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IGeekS Technologies ., training@igeekstechnologies.

com, +91-9739066172

Software Training Division
Academic Live Projects For BE,ME,MCA,BCA and PHD Students

IGeekS Technologies (Make Final Year Project)
No: 19, MN Complex, 2nd Cross,
Sampige Main Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore- 560003.
phone No:080-32487434/9739066172
Land mark : Near to Mantri Mall, Malleswaram Bangalore

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

Duration: 120hours

JAVA - J2EE for
Java Developers
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to give a complete understanding of the platform-independent, object
oriented programming language and concentrating to get immediate job in top MNC Software
Companies. At the end of the course participants will have a clear idea of Java J2EE includes Core
Java, NetBeans Eclipse, MyEclipse, Java Design Patterns, SQL, PL/SQL with Oracle, MySQL JDBC, Java
Script, Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF, Hibernate Core, Hibernate Annotations, Spring 3, RMI, J2EE Design
Patterns AJAX, ANT, Log4J, Junit, CVS, Maven, XML and you be will capable enough to get a good job
in software company.

Course Description
The course starts with a one week brushing up session of object oriented programming including all
the characteristics and implementation of OO Concepts. We then see how to write simple GUI
programs. The course also deals with features like Multithreading, Networking, Swings, Generic
Programming and Collections, Annotations and so many .. More Details are Available with Course

Anyone interested to know about the most popular Programming language Java.

The participants should be completely aware of computers and programming. (Object
oriented concepts preferred)

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

OOPs Concepts and Java Basics:
Core Java (J2SE):
Language Fundamentals:
o The main method starting point of execution
o A Simple Java Program
o Comments
o Datatypes and Variables
o Assignments and Initializations
o Operators
o Strings
o Control Flow
o Arrays
o Static Methods

Object Orientation:
o Object
o Class
o Class Specification
o Characteristics of an Object
o Basic Principles of Object Orientation
1. Abstraction
2. Encapsulation
3. Modularity
4. Hierarchy
5. Polymorphism and overloading/overriding
o Constructors
o Relationships between Classes
o Static attributes and Static Methods
o Packaging in Java

OO Programming in Java:
o You manipulate objects with references
o Where storage lives
o Special case: primitive types
o Arrays in Java
o Scoping and Garbage Collection
o Static initializes and Instance initializes
o Super
o Up casting and down casting (instance of)
o Abstract Classes
o Preventing Inheritance and the final keyword
o Protecting Access

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Object class and the singly rooted Hierarchy
o The Class called Class (Run-Time Type Identification)

Inner Classes:
o Top level Nested classes and interfaces
o Non-static Inner classes
o Local classes
o Anonymous classes

Error Handling with Exceptions:
o Basic exceptions
o Exception arguments
o Catching an exception
o The try block
o Exception handlers
o Creating your own exceptions
o Catching any exception
o Rethrowing an exception
o Standard Java exceptions
o The special case of Runtime Exception
o Performing cleanup with finally
o Exception guidelines

o Advanced Array Operations
o The Array Class
o Copying Arrays
o Comparing Arrays
o Sorting arrays and the Equals Implementation
o Containers
o Printing Containers
o Filling Containers
o Disadvantages of Object Containers
o Array List
o Parameterized types
o Iterators
o Collection Functionality
o List Functionality
o Stack and Queue Implementations
o Set Functionality
o Sorted Set
o Map functionality
o SortedMap
o Hashing and hash codes

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Understanding hash Code( )
o HashMap performance factors
o Overriding hashCode( )
o Holding references and WeakHashMap
o Choosing an implementation
o Choosing between Lists
o Choosing between Sets
o Choosing between Maps
o Sorting and searching Lists
o Utilities and Algorithms in the library
o Making a Collection or Map unmodifiable
o Synchronizing a Collection or Map
o Fail fast
o Vector & Enumeration
o Hash table

o Detecting Types
o The need for RTTI
o Reflection: run time class information
o Examining classes
o Finding Class modifiers
o Finding Class Constructors
o Finding Class methods
o Finding Class fields
o Creating objects based on RTTI and invoking methods
o A Simple Factory pattern

o Byte Streams vs. Character Streams
o Java Stream Hierarchy
o Chaining of Streams and adding functionality
o Standard Input: Reading strings
o Standard Input: Reading Primitives
o Writing to the Standard Output
o File I/O
o Other Classes
o Converting data
o Fetching primitives
o View buffers
o Data manipulation with buffers
o Buffer details
o Memory-mapped files

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Performance
o File locking
o Locking portions of a mapped file
o Java Archives (JARs)
o Object serialization
o Finding the class
o Controlling serialization using Externalizable
o The transient keyword

o The Basic Threads
o Yielding
o Sleeping
o Priority
o Daemon Threads
o Joining
o Sharing Resources
o Colliding over resources
o Resolving shared resources contentions and synchronization
o Atomic Operations
o Critical Sections
o Thread States
o Becoming blocked
o Cooperation between threads
o Wait & Notify
o Piping between threads
o Deadlock
o Proper Stopping
o Interrupting a blocked thread
o Thread Group

