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Went by IDPS in Bannu along with Sh Abdul Hafeez and Mr.
Rehmatullah. The purpose of the visit was to meet IDPs and people in
Bannu to have the first hand information. The ultimate desire was to
motivate people for the help of IDPs .

My perceptions are as under. All
is focused around gathering with
Bannu University educators, a
part of Jirga of south Wazistan
(SW) and individuals sorting out
IDPs outdoors and occupied in
their administrations. Additionally
it is likewise focused around perception strolling through avenues of
Bannu. Before an expounding on IDPs, few lines expound History of
Bannu and South Waziristan.

Bannu in history

Bannu is the key city of the Bannu District in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Pakistan. Bannu is an old city and has a long history. Its advanced part
(downtown) was made by Herbert Benjamin Edwardes in 1848, and

(fundamental wellspring of this part has been taken from

was once called Edwardesabad and Dhulipnagar.

Bannu lies in the northwest corner of the locale, in the valley of the
Kurram River. Kurram stream streams close to the city. We can say city
on both sides of Kurram stream. Stream has been just about without
water; individuals were taking stones and sand from waterway base.
British armed force had numerous establishments here, this base camp
was utilized to assault used for movement against Afghan periphery
tribes. Individuals living here are called Bannuchi and they talk specific
tongue of Pashto. There are individuals who talk Urdu and the Saraiki
and Punjabi.

History tells that Bannu has a history of more than 3000 Years. We
think that its data the Sanskrit grammarian P!"ini as the "recorded
nation of Varnu. Moreover a Chinese explorer, Hsan-tsang went by
Bannu and Jaguda, Ghazni.

Bannu was a critical base of operations for the British military. British
domain to the Tochi Valley and the Waziristan edge. A military road
headed for the town of Bannu to Dera Ismail Khan was developed. This
road was developed by military creators under the supervision of a
Bannu pro, Ram N. Mullick. Mullick, proceeded onward from the
Banaras Engineering College. He additionally served in Iraq and Lahore
before the self-sufficiency of Pakistan in 1947 as an expert in
overpowering earth-moving apparatus.

Bannu is roughly 192 km from Peshawar and exists in a sediment bowl.
It is encompassed by hard and dried mountain of Koh-e-Safed and
Koh-e-Suleiman. The most critical of Bannu is its nearness to South
Waziristan. It was vital for British and also for Pakistan armed force.
Pakistan armed force has its one division here to control the western
outskirt and current operation.

IDPs and Bannu
IDPs from South Waziristan had the main enormous city to relocate.
According to report of Government of Pakistan, there are around 10
lacks individuals relocated from South Waziristan.

IDPs left everything. At this point, fruits, grapes and numerous different
products of the soil are prepared. Individuals need to tolerate a huge
misfortune and it might take numerous years to recoup from such

IDPs and relocation
Our visit was to meet IDPs and see the genuine circumstance and
advise to the world. We found that there are four sorts of IDPs:

1. People having as of now houses in urban areas (Bannu,
Peshawar and so on.). They moved their families, however needed to
shoulder an enormous misfortune because of movement

2. People having enough cash to move. They moved and got leased
houses in adjacent urban areas and attempting to live in a moderate

3. People did not have enough cash to contract any vehicle. They
voyaged and now staying government structures

4. People who couldn't move out and even now staying in South
Waziristan. They are more than numerous needs. These are individuals
are enduring the most because of non-accessibility of nourishment and
different necessities. These individuals are in most noticeably awful
condition. Individual supplies for these individuals with the authorization
of Pakistan armed force.

Current position of IDPs

As talked about in past pages, individuals who are in schools are
tremendously stressed over the notice given by the legislature.
Government has wanted to open school in September. This will make a
huge issue of such a colossal number of IDPs. Additionally, schools are
not suitable spots to live. There are no enough toilets and so forth. In
any case, individuals existed yet what will happen in the event that they
compel to leave the schools.

Larger part of the IDPs are staying with diverse individuals and
imparting their homes. Individuals offered their homes to IDPs. Such
accommodation is uncommon to see and must be increased in value.
Anyhow to what extent they can impart place of their hosts.

Individuals raised the rents of the houses. Also, there is an enormous
lack of houses. Govt of Pakistan is helping individuals and IDPs are by
and large euphoric from the working of Pakistan armed force and

What we can do?

I asked individuals how we could help; the answer was that individuals
have enough sustenance and apparel. They require cash to have a spot
for rent to live and to purchase nourishment and different necessities
obliged consistently (vegetable, meet, oil and so on). Govt of Pakistan is
giving money to each enlisted family. Individuals feel that it is not
sufficient. Amid our visit, people constrained that money is the essential
need of the day.

How we can offer assistance?

We saw the board and camps of Al-Khidmat Foundation and Hilali
Ahmer (Pakistan Red Cross). No other NGO is working there. I propose
that an individual who needs to help IDPs ought to visit or discover a
dependable individual for the exchange of cash to the penniless
individuals. Sending additional merchandise and dress is not the right


We wish to have a soon end of this situation and individuals ought to
approach to help IDPs. On the off chance that we neglect to address
the issue in an obliged manner, then we ought to be prepared to face
the outcomes. Genuine circumstance is not demonstrated and
individuals have minor trust on the reports discharged by the Govt of

We are grateful to our host in Bannu who told the internal story.

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