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Data receiving of

CMACast Reception system

National Meteorological Information Center
Mar. 2011
Part 1Overview................................................................................................................................
1.1 !eneral intro"#ction of CMACast........................................................................................
1.2 CMACast reception system arc$itect#re..............................................................................%
1. Dataflow of t$e CMACast reception system........................................................................&
1.% Receiving antenna site re'#irement......................................................................................&
1.( )atellite an" carrier parameters.............................................................................................*
1.+ Antenna pointing parameters..............................................................................................10
Part2,-press Installation of CMACast Reception )tation...........................................................1
2.1 Instr#ction of e-press Installation.......................................................................................1%
2.2 Install t$e system .y CD mirror..........................................................................................1%
2.2.1 /oot t$e system .y CD mirror.................................................................................1%
2.2.2 Recover t$e system .y CD mirror...........................................................................1%
2.2. Re.oot t$e system after recovery.............................................................................1(
2.2.% )ystem config#ration after .ooting.........................................................................1+
2. One 0ey .ac0#p...................................................................................................................11
2.% )ystem recovery from $ar" "is0.........................................................................................21
Part2ser3s !#i"e of CMACast Receiving Monitor )oftware.....................................................2
.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................2%
.2 4#nction intro"#ction..........................................................................................................2&
.2.1 )5)6,M )6A62)..................................................................................................2&
.2.2 C7ANN,8 )6A62)...............................................................................................2*
.2. ),ARC79:I,;....................................................................................................1
.2.% 4I8, P2)7..............................................................................................................2
. Config#ration......................................................................................................................
..1 C$annel 9 Directory................................................................................................
..2 Me"ia streaming.......................................................................................................+
.. )atellite receiver.......................................................................................................&
..% 4ile p#s$...................................................................................................................&
..( Mo"ify passwor"......................................................................................................1
.% 7elp.....................................................................................................................................%0
.%.1 )oftware #p"ate........................................................................................................%0
.%.2 7elp..........................................................................................................................%
.%. A.o#t CMACast.......................................................................................................%
Part 1Overview
1.1 General introduction of CMACast
CMACast is t$e ne-t generation satellite "ata .roa"cast system of CMA .ase" on D:/<)2
tec$nology wit$ .ot$ file an" m#ltime"ia transmission capa.ility= as s$own in 4ig#re1. It #ses an
entire +M7> C<.an" transpon"er of Asia)at<% to "istri.#te meteorological "ata an" satellite
sensing "ata to #sers in C$ina an" Asia<Pacific region at #p to & "ata rate. It is a ma?or
component of CMA national an" international meteorological "ata transmission networ0 an" t$e
main me"ia for national an" international "ata "issemination. CMACast is also a ma?or
component of ;MO I!DD) an" !,ON,6Cast systems an" $as "ata e-c$ange an" re<
"issemination capa.ility wit$ ,2M,6Cast an" !,ON,6Cast Americas= as s$own in 4ig#re2.
4ig.1 CMACast arc$itect#re
4ig.2 !,ON,6Cast coverage
6$e CMACast reception system incl#"es t$ree parts w$ic$ are "ata receiving= !eostationary
Meteorological )atellite "ata .roa"casting an" processing system an" MICAP) @Meteorological
Information Compre$ensive Analysis an" Process )ystemA wor0.enc$ respectively.
6$e "ata receiving is in c$arge of receiving meteorological "ata from CMACast satellite
.roa"cast system an" retransmitting t$e relevant "ata to alternative #ses @6$e !eostationary
Meteorological )atellite "ata .roa"casting an" processing system an" MICAP)A. 6$is part
incl#"es a comp#ter wit$ CMACast receiving monitor software w$ic$ is responsi.le for monitor
of receiving stat#s an" relevant parameters config#ration.
6$e !eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata .roa"casting an" processing system incl#"es
two comp#ters= t$e 4ront,n" comp#ter for B#ic0:iew an" A#topro?ect= t$e /ac0,n" comp#ter
for processing. 6$e 4ront,n" comp#ter is in c$arge of "ata<ingesting= '#ic0<viewing= map<
pro?ecting an" ftp<transferring t$e geostationary satellite "ata w$ic$ are .roa"caste" .y CMACast.
After map pro?ection= t$e 4ront,n" comp#ter transfers t$e raw<"ata file an" pro?ection<"ata files
to t$e /ac0,n" comp#ter. 6$e /ac0,n" one carries o#t t$e f#nctions of image "isplaying an"
animating= application pro"#cing= etc.
Meteorological Information Compre$ensive Analysis an" Process )ystem is t$e centerpiece
of National<wi"e ;eat$er )ervice operations in C$ina. MICAP) is an interactive comp#ter system
t$at integrates all meteorological= satellite= an" ra"ar "ata into one comp#ter wor0station.
MICAP) allows forecasters t$e interactive capa.ility to view= analy>e= com.ine= an" manip#late
grap$ical an" alp$an#meric weat$er "ata. 6$#s= MICAP) provi"es an effective means for
forecasters to prepare an" iss#e forecasts.
In a""ition= t$e part2 of t$is man#al is t$e ,-press Installation of Reception )tation of
CMACast an" part is 2ser3s !#i"e of CMACast receiving monitor software.