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition):
o Internet functionality basics.
o What is a Servlet?
o Competing Technologies
o Servlets and threads
o Advantages of Servlets over competing technologies.
o Servlet Lifecycle
o Servlet Program structure
o HTTP servlets and HTTP request methods.
o Deploying Servlets on Tomcat
o Deploying Servlets on J2EE RI Server
o Deploying Servlets on Weblogic Server
o Understanding Servlet API
o Responding to requests
o Accessing form input data
o Working with header fields
o URL Redirecting
o Understanding SingleThreadModel
o Session Tracking
Hidden form fields
Session Objects
URL Rewriting
o Server-side includes
o Servlet Chaining
Normal chaining
Mime-based chaining
o Http Tunneling

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):
o What is JDBC
o JDBC architecture
o JDBC classes and interfaces
o JDBC driver types
o Understanding JDBC API
o Connecting to a database
o Working with Statements
Prepared Statement
Callable Statement
o Processing Result Sets

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Working with Metadatas
o Handling transactions

RMI Overview:
o Understanding RMI
o RMI Architecture
o Introduction to RPC
o Relation between RMI and RPC
o Writing an RMI application
Building Remote interfaces
Building a remote object
Building a Server
Building a Client
o Step to setup RMI based application execution.
o Summarizing the interaction between elements of RMI.
o Brief overview of RMI API.

Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Architecture:
o Understanding the Enterprise
o What is J2EE?
o The need for J2EE?
o Advantages of using J2EE
o J2EE architecture
Understanding tiered architecture
Understanding MVC architecture
o When to use J2EE
o Understanding J2EE Jargons
o J2EE Timeline
o J2EE constituents
o Overview of J2EE APIs

Java Server Pages(JSP):
o What is a JSP?
o Why JSP?
o JSP architecture
o Advantages of JSP
o JSP History
o Glimpse of JSP tools
o Comparing JSP
o JSP Life cycle
o Demo code
o Deploying JSP on Tomcat

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Deploying JSP on J2EE RI Server
o Deploying JSP on Weblogic
o Understanding JSP API
o JSP Tag conventions
o Understanding JSP components
JSP Tags
Declaration tags
Expression Tags
Standard Actions
o Defining variables and methods
o Implicit Objects
o Including other documents
o JSP actions
JSPs and JavaBeans
Including and forwarding
o Creating custom Tags
Using taglib directive
Writing a TLD
Writing a simple custom tag
Writing a custom tag with attributes
Writing a custom tag with body
Writing a custom tag with scripting variables
Writing a cooperative custom tag
Writing an iterative custom tag

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

Advanced Frameworks
o Introduction to Struts
o Why Struts?
o Overview of Struts Framework Components
o Your first Struts Application
o Struts Installation & Test
o Struts HTML Tag Libraries
o Using Struts HTML Tag Libraries
o Using Forms - Submission, Navigation and Prepopulation
o Struts Application using Basic Validations
o Struts Application using Validation Framework
o Internationalization
o The Struts 2 framework and Java i18n
o Struts 2 i18n

Extensible Markup Language(XML):
o What is XML?
o Why use XML?
o XML History/background
o Advantages and features of XML
o Comparing XML
o How XML is used
o XML conventions/rules
o XML comments
o Elements
o Entities
Predefined entities
Character entities
Custom entities
o Processing instructions
o Whitespace
o CData
o Sample Programs

Hibernate (IDE - Eclipse):
1. Introduction to Hibernate
2. ORM Model
3. Short comings of JDBC
4. Hibernate Framework Advantages
5. Introducing and integrating Hibernate
o "Hello World" with Hibernate
o Understanding the architecture

IGeekS Technologies .,, +91-9739066172

o Basic configuration
o Creating a Session Factory
o Configuration in non-managed environments
o Configuration in managed environments
o Advanced configuration settings
o Using XML-based configuration
6 .Mapping persistent classes
o Defining the mapping metadata in XML
o Basic property and class mappings
o Attribute-oriented programming
o Understanding object identity
o Identity versus equality
o Database identity with Hibernate
o Entity and value types
o Mapping class inheritance
7. Hibernate mapping Techniques (with Examples)
a. Basic Mapping
b. Collection Mapping
c. Inheritance Mapping
d. Association Mapping
8. Hibernate Run-Time Environment
9. HQL (with Examples)
10. Struts Application with Hibernate Integration

Spring (IDE - Eclipse):
1. Spring IOC
a. Introduction to spring
b. What is Spring IOC
c. Techniques to implement IOC
d. Spring Container Life Cycle
e. Loading Techniques
f. Bean Scopes
g. Data Injection
h. Implicit wiring
i. Explicit wiring
j. Annotation Based Injection
k. Bean Factory
2. Spring AOP
a. What is Spring AOP?
b. Elements of AOP
c. Need for Spring AOP
d. What are cross cutting concerns?
e. Implementation of Cross Cutting Concern concept

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