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20/08/2014 16:48 BIRD Newsletter - Issue #3: NGOs Urge New Foreign Secretary Hammond to Redirect UK Policy on Bahrain

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Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy View this email in your browser
Wednesday, 16th July 2014, Issue #3
BIRD Weekly Newsletter
NGOs urge new Foreign Secretary Hammond to redirect
UK policy on Bahrain
29 NGOs Submit Joint Letter to New
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20/08/2014 16:48 BIRD Newsletter - Issue #3: NGOs Urge New Foreign Secretary Hammond to Redirect UK Policy on Bahrain
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Foreign Secretary Urging 'fresh' UK
Policy on Bahrain

16 July 2014 - A group of 29 NGOs have sent a letter to the newly
appointed Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs,
Phillip Hammond, urging a shift in U.K. policy on the situation in
Bahrain. The letter calls for a fresh approach to be adopted by the
new Foreign Secretary in light of the FCOs failure to heed a Foreign
Affairs Committee recommendation that the U.K. should designate
Bahrain as a country of concern in its 2014 human rights report. The
FCO subsequently failed to acknowledge Bahrain as a country of
concern, and instead, listed it as a case study praising specific areas
of reform. The letter highlights the inconsistencies in U.K. policy
towards Bahrain in recent years, specifically referencing recent
statements made by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan
Mendez, who referred to the human rights situation in Bahrain as a
situation of grave concern. Despite Hammond's recently reported
encounters with Bahraini government lobbyists, the joint effort is
hopeful that Mr. Hammond can consider a renewed Foreign Office
response to the ongoing human rights and political crisis in Bahrain.
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For full letter and press release click here.
Aman Network
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)
Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)
Article 19 (Bahrain)
Avocats Sans Frontires (ASF)
Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR)
Bahrain Human Rights Observatory (BHRO)
Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD)
Bahrain Justice and Development Movement (BJDM)
Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR)
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE)
CM Solutions
English PEN
European Bahraini Organisation for Human Rights (EBOHR)
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
Khiam Rehabilitation Center (KRC)
Lawyers Rights Watch Canada
Lawyers Without Borders
Maharat Foundation
PEN International
Privacy International
Reporters Sans Frontires (RSF)
The Gulf Center for Human Rights
Tunisian Initiative for Freedom of Expression
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Weekly Highlights
Arms Dealers at London Science Museum
Faced with Protest
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14 July 2014 - On Monday, arms dealers from Algeria, Bahrain
(above), Indonesia, Libya and others were greeted by a crowd
of protesters, condemning the Farnborough International Arms Fair
networking event that took place at the London Science Museum.
The Farnborough International Arms Fair is an event criticized by
NGOs for being the place where weapons sales are promoted to
human rights abusers. Those networking on Monday included military
buyers from unstable or authoritarian regimes, who were noticeably
nervous by the turnout of protesters.

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U.S Foreign Secretary John Kerry tags
Bahrain conditions on US Envoy
13 July 2014 - In a phone call to the Bahraini Prime Minister this
Sunday, Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry tagged Bahraini
conditions on having a member of their foreign ofce present at
high level US meetings with opposition groups an 'unacceptable'
demand. Kerry also expressed US concern for the charges led
against two opposition leaders who met with Assistant Secretary
of State Tom Malinowski. Sheikh Salman and Khalil al Marzooq
were charged for having a meeting with Malinowski without the
presence of a foreign ministry representative, an act that is illegal
under Bahraini legislation since 2013. In September 2013, the
United States requested Bahrain to "rescind that requirement", a
request which was reiterated in the US statement on Malinowski's
expulsion last week. Pointing to the condition's 'violation' of
'international diplomatic protocol', the US has now gone forward
with a formal complaint with the Bahraini embassy in Washington.
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UK FCO Omits Torture against Bahrain 13
UK FCO representative Mr. Hugh Robertson made a clear effort to
avoid using the word 'torture' when responding to questions by
Labour MP Mr. Jim Cunningham on the Bahrain 13 last Tuesday.
Robertson referred to the BICI report claiming its ndings
conrmed that "defendants had been abused" when in fact the
BICI report concluded that the Bahrain 13 were victims of
torture. When asked if he would raise the release of the Bahrain 13
with his Bahraini counterpart, Robertson emphasized that the
Bahrain 13 had been re-tried in civilian courts and made no
promise to demand their immediate release. The UK FCO has
been consistently resisting calls to take a stronger position against
human rights violations in Bahrain.
Freedom for the Bahrain 13
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Don't forget to join our campaign! Follow this link to read more about
Bahrain's 13 most prominent political prisoners OR send a letter to the
UK Prime Minister asking him to demand their release.
Bahrain 13 Spotlight: Abdulwahab
Mr. Abdulwahab Husain is a prominent political
activist and co-founder of the opposition group Al
Wafaq Islamic Movement. He was forcefully arrested
on March 17, 2011 and is detained under a life
sentence. Since his detention he has been denied
medical treatment in spite of his deteriorating health
condition. Access this link for more information.
News Updates
Mr. Cameron, please demand the freedom of the Bahrain 13.
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NGO Review
Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR)
Bahrain Prime Minister to Ofcer
Aqcuitted on Torture Charges: "Thank
You For Your Work"

BCHR expressed its concern over the growing
culture of impunity in Bahrain after a video was
released with the Bahraini Prime minister thanking
an acquitted ofcer accused of torture, for his
'work'. During his visit to the acquitted ofcer,
Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa
extended his solidarity, claiming "We do not allow
any harm towards you". To read more follow this
Main Features
Drop Charges Against
Opposition Leaders
Human Rights Watch
Tension between Bahrain and
US Continues over Diplomat's
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Wall Street Journal

Kerry Calls Bahrain Minister
over Expulsion of US Ofcial
Philip Hammond succeeds
William Hague As Foreign
Secretary in Cabinet Reshufe
The Guardian
Belfast Telegraph
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