1.2 CMACast reception system architecture
6$e following "iagram @4ig#reA "isplays t$e arc$itect#re of t$e CMACast reception system
w$ic$ can .e "ivi"e" into "ata receiving= !eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata processing
an" MICAP) wor0.enc$. In t$is station= comp#ter No.1 wit$ 8in#- O) in w$ic$ CMACast
receiving monitor software r#ns= receives "ata from receiving antenna an" t$en retransmits
relevant "ata to "ifferent processing. Comp#ter No.2 wit$ win"ows O) ta0es c$arge of
!eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata '#ic0 view an" pro?ect. 6$e application software of
!eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata receiving an" processing is implemente" in Comp#ter
No. wit$ win"ows O) an" in a""ition= t$is comp#ter also serves as t$e wor0.enc$ of MICAP).
4ig. 6$e str#ct#re "iagram of CMACast reception system
1) Data receivin.
a 2.% meters satellite antenna an" a low noise .loc0 in C .an"C
2 satellite receivers @t$e secon" satellite receiver for .ac0#pAC
a comp#ter @for CMACast receiving monitor softwareA.
CMACast receiving monitor software.
2) Geostationary Meteoroloical !atellite data processin.
2 comp#ters @t$e first one is #se" for geostationary meteorological )atellite "ata '#ic0
view an" pro?ectC t$e secon" one for "ata processing an" is s$are" wit$ MICAP)
!eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata '#ic0 view an" pro?ect
!eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata receiving an" processing
") M#CAP! wor$%ench.
a comp#ter @#se" for MICAP) wor0.enc$ an" s$are" wit$ geostationary meteorological
)atellite "ata processingA.
Meteorological Information Compre$ensive Analysis an" Process )ystem
&) 'etwor$ communication.
a R4 ca.le @long eno#g$ .etween OD2 an" ID2A C
a networ0 switc$ @for "ata retransmittingAC
% ! reticles.
6$e e'#ipment list an" relevant tec$nical parameters are "isplaye" in ta.le1D
(a%le 1. Equipment list and relevant technical parameters
No. ,'#ipment Config#ration B#antity
1.1 )atellite Antenna 2.%m C<.an" antenna100m coa-ial<ca.le an"
several ca.le connector.
1.2 )atellite receiver C<.an". 2
1. 8ow noise .loc0 *11( C /AND DRO. 1
1.% Comp#ter Intel Core 2 D#o ,&(00 Processor @2.1!7>
10++M7> M/ 82A;in"ows EP Professional
22!/ PC<*(00 10++M7> )oDIMM @1
DIMMA2(0!/= *M Cac$e= &200RPM )A6A
IIIntegrate" ! ,t$ernet.
1.( Networ0 )witc$ 2% ! ports. 1
1.+ Reticles ! reticles. %
1.& tools Ca.le clamp an" satellite fin"er. 1
1.* Application software CMACast Receiving Monitor )oftware. 1
2.Micaps and Geostationary Meteoroloical !atellite data processin
2.1 Comp#ter Intel Core 2 D#o ,&(00 Processor @2.1!7>
10++M7> M/ 82A;in"ows EP Professional
22!/ PC<*(00 10++M7> )oDIMM @1
DIMMA2(0!/= *M Cac$e= &200RPM )A6A
IIIntegrate" ! ,t$ernet.
2.2 Application software MICAP). 1
2. Application software !eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata
processing software.
".Geostationary Meteoroloical !atellite data )uic$ view and pro*ect
.1 Comp#ter Intel Core 2 D#o ,&(00 Processor @2.1!7>
10++M7> M/ 82A;in"ows EP Professional
22!/ PC<*(00 10++M7> )oDIMM @1
DIMMA2(0!/= *M Cac$e= &200RPM )A6A
IIIntegrate" ! ,t$ernet.
.2 Application software !eostationary Meteorological )atellite "ata '#ic0
view an" pro?ect application software.
1." Dataflow of the CMACast reception system
6$e receive" "ata .y CMACast reception system is "ivi"e" into geostationary meteorological
satellite "ata an" ot$er meteorological "ata. 6$e "ataflow of t$e two "ifferent "ata are "isplaye"
respectively as .elow @4ig#re%AD
4ig.% 6$e "ataflow of CMACast reception system
1) Geostationary meteoroloical satellite data+
Data receive" .y CMACast reception system @Comp#ter No.1A is selectively p#s$e" to
Comp#ter No.2 w$ic$ is #se" for '#ic0 view an" pro?ect of !eostationary Meteorological )atellite
"ata. 6$en t$e selecte" geostationary meteorological satellite "ata is s$are" .y 46P for Comp#ter
No. in w$ic$ "ata is processe".
2) Other meteoroloical data+
Ot$er meteorological "ata e-cept for geostationary meteorological satellite "ata is p#s$e"
"irectly to Comp#ter No. w$ic$ is mainly #se" for MICAP) wor0.enc$. Comp#ter No.= on t$e
ot$er $an"= is also #se" as a 46P server from w$ic$ ot$er #sers in inner net can fetc$ "ata.
1.& ,eceivin antenna site re)uirement
6$e CMACast remote site s$o#l" a.i"e .y t$e following s#ggestions an" re'#irements to
ens#re t$e remote wor0s stea"ily an" " 4ig#re ( is t$e pictorial "iagram of Reinforce"
concrete fo#n"ation of satellite antenna.
