!(ted the .i#er.
he *ar.er went t! the '!(rt !* law. he j(dge heard the 'a#e and #ent *!r the .i#er. He
t!!k the p(r#e and e2a.ined it.
9%!( #ay there wa# a #(. !* !ne th!(#and and *i*ty r(pee# in y!(r p(r#e.: Said the j(dge&
9thi# p(r#e '!ntain# !nly !ne th!(#and r(pee#. S! the p(r#e 'an"t be y!(r#& 9he ga/e the p(r#e t!
the *ar.er.:
01. +hi'h !ne !* the *!ll!wing #enten'e i# n!t tr(e;;;.
A. he .i#er ga/e the *ar.er a reward !* a *i*ty r(pee#
B. he .i#er a''(#ed the *ar.er had taken the .!ney *r!. hi# p(r#e
E. he .i#er l!#t hi# p(r#e when he t!!k !(t hi# handker'hie*
1. he j(dge ga/e the *ar.er the .i#er"# p(r#e
4. he .i#er tried t! *ind the p(r#e by walking al!ng the #treet ba'k
0-. 9;;..he had a th!(#and r(pee# in hi# purse.:
+hat the (nderlined w!rd .ean# ,
A. P!'ket
B. +allet
E. B!2 .!ney
1. 1rawer
4. Ba#ket
00. H!w did the .i#er *ind hi# p(r#e,
A. He wa# helped by #!.e!ne t! .ake an ann!(n'e.ent
B. He a#ked e/ery!ne wh! are pa## the #treet
E. He !**ered a reward t! e/ery!ne wh! are *ind hi# p(r#e
1. He a#ked help t! e/ery!ne t! l!!k *!r hi# p(r#e
4. He .ade an ad/erti#e.ent !n the new#paper and .agaDine
03. +hat i# the .an d!ing,
A. He i# l!!king at the pi't(re !* the tw! w!.en
B. He i# #itting in the garden h!lding a 'a.era
E. He i# p!inting at the tw! w!.en
1. He i# taking a ph!t!graph !* the w!.an
4. He i# talking t! the w!.en
05. Arrange the#e #enten'e# t! .ake a g!!d paragraph.
1. %!( kn!w that y!( #h!(ld ret(rn the b!!k i..ediately.
-. %!(r de'i#i!n will re*le't y!(r per#!nality.
0. At #'h!!l& y!( need t! talk t! y!(r tea'her ab!(t y!(r late#t bad #'!re.
3. %!(r tea'her #ee.# /ery eager t! kn!w h!w y!( are g!ing t! re#p!ne.
5. +hile y!( are talking with y!(r tea'her& y!(r *riend appear# and want# y!( t! gi/e ba'k
her b!!k.
a. 56163606-
b. 16-636065
'. -65606163
d. 36560616-
e. 065616365
0<. +id! : +!(ld y!( like .e t! 'arry the#e b!!k#& #ir,
Mr. S(.adi : S(re. hank y!( /ery .('h.
he (nderlined e2pre##i!n #h!w# ...
A. !**ering t! d! #!.ething
B. a#king t! d! #!.ething
E. ap!l!giDing *!r #!.e!neI# .i#take
1. di#agreeing with #!.e!neI# !pini!n
4. greeting #!.e!ne
0=. 1a/id : Ha/e y!( *ini#hed d!ing the 4ngli#h a##ign.ent,
1!na : N!t yet. B(t I ... it by 5 !I'l!'k&
A. will *ini#h
B. will be *ini#hing
E. will ha/e *ini#hed
1. will be *ini#hed
4. will ha/e been *ini#hing
0>. +ati : )!t# !* w!.en are in'apable !* w!rking in Malay#ia thi# year.
+arni : +hy,
+ati : Be'a(#e they are (n#killed w!rker#.
$r!. the (nderlined e2pre##i!n we 'an '!n'l(de that l!t# !* w!.en ... in Malay#ia.
A. are n!t w!rking
B. will n!t w!rk
E. 'ann!t w!rk
1. .(#t n!t w!rk
4. are n!t g!ing t! w!rk
07. Albert : %!( t!ld .e that y!( had an a''ident. +here i# y!(r .!t!r'y'le n!w,
Bertha : hatI# right. It ... t! the garage t! be repaired&
A. ha# br!(ght
B. i# bringing
E. w!(ld be br!(ght
1. i# being br!(ght
4. will be bringing
3B. #(na.i# wa#h a#h!re !*ten with di#a#tr!(# e**e't #('h a# #e/ere *l!!ding& l!## !* li/e# d(e
t! dr!wning and da.age t! pr!perty. he #yn!ny. !* the (nderlined w!rd i# ...
A. de#tr('ti/e
B. #(#pi'i!(#
E. #(**i'ient
1. har.le##
4. (lti.ate

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