Revision:: Infinitives/Reported Speech/Passive Voice 1. Finish The Second Sentence Without Changing The Meaning

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1. Finish the second sentence without changing the meaning.
a) People were watching the match on TV.
The match .....................................................................
b) The intense heat burnt many of the rescuers.
Many ............................................................................
c) Someone had taken away the fire-extinguishers.
The ..............................................................................
d) They have set up an investigation.
An ................................................................................
e) The police know the identity of one of the victims.
The identity ....................................................................
f) They will have to rebuild many existing stands.
Many ..............................................................................
g) A dropped cigarette may have started the fire.
The fire ...........................................................................

2. Report the following statements using the verbs given

a) Ill miss you very much
He told her ......................................................................
b) Im going to Paris soon
She said ..........................................................................
c) Ann has bought the tickets
He said ................................................................................
e) I think its a stupid idea, and it wont work
She said.................................................................................
f) I went to Oxford University in the 60s.
He boasted............................................................................

3. Report the sentences using the verbs given.

Complain/admit/ deny/ suggest/ boast /refuse/ offer /agree /promise
a) Yes, OK. Ill lend you my car but be careful with it!
Peter ..................................................................
b) Yes, it was me. I stole the money.
c) But I didnt hit the old lady
d) I can speak eleven languages, all perfectly,
The professor........................................................
e) Ill leave work early, honest I will.
f) Ugh! My soup is cold!
g) I wont help you with your homework. Never!
Jane .....................................................................
h) Ill give you a lift to the station, if you like

4. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.
a) If I (see) last night I (say)......................................hello.
b) If you (decide) go tonight, you (need)............................... a coat.
c) Unless Olga (mend) .......................the radio now, it (not work) ....... ..........................when we
need it.
d) Provided we (leave) ..........................early tomorrow, we (get) .......................... there in time.
e) We (might go) ....................................yesterday if we (know) .................................. about it.
f) We (not have) .......................enough food to eat tomorrow unless you (cook)
..............................some more now.
g) Even if Jason (ask) to marry him now, I (not marry) ..............................him.
h) I (not read)................................ that book last week unless you (tell)
about it.

i) Provided you (write) ........................the work nearly now, the teacher (be able)
......................... to mark it.
j) They (not hear).................. last night even if we (shout) ..

5.Fill in the blanks in each of these sentences using the verbs given in the correct tense and
wish or if only (in the correct form)
Leave/ see /give /wash /watch
a) Your hairs filthy! I!
b) I ................................we (not) .....................that horror film I had a nightmare that night!
c) My grandmother is very tired, and I think she ..........................we ...........................her alone
d) Everyone says the film on television last night was great; I ..............!
e) The handkerchief my aunt gave me for Christmas was very nice, but I .........................she some money instead!

6. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase.

a) Id rather the children tv without permission.
b) I hope it . tomorrow because we are planning to go to the beach.
c) Its (high) time studying more! You cant fail every single
d) Suppose you . Tom. Would you be happy then?
e) I wish you .. such an annoying noise. Its driving me crazy!

7. Complete these sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the gerund or the infinitive.
a) On the way to London he stopped (get) some petrol.
b) Im so sorry I forgot (send) .you a birthday card.
c) She stopped (eat) chocolate because she wanted to lose some weight.
d) I hope you will remember (do) all these things I have asked you.
f) I strongly recommend (pay).. for the tickets in advance since theyll be
much cheaper.
g) Why dont you try (open) ..the tin with a coin?
h) Im sure hes a doctor. I remember (talk) him about his work the other day.
i) He always regretted not (go) .to university.

j) I regret (say) . that I wont be able to come to the wedding

k) I must remember (invite).. George to my party.
l) As I was going home, I stopped (have) ..a look in a shop window.
m) They suggested (watch) .that film, but it was extremely boring.

8. Combine the two sentences into one.


The plane was twenty-five years old. It crashed.

The plane .twenty-five years old.


One day Tessa was ill in bed. Martin rang.

The day . Ill in bed.


Our offices are in Queen Street. They are new.

Our ... in Queen Street.


Some documents have been found. They were stolen from a car.
The documents . found.


Ive got a brother called Jim. He lives in London. Hes a doctor.

My brother Jim ..


There was a strike at the car factory. It lasted ten days. It is now over.
The strike at the car factory ..

A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary
Few of

9. Rewrite the sentences using didnt need to or neednt have

a) Paul thought it was going to rain. He took his umbrella with him. In the end, it didnt rain.
b) Last time I went to Disneyland, Mickey gave me a fast pass. It was a gift!
c) Last Monday there were no classes so I slept late.

d) Juliet Capulet killed herself when she found Romeo in a tomb and thought he was dead.
Minutes after she died, Romeo came back to life.

e) There was a long queue to watch Need for Speed but no lines at all to watch Robocop,
which was the one I watched.

10. Fill in the gaps with the correct modal verbs:

a) Carol .. be in; shes always at the gym in the morning (impossibility).
b) According to the EU, unemployment . go down by 2015 (possibility).
c) You .. prepare dinner, Ive already eaten at the new Indian
restaurant (no necessity).
d) You speak German fluently when you finish the school year
(ability in the future).
e) The student .. be French. She doesnt understand the teacher
f) It .. Mike the one who called you because he is in Europe

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