Review of Some Science Facts - SSC CGL Exam 2014: Albert Einstein

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Review Of Some Science Facts SSC CGL

Exam 2014
The theory of relativity was propounded by Albert Einstein
The principal metal used in manufacturing steel is Iron.
An altimeter is used for measuring altitude
Oology is the study of Birds eggs
Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Bacquerel
The metal used in storage batteries is Lead.
The instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is Hygrometer.
Barometer was invented by Torricelli.
The unit of power is Watt.
Radium was discovered by Marie and Pierrie Curie.
The existence of isotopes was discovered by Frederick Soddy.
Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday.
The nuclear reactor was invented by Enrico Ferni.
The law of gravitation was propounded by Sir Isaac Newton.
Crescograph was invented by J.C.Bose.
Crescograph is used to measure the Rate of growth of a plant.
Galileos first scientific discovery was Pendulum.
Microscope was invented by Aaton Van Leewen Hock.
The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is Aristotle.
The first person to see a cell under microscope was Robert Hooke.
The smallest flowering plant is Wolffia.
The four blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
Sodium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy.
The atomic number of oxygen is Eight.
The basic building blocks of proteins are Amino acids.
The botanical name of the cotton plant isGossipium Hirsutum.
An Electroscope is used to Detect charges on a body.
The unit of loudness level is Phon.
An ammeter is used to measure Electric current.
Plant that eat insects are called Insectivorous plant.

Important days mostly asked in
Exams(January to June )
January 9 NRI Day
January 10 World Laughter Day
January 12 National Youth Day
January 15 Army day
January 26 Indias Republic Day, International Customs Day
January 30 Martyrs Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
2nd Sunday of February World Marriage Day
February 14 Valentine Day
February 24 Central Excise Day
February 28 National Science Day
Second Monday March Commonwealth Day
March 8 International Womens Day; Intl. literacy Day
March 15 World Disabled Day; World Consumer Rights Day
March 18 Ordnance Factories Day (India)
March 20 World Sparrow day
March 21 World Forestry Day; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 22 World Day for Water
March 23 World Meteorological Day
March 24 World TB Day
April 5 International Day for Mine Awareness; National Maritime Day
April 7 World Health Day
April 17 World Haemophilia Day
April 18 World Heritage Day
April 21 Secretaries Day
April 22 Earth Day
April 23 World Book and Copyright Day
May 1 Workers Day (International Labour Day)
May 3 Press Freedom Day; World Asthma Day
May 2nd Sunday Mothers Day
May 4 Coal Miners Day

May 8 World Red Cross Day
May 9 World Thalassaemia Day
May 11 National Technology Day
May 12 World Hypertension Day; International Nurses Day
May 15 International Day of the Family
May 17 World Telecommunication Day
May 24 Commonwealth Day
May 31 Anti-tobacco Day
June 4 International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

Rules of Subject and Verb Agreement
Subject and Verb Agreement
General rule: In English, the verb must agree with its subject in number and person. In
other words, the verb must be of the same number and person as the subject.
Note: In the correction of sentences part of many competitive examinations the S V concord is
usually tested.
Rule 1: Two or more singular nouns when they are joined by and, require a Verb in the
A man and his wife has come here asking for work
A man and his wife have come here asking for work
(a) When two singular nouns joined by and refer to the same person or thing, the verb is
The great scholar and poet are dead
The great scholar and poet is dead
The District Magistrate and Collector are on leave today.
The District Magistrate and Collector is on leave today
i. Article The article is used only once when the two nouns refer to the same person or thing.
ii. If the nouns refer to different persons or things, article The is used before each noun. In
such cases, the verb will be in the plural form.
The Secretary and the president has been giving warm welcome
The Secretary and the president have been giving warm welcome
(b) If two different singular nouns express one idea, the verb should be in the singular
Slow and Steady win the race
Slow and Steady wins the race
Rice and curry are my favourite dish
Rice and curry is my favourite dish
(c) When two singular subjects are practically synonymous the verb should be in the
singular form. Power and position, Peace and Prosperity, Law and order etc.
The law and order situation in the state are under control
The law and order situation in the state is under control