1A 6$e site of receiving antenna s$o#l" .e caref#lly selecte" to avoi" interference from
terrestrial signals.
2A Power s#pply re'#irementsD
PolarityD 4ace to t$e Power soc0et gro#n" on t$e #p= ne#tral on t$e left= $ot on t$e rig$t
6$e voltage .etween ne#tral an" $ot is 220:= $ot an" gro#n" is 220:= ne#tral an"
gro#n" is less t$an 2:.
2ninterr#pte" power system s$o#l" .e #se" to provi"e clean an" #ninterr#pte" power
A It re'#ires a free view fiel" to t$e satellite wit$inF10Hsoli" angle of antenna "irection at
all times= wit$o#t .#il"ings= trees= walls= or $ills to .loc0 t$e signal from t$e satellite.
%A 6$e antenna is #n"er t$e protection range of t$e .#il"ing lig$ting con"#ctor.
(A It s$o#l" $ave separate gro#n"ing for in"oor an" o#t"oor e'#ipment an" t$e resistance of
t$e gro#n" system s$o#l" .e no greater t$an two o$ms.
+A 6$e lengt$ of t$e ca.le .etween o#t"oor an" in"oor e'#ipment s$o#l" .e less +0 meters.
&A Antenna gro#n"wor0 s$o#l" .e .#ilt accor"ing to attac$e" ill#stration.
4ig.( Reinforce" concrete fo#n"ation of satellite antenna
Concrete fo#n"ation s$o#l" .e .#ilt on t$e top of a roof or on t$e gro#n" t$at can carry
relevant weig$t.
4o#n"ation "imension s$o#l" not less t$an 1.(E1.(-0.2(m.If t$e fo#n"ation is .#ilt on
gro#n"= t$e $eig$t of t$e .asset s$o#l" not less t$an 10 cm.
Matc$e" + .#ilt in $ar"ware s$o#l" also .e prepare".
6$e s#ggeste" gra"e of cement is %2(I 6$e concrete strengt$ s$o#l" .e $ig$er t$an
Antenna weig$t is aro#n" 100J!.
6$e reinforce" concrete fo#n"ation can .asically resist mKs 12 level gale
1.- !atellite and carrier parameters
CMACast #ses Asia)at<% C .an" fre'#ency to cover Asia<Pacific region. 4ootprint an"
fre'#ency plan of Asia)at % are s$own in fig. + an" fig& respectively.
)atellite D 122.2H,
6ranspon"er n#m.erD C+7
2plin0 center fre'#encyD +0+(M7>
Downlin0 center fre'#encyD *%0M7>
Downlin0 polari>ationD 7ori>ontal
8<.an center fre'#encyD 110 M7> @for Nor)at *11( C /AND DROA
Mo"#lationD D:/<)2= *P)J= 4,C (K+
)ym.ol rateD 2&(00 Jsps
4ig. + Asia)at % C<.an" footprint
4ig.& Asia)at % C<.an" fre'#ency plan
1.. Antenna pointin parameters
6ypical antenna pointing parameters in Asia<pacific region are s$own in ta.le 2D
(a%le 2. Antenna pointin parameters for some Asia/Pacific cities
Country/region City Latitude
Polarization angle zi!ut" Ele#ation
u$tralia Can%erra &35'17 149'(8 32'5 318'8 4('1
)anglade$" *a++a 23'42 9('22 5('2 122'9 44'9
,ndone$ia -a.arta &6'1 1(6'48 &68'4 69'2 7('6
,ran /e"eran 35'4 51'26 53'4 1(1'3 7'(
0yrgyz$tan )i$".e. 42'54 74'36 38'5 121'9 21'5
Lao$ 1ientiane 17'59 1(2'38 45'9 131'( 59'2
2alay$ia 0uala Lu!3ur 3'(9 1(1'43 81'1 98'4 65'7
2aldi#e$ 2ale 4'4 73'3 84'6 93'5 33'5
2ongolia 4lan )ator 47'55 1(6'53 13'4 159'7 33'(
2yan!ar 5angon 16'47 96'1 55'6 12('4 54'1
Ne3al 0at!andu 27'43 85'19 48'8 121'8 38'3
Nort" 0orea Pyongyang 39'(1 125'45 &4'4 185'6 44'7
Pa.i$tan ,$la!a%ad 33'42 73'1 48'6 115'6 25'1
P"ili33ine 2anila 14'35 12('59 4'7 175'2 72'8
6ri Lan.a Colo!%o 6'56 79'51 79'8 97'5 4('6
/a7i.i$tan *u$"an%e 38'35 68'48 45'2 114'9 19'6
/"ailand )ang.o. 13'45 1(('31 56'5 12('9 6('2
4z%e.i$tan /a$".ent 41'2 69'18 42'5 116'4 18'8
1iet Na! 8anoi 21'(2 1(5'51 36'2 14('7 59'1
8ong 0ong 8ong 0ong 22.2 11%.1 11.2 1(1.2 +2.
2a+au 2a+au 22.2 11.( 21.1 1(&.1 +1.1
1A Polari>ation angle
Polari>ation angle is t$e correction .etween w$ere t$e antenna is relative to t$e c#rvat#re of
t$e ,art$ an" t$e satellites signal .eam. 6$e satellite signal is eit$er $ori>ontal or vertical
polari>e"= .#t "#e to t$e longit#"e of t$e antenna location= t$e antennas fee" $orn m#st .e
rotate" to correctly matc$ t$e .eam3s polari>ation.
6$e polari>ation type of CMACast is $ori>ontal polari>ation. As 4ig#re *= if t$e calc#late"
angle is positive yo# nee" to face towar"s t$e antenna an" tilt t$e top of t$e $ori>ontal
polari>ation cloc0wise so many "egrees to t$e rig$t. If t$e calc#late" angle is negative yo#
nee" to face towar"s t$e antenna an" tilt t$e top of t$e $ori>ontal polari>ation anti<cloc0wise
so many "egrees to t$e left.
4ig.* 6$e sc$ematic "iagram of polari>ation angle
2A ,levation
,levation is t$e angle .etween t$e ,art$ an" t$e satellite a.ove t$e $ori>on. 6$is is also
referre" to as t$e #p or "own movement @positionA of t$e satellite antenna. As s$own in
4ig#re1= t$e t$ree "ifferent antennas are "isplaye" respectively w$en t$e elevation angles
e'#al to 0H= %0H an" 10H.
4ig.1 6$e sc$ematic "iagram of elevation
A A>im#t$
A>im#t$ is t$e compass "irection t$e antenna is pointe" towar"s= relative to a magnetic nort$.
6$is is also referre" to as t$e left or rig$t movement @positionA of t$e satellite antenna. As
s$own in 4ig#re10= t$e fo#r "ifferent antennas are "isplaye" respectively w$en t$e a>im#t$
towar"s to nort$ @0HA= east10H= so#t$1*0H= an" west2&0H.
4ig.10 6$e sc$ematic "iagram of a>im#t$
Part201press #nstallation Manual of
CMACast ,eception !tation
National Meteorological Information Center
C$ina 7#ay#n 6ec$nology Development Company
Lan 2011
2.1 #nstruction of e1press #nstallation
In or"er to simplify t$e installation of operating system an" application software of
CMACast reception station= t$e first time installation of operating system an" application software
is implemente" .y one 0ey recovery #sing CD mirror. After installation= it is strongly
recommen"e" to .ac0#p t$e system reg#larly. In t$e case of system fail#re= a"ministrator can
recover t$e system #sing one<0ey recovery f#nction of t$e system instea" of reinstalling t$e
2.2 #nstall the system %y CD mirror
NotesD CD mirror is #se" only in first installing. 2ser can p#t t$e installation "is0 into CD<ROM
to .oot t$e operating system an" install t$e application software. 6$e process .elow will
implement installation of 8in#- operating system= config#ration an" installation of application
software step .y step. 6$e p#rpose of e-press installation is to allow #sers to implement
installation an" config#ration '#ic0ly an" easily.
6$e "etails of e-press installation are as followsD
2.2.1 2oot the system %y CD mirror
After .ooting t$ro#g$ CD<ROM= t$ere will .e a comman" prompt on t$e screen= @please
press any 0ey in 10 secon"s= ot$erwise it will s0ip t$e step an" .oot from $ar""is0A= t$en inp#t
MrearN an" press ,nter.
4ig.1 Diagram of mirror "is0 .ooting
2.2.2 ,ecover the system %y CD mirror
;ait for a few secon"s= t$ere will appear login interface= inp#t MrootN an" press ,nter to login
in= t$en inp#t Mrear recoverN to recover t$e system.
NotesD In or"er to g#arantee t$e s#ccess of installation= please ens#re t$at no ot$er 2)/ "evice
connecte" to t$e comp#ter @e-cept for software"ogA.
4ig.2 Diagram of g$ost recovery
2.2." ,e%oot the system after recovery
;ait for a.o#t % to ( min#tes= t$ere will .e a prompt s$owing M4inis$e" recovering yo#r
systemN= inp#t Mre.ootN an" press ,nter to re.oot t$e system an" t$en ta0e o#t t$e "is0.
4ig. Diagram of re.oot system after recovery
NoteD After re.ooting= t$e installation of operating system an" application software $as .een
finis$e"= t$e rest wor0 is to config#re IP a""ress= mac$ine name= time of operating system= etc.
2.2.& !ystem confiuration after %ootin
,nter cmacast acco#nt w$ile .ooting= mo"ify t$e IP a""ress of t$e mac$ine.
Data receiving server<<<et$0. @"ata receiving networ0 car"A IP a""ress is 112.1+*.1.2= mas0 is 2((.2((.2((.0= mac$ine name is cmacast-xxx-recv ( xxx is the Country
code according to ISO 3166-1 a!ha-3" for exam!e the Country code for #$%$& is
#%&" you can get it 'y the ()*
htt!:++unstats,un,org+unsd+methods+m-.+m-.a!ha,htm/ftna 0.
Data receiving server<<<et$1. @"ata p#s$ing networ0 car"A IP a""ress is t$e local 8AN
a""ress= please assign it .y yo#rself.
Addition+ how to modify #P address3
Clic0 3comp#ter < yast3 at lower left corner or enter t$e comman" #n"er t$e /as$ terminalD
yast1= an" yo# can start t$e )#se 8in#- system application manager= as s$own in 4ig#re<%D
4ig.% Diagram of networ0 car" config#ration
6$en clic0 Networ0 Devices < Networ0 )ettings to get a win"ow of networ0
management= fin" t$e car" t$at yo# want to config#re.
4ig.( Diagram of config#ring IP a""ress of networ0 car"
C$oose t$e networ0 car" t$at yo# want to config#re= clic0 M,"itN .#tton= inp#t IP a""ress= mas0 an" ot$er informationD
4ig.+ Diagram of config#ring mac$ine IP
6$en clic0 MNe-tN to t$e page of list of networ0 car"s= config#re ot$er networ0 car"s .y t$e
same way. )elect M7ostnameKDN)N ta. an" inp#t t$e $ostname of t$e mac$ine= s#c$ as cmacast<
LPN<recv= t$en clic0 MOJN to save t$e config#ration.
4ig.& Diagram of config#ring $ostname
4ow to ad*ust date and time of 5inu1 operatin system3
After recovery= yo# can a"?#st "ate an" time of t$e operating system accor"ing to 26C as t$e
following steps.
Rig$t clic0 t$e time s$own on lower rig$t corner of t$e "es0top= c$oose MA"?#st Date 9
4ig.* Diagram of a"?#sting system time
Inp#t c#rrent "ate an" time= clic0 M)et )ystem 6imeN to save t$e c$ange.
NotesD after t$e config#ration a.ove= yo# can connect t$e satellite receiver wit$ t$e "ata receiving
networ0 car"= if t$e receiver is loc0e"= yo# can clic0 MCMACastN on t$e "es0top of t$e comp#ter
to start CMACast software an" receive "ata. 6$e #sage of CMACast reception software can refer
to (ser guide of C2$Cast receiving and monitoring software.
2." One $ey %ac$up
NotesD %ac$up is necessary for ensurin the reception station wor$s normally. 6$e e-press
installation "is0 "elivere" from National Meteorological Information Center is #se" only for t$e
first installation of CMACast reception station= it cannot save config#ration an" #p"ate t$e
software. t$erefore a"ministrator s$o#l" reg#larly .ac0#p t$e w$ole system to save a latest
mirror for system fail#re. 5o# can #se one 0ey recovery to recover it if t$e system is fa#lty.
6$e Rela- 9 Recover @ReaRA software w$ic$ is #se" in one<0ey<.ac0#p $as .een installe" in t$e
e-press installation of CMACast. 6$e reception station installe" #sing e-press installation "is0
"oes not nee" to install t$is software.
!pecial notes+
6hen %ac$up the system7 user need to use root account to operate in terminal.
#t is recommended to %ac$up the system after updatin CMACast software and it
runs normally. (hen you can recover it in the case of failure.
One $ey %ac$up operation
1A Rig$t clic0 on "es0top= c$oose MOpen 6erminalN on t$e pop<#p men#.
2A Inp#t Ms#N an" press ,nter.
A Inp#t t$e passwor" @6$e original passwor" for root acco#nt is 12%(+A an" press ,nter.
%A Inp#t Mrear m0.ac0#pN. 6$e system will create mirror file a#tomatically= after t$e
process= t$ere will .e te-t prompt on t$e terminal win"ow.
4ig.1 Diagram of ma0ing image file
Copy of mirror file
After ma0ing mirror file= t$ere will .e a ReaR.iso file #n"er Ktmp "irectory= #ser can copy t$e
file or .#rn it into a D:D<"is0. ;$en t$e system cannot start= #ser can #se t$e mirror "is0 to
reinstall t$e system.
Copying steps are as followsD
1A Rig$t clic0 on "es0top= c$oose MOpen terminalN on t$e pop<#p men#.
2A Inp#t Ms#N an" press ,nter.
A Inp#t t$e passwor" M12%(+N an" press ,nter.
%A Inp#t Mc"KtmpN an" press ,nter.
(A Insert an 2)/ "is0.
+A Inp#t Mcp ReaR.iso Kme"iaK"is0KReaR<yyyymm"".isoN an" press ,nter.
&A Inp#t MsyncN an" press enter @Ma0e s#re inp#t t$is comman" to ens#re t$e integrity of t$e
*A Copy t$e mirror file into a D:D<"is0= t$en get t$e mirror recovery "is0 of t$e c#rrent
stat#s of t$e reception station. 6$is "is0 can .e #se" to reinstall t$e system. 6$is "is0 is
"ifferent from t$e e-press installation "is0 for it contains t$e specifie" config#ration an"
possi.le #p"ates.
2.& !ystem recovery from hard dis$
After one 0ey .ac0#p= t$e system can .e recovere" from $ar" "is0. After re.ooting operating
system= yo# can see a men# as follow= choose 8rear from hard dis$9 to start one/$ey/recovery.
4ig.10 Diagram of recovery #sing mirror file
;ait for a w$ile= an" t$ere will appear login interface= inp#t MrootN an" press enter= an" t$en
inp#t Mrear recoverN to recover t$e system from $ar" "is0.
4ig#re 11 Diagram of recovery #sing mirror file
!pecial notes+ #n order to ensure the success of recovery from hard dis$7 %e sure
that no other :!2 device ;e1cept for software do of CMACast) connected to the
reception server while recoverin.
Part" :ser<s Guide of
CMACast ,eceivin Monitor !oftware
National Meteorological Information Center
C$ina 7#ay#n 6ec$nology Development Company
Lan#ary 2011
3.1 Overview
CMACast receiving monitor software is C$ina Meteorological A"ministrationOs /roa"cast
)ystem for Meteorological Data @CMACastA w$ic$ is .ase" on ClientK)erver arc$itect#re. It
mainly $as t$e following f#nctionsD
Monitoring of system an" c$annel stat#s
:iew receiving logs
4iles p#s$ config#ration
)atellite receiver config#ration
6$e main interface of CMACast receiving monitor software is s$own in 4ig#re 1.
4ig.1D 6$e main interface
6$e main interface of CMACast receiving monitot software incl#"esD
)oftware versiont$e top of t$e interface.
6$e name an" logo @CMACast< CMA3s /roa"cast )ystem for Meteorological DataA.
6$e c#rrent "ate an" time @e.g.D 2010K12K02 6$#s. 01D%1A
)atellite receiver stat#s @loc0e" or #nloc0e"= t$e val#e of ,.KN0A
Details of satellite receiver stat#sD a floating win"ow will appear w$en t$e mo#se is
move" to t$e satellite receiver stat#s area= as s$own in 4ig#re2. It "isplays t$e c#rrent ID
an" IP= signal strengt$= ,.KN0 val#e= error rate an" "ata rate of t$e c#rrent satellite
4ig.2D 6$e floating win"ow of satellite receiver stat#s
2ser can clic0 P)tat#sP to enter P)atellite receiverOs log listPinterface= as s$own in
4ig. Receiver log list
Clic0 any of t$e log file to enter t$e P"etail information of receiverP page= as s$own in 4ig#re
%. 6$e log file recor"s t$e stat#s information of satellite receiver for every min#te incl#"ing time=
stat#s= signal strengt$= ,.KN0= /,R an" "ata rate.
4ig.% Details information of receiver log
Navigation .ar contains system stat#s= c$annel stat#s= searc$ 9 view= file p#s$=
config#ration an" $elp.
/#lletin .oar" s$ows t$e notice information t$at iss#e" .y CMA.
Rolling messageD 6$e .ottom of t$e main interface "isplays t$e rolling messages w$ic$
is "ivi"e" into normal message @greenA an" fa#lt message @re"A accor"ing to w$et$er t$e
receiving stat#s is normal or not.
Process state "isplays t$e stat#s of receiving an" files p#s$ processes w$ic$ are calle"
Mme"iarecvN an" MfileftpN respectively.
)ystem reso#rce contains t$e #sage rates of CP2= memory an" $ar" "is0.
7ost connection #ses green line to .#il" connection .etween "ata receiving PC an" target
PC of file p#s$.
3.2 Function introduction
".2.1 !=!(0M !(A(:!
)5)6,M )6A62) monitors system r#nning an" "isplays t$e of receive" files an"
error files an" receive" .ytes.
Operation steps
Clic0 t$e Psystem stat#sP of t$e navigation .ar to enter t$e system stat#s ta.le= as s$own in
4ig.( )ystem stat#s page
Data ta.le lists t$e c#rrent receiving stat#s incl#"ing t$e of receive" an" error
files @in re" colorA an" receive" .ytes in eac$ c$annel an" t$e last line s#ms t$e of
eac$ .6$e following ta.le gives e-planations for eac$ c$annel.
Receiving stat#s s$ows t$e ID an" stat#s of 2)/ J,5= c#rrent receiving rate= t$e of open c$annels an" a#t$ori>e" c$annels an" t$e c#rrent "is0 information.
Process state "isplays t$e stat#s of receiving an" files p#s$ processes w$ic$ are calle"
Mme"iarecvN an" MfileftpN respectively.
)ystem reso#rce "isplays t$e #sage rates of CP2= memory an" $ar" "is0.
7ost connection #ses green line to connect "estination IP of '#ic0 view an" file p#s$.
".2.2 C4A''05 !(A(:!
C7ANN,8 )6A62) monitors t$e receiving stat#s of eac$ c$annel.
Operation steps+
1A Clic0 t$e PC7ANN,8 )6A62)P of navigation .ar to enter t$e interface of c$annel stat#s= as
s$own in 4ig#re+.
4ig.+6$e interface of c$annelsO receiving stat#s
2ser can view t$e relate" information of c$annels w$ic$ are selecte" t$ro#g$ t$e C$annel 9
Direction config#ration @will .e intro"#ce" laterA. 6$e interface lists t$e name= opene"
time= receive" .ytes= t$e of receive" an" error files= t$e name of receiving file an" process
@c#rrent file .eing receive"A of eac$ selecte" c$annel.
@Instr#ctionD 6$e PReceiving fileP item can only "isplay 2( c$aracters= an" some of t$e file name
cannot .e f#lly "isplaye". 2ser can move t$e mo#se to t$e row of concerne" c$annel= an" t$en t$e
f#ll name of .eing receive" file will .e "isplaye" in a floating win"ow.A
2A Clic0 t$e row of concerne" c$annel to enter t$e log information interface of t$e c$annel= as
s$own in 4ig#re&.
4ig.& 8og information interface
6$is interface "isplays t$e files receiving log of t$e selecte" c$annel. )electing PReceive"
filesP= P,rror filesP or P7istory logP respectively can view t$e relevant log information.
2ser can select MReceive" filesN to view files list t$at .e completely receive"= as s$own is
4ig.*6$e page of "isplaying s#ccessf#l fileOs log
2ser can select M,rror filesN to view files list @in re" colorA t$at .e incompletely receive"= as
s$own in 4ig#re1.
4ig.1 6$e page of "isplaying faile" reception
2ser can select M7istory 8ogN to view t$e completely receive" files @receive" filesA list an"
incompletely receive" files @error filesA list of selecte" "ate. 8og "ate selection is s$own in
4ig#re10 an" fig#re11 is t$e $istory log of specifie" "ate an" type.
4ig.10 Date an" type selection of 7istory log
4ig.11 7istory log
".2." !0A,C4>?#06
),ARC79:I,; is mainly #se" for searc$ing an" viewing relevant files log information .y
specifie" con"itions.
Operation steps
1A Clic0 M),ARC7 9 :I,;N of t$e navigation .ar to enter t$e $istory log in'#iry interface= as
s$own in 4ig#re12.
6$is interface is "ivi"e" into two partsD in'#iry con"itions an" in'#iry res#lts. 6$e in'#iry
con"itions area is #se" to inp#t searc$ terms= an" t$e in'#iry res#lts area "isplays files list
accor"ing to in'#iry con"itions.
4ig.12 6$e interface of $istory log in'#iry
2A Parameters setting of $istory log in'#iry
6$e "efa#lt "ate setting is c#rrent "ate= an" t$e in'#iry "ate can .e c$ange" .y clic0ing arrow
6ime frame
6$e "efa#lt time frame setting is from >ero val#e to t$e c#rrent time an" t$e in'#iry time
frame can .e c$ange" .y clic0ing arrow .#tton.
C$annel name
6$e system s#pports wil"car"s matc$ing in'#iry. 6$e complete name @case<sensitiveA an"
several c$aracters a""ing sym.ol MQN can .e #se" to inp#t for in'#iry con"ition.
6$e 0eywor" c$aracters of log file name= at most t$ree gro#ps of 0eywor" c$aracters setting
off .y semicolon= can .e #se" to inp#t for in'#iry con"ition. ,very 0eywor" s$o#l" .e
separate" .y a comma.
".2.& @#50 P:!4
4I8, P2)7 monitors t$e stat#s of "ata retransmitting.
Operation steps
Clic0 Mfile p#s$N of t$e navigation .ar to enter t$e interface of file p#s$ stat#s= as s$own in
4ig.1 4ile p#s$ page
6$is interface mainly monitors t$e target server IP= file name= target "irectory= stat#s= t$e of total finis$e" an" faile" files an" '#e#ing files of p#s$ing c$annels.
3.3 Confguration
In t$is part= #ser can config#re c$annel an" "irectory= set t$e "estination of streaming me"ia
retransmitting= config#re satellite receiver parameters an" c$ange passwor" accor"ing to #ser
".".1 Channel > Directory
In C$annel an" Direction config#ration= #ser can open or close any c$annel in t$e list= select
c$annels w$ic$ concerns an" "isplay selecte" c$annels or selecte" active c$annels.
Operation steps
1A Clic0 PC$annel 9 DirectionP in t$e "rop<"own men# of Config#ration to enter t$e c$annel 9
"irectory config#ration interface= as s$own in 4ig#re1%.
4ig.1% C$annel "irectory setting page
2A 6$e C$annelKDirectory interface lists all t$e c$annels w$ic$ $ave .een a#t$ori>e"= #ser can
open or close any c$annel for stop or start receiving "ata of t$at c$annel .y t$e option
MOpenKCloseN. 6$e passwor" is nee"e" w$en #ser c$anges t$e option MOpenKCloseN as in
4ig#re1(= an" t$e "efa#lt passwor" is M12%(+N. 2ser can inp#t t$e correct passwor" in t$e
te-t .o-= an" t$en clic0 POJP .#tton to ta0e effect.
4ig.1( 6$e interface of c$anging t$e option MOpenKCloseN
A On t$e ot$er $an"= as mentione" .efore= #ser can select c$annels .y t$e option M)electe"N for
"isplaying "etails information of selecte" c$annels in C$annel )tat#s an" t$en apply t$e
c$ange .y clic0 MyesN as in 4ig#re1+.
%A PDisplay selecte" c$annelsP an" MDisplay selecte" active c$annelsN options are two s$ortc#t
0eys t$at "isplaying selecte" c$annels an" selecte" active c$annels respectively.
(A PResetP can reset all t$e c$annels to "efa#lt stat#s @OpenA.
+A M)elect allP means selecting all t$e a#t$ori>e" c$annels.
4ig.1+6$e confirmation interface of selecting c$annel
".".2 Media streamin
In me"ia stream config#ration= #ser can retransmit me"ia stream to t$e networ0 of specifie"
IP a""ress.
Operatin steps
Clic0 MMe"ia streamN to enter streaming me"ia retransmitting setting interface= as s$own in
4ig.1&. In t$is interface= #ser can c$oose t$e "estination IP of me"ia streaming retransmitting.
