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PasTest collects feedback from every PACES sitting.

We use this information to keep

abreast of what sort of cases are coming up across the country. We have candidates
from all over the UK reporting back to us on what they saw.
Here are the top 5 cases for each of the core clinical stations:
1. Aortic valve replacement
2. Mitral valve replacement
3. Aortic stenosis
4. Mitral regurgitation
5. Congenital heart disease (mostly VSD)

Notes: Unlike some of the other stations, there was no one diagnosis that appeared far
more frequently than any other. Aortic and mitral valve replacements were reported with
very similar frequency. If we had extended this list further there would have been few
surprises. Mitral stenosis is perhaps one case that is appearing less frequently than in
the past (reflecting the gradual decline in patients in the UK with this condition).

1. Interstitial lung disease (most frequent by a long way!)
2. Bronchiectasis
3. Pneumonectomy/lobectomy
4. Pleural effusion
5. Chronic obstructive airways disease
Notes: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) was reported twice as frequently as the next case
on the list (bronchiectasis) so you would be wise to know your approach to ILD inside
and out! It is worth being aware that many of the ILD patients had another diagnosis to
pick up upon as well (systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid etc.). Chronic obstructive airways
disease has always been an important case to prepare for. Candidates are reporting
that many of the questions relating to this case revolved around management of
exacerbations (who to admit, when to use non-invasive ventilation).

1. Splenomegaly
2. Patient on dialysis
3. Polycystic kidney disease
4. Renal transplant
5. Chronic liver disease

Notes: Splenomegaly just took the lead as the most frequently seen case. However it is
clear that the nephrologists around the country are helping supply patients for this exam
in large numbers! Any PACES candidate should definitely be planning to spend several
hours (maybe even days) on renal wards and dialysis units learning to master this
popular topic. After the renal scenarios the next on the list was chronic liver disease
(closely followed by isolated hepatomegaly).

1. Peripheral neuropathy
2. Parkinsonism
3. Muscular dystrophy
4. Multiple sclerosis
5. Eye findings (III, IV, VI, palsies, INO, ptosis)

Notes: Coding the neurology cases remains challenging, as many candidates remain
unsure about the diagnosis even after the exam! For those of you who have not done a
neurology post, this remains one of the toughest stations to excel in. The frequency of
peripheral neuropathy remains very high. Every candidate should be ready to give a
detailed overview of causes and appropriate investigations of sensory or motor
neuropathies. It is slightly surprising to see Parkinsonism appearing so high on the list
as this has not been reported previously as occurring so frequently. Parkinsonism is of
course an excellent case to demonstrate your knowledge of a common (and often
misdiagnosed) neurological disease. No doubt the top candidates will enjoy identifying
the drug induced or vascular cases!

Station 5
Station 5 consists of two patients, and so we have included the top ten:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis
2. Systemic sclerosis
3. Hemianopia
4. Acromegaly
5. Ankylosing spondylitis
6. HIV related problems
7. Diabetic retinopathy
8. Neck lump
9. Retinitis pigmentosa
10. Thyroid eye disease
Notes: Candidates and examiners alike have met the introduction of the new station 5
with some apprehension. However, as the dust is settling, it is clear that the new format
is a success. The cases are reflecting our clinical practice better and although some
rarities are still coming up, these are much less frequent. The range of cases reported
was wide and presenting the top ten only barely does the station justice. However, if we
had presented the next ten as well, there would not have been many surprises. HIV is a
newcomer to the exam and definitely a condition to be familiar with (it was also a
frequent contender in the history and communications stations). Obstructive sleep
apneoa was the main surprise in the next ten.

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