His power and influence are on the decline
His power and influence is on the decline
Rule 2: When two or more Singular Subjects are connected by or, nor, either or, neither
nor, the Verb is Singular:
Either james or John are to be promoted
Either james or John is to be promoted
Neither the man nor his wife have done much work
Neither the man nor his wife has done much work
No boy or girl are allowed to play in school
No boy or girl is allowed to play in school
When the subjects joined by either or neither nor are of different persons, the verb will
agree in person and number with the nearest one to it. Also, the plural subject must be placed
nearest to the verb. (This is very important)
Neither you nor he are to take up this task
Neither you nor he is to take up this task
Either the Chief Minister or the Cabinet Ministers is responsible for this problem.
Either the Chief Minister or the Cabinet Ministers are responsible for this problem.
Either you or I are responsible for this mistake.
Either you or I am responsible for this mistake.
Rule 3: If two singular subjects (combined by and) are preceded by each or every, the verb
should be in the singular.
Every boy and girl were present in the class yesterday.
Every boy and girl was present in the class yesterday.
Rule4: If with, together with, as well as, accompanied by etc are used to combine two subjects
the verb agrees with the subject mentioned first.
The President of India together with his personal secretaries are invited to this function
The President of India together with his personal secretaries is invited to this function
The actress, along with her manager and some friends, are invited to the function
The actress, along with her manager and some friends, is invited to the function
Mr. Micheal, accompanied by wife and children are arriving tonight by train
Mr. Micheal, accompanied by wife and children is arriving tonight by train

Note: If the conjunction and is used instead, the verb would then be plural.
(i) Sushma and Rajitha are our professors daughters
(ii) The study of languages and sciences is very important for your study.
Here study is singular so singular verb is is used.
Rule 5: When not only . but also is used to combine two subject, the verb agrees with
the subject close to it.
Not only silver, but also gold are mined in this country
Not only silver, but also gold is mined in this country
Rule 6: None / No. None can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the noun
which follows it
Structure: none + of the + non-count noun + singular verb
None of the counterfeit money have been found
None of the counterfeit money has been found
Structure: none + of the + plural count noun + plural verb
None of the students has finished the exam yet
None of the students have finished the exam yet
No can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the noun which follows it.
Structure: No + singular noun + singular verb
No example is relevant to this case
Structure: no + plural noun + plural verb
No examples are relevant to this case
Rule 7: Many words indicating a number of people or animals are singular. The following
nouns are usually singular. In some cases they are plural if the sentence indicates that the
individual members are acting separately.
congress, family, group, committee, class, organisation, team, army, club, crowd, government,
jury, minority, public
Examples of collective nouns:
The committee have met and accepted the proposal
The committee has met and accepted the proposal
The family were happy at the news
The family was happy at the news
The crowd was wild with excitement
Congress has initiated a new plan to combat inflation
Our team is certain to win the match
The family living next door often quarrel among themselves
Rule 8: Majority can be singular or plural. If it is alone it is usually singular, if it is
followed by a plural noun, it is usually plural.
The majority believe that the country can progress
The majority believes that the country can progress
The majority of the lecturers believes that the student has not copied in the examination

The majority of the lecturers believe that the student has not copied in the examination
Rule 9: A number of / the number
Observe the two structures:
(i) a number of + plural noun + plural verb.
(ii) the number of + plural noun + singular verb.
A number of students is going to the class picnic
A number of students are going to the class picnic
The number of days in a week are seven
The number of days in a week is seven
The number of residents who have been residing in this colony is quite small
A number of the applicants have already been interviewed
Rule 10: Collective nouns indicating time, money, and measurements used as a whole are
singular and take a singular verb.
Twenty-five rupees are not such big amount for him
Twenty-five rupees is not such big amount for him
Two miles are too much for this man to run
Two miles is too much for this man to run
Rule 11: When a lot of, a great deal of, plenty of, most of, and some of refer to number, a
plural verb is used.
A lot of people was present in the gallery some of the students were absent
A lot of people were present in the gallery some of the students were absent
Note : If these expressions refer to an amount, the verb is in the singular number.
A lot of work has to be completed before we go
A great deal of work has been finished
Rule 12: When the percentage or a part of something is mentioned with plural meaning
the plural verb is used.
30% of Indian women is literate
30% of Indian women are literate
Rule 13: Barracks, headquarters, whereabouts alms etc. take a singular verb, as well as the
plural verb.
The headquarters of the UNO is / are New York
Rule 14: In sports, while referring to the players, the name of the country is followed by plural
England has won the World Cup
England have won the World Cup.
Rule 15: When the enemy is used in the sense armed forces of a nation with which ones
country is at war, we have to use the plural verb.