4ig.1& Me"ia streaming config#ration interface
"."." !atellite receiver
In satellite receiver settings= parameters s#c$ as center fre'#ency= sym.ol rate= 22J switc$=
8N/ DC power an" PID can .e c$osen or inp#t= as s$own in 4ig#re1*. 6$e satellite receiver
parameters of CMACast reception station "isplay as followsD
Center 4re'#ency @M7>AD110 @rangeD 1(0<21(0A
)ym.ol Rate @JspsAD0000 @rangeD 2000<%(000A
20 )witc$D close" @optionsD close"= openA
8N/ DC PowerD : @optionsD ?ertical= 4ori>ontal= close"A
PID1D 100 PID2D 101 PIDD 102 PID%D 10
PID(D 10% PID+D 10( PID&D 10+ PID*D 10&
@i.1A satellite receiver settings
".".& @ile push
In 4ile P#s$ config#ration= p#s$ parameters can .e inp#t accor"ing to "estination $ost server=
s$own as 4ig#re11.
Active optionD Activate or close t$is file p#s$.
7ost A""rD IP a""ress of t$e "estination $ost.
2ser nameD One #ser name of 46P server of "estination $ost.
Passwor"D 6$e passwor" matc$es to t$e a.ove #ser name.
Remote pat$D 6$e pat$ of "estination $ost t$at stores t$e p#s$e" files.
C$annel selectionD Retransmit t$e files of specifie" c$annels to "estination $ost. 6$e option
MIncl#"eN means retransmitting t$e files of selecte" c$annels an" on t$e ot$er $an"=
M,-cl#"eN means retransmitting t$e "ata an" files of s#c$ c$annels t$at $ave not .een
selecte"= as in 4ig#re20.
6imeo#tD A val#e of waiting time can .e set $ere. If a file $as not .een starte" p#s$ing
.eyon" t$is waiting time= t$is file will not .e p#s$e" again. 6$e recommen"e" val#e is 20.
Drop t$res$ol"D A proportion val#e of "rop t$res$ol" can .e set $ere. 6$is option will .e #se"
only w$en networ0 fail#re $appens. ;$en t$e system restarts= only t$is proportion of .#ffer
area is p#s$e" to t$e target IP.
6est connection is #se" to test if t$e connection wit$ target ftp server is availa.le.
4ig.11 4ile transfer config#ration interface
4ig.20 C$annels selecting interface
".".- Modify password
2ser can Inp#t ol" an" new passwor" an" t$en confirm new passwor" to mo"ify passwor"=
s$own as 4ig#re21.
4ig.21 Passwor" setting page
3.4 Help
7elp incl#"es Msoftware #p"ateN= M$elpN an" Ma.o#t CMACastN. 2ser can #p"ate receiving
station software= "ownloa" t$e relevant "oc#ments an" ac'#ire version information a.o#t c#rrent
".&.1 !oftware update
Operation steps of manual update
C$oose Msoftware #p"ateN in p#ll<"own men# of $elp .ar= #ser will .e as0e" to inp#t
passwor"= t$e "efa#lt passwor" is M12%(+N= t$en #ser can press ,nter an" it will pop #p a
selection .o- of M2p"ateN or MRoll.ac0N as s$own in 4ig#re22.
4ig.22 2p"ate type selecting interface
aA If #ser clic0s M2p"ateN to enter t$e ne-t step for #p"ating= a list of #p"ating pac0ages can .e
c$osen accor"ing to t$e version information as s$own in 4ig#re2.
4ig.2 2p"ate pac0ages selecting
2ser can c$oose a nee"e" #p"ating pac0age an" clic0 Mo0N= an" t$en CMACast interface
will a#tomatically e-it. )everal secon"s later= t$e software will restart an" t$en a message .o-
wit$ M#p"ate faile"N or M#p"ate s#ccessN will appear to s$ow w$et$er t$e #p"ate is s#ccessf#l or
not= as s$own in 4ig#re2%.

4ig.2% Message .o-es of #p"ate
.A If #ser selects MRoll .ac0N= t$e software will list all t$e $istory pac0ages of "ifferent software
version in a list= #ser can select a nee"e" previo#s version to reset t$e software= as s$own in
4ig.2( Roll.ac0 pac0ages selecting
6$en CMACast interface will a#tomatically e-it. )everal secon"s later= t$e software will
restart an" t$en a message .o- wit$ Mroll.ac0 faile"N or Mroll.ac0 s#ccessN will appear to s$ow
w$et$er t$e roll.ac0 is s#ccessf#l or not= as s$own in 4ig.2+.

4ig.2+ Message .o-es of roll.ac0
Operation steps of automatic update
;$en t$e receiving monitor software receives a #p"ate message .o- as s$own in 4ig#re2&=
#ser can c$oose M2p"ate nowN or MNot t$is timeN to #p"ate t$e software or not.
4ig.2& Massage .o- of #p"ate instr#ction information
2ser can clic0 M2p"ate nowN to enter #p"ate proce"#re= t$e software interface will
a#tomatically e-it. )everal secon"s later= t$e software will restart. 6$en #ser can c$ec0 t$e
c#rrent version at t$e top of t$e software interface.
".&.2 4elp
2ser can clic0 M7elpN to ac'#ire relevant $elp "oc#ments s#c$ as #ser man#al= maintenance
$an".oo0 an" so on.
".&." A%out CMACast
2ser can clic0 MA.o#t CMACastN to ac'#ire version information a.o#t c#rrent software=
s$own as 4ig#re2*.
4ig.2* Page of version information on monitoring interface

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