The enemy were forced to retreat.
Rule 16: Whenever a number of adjectives qualify the same person or thing, then these may be
placed after the noun and the verb must quality immediately preceding subject. who, which, that
are relative pronouns. You simply substitute the noun in this place and read the question.
It is I who has to learn a lesson.
It is I am has to learn a lesson.
It is they who has to leave this place.
It is they who have to leave this place.
One of the songs that has been broadcast is really marvelous.
One of the songs that have been broadcast is really marvelous.
A girl or a boy who do not strive to gain their objectives, is bound to fail.
A girl or a boy who doesnt strive to gain his or her objectives, is bound to fail.
There is not a single book out of the lot that are not interesting.
There is not a single book out of the lot that is not interesting.

Quick Revision on Syllogism
Hello friends,here we are providing you with syllogism basics and all the expected cases with the
conclusions . Hope it helps you all to clear the concepts of syllogism.
Enjoy Reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Premises Statements given in the question
Conclusion answer, that follows
All P are Q
All Q are R
The above two statements are called Premises.
Conclusion :
All P are R.
The premises normally start with All,No,Some,Many,Some,Not they are called qualifiers.
Premise has two parts subject and predicate
First term P is the subject
Second term Q is thepredicate.
The word that occurs in both the premises is known as the Middle Term. (eg:Q).
The Conclusion should consist of the other two words (P and R)the middle term should not
appear in the answer.
The premises can be divided into
1. Universal Statements
2. Particular Statements
Where All is used are called Universal statements
Statements where Some is used are called Particular Statements.
Premises can also be divided into
1. Positive (affirmative) statements and
2. Negative statements
When Negative term like not or no is there in the statement, it is called a negative premise.
Otherwise it is called a positive premise or an affirmative statement.
Important Rules for Syllogism:
1. Every deduction should contain three and only three terms.
2. The middle term must be distributed at least once in the premises.
3. If one premise is negative the conclusion must be negative.

4. If one premise is particular the conclusion must be particular.
5. If both premises are negative no conclusion can be drawn.
6. If both premises are particular no conclusion can be drawn.
7. No term can be distributed in the conclusion if it is not distributed in the premises.
Examples containing all the cases:
Example 1 :
All P are Q
All Q are R
Ans:All P are R
Example II :
All Q are P
All Q are R
Ans: Some P are R or Some R are P
Example III :
All P are Q
All R are Q
Ans: we cannot draw any conclusion in this case.
Example IV :
All Q are P
Some Q are R
Ans:Some P are R or Some R are P
Example V :
All P are Q
No Q are R
Ans: No P are R or No R are P
Example VI :
All P are Q
Some Q are not R
Ans: No conclusion can be drawn
Example VII :
All Q are P
Some Q are not R

Ans: Some P are not R
Example VIII:
No P are Q
No Q are R
Ans: No conclusion can be drawn
Example IX :
No P are Q
Some Q are not R
Ans: No conclusion can be drawn
Example X :
Some Q are not R
Some Q are P
Ans: No conclusion can be drawn
Example XI :
Some Q are not P
Some Q are not R
Ans: No conclusion can be drawn

Quick Revision on INDIAN Constitution
Father Of Indian Constitution Dr B.R Ambedkar
Fundamental Rights
1. Right to Equality
2. Right to Freedom
3. Right against Exploitation
4. Right to Freedom of Religion
5. Cultural and Educational Rights
6. Right to Constitutional Remedies
Goals mentioned in the Preamble
Social Economic and Political justice
Directive Principles and its Objective:
Directive Principles lay down certain guidelines for our Government to achieve our National
These guidelines aim at establishing a welfare state. The directive principles are:
1. High standard of living to the people
2. Ways and means to improve a comfortable living
3. Serving the interests of the poor
4. Preventing the accumulation of wealth in a single individual or place
5. Ensuring the proper use of the countrys wealth for the benefit of all.
Features of Indian Constitution.
1. Written and Detailed Constitution.
2. Democratic governance
3. Federal System: Distribution of powers between Centre and States.
4. Independent Judiciary
5. Secular State
6. Universal Adult Franchise
7. Fundamental rights
Indian Constitution was passed by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949
Indian Constitution was adopted by the country on January 26, 1950
The president of the Constituent Assembly Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Features of Constitution were framed from various Sources
1. UK
Parliamentary form of government
Rule of law
Legislative procedure
Cabinet system etc.
Single citizenship
2. GOI Act 1935
Federal scheme
Public service commissions
Emergency provisions
Office of Governor etc.
3. USA
Fundamental rights
Impeachment of President
Removal of judges
Judicial review
Independent judiciary
Office of vice president
4. Ireland
Directive Principles of State Policy(DPSP)
Method of election of President
Nomination of members to RajyaSabha
5. Canada
Federation with strong centre
Vesting residuary powers with centre
Appointment of Governor by the centre
Advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court
6. Australia
Concurrent list
Joint sitting of two houses of Parliament
(Now Russia)
FundamentalDuties(addedwith42nd amendment in 1976)
Ideal of Justice (Social, Political and Economic) in the preamble

8. Weimer Constitution
Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency
9. French constitution
Republic Idea of liberty,
equality and fraternity in preamble
10. South Africa
Procedure of amendment to the constitution
Election of members of RajyaSabha
11. Japan
Procedure established by law

1. Women in cabinet
1. first lady to hold portfolio of Foreign ministry / external affairs ministry: Indira Gandhi
(While she was PM, she also held this porfolio during 67 and 84.) So in that context, Sushma
is 2nd. But if you count woman who held only foreign ministry (without being PM), then
Sushma first woman to hold this post.
2. First lady cabinet minister was Rajkumari Amrit Kaur (Health) in Nehru government.
2. Kiren Rijiju: Arunanchal Pradesh MP to become minister. He is Minister of State for Home
3. Shyam Saran Negi: Indias first voter. Kalpa, Kinnaur Lok Sabha constituency, in Himachal
Opposition leader
Rajya Sabha: Congi Gulam Nabi Azad
Lok Sabha: Nobody because no party got 10% seats under Modi wave.
Congresss leader in Lok Sabha = Mallikarjun Kharge.
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan <= Kamalnath Speaker Pro-tem (Congi) <= Meera Kumar (Congi).
CAG Shashikant Sharma replaced Vinod Rai. Vinod Rai became UN Audit panel Chief.
Election commission V. S. Sampath (chief), HS Brahma & Sayyed Nasim
CVC is 3 members body. CVC= Pradeep Kumar. the other two VC are JM Garg and Rajeev. for more
details, refer to Stamps 2014 section.
Nobody right now but 1 chairperson + max 8 members (50% judicial members), 50% reservation to
SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Women. selection panel: PM, Speaker, Leader Opposition Lok Sabha, CJI +
Eminent jurist (nominated by Prez, on recommendation of first four).
Rajiv Mathur replaced Sushma Singh
panel: PM+ leader of opposition + Law minister
Deepak Sandhu was the First lady CIC, and Sushma Singh was second lady.
Chairman DP Agrawal (will retire in August 2014, after that acche Din will start, unless
another uncle-ji professor takes over.)
New Member Mrs. P. Kilemsungla got Padma shri award in 2014.First person from Nagaland to
be appointed as UPSC member.
Prof. Hemchandra Gupta (Ex professor of IIT Delhi).

Judiciary related
Chief Justice of India
R.M Lodha: 41st CJI of India. He replaced P.Sathashivam. Year 2014 is very special for SC of
india. In this year Supreme court will witness 3 CJI. P. Sathasivam R.M Lodha H.L Dattu.
Attorney General (Pending) Mukul Rohtagi. Right now Goolam Vahanvati.
Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar replaced Mohan Parasaran
Gujarat lokayukta Justice D.P Buch
Delhi HC Gorla Rohini (1st women chief justice of delhi High Court.)
Chief justice /
Lokayukta of your
dig that on your own.
National commissions for
Children Kushal Singh
Human rights KG Balakrishnan
Minorities Naseem Ahmed
Backward class Justice V. Eswaraiah has recommended inclusion of Transgender in OBC List, after Supreme court order.
SC P.L. Punia
ST Rameshwar Uraon
Women Mamta Sharma
New Chief Ministers and UT Administrators
Arunanchal CM Nabam Tuki
Cabinet approved Vidhan Parishad (legislative council) for this state, under Art.169. Nov

Bihar Jitan Ram Manjhi replaced Nitish Kumar.
December assembly
1. Madhya Pradesh: Shivraj
2. Rajashthan: Vasundhara
3. Mizoram: Lalthan Hawla (Congi),
4. Delhi: Kejriwal gone with the wind.
Delhi Lt. Governor Najib Jung
Gujarat CM Anandi Ben Patel (BJP), first woman CM of Gujarat.
Lt.Gov Andaman-nico AK Singh
Nagaland CM TR Zeliang
Sikkim CM Pawan Chamling for 5th time.
Uttrakhand CM Harish Ravat replaced Vijay bahuguna

Seemandhra Telangana
CM & party
C. Chandrababu NaiduTelugu Desham Party
K. Chandrshekhar raoTelangana Rastra
Governor ESL Narsinhman Same
HC Chief Justice Kalyan Jyoti Sengupta Same
seat/bench of HC Common HC Hyderabad Same
Secretariat @ Hyderabad Same
Capital greater Hyderabad Same
Lok Sabha seats 25 17
Rajya Sabha seats 11 7
Vidhan sabha seats 175 119
population 5 cr 3.5 cr
no. of districts 13 Originally 10 + 14 new => 24
area 1.6 lakh sqkm 1.14 sq km
Major port Duggirajupatnam, Vishakhapatnam NA
Oil/gas royalties According to production in their territory same
NTPC new power plant
Electricity from Central
Power stations
In the ratio of consumption in last five years Same

Anyways for the state PSC exams preapre whoever is in the office right now.
UIDAI (Nilekani) under planning commission vs National population registration (under Home
ministry). Both projects to be merged soon.
Nilekani had resigned from UIDAI to contest Lok Sabha election from Bangalore on Congi

River water
Union government will form a central body to
decide water allocation.
important rivers /dams Godavari, Penneru Ri, Gundla Kamma
Palleru ri.Muneru ri. ,Hallia ri, Dindi ri,
all tributaries of Krishna
1. Lake Pulicat,
2. lake Kolleru
3. Neelapattu bird sanctuary

1. Pocharam
2. Kawal
3. Pakhal
4. Eturnagaram Wild Life Sanctuaries
Horsely hill station, Borru caves, Araku valley
(natural heritage site), Vishakhapatnam
Chitrakoot falls
Tirupati temple here
important cities/towns Vishakhapatnam, Rajamundry, Vijayvada, Warangal, Adilabad, Nizamabad
historic places/temples Tirupati balaji, Lepakshi temples, Amaravati Warangal, Palampet,
elite edu
separate IIT/IIM/AIIMs under 12
shares border with these
TN, KN, Odisha KN. MH, Chhatisgarh, Odisha

Secretaries / special officers
Im not including Secretaries of defense, commerce etc. because havent seen such MCQs
in recent years. Besides Modi is making secret list of kaamchor Secretaries, so some of
them may be transferred soon anyways.
Indian Ambassadors Abroad
To Pakistan T.C.A Raghvan
To China Ashok K. Kantha
To USA S. Jaishankar. played key role in Indo-US nuclear deal
UN permanent representative from India Ashok kumar Mukherjee
Telengana the 29
original Andhra Pradesh was formed in 1956 under state reorganization act, 1956
Telengana formed in 2014, under Andhra Pradesh reorganisation act,2014
Nagarjun-shrisailam Tiger reserve:
Largest tiger reserve of India
its area is in both Telengana (Mahbubnagar and Nalgonda) + Seemandhra (Telangana , Kurnool,
Guntur and Prakasam)
Government Committees / commissions
RBI appointed Committees not given here because Ive covered them under Banking/Biz
GK me
Ajit Seth
boss of Central Secretariat
Nripendra Misra, former TRAI chief. As such he cannot join government job after working as
TRAI chief but Modi made ordinance to exempt this.
boss of PMO
Finance Arvind Mayaram, important for he headed various Committees.
National security advisor. Ajit Dowal, ex-IPS replaced Shivshankar Menon, Ex IFS. Brajesh
Mishra was the first NSA in Vajpayee Government.

Finance commission
Formed under Article 280 of the Constitution
FC: Chairman Kelkar
FC setup in in Jan 2013.
Boss = Ex RBI governor Governor YV Reddy
His recommendations will be effective from 1/April/2015, for a period of five years
Apart from the usual terms of reference, 14th FC also has to make recommendations about:
1. Pricing of public utilities such as electricity and water in an independent manner
2. issues like disinvestment, GST and subsidies.
Pay commission
PC was formed in 2006. Chairman: BN Sri Krishna
Pay commission-head-Rtd SC judge Ashok kumar Mathur
Member= Vivek Rae full time (IAS) + Rathin Roy part time (economist) + Meena Agarwal
(Secretary, IRAS)
Target audience= 50 lakh Central government employees, including the Railways and Defense.
+30 lakh pensioners.
Deadline= submit report in two years.
Implemented from January 1, 2016. [6th PC's recommendations from January 1, 2006.]
20th law
new chairman Justice Ajit prakash shah.(D.K jain resigned and became the president of National
Consumer disputes redressal commission)
A.R. Rather GST panel new chief- Jammu & Kashmir Finance minister
Abhay Bhang
Setup by Ministry of Health & family welfare.Why govt setup- IMR & MMR are high among
STs.Purpose- to develop a national framework to address healthcare challenges of STs (who are
living in tribal district and tribal development blocks).
AFSPA Santosh Hegde Committee.
D. Swarup Investor awareness and protection
D.S. Kolamkar risk management of commodity futures market

DP Tripathi high power committee for running and safety of trains.
FSLRC Fiscal sector legislative reformsBN Shri Krishna
Justice DK Jain president of National Consumer disputes redressal commission)
By Kerala government to update Keralas desi liquor policy. Recommended liquor with low
alcohol content.
Justice mukul
IPL match fixing On the basis of this report SC took action and Srinivasan was forced to
resign+ Walmart Lobbying, by Corporate Min.
Justice Ranjana
head of gender sensitisation and internal complaints committee (GSICC)of Supreme
court.Purpose to deal with Asharam type person working in Supreme court.
Justice Shiv Rajan Solar scam in Kerala
Vishnu Sahay
Muzzafarnagar (UP)Riot (Imp for UPPCS exam)
to recommend new location of capital for successor state in Andhra Pradesh. Until then
Hyderabad will remain the joint capital of both for ten years. (By Home ministry)
Kelkar panel Increase domestic oil and gas production and decrease in imports by 20-30
Kiran Aggarwal
under DoPT. To reform in IAS training. Recommended that IAS officers training should be
M.P. Bezbaruah
For betterment of North Eastern people living in various parts of India.
Other members-one member from Tripura + 1 from Mizoram + 1 from Sikkim + a lady
Reason- After the death of NE student in Delhi (racial discriminated)
By Home ministry

M.S. Sahoo Foreign currency convertible bonds through depository receipt mechanism
MB Shah Retired SC Judge. SIT on Blackmoney.
Mehmood Ul
To study the reasons for backward Muslims. He is Former vice chancellor of Aligarh Muslim
University. (Imp for UPPCS exam)
To study the report of kasturi rangan committee on western Ghats. Kasturi was formed to study
Madhav Gadgils report.this might become an endless cycle.
Sam Pitroda 2013. to lookinto the role of public broadcaster Prasar Bharati
By Dept. of agriculture on framing a policy for monitoring Pesticides residue in vegetable and
other Committees
Defense / Security: Persons in News
Abhilash Tommy Naval Expedition
Air Chief marshal- Arup Raha (24th chief of Airforce). Worked in Operation Rahat
during Uttarakhand Tsunami.
Dalbir Singh Suhag WILL replace Bikram Singh on July 31, 2014. Suhag is a Gorkha
officer, served in Indian peacekeeping ops in Sri Lanka.
Aruna Bahuguna
First woman director of Sardar patel national police academy Hyderabad- the training
centre for IPS officers. She was also the first woman to become special DG in CRPF.
Barryl Castelino Kirti Chakra for Uttrakhand relief
BSF Devendra Kumar Pathak
CBI Ranjit Sinha

CISF DG Arvind Ranjan
DGP of UP, MP,
Rajashtan, Gujarat etc
Candidates appearing for those state PSC exam should prepare.
DRDO New Chief Avinash Chander
IB (Intelligence Bureau) Syed Ibrahim
Indian Coast Guard DG Anurag G Thapliyal
Maheshkumar Kirti Chakra for killing JK Terrorists
Maxwell Neville
Australian reporter, leaked 62s Handerson Brooks report for Sino-India war. Indian
government secretly blocked his website (without official confirmation under IT act.)
Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria
NATGRID Raghu Raman CEO. Modi Government didnot renew his contract.
National Disaster
Response Force
Krishna Chaudhari
Navy RK Dhowan After resignation of Admiral Devendra Joshi-for INS Sindhuratna.
NIA Sharad kumar
National security advisor. Ajit Dowal, ex-IPS replaced Shivshankar Menon, Ex IFS.
Brajesh Mishra was the first NSA in Vajpayee Government.
NSG J. N. Chaudhary
RAW Current chief: Alok Joshi.
SSB DG Arun Chaudhary

Constitutional / Statutory / Official bodies
1. Theory from M.Laxmikanth or Lucent GK- What is speaker pro-tem, how many Rajysabha
seats, How many Loksabha seats, how many nominated members etc. etc.
2. VVPAT, voters ink, security deposits, procedure to get national party status etc. given under
3. List of ministries under Modi-sarkaar (click on follow link): English list || Hindi